New Taiwan dollar

official currency of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

The New Taiwan dollar (traditional Chinese: 新臺幣 or 新台幣; simplified Chinese: 新台币; Hanyu Pinyin: Xīntáibì; Tongyong Pinyin: Sīntáibì) (currency code TWD and common abbreviation NT$), or simply Taiwan dollar, is the official currency of Taiwan. It was used since 1949, when it replaced the Old Taiwan dollar. It was first printed by the Bank of Taiwan, it has been printed by the Central Bank of the Republic of China since 2000.

New Taiwan dollar
新臺幣 / 新台幣 (in Chinese)
ISO 4217 CodeTWD
User(s)Republic of China
Inflation2.34%,3.7% (CIA World Factbook, 2008 est.)
SourceCentral Bank of the Republic of China, Jul-Dec 2007
Jiao, but no official translation
1/100cent (分, Fen)
Subunits used only in stocks and currencies
Symbol$ or NT$
Nicknamekuài (塊)
máo (毛)
Pluraldollars (English only)
cent (分, Fen)cents (English only)
Freq. used$1, $5, $10, $50
Rarely used$20
Freq. used$100, $500, $1000
Rarely used$200, $2000
Central bankCentral Bank of the Republic of China
PrinterChina Engraving and Printing Works
MintCentral Mint of China