Segol (trope)

(Redirected from Segol (cantillation))
Sof passuk׃ paseq׀
etnakhta/atnakh֑ segol֒
shalshelet֓ zaqef qaton֔
zaqef gadol֕ tifcha/tarkha֖
rivia/ravia’֗ zarqa֘
pashta֙ yetiv֚
tevir֛ geresh/gerish֜
geresh muqdam [de]֝ gershayim/shenei gerishin֞
karnei pharah֟ telisha gedola/talsha֠
pazer (gadol)֡ atnah hafukh [de]֢
munakh/shofar holekh֣ mahapakh/shofar mehupakh֤
merkha/ma’arikh֥ merkha kefula/terei ta’amei֦
darga֧ qadma֨
telisha qetana/tarsa֩ yerah ben yomo֪
ole֫ illuy֬
dehi [de]֭ zinor֮

Segol (Hebrew: סְגוֹל֒   also known as Segolta, with variant English spellings), is a cantillation mark found in the Torah, Haftarah, and other books of the Hebrew Bible. The Segol occurs together with a preceding Zarka, sometimes with a Munach preceding one or both.

The Segol group is considered to be a disjunctive. It occurs in place of the Katan group or a Zakef gadol.[1] It is the strongest disjunctive group ahead of the Etnachta group.[2]

The Hebrew word סְגוֹל֒ translates into English as bunch, referring to a bunch of grapes. This is reflected in its appearance as a three-dot symbol.

Total occurrences

BookNumber of appearances




  1. ^ Concordance of the Hebrew accents in the Hebrew Bible: Concordance ..., Volume 1 By James D. Price, page 18
  2. ^ Chanting the Hebrew Bible By Joshua R. Jacobson, page 102
  3. ^ a b c d e f Concordance of the Hebrew accents in the Hebrew Bible: Concordance ..., Volume 1 By James D. Price, page 6
  4. ^ a b Concordance of the Hebrew accents in the Hebrew Bible: Concordance ..., Volume 1 By James D. Price, page 5