Nancy Reagan
Nancy Reagan
Född6 juli 1921 (102 år)
New York City, New York, USA
Yrke/uppdragSkådespelare, presidenthustru
MakeRonald Reagan
BarnPatricia "Patti" Reagan, Ronald "Ron" Reagan Jr.
Vita husets profil

Nancy Davis Reagan (ursprungligen Anne Frances Robbins), född 6 juli 1921 i New York City, New York, var presidenthustru till Ronald Reagan 1981-89. Hon var gift med Reagan från 4 mars 1952 till dennes död 5 juni 2004. Hennes föräldrar kom att skiljas strax efter hennes födelse och hon växte upp i Maryland hos en moster och dennas man.

Hon är även känd för sitt tidigare yrke som skådespelare under namnet Nancy Davis. Hon medverkade i några filmer under 1950-talet, såsom Night Into Morning (1951) och It's a Big Country (1953). År 1952 gifte hon sig med Ronald Reagan, som vid tiden var ordförande för Screen Actors Guild, och med tiden fick de två barn: dottern Patricia "Patti" Reagan (född 1952, kallar sig numera Patti Davis) och sonen Ronald "Ron" Reagan Jr. (född 1958). Nancy var Kaliforniens "första dam" ("First Lady") då hennes make var guvernör i delstaten under åren 1967-75.

Hon blev USA:s första dam i januari 1981 efter att hennes man vann presidentvalet i USA 1980, men blev kritiserad tidigt under hennes man första mandatperiod efter sitt beslut om att omdekorera Vita husets "China Room". Nancy Reagan återinförde en glamour i Vita huset lik den bild av huset som fanns under John F. Kennedys tid; hennes intresse för det senaste lyxmodet ådrog sig stor uppmärksamhet, såväl som kritik. Hon motarbetade användningen av droger i rehabiliterande syfte genom att finansiera kampanjen "Just Say No". Detta betraktas som hennes främsta initiativ som första dam. Hon väckte återigen kontrovers när det 1988 ådagades att hon hade anlitat en astrolog som hjälp för att planera sin makes schema efter mordförsöket på denne 1981.

År 1989 drog sig paret Reagan tillbaka till sitt hem i Bel Air, Los Angeles i Kaliforninen. Nancy Reagan tillbringade en stor del av sin tid med att sköta om sin make, som 1994 hade diagnostiserats med Alzheimers, till hans död år 2004. Hon har förblivit en aktiv figur inom amerikansk politik, i synnerhet vad gäller hennes syn på stamcellsforskning.



Anne Frances Robbins föddes den 6 juli 1921[1][2] vid Sloane Hospital for WomenManhattan i New York[3][4] som enda barn till bilförsäljaren Kenneth Seymour Robbins (1894–1972)[5] och hans hustru som var skådespelare, Edith Luckett (1888–1987).[6] Hon bodde i Flushing, i Queens, New York, under sina första två år.[7] Då hennes föräldrar skildes strax efter hennes födelse hade de redan varit separerade under en tid.[8] Under tiden som hennes mor reste omkring i USA för att leta jobb växte Nancy upp i Bethesda, Maryland under de sex kommande åren. Hon uppfostrades av sin moster Virginia och hennes man Audley Gailbraith.[9] Nancy har beskrivit sin saknad av modern under denna tid: "My favorite times were when Mother had a job in New York, and Aunt Virgie would take me by train to stay with her."[10]

År 1929 gifte sig hennes mor med Loyal Davis (1896–1982), en högt framstående, politiskt sett konservativ neurokirurg som flyttade familjen till Chicago.[1] Nancy kom väl överens med sin styvfar;[11] hon skrev senare att han var "a man of great integrity who exemplified old-fashioned values".[12] Han adopterade henne formellt 1935,[1] och hon skulle alltid referera till honom som sin far.[11] Efter adoptionen bytte hon namn till Nancy Davis (hon hade kallats Nancy sedan hon föddes).[13] Hon gick på The Latin School of Chicago (hon beskriver sig själv som en medelmåttig elev) där hon tog examen 1939, varefter hon började studera vid Smith College i Massachusetts, där hon tog en examen med engelska och drama som huvudämnen 1943.[14][6]


Nancy Davis poserar för fotografering, 1950

Efter sin examen fick Davis plats som försäljare i ChicagoMarshall Field's och som undersköterska.[6] Med hjälp av några av hennes mors bekanta inom teatervärlden, bland andra Zasu Pitts, Walter Huston och Spencer Tracy,[11] kunde hon dock fortsätta sin karriär som skådespelare. Hennes första roll fick hon i Pitts turné Ramshackle Inn 1945,[6][1] som sattes upp New York City. Hennes roll var som Si-Tchun, en hovdam[15] i Broadway-föreställningen Lute Song, en musikal om orienten med Mary Martin och Yul Brynner.[6] Hon fick rollen efter att producenten sagt till henne "You look like you could be Chinese."[16]

Efter en framgångsrik provspelning,[6] skrev hon ett sjuårigt kontrakt med Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) 1949;[1] hon anmärkte senare att "Joining Metro was like walking into a dream world."[17] Davis framträdde i elva större filmer, hon spelade vanligtvis en "lojal hemmafru",[18] en "ansvarstagande ung mor" eller en "stadig kvinna".[19] Hon behöll sitt karriärsnamn Nancy Davis efter att hon gift sig. Hennes skådespelarkarriär inleddes med mindre roller i The Doctor and the Girl (1949) med Glenn Ford, vilken följdes av East Side, West Side med Barbara Stanwyck.[20] Hon spelade en barnpsykolog i en film noir, Shadow on the Wall (1950) med Ann Sothern och Zachary Scott; hennes uppträdande kallades "beautiful and convincing" av New York Times-kritikern A. H. Weiler.[21] Hon spelade i filmen The Next Voice You Hear... (1950), där hon spelade en gravid hemmafru som hör Guds röst i radion. Den inflytelserika filmkritikern Bosley Crowther från The New York Times skrev att "Nancy Davis [is] delightful as [a] gentle, plain, and understanding wife."[22] En senare kritiker berömde Davis övertygande roll som gravid kvinna, en roll som många andra filmer vid tiden enligt kritikern inte lyckades göra övertygande.[23] År 1951 spelade Davis sin favoritroll,[24] i Night Into Morning, en studie i sorg med Ray Milland. Crowther från The Times' sa om denna roll att Davis "does nicely as the fiancée who is widowed herself and knows the loneliness of grief,"[25] medan en annan kritiker, Richard L. Coe från The Washington Post sa att Davis "is splendid as the understanding widow."[26] Davis lämnade MGM 1952 och började söka efter en bredare uppsättning roller.[27] Kort därefter spelade hon i science fiction-filmen Donovan's Brain (1953); Crowther sa att Davis, som spelade rollen som en besatt vetenskapsmans "frustrerade och sorgsna hustru", "walked through it all in stark confusion" i en "utterly silly" film.[28] Hennes sista roll var i filmen Hellcats of the Navy (1957), där hon spelade sköterskan Lieutenant Helen Blair, tillsammans med sin man, som en kritiker kallade "a housewife who came along for the ride".[29] En annan kritiker skrev emellertid att Davis spelade sin roll väl, och "does well with what she has to work with".[30]

Noted author Garry Wills believes that Davis was underrated as an actress overall, because her constrained part in Hellcats was her most widely seen performance.[19] Davis seems to have downplayed her Hollywood goals: MGM promotional material in 1949 said that her "greatest ambition" was to have a "successful happy marriage";[19] decades later, in 1975, she would say, "I was never really a career woman but [became one] only because I hadn't found the man I wanted to marry. I couldn't sit around and do nothing, so I became an actress."[19] Ronald Reagan biographer Lou Cannon nevertheless characterized her as a "reliable" and "solid" performer who held her own in performances with better-known actors.[19] After her final film, she appeared in television dramas such as Wagon Train and The Tall Man until 1962, when she retired as an actress.[20] During her career, she served on the board of directors of the Screen Actors Guild for nearly 10 years.[31]

Marriage and family


During her career as an actress, Nancy Davis dated actors in Hollywood; she later called Clark Gable, whom she dated briefly, the nicest of the stars she had met.[11] On November 15, 1949, she met Ronald Reagan,[32] who was then president of the Screen Actors Guild. Concerned that she would be confused with another actress of the same name who appeared on the Hollywood blacklist, she contacted Reagan to help maintain her employment as a guild actress in Hollywood, and for assistance in having her name removed from the list.[11] The two began dating and their relationship became publicly visible; one Hollywood press account described their nightclub-free times together as "the romance of a couple who have no vices".[32] Ronald Reagan was skeptical about marriage, however, following his painful 1948 divorce from Jane Wyman, and he still saw other women.[32] He eventually proposed to Davis in the couple's favorite booth at the Beverly Hills restaurant Chasen's.[32] They married on March 4, 1952—in a simple ceremony designed to avoid the press[33]—at the Little Brown Church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles. The only people in attendance were actor William Holden, the best man, and his wife, the matron of honor.[34][32] The couple's first child, Patricia Ann Reagan (better known by her professional name, Patti Davis), was born on October 21, 1952. Their son, Ronald Prescott Reagan, was born six years later on May 20. Nancy Reagan also became stepmother to Maureen Reagan (1941-2001) and Michael Reagan (born 1945), the children of her husband's first marriage to Jane Wyman.

Nancy and Ronald Reagan on a boat in 1964
The Reagan family in 1967, shortly after Ronald Reagan's inauguration as Governor of California

Observers described Ronald and Nancy Reagan's relationship as close, real, and intimate.[35] As President and First Lady, the Reagans were reported to display their affection frequently, with one press secretary noting, "They never took each other for granted. They never stopped courting."[36][37] Ronald often called Nancy "Mommy"; she called him "Ronnie".[37] While the President was recuperating in the hospital after the 1981 assassination attempt, Nancy Reagan wrote in her diary, "Nothing can happen to my Ronnie. My life would be over."[38] In a letter to Nancy, Ronald wrote, "whatever I treasure and enjoy … all would be without meaning if I didn’t have you."[39] In 1994, President Reagan wrote, "I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease … I only wish there was some way I could spare Nancy from this painful experience."[36] In 1998, while her husband was severely affected by the disease, Nancy told Vanity Fair, "Our relationship is very special. We were very much in love and still are. When I say my life began with Ronnie, well, it's true. It did. I can't imagine life without him."[36] Nancy was known for the focused and attentive look, nicknamed "the Gaze", that she fastened upon her husband during his speeches and appearances.[40] President Reagan's death in June 2004 ended what actor Charlton Heston called "the greatest love affair in the history of the American Presidency."[36]

Nancy's relationship with her children was not always as close as that with her husband; she frequently quarreled with her biological children and her stepchildren. Her relationship with Patti was the most contentious; Patti flouted American conservatism and rebelled against her parents by joining the nuclear freeze movement and authoring many anti-Reagan books.[41] Nancy's disagreements with Michael were also shown publicly. In 1984, she was quoted on television as saying that the two were in an "estrangement right now". Michael responded that Nancy was trying to cover up for the fact she had not met his daughter, Ashley, who had been born nearly a year earlier.[42] They eventually made peace, however. Nancy was thought to be closest to her stepdaughter Maureen during the White House years, but each of the Reagan children experienced periods of estrangement from their parents.[36]

First Lady of California, 1967–1975

Nancy as the First Lady of California

Reagan was First Lady of California during her husband's two terms as governor. She disliked living in Sacramento, which lacked the excitement, social life, and mild climate to which she was accustomed in Los Angeles.[43] She first attracted controversy early in 1967, when, after four months' residence in the California Governor's Mansion in Sacramento, she moved her family into a wealthy suburb because fire officials had described the mansion as a "firetrap".[44] Though the Reagans leased the new house at their expense,[43] the move was viewed by many as snobbish. Nancy defended her actions as being for the good of her family, a judgement with which her husband readily agreed.[44][43] Friends of the family later helped support the cost of the leased house, while Nancy Reagan supervised construction of a new ranch-style governor's residence in nearby Carmichael.[45] The new residence was finished just as Ronald Reagan left office in 1975, but his successor Jerry Brown refused to live there. It was eventually sold in 1982, and California governors have been living in improvised arrangements ever since.[45]

In 1967 Nancy Reagan was appointed by her husband to the California Arts Commission,[46] and a year later was named Los Angeles Times' Woman of the Year; in its profile, the Times labeled her "A Model First Lady".[47] Her glamour, style, and youthfulness made her a frequent subject for press photographers.[48] As First Lady, Reagan visited veterans, the elderly, and the handicapped, and worked with a number of charities.[49] She was involved with the Foster Grandparent Program,[50] helping to popularize it in the United States, then in Australia.[51] She later expanded her work with the organization after arriving in Washington,[50] and wrote about it in her 1982 book To Love a Child.[52] The Reagans also held dinners for former POWs and Vietnam War veterans while Governor and First Lady.[53]

On the campaign trail


Governor Reagan's term ended in 1975, and he did not run for a third; instead, he met with advisors to discuss a possible bid for the presidency in 1976. His advisors approved of the bid, but Reagan still needed to convince a reluctant Nancy.[54] Once she had approved, she contributed to his campaign by overseeing personnel, monitoring her husband's schedule, and occasionally providing press conferences.[55] Reagan lost the 1976 Republican nomination to the incumbent President Gerald Ford, but he ran again for the presidency in 1980 and succeeded in winning the nomination and election. During this second campaign, Nancy's management of staff became more apparent.[55] She arranged a meeting between feuding campaign staffers John Sears and Michael Deaver with her husband, which resulted in Deaver leaving the campaign and placing Sears in charge. After the Reagan camp lost the Iowa caucus and fell behind in New Hampshire polls, Nancy organized a second meeting and decided it was time to fire Sears and his associates; she gave Sears a copy of the press release announcing his dismissal.[55]

First Lady of the United States, 1981–1989

First Lady Nancy Reagan and President Reagan during the inaugural parade, 1981
Mrs. Reagan models for Vogue Magazine in the Red Room, 1981

White House glamour




Nancy Reagan became the First Lady of the United States when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as President in 1981. Early in her tenure as First Lady, Reagan stated her desire to create a more suitable "first home" in the White House, as the building had fallen into a state of disrepair following years of neglect.[56] Rather than use government funds to renovate and redecorate, she sought private donations.[6] Nancy directed a major renovation of several White House rooms, including all of the second and third floors[57] and the press briefing room.[58] The renovation included the conversion of the master bedroom's closet into a beauty parlor and dressing room, as well as the West bedroom into a small gymnasium.[59] The addition of a Chinese-pattern handpainted wallpaper to the master bedroom, as well as many other significant changes, took place as a result of the renovation and refurbishment.[60]

Nancy drew controversy by announcing the purchase of 4,370 pieces of scarlet, cream and gold state china service for the White House at a cost of $210,399.[61] Although the china was paid for by private donations, some from the private Knapp Foundation, the purchase raised eyebrows, for it was ordered at a time when the nation was undergoing an economic recession.[62]



Another of Nancy Reagan's trademarks was her interest in fashion. After the presidencies of Gerald Ford (who favored the Michigan fight song over "Hail to the Chief") and Jimmy Carter (who dramatically reduced the formality of presidential functions), Nancy brought a Kennedy-esque glamour back into the White House.[63] Nancy favored the color red, calling it "a picker-upper", and wore it accordingly.[63] Her wardrobe included red so often, that the fire-engine shade became known as "Reagan red".[64] She chose dresses and gowns made by luxury designers, including James Galanos and Oscar de la Renta; her 1981 Galanos inaugural gown was estimated to cost $10,000.[63] She hired two private hairdressers that would do her hair on a regular basis in the White House.[65]

Her elegant fashions and wardrobe were also controversial subjects. In 1982, she revealed that she had accepted thousands of dollars in clothing, jewelry, and other gifts, but defended herself by stating that she had borrowed the clothes and that they would either be returned or donated to museums,[66][63] and that she was promoting the American fashion industry.[67] Facing criticism, she soon said she would no longer accept such loans.[67] In practice, in addition to often buying her clothes, she continued to borrow and sometimes keep designer clothes throughout her time as First Lady, which came to light in 1988 based upon statements of several designers,[68] for whom the arrangement was good for their businesses[68] as well as for the American fashion industry overall.[69] After first denying any such activity, none of which had been included on financial disclosure forms,[68] Nancy acknowledged that she had "broken her little promise"[69] by continuing to take loans and expressed through her press secretary "regrets that she failed to heed counsel's advice" on disclosing them.[70] Such gifts and fashion loans were later determined to be worth about $3 million;[71] the non-reporting of loans under $10,000 in liability was in violation of a voluntary agreement the White House had made in 1982, while the non-reporting of more valuable loans or of any clothes not returned that thus constituted gifts was in violation of the Ethics in Government Act.[68][70][72]

The new china, White House renovations, expensive clothing, and her attendance at the wedding of Charles and Diana, Prince and Princess of Wales,[73] gave her an aura of being "out of touch" with the American people during an economic recession.[6] This and her taste for splendor inspired the derogatory nickname "Queen Nancy".[6] In an attempt to deflect the criticism, she self-deprecatingly donned a baglady costume at the 1982 Gridiron Dinner and sang "Second-Hand Clothes", mimicking the song "Second-Hand Rose".[74]

Nancy Reagan reflected on the criticisms in her 1989 autobiography, My Turn. Reagan describes lunching with former Democratic National Committee chairman Robert Strauss, wherein Strauss said to her, "When you first came to town, Nancy, I didn't like you at all. But after I got to know you, I changed my mind and said, 'She's some broad!'" Nancy responded, "Bob, based on the press reports I read then, I wouldn't have liked me either!"[75]

Just Say No

Huvudartikel: Just Say No
Reagan gives a speech at a "Just Say No" rally in Los Angeles, California in 1987.

Nancy Reagan launched the "Just Say No" drug awareness campaign in 1982, which was her primary project and major initiative as First Lady.[6] In 1982, while visiting Longfellow Elementary School in Oakland, California,[76] Reagan was asked by a schoolgirl what to do when offered drugs; Nancy's response was "Just say no."[77] The phrase proliferated in the popular culture of the 1980s and was eventually adopted as the name of club organizations and school anti-drug programs.[6] Reagan traveled more than 250 000 miles (402 000 km) throughout the United States and several nations, visiting drug abuse prevention programs and drug rehabilitation centers. She also appeared on television talk shows, recorded public service announcements, and wrote guest articles.[6]

In 1985, Nancy expanded the campaign to an international level by inviting the First Ladies of various nations to the White House for a conference on drug abuse.[6] On October 27, 1986, President Reagan signed a drug enforcement bill into law, which granted $1.7 billion in funding to fight the crisis and ensured a mandatory minimum penalty for drug offenses.[78] Although the bill was criticized by some, Nancy Reagan considered it a personal victory.[6] In 1988, she became the first First Lady invited to address the United Nations General Assembly, where she spoke on international drug interdiction and trafficking laws.[6]

Critics of the "Just Say No" campaign and the American "War on Drugs" argued that the program was too costly and questioned its purpose.[79] Author Jeff Elliott states that the Reagan administration's synonymous use of the terms "drug use" and "drug abuse" was improper, referencing Dr. Michael Newcomb's claim that there is "no evidence that most people who experiment with drugs get hooked."[79] It was also argued that the program did not go far enough in addressing many social issues including unemployment, poverty, and family dissolution;[79] Nancy's approach to promoting drug awareness was labeled as simplistic by liberal critics as well.[56]

Reagan hosts the First Ladies Conference on Drug Abuse at the White House, 1985.

Nonetheless, a number of "Just Say No" clubs and organizations remain in operation around the country, and they aim to educate children and teenagers about the effects of drugs.[80] In 1983, Reagan appeared as herself in an episode of the hit television drama Dynasty to underscore support for the anti-drug campaign. As she continued to promote "Just Say No", she appeared in an episode of the popular 1980s sitcom Diff'rent Strokes[81] and in a 1985 rock music video, "Stop the Madness".[82]

Her husband's protector


Nancy Reagan assumed the role of unofficial "protector" for her husband after the attempted assassination on his life in 1981.[83] On March 30 of that year, President Reagan and three others were shot as they left the Washington Hilton Hotel. Nancy was alerted and arrived at George Washington University Hospital, where the President was hospitalized. She recalled having seen "emergency rooms before, but I had never seen one like this—with my husband in it."[84] She was escorted into a waiting room, and when granted access to see her husband, he quipped to her, "Honey, I forgot to duck", borrowing the defeated boxer Jack Dempsey's jest to his wife.[85]

An early example of her protective nature occurred when Senator Strom Thurmond entered the President's hospital room that day in March, passing the Secret Service detail by claiming he was the President's "close friend", presumably to acquire media attention.[86] Nancy was outraged and demanded he leave.[38] While the president recuperated in the hospital, the first lady slept with one of his shirts to be comforted by the scent.[38] When Reagan was released from the hospital on April 12, she escorted him back to the White House.

Influence in the White House

"The Gaze": Nancy watches as her husband is sworn in for a second term by Chief Justice Warren Burger, on January 20, 1985.

Nancy stated in her memoirs, "I felt panicky every time [Ronald] left the White House"[87] following the assassination attempt, and made it her concern to know her husband's schedule: the events he would be attending, and with whom.[6] Eventually, this protectiveness led to her consulting an astrologer, Joan Quigley, who offered insight on which days were "good", "neutral", or should be avoided, which influenced her husband's White House schedule.[88] Days were color-coded according to the astrologer's advice to discern precisely which days and times would be optimal for the president's safety and success.[6] The White House Chief of Staff, Donald Regan, grew frustrated with this regimen, which created friction between him and the First Lady. This escalated with the revelation of the Iran-Contra affair, an administration scandal, in which the First Lady felt Regan was damaging the president.[89] She thought he should resign, and expressed this to her husband although he did not share her view. Regan wanted President Reagan to address the Iran-Contra matter in early 1987 by means of a press conference, though Nancy refused to allow Reagan to overexert himself due to a recent prostate surgery and astrological warnings.[90] Regan became so angry with Nancy that he hung up on her during a 1987 telephone conversation. According to former ABC News correspondent Sam Donaldson, when the President heard of this treatment, he demanded—and eventually received—Regan's resignation.[91] In his 1988 memoirs, Regan wrote about Nancy's consultations with the astrologer, the first public mention of them, which resulted in embarrassment for the First Lady.[92] Nancy later wrote, "Astrology was simply one of the ways I coped with the fear I felt after my husband almost died... Was astrology one of the reasons [further attempts did not occur]? I don't really believe it was, but I don't really believe it wasn't."[93]

Nancy Reagan wielded a powerful influence over President Reagan.[94] Again stemming from the assassination attempt, she strictly controlled access to the president and even occasionally attempted to influence her husband's decision making.[94][95] She wrote in her memoirs, "I don't think I was as bad, or as extreme in my power or my weakness, as I was depicted,"[96] but went on, "[H]owever the first lady fits in, she has a unique and important role to play in looking after her husband. And it's only natural that she'll let him know what she thinks. I always did that for Ronnie, and I always will."[97]

Breast cancer


In October 1987, a mammogram detected a suspicious lesion in Nancy Reagan's left breast. Tests concluded that the lesion was a malignant tumor and Reagan was diagnosed with breast cancer. After consultation with doctors, Nancy decided to have a mastectomy performed rather than a lumpectomy.[98] Remarkably, even that decision was criticized.[56] The first lady had her left breast removed on October 17, 1987. It was not long after the operation that her mother, Edith Luckett Davis, died in Phoenix, Arizona, leading Nancy to dub the period "a terrible month".[99]

After the surgery, more women across the country went in for mammograms, a demonstration of the influence of the first lady.[100]

The Russians

The Reagan and Gorbachevs at the state dinner, 1987

In 1985, 1987, and 1988, while Cold War discussions took place regarding nuclear affairs between Soviet Leader Mikhail Gorbachev and President Reagan, Nancy met with Gorbachev's wife, Raisa. The two women usually had tea, and discussed differences between the USSR and the United States. Their relationship was anything but the friendly, diplomatic one between their husbands; Nancy found Raisa hard to converse with and their relationship was described as "frosty".[101] Visiting the United States for the first time in 1987, Raisa irked Reagan with lectures on subjects ranging from architecture to socialism, reportedly prompting the American President's wife to quip, "Who does that dame think she is?"[102] Nancy had previously encouraged her husband to hold these "summit" conferences with Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev, and suggested they form a personal relationship beforehand.[6]

Both Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev had developed a productive relationship through their summit negotiations. In 1987, Gorbachev became the first Soviet leader to visit Washington, D.C. since Nikita Khrushchev in 1959, and Nancy Reagan was in charge of planning and hosting the state dinner.[103] The dinner would be an important one, as there was enormous anticipation for its occurrence.[103] After the meal, Mrs. Reagan recruited pianist Van Cliburn to sing a rendition of "Moscow Nights" for the Soviet delegation, to which Mikhail and Raisa broke out into song.[104] Former Secretary of State George Shultz commented on the evening, saying "We felt the ice of the Cold War crumbling."[105] Nancy concluded, "It was a perfect ending for one of the great evenings of my husband's presidency."[106]

Later life


Though Nancy was a controversial First Lady, 56 percent of Americans had a favorable opinion of her when her husband left office on January 20, 1989, with 18 percent having an unfavorable opinion and the balance not giving an opinion.[107] Compared to fellow First Ladies when their husbands left office, Reagan's approval was higher than those of Rosalynn Carter and Hillary Rodham Clinton, however she was less popular than Barbara Bush and her disapproval rating was double that of Carter's.[107]

Nancy Reagan's official White House portrait hangs in the Vermeil Room.

Upon leaving the White House, the couple returned to California, where they purchased a second home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles,[108] dividing their time between Bel Air and the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, California; Ronald and Nancy regularly attended Bel Air Presbyterian Church as well.[109] After leaving Washington, Nancy made numerous public appearances, many on behalf of her husband. She continues to reside in the Bel Air home, where she lived with her husband until his death on June 5, 2004.[110]

Early post-White House activities


In late 1989, the former First Lady established the Nancy Reagan Foundation, which aimed to continue to educate people about the dangers of substance abuse.[111] The Foundation teamed with the BEST Foundation For A Drug-Free Tomorrow in 1994, and developed the Nancy Reagan Afterschool Program. She continued to travel around the nation, speaking out against drug and alcohol abuse. After President Reagan revealed that he had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1994, she made herself his primary caregiver and became actively involved with the National Alzheimer's Association and its affiliate, the Ronald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute in Chicago, Illinois.[6]

Mall:RquoteAlso in 1989 she published My Turn: The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan, which gives an account of her life in the White House, speaking openly about her influence within the Reagan administration and discussing the myths and controversies that surrounded the couple.[112] In 1991, the controversial author Kitty Kelley wrote an unauthorized and largely uncited biography about Nancy Reagan, repeating rumors of her supposed sexual relations with singer Frank Sinatra, and of her poor relationship with her children. The publications USAToday and National Review state that Kelley's largely unsupported claims are most likely false.[113][114][115]

In 1989 the Internal Revenue Service began investigating the Reagans for whether they owed additional tax on the gifts and loans of high-fashion clothes and jewelry to Nancy during their time in the White House[116] (recipients benefiting from the display of such items recognize taxable income even if they are returned).[116] In 1992 the IRS determined the Reagans had failed to include some $3 million worth of fashion items between 1983 and 1988 on their tax returns;[71] they were billed for a large amount of back taxes and interest, which was subsequently paid.[71]

Nancy Reagan was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, by President George W. Bush on July 9, 2002.[117] President Reagan received his own Presidential Medal of Freedom in January 1993. Nancy and her husband were jointly awarded the Congressional Gold Medal on May 16, 2002 at the Capitol Building, and were only the third President and First Lady to receive it; she received the medal for both of them.[118]

Ronald Reagan's funeral

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan says her last goodbye to President Ronald Reagan on June 11, 2004, prior to the interment and concluding a week-long state funeral for the president.

Mall:SeeRonald Reagan died in their Bel Air home on June 5, 2004.[110] During the seven-day state funeral, Nancy, accompanied by her children and military escort, led the nation in mourning[119] by keeping a strong composure,[120] traveling from her home to the Reagan Library for a memorial service, then to Washington, D.C., where her husband's body lay in state for 34 hours prior to a national funeral service in the Washington National Cathedral.[121] She returned to the library in California for a sunset memorial service and interment, where, overcome with emotion, she lost her composure, crying in public for the first time during the week.[120][122] After accepting the folded flag, she kissed the casket and mouthed "I love you" before leaving.[123] Journalist Wolf Blitzer said of Reagan during the week, "She's a very, very strong woman, even though she looks frail."[124]

Previously, she had directed the detailed planning of the funeral,[120] including ordering all the major events and asking former President George H. W. Bush as well as former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to speak during the National Cathedral Service.[120] She paid very close attention to the details, something she had always done in her husband's life. Betsy Bloomingdale, one of Reagan's closest friends, stated, "She looks a little frail. But she is very strong inside. She is. She has the strength. She is doing her last thing for Ronnie. And she is going to get it right."[120] The funeral marked Reagan's first major public appearance since delivering a speech to the 1996 Republican National Convention on her husband's behalf.[120]

The funeral had a great impact on Reagan's public image. Following substantial criticism during her tenure as First Lady, she was seen somewhat as a national heroine, praised by many for supporting and caring for her husband while he suffered from Alzheimer's disease.[94]

Life after Ronald


Reagan remained active in politics, particularly relating to stem cell research. Beginning in 2004, she favored what many consider to be the Democratic Party's position, and urged President George W. Bush to support federally funded embryonic stem cell research in the hope that this science could lead to a cure for Alzheimer's disease.[125] Although she failed to change the president's position, she did support his campaign for a second term.[126]

Reagan in 2005

In 2005, Reagan was honored at a gala dinner at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C.[127] There, she was treated regally; guests included Dick Cheney, Harry Reid and Condoleezza Rice.[127] It was her first major public appearance since the funeral. Asked what her future plans are, Reagan shook her head and responded, "I don't know. I'll know when I'll know. But the [Reagan] library is Ronnie, so that's where I spend my time."[127] The following day she unveiled The Heart Truth First Ladies Red Dress Collection with Laura Bush at the Kennedy Center.[128] Reagan was briefly hospitalized the following month upon falling during a trip to the United Kingdom.[129]

In 2007 she attended the national funeral service for Gerald Ford in the Washington National Cathedral. She continues to present the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award to a notable person who "embodies President Reagan's lifelong belief that one man or woman truly can make a difference."[130][131] On February 6, 2007, she presented the award to former President George H. W. Bush; other recipients include Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher.[130] On May 3 of the same year, Reagan hosted and attended the first 2008 Republican Presidential Candidates Debate at the Reagan Presidential Library. While she did not participate in the discussions, she sat in the front row and listened as the men vying to become the nation's 44th president claimed to be a rightful successor to her husband, the 40th.[132]

Mrs. Reagan with Education Secretary Margaret Spellings at the Reagan Library, June 9, 2008

She attended the funeral of former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson in Austin, Texas on July 14, 2007,[133] and three days later accepted the highest Polish distinction, the Order of the White Eagle, on behalf of Ronald Reagan at the Reagan Library. She mourned the death of her friends Merv Griffin and Michael Deaver in August that year.[134][135] In November, Nancy opened the temporary exhibit "Nancy Reagan: A First Lady's Style" at her husband's library. The exhibit chronicles Nancy's wardrobe and displays over eighty designer dresses belonging to her; it begins with her 1952 wedding suit and culminates with the suit she wore to President Reagan's 2004 funeral.[136][137]

She traveled to New York City not long after and served as the guest of honor at a Reagan Library fundraiser hosted by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg[138] Though speculation arose over whether Reagan might support Bloomberg in a presidential bid,[139] nothing came of it and she served as hostess of the final Republican debate of the 2008 presidential nomination process on January 30, 2008 at the Reagan Library.[140][141]

On February 17, 2008, Nancy Reagan suffered a fall at her Bel Air home and was taken to St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. She did not break a hip, as doctors originally feared.[142] She underwent tests which produced normal results and was released from the hospital two days later.[143] She gained further media attention on March 25, when she formally endorsed Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican party nominee, for president of the United States.[144] After releasing a statement on the death of Charlton Heston in April 2008,[145] she attended his funeral in Pacific Palisades.[146] On October 15, 2008, Nancy was admitted to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center after having twisted on her leg and fallen at home the previous week. Persistent pain ensued and doctors determined that the 87-year-old former first lady had fractured her pelvis[147][148] and sacrum, a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine and at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity, where it is inserted like a wedge between the two hip bones.[149] She left the hospital on October 17, would thereafter undergo daily physical therapy at home, and the anticipated recovery would be six to eight weeks.[150][151] At the third U.S. presidential debate, which was held that evening, Senator John McCain began by expressing his sorrow that Mrs. Reagan had been hospitalized.[152]


  • The Doctor and the Girl (1949)
  • East Side, West Side (1949)
  • Shadow on the Wall (1950)
  • The Next Voice You Hear... (1950)
  • Night Into Morning (1951)
  • It's a Big Country (1951)
  • Talk About a Stranger (1952)
  • Shadow in the Sky (1952)
  • Donovan's Brain (1953)
  • Rescue at Sea (även Crash Landing—1955)
  • Hellcats of the Navy (1957)[20]


  1. ^ [a b c d e] Nancy Reagan > Her Life & Times, Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. Hämtat 22 september 2007
  2. ^ När Nancy skrev kontrakt med MGM angav hon som sitt födelsedatum 6 juli 1923, och "blev" två år yngre; ett vanligt knep bland skådespelare i Hollywood vid tiden (se Cannon, Governor Reagan, s. 75). Detta orsakade senare en del förvirring
  3. ^ Powling, Anne & John O'Connor & Geoff Barton, New Oxford English, Oxford University Press (1997), s. 79, ISBN 0-19-831192-3
  4. ^ Vissa källor anger felaktigt att hon skulle vara född i Flushing eller ha blivit uppfostrad på Manhattan.
  5. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 66
  6. ^ [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s] ”First Lady Biography: Nancy Reagan”. National First Ladies Library. Läst 2 juni 2007. 
  7. ^ Talk and More Talk About Nancy (That One!) in Flushing, David Gonzalez, New York Times, 1991-04-12. Hämtat 29 oktober 2007.
  8. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 67
  9. ^ The 'just say no' first lady, MSNBC, 18 februari 2004. Hämtat 16 oktober 2007
  10. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 71
  11. ^ [a b c d e] The Biggest Role of Nancy's Life, Lally Weymouth, The New York Times Magazine, 26 oktober 1980. Hämtat 20 oktober 2007
  12. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 74
  13. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 67
  14. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 82
  15. ^ ”Lute Song”. Internet Broadway Database. Läst 18 oktober 2007. 
  16. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 85
  17. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 88
  18. ^ = null ”Biography for Nancy Davis”. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. 2007. = null. Läst 17 oktober 2007. 
  19. ^ [a b c d e] Cannon, Lou (2003), ss. 75–76.
  20. ^ [a b c] ”Nancy Reagan > Her Films”. Ronald Reagan Foundation. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  21. ^ A. H. Weiler (som "A. W.") (19 maj 1950). ”Another View of Psychiatrist's Task”. The New York Times. Läst 18 oktober 2007. 
  22. ^ Bosley Crowther (30 juni 1950). ”'The Next Voice You Hear ...', Dore Schary Production, Opens at Music Hall”. The New York Times. Läst 18 oktober 2007. 
  23. ^ Sindelar, Dave. ”The Next Voice You Hear... (1950)”. SciFilm. Läst 17 oktober 2007. 
  24. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), s. 91
  25. ^ Bosley Crowther (11 juni 1951). ”'Night Into Morning,' Starring Ray Milland as a Bereaved Professor, at Loew's State”. The New York Times. Läst 18 oktober 2007. 
  26. ^ Richard L. Coe (9 juni 1951). ”'Night Into Morning' Is Almost Excellent” (kostar). The Washington Post. Läst 9 februari 2008. 
  27. ^ Wills, Garry (1987). Reagan's America: Innocents at Home. Doubleday. ISBN 0385182864.  s. 184.
  28. ^ Bosley Crowther (21 januari 1954). ”' Donovan's Brain,' Science-Fiction Thriller, Has Premiere at the Criterion Theatre”. The New York Times. Läst 20 oktober 2007. 
  29. ^ Erickson, Glenn (2003). ”Hellcats of the Navy, review one”. Inc. Läst 17 oktober 2007. 
  30. ^ Harper, Erick (2003). ”Hellcats Of The Navy, review two”. DVDVerdict. Läst 17 oktober 2007. 
  31. ^ ”Screen Actors Guild Presidents”. Screen Actors Guild. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  32. ^ [a b c d e] Cannon, Lou (2003), pp. 77–78.
  33. ^ ”Noteworthy places in Reagan's life”. The Baltimore Sun. 5 juni 2004.,0,1844441.story?page=2. Läst 11 april 2007. 
  34. ^ ”First Ladies: Nancy Reagan”. The White House. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  35. ^ Beschloss, Michael (2007), p. 296
  36. ^ [a b c d e] ”End of a Love Story”. BBC News. 5 juni 2004. Läst 21 mars 2007. 
  37. ^ [a b] Berry, Deborah Barfield (6 juni 2004). ”By Reagan's Side, but her own person”. Newsday.,0,3872519.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-headlines. Läst 15 augusti 2007. 
  38. ^ [a b c] Beschloss, Michael (2007), p. 284
  39. ^ ”Reagan Love Story”. NBC News. 9 juni 2004. Läst 25 maj 2007. 
  40. ^ ”Up Next for Nancy Reagan: tending her Ronnie's flame”. St. Petersburg Times. 13 juni 2004. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  41. ^ Wolf, Julie (2000). ”The Reagan Children”. PBS. Läst 17 oktober 2007. 
  42. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), pp. 148–149
  43. ^ [a b c] Cannon, Lou (2003), p. 233
  44. ^ [a b] Reagan, Nancy (1989), pp. 135–137
  45. ^ [a b] Charlie LeDuff (19 november 2004). ”Forget the White House, Schwarzenegger Needs Digs Now”. The New York Times. Läst 19 oktober 2007. 
  46. ^ Robert_Windeler (17 november 1967). ”Reagan Panel Fills Arts Chief's Post After It Ousted Aide”. The New York Times. Läst 18 oktober 2007. 
  47. ^ Lynn Lilliston (13 december 1968). ”A Model First Lady”. Los Angeles Times. Läst 19 oktober 2007. 
  48. ^ Cook, Lynn; Janet LaDue (2007). The First Ladies of California. Xlibris Corporation. ISBN 1425729657.  pp. 110–111.
  49. ^ ”Medal of Freedom Recipients: Nancy Reagan”. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  50. ^ [a b] ”Foster Grandparent's Program”. Scholastic. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  51. ^ Anthony, Carl Sferrazza (2003). America's Most Influential First Ladies. The Oliver Press. ISBN 1881508692.  p. 135.
  52. ^ Samantha Jonas (5 juni 2004). ”Bio: Nancy Reagan”. Fox News.,2933,63814,00.html. Läst 19 oktober 2007. 
  53. ^ Timberg, Robert (1999). John McCain: An American Odyssey. Touchstone Books. ISBN 0-684-86794-X.  pp. 119–121.
  54. ^ Benze, James G. (2005), p. 32
  55. ^ [a b c] Benze, James G., Jr. (2005), p. 33
  56. ^ [a b c] Wolf, Julie.. ”The American Experience: Nancy Reagan”. PBS. Läst 22 januari 2008. 
  57. ^ ”Nancy Reagan”. The White House Historical Association. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  58. ^ ”Brady Press Briefing Room”. The White House Museum. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  59. ^ ”West Bedroom”. The White House Museum. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  60. ^ ”Master Bedroom”. The White House Museum. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  61. ^ ”"Lenox: White House"”. Lenox, Inc. Läst 2 juni 2007. 
  62. ^ Klapthor, Margaret Brown (1999), p. 184
  63. ^ [a b c d] West, Kevin. ”Nancy's Closet”. Läst 28 januari 2008. 
  64. ^ Stevens, Dana (6 februari 2008). ”Color Me Nancy Reagan Red”. Läst 18 juni 2008. 
  65. ^ King, Wayne and Warren Weaver, Jr. (23 augusti 1986). ”Washington Talk: Briefing; A Do Ado”. Läst 18 juni 2008. 
  66. ^ ”For Mrs. Reagan, Gifts Mean High Fashion At No Cost” (fee required). Associated Press for The New York Times. 16 januari 1982. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  67. ^ [a b] Hedrick Smith (17 februari 1982). ”Nancy Reagan Gives Up Dress Designer Loans” (fee required). The New York Times. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  68. ^ [a b c d] Ed Magnuson (24 oktober 1988). ”Why Mrs. Reagan Still Looks Like a Million”. Time.,9171,968774-1,00.html. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  69. ^ [a b] John Robinson (19 oktober 1988). ”Nancy Reagan's Dress Blues: Borrowing Clothes From Top Designers May Be Chic, But Is It Proper?” (fee required). The Boston Globe. Läst 7 februari 2008. 
  70. ^ [a b] Steven V. Roberts (18 oktober 1988). ”First Lady Expresses 'Regrets' on Wardrobe”. The New York Times. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  71. ^ [a b c] Castro, Janice (27 januari 1992). ”Nancy with the Golden Threads”. Time.,9171,974751,00.html. Läst 28 januari 2008. 
  72. ^ Howard Kurtz (5 december 1989). ”IRS Looking Into Gifts To Reagans; Borrowed Designer Dresses Subject of Tax Inquiry” (fee required). The Washington Post. Läst 2 februari 2008. 
  73. ^ Downie, Leonard Jr. (30 juli 1981). ”Britain Celebrates, Charles Takes a Bride”. The Washington Post. Läst 16 november 2007. 
  74. ^ Page, Susan (13 juni 2004). ”Husband's Past will shape Nancy Reagan”. USA Today. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  75. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 56
  76. ^ Loizeau, Pierre-Marie. Nancy Reagan: The Woman Behind the Man (1984). Nova Publishers, pp. 104-105
  77. ^ ”Remarks at the Nancy Reagan Drug Abuse Center Benefit Dinner in Los Angeles, California”. Ronald Reagan Foundation. 1989-01-04. Läst 3 oktober 2007. ” Oakland where a schoolchild in an audience Nancy was addressing stood up and asked what she and her friends should say when someone offered them drugs. And Nancy said, "Just say no." And within a few months thousands of Just Say No clubs had sprung up in schools around the country.” 
  78. ^ ”Thirty Years of America's Drug War”. Läst 4 april 2007. 
  79. ^ [a b c] Elliott, Jeff (May 1993). ”Just say nonsense - Nancy Reagan's drug education programs”. Washington Monthly. sid. 3. Läst 10 oktober 2007. [död länk]
  80. ^ ”"Mrs. Reagan's Crusade"”. Ronald Reagan Foundation. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  81. ^ ”'Diff'rent Strokes': The Reporter (1983)”. The Internet Movie Database. Läst 18 oktober 2007. 
  82. ^ Brian L. Dyak (Executive Producer), William N. Utz (Executive Producer) (1985-12-11). Stop the Madness. [Music Video]. Hollywood, California and The White House, Washington, D.C.: E.I.C. Scenens tidpunkt: 3:15. Läst 19 november 2007 
  83. ^ ”His Fierce Protector: Nancy”. CBS. 5 juni 2004. Läst 15 november 2007. 
  84. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 5
  85. ^ Noonan, Peggy. ”Character Above All: Ronald Reagan essay”. PBS. Läst 15 augusti 2007. 
  86. ^ ”Final Edited Transcript: Interview with Max Friedersdorf” (PDF). Miller Center of Public Affairs. October October 24-25 2002. sid. 60. Läst 20 oktober 2007. ”Mrs. Reagan was all upset, of course. He said that Senator [Strom] Thurmond had come over to the hospital and had talked his way in, past the lobby, up to the President’s room—he’s in intensive care, tubes coming out of his nose and his throat, tubes in his arms and everything—and said that Strom Thurmond had talked his way past the secret service into his room and Mrs. Reagan was outraged, distraught. She couldn’t believe her eyes. He said, 'You know, those guys are crazy. They come over here trying to get a picture in front of the hospital and trying to talk to the President when he may be on his deathbed.” 
  87. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 21
  88. ^ Ivins, Molly (18 mars 1990). ”Stars and Strife”. The New York Times. Läst 16 november 2007. 
  89. ^ Anthony, C.S. (1991), p. 396
  90. ^ Anthony, C.S. (1991), p. 398
  91. ^ Thomas, Rhys (Writer/Producer); Donaldson, Sam (interviewee) (2005). The Presidents. [Documentary]. A&E Television. 
  92. ^ Howard Kurtz (2 maj 2007). ”Ronald Reagan, In His Own Words”. The Washington Post. Läst 20 oktober 2007. 
  93. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 44, p. 47
  94. ^ [a b c] ”Nancy Reagan emerges as public icon”. BBC News. 10 juni 2004. Läst 2 november 2007. 
  95. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 62
  96. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. vii
  97. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 65
  98. ^ Altman, Lawrence K (18 oktober 1987). ”Surgeons Remove Cancerous Breast of Nancy Reagan”. The New York Times. Läst 23 juni 2008. 
  99. ^ Reagan, Nancy (1989), p. 285
  100. ^ ”Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Trends in Screening Mammograms for Women 50 Years of Age and Older — Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1987”. Department of Health and Human Services. 10 mars 1989. Läst 23 juni 2008. 
  101. ^ Celestine Bohlen (8 december 1988). ”The Gorbachev Visit; Another Obstacle Falls: Nancy Reagan and Raisa Gorbachev Get Chummy”. The New York Times. Läst 14 oktober 2008. 
  102. ^ Chua-Eoan, Howard G. (6 juni 1988). ”"My Wife Is a Very Independent Lady"”. Time Magazine.,9171,967592-1,00.html. Läst 5 oktober 2007. 
  103. ^ [a b] Schifando and Joseph (2007), p. 165
  104. ^ Schifando and Joseph (2007), pp. 169-172
  105. ^ Schifando and Joseph (2007), p. 175
  106. ^ Schifando and Joseph (2007), p. 173
  107. ^ [a b] ”A Look Back At The Polls”. CBS Interactive Inc. 7 juni 2004. Läst 23 september 2007. 
  108. ^ Stevens, Pam (21 januari 2001). ”Reagan paid back his friends for house they bought for him”. CNN. Läst 16 november 2007. 
  109. ^ Netburn, Deborah (24 december 2006). ”Agenting for God”. Los Angeles Times. Läst 16 november 2007. 
  110. ^ [a b] ”Ronald Reagan dies at 93”. CNN. 5 juni 2004. Läst 7 februari 2007. 
  111. ^ ”Nancy Reagan: Her Life and Times”. Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. Läst 12 maj 2007. 
  112. ^ ”My Turn Review”. A-1 Women's Discount Bookstore. Läst 28 mars 2007. 
  113. ^ Kiely, Kathy (13 september 2004). ”Critical book on Bushes sparks firestorm”. USA Today. Läst 24 december 2007. ”In 1991, The New York Times published a front-page story on Kelley's biography of Nancy Reagan — and then apologized for repeating some of its salacious charges without attempting to verify them.” 
  114. ^ ”Judging the Reagans”. The New York Times. 26 maj 1991. Läst 28 mars 2007. 
  115. ^ ”Here Kitty, Kitty - public reaction to Kitty Kelley's book 'Nancy Reagan: The Unauthorized Biography'”. National Review. 13 maj 1991. Läst 24 april 2007. [död länk]
  116. ^ [a b] Hershey, Robert D. (6 december 1989). ”Gifts and Loans to Nancy Reagan Stir I.R.S. Interest in High Fashion”. The New York Times. Läst 28 januari 2008. 
  117. ^ The White House (July 9, 2002). ”President Bush Honors Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award”. Pressmeddelande. Läst 21 mars 2007.
  118. ^ ”"Congressional Gold Medal History"”. United States House of Representatives. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  119. ^ ”Nancy Reagan”. Scholastic Library Publishing, Inc. 2006. Läst 16 februari 2008. 
  120. ^ [a b c d e f] Nogourney, Adam and Bernard Wienrob (12 juni 2004). ”The 40th President: The President's Widow; For a Frail Mrs. Reagan, A Week of Great Resolve”. The New York Times. Läst 29 februari 2008. 
  121. ^ The Office of Ronald Reagan (June 6, 2004). ”Outline of Funeral Events in honor of Ronald Wilson Reagan”. Pressmeddelande. Läst 29 februari 2008.
  122. ^ ”A Nation bids Reagan Farewell”. CBS. 12 juni 2004. Läst 29 februari 2008. 
  123. ^ ”Reagan Laid to Rest”. Fox News. 12 juni 2004.,2933,122528,00.html. Läst 24 mars 2007. 
  124. ^ ”Reagan's Casket Arrives in Washington” (Transcript). CNN. aired June 9, 2004. Läst 2 november 2007. 
  125. ^ Erika Check (24 juni 2004). ”Bush pressured as Nancy Reagan pleads for stem-cell research”. Nature "429": ss. 116. doi:10.1038/429116a. 
  126. ^ ”Former first lady Nancy Reagan supports Bush's re-election”. USA Today. 4 augusti 2004. Läst 17 oktober 2007. 
  127. ^ [a b c] Roberts, Roxanne (12 maj 2005). ”Just Say Yes: Nancy Reagan Welcomed Back at Tribute”. The Washington Post. Läst 17 maj 2008. 
  128. ^ ”First ladies dust off dresses for heart disease”. MSNBC. 12 maj 2005. Läst 18 maj 2008. 
  129. ^ ”Nancy Reagan to rest after fall in London”. Associated Press. 16 juni 2005. Läst 7 februari 2007. 
  130. ^ [a b] ”Ronald Reagan Freedom Award”. Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation. Läst 8 mars 2007. 
  131. ^ Daisy Nguyen (7 februari 2007). ”Ex-President Bush Receives Reagan Award”. The Washington Post. Läst 16 november 2007. 
  132. ^ Nagourney, Adam (4 maj 2007). ”’08 Republicans Differ on Defining Party’s Future”. The New York Times. Läst 4 maj 2007. 
  133. ^ Alex Johnson (4 maj 2007). ”Republicans walk tightrope over war in Iraq”. MSNBC. Läst 3 maj 2007. 
  134. ^ ”Friends Mourn TV Legend Merv Griffin”. People Magazine. 13 augusti 2007.,,20051404,00.html. Läst 12 juli 2007. 
  135. ^ ”Obituary: Michael Deaver”. Läst 22 september 2007. 
  136. ^ Corcoran, Monica (8 november 2007). ”The Nancy Years”. The Los Angeles Times. Läst 20 januari 2008. 
  137. ^ Bakalis, Anna (9 november 2007). ”Style exhibit chronicles Nancy Reagan's life”. The Ventura County Star. Läst 20 januari 2008. 
  138. ^ Rauh, Grace. (12 november 2007). ”Bloomberg Turns to Reagan”. The New York Sun. Läst 20 januari 2008. 
  139. ^ ”Bloomberg Hosts Event with Nancy Reagan”. Associated Press (ABC). 13 november 2007. Läst 20 januari 2008. 
  140. ^ ”Romney Blasts McCain over Iraq War Charge”. Fox News. 30 januari 2008. Läst 1 februari 2008. 
  141. ^ Phillips, Kate (31 januari 2008). ”One Word: Reagan”. The New York Times. Läst 9 februari 2008. 
  142. ^ ”Nancy Reagan Hospitalized After Falling”. The Washington Post. 17 februari 2008. Läst 17 februari 2008. 
  143. ^ ”Nancy Reagan Released From Hospital”. MSNBC. 19 februari 2008. Läst 19 februari 2008. 
  144. ^ ”Nancy Reagan gives McCain seal of approval”. Associated Press (Fox News). 25 mars 2008. Läst 25 mars 2008. 
  145. ^ ”Nancy Reagan's tribute to Heston”. TransWorld News. 15 april 2008. Läst 15 april 2008. 
  146. ^ ”Famous Friends lay Heston to Rest”. CNN. 12 april 2008. Läst 15 april 2008. 
  147. ^ ”Nancy Reagan hospitalized with broken pelvis”. Associated Press (Los Angeles Times). 15 oktober 2008.,0,2664929.story?track=rss. Läst 15 oktober 2008. 
  148. ^ ”Nancy Reagan Hospitalized With Broken Pelvis”. Fox News. October 15, 2008work=Associated Press.,2933,438403,00.html. Läst 15 oktober 2008. 
  149. ^, Nancy Reagan leaves hospital after breaking pelvis
  150. ^, Nancy Reagan leaves hospital after fall
  151. ^, Former first lady Nancy Reagan out of hospital
  152. ^ ”McCain, Obama go head to head in last debate”. CNN. 15 oktober 2008. Läst 16 oktober 2008. 


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wiki How, tidigare version.
  • Anthony, Carl Sferrazza (1991). First Ladies: The Saga of the Presidents' Wives and Their Power; 1961-1990 (Volume II). New York: William Morrow and Co.
  • Benze, James G., Jr. (2005). Nancy Reagan: On the White House Stage. United States of America: University Press of Kansas. ISBN 0-7006-1401-X.
  • Beschloss, Michael (2007). Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-684-85705-7.
  • Cannon, Lou (2003). Governor Reagan: His Rise to Power. Public Affairs. ISBN 1-58648-030-8.
  • Klapthor, Margaret Brown (1999). Official White House China: 1789 to the Present. Harry N. Abrams. ISBN 0-8109-3993-2.
  • Reagan, Nancy (2002). I Love You, Ronnie: The Letters of Ronald Reagan to Nancy Reagan. United States: Random House. ISBN 0-375-76051-2.
  • Reagan, Nancy; William Novak (1989). My Turn: The Memoirs of Nancy Reagan. New York: Random House. ISBN 0-394-56368-9.
  • Reagan, Nancy (1980). Nancy: The Autobiography of America's First Lady. United States: HarperCollins. ISBN 978-0-688-03533-4.
  • Reagan, Nancy (1982). To Love a Child. United States: Bobbs-Merrill. ISBN 0-672-52711-1.
  • Schifando, Peter; J. Jonathan Joseph (2007). Entertaining at the White House with Nancy Reagan. New York: William Morrow. ISBN 978-0-06-135012-2.

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