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Riccardobotvita közrem. (jogok)riccardo vitainterwiki<nincs megadva>automatikus és kézi működés2006. november 30.2006. december 2., 12:21 (CET)aktív
This user account is a bot operated by riccardo (it:Utente:Riccardov).

It is not a sock puppet, but rather a semi-automated account for making very low-rate repetitive interwiki management that would be extremely tedious to do manually.
Administrators: if this bot is malfunctioning or causing harm, please block it and then send owner a message

Note from the owner: I am not able to understand you language, I know that a bot should be flagged, but since this one is only used for a single article at time manually assisted, it shouldn't harm. Homever this bot is flagged in his english and italian incarnabytetion (it:riccardobot and en:riccardobot)

I am going to apply for a flag: Wikipédia:Botok, Wikipédia:Botok/Jelentkezés