
Influence of France in the Growth of Communism across the world (1920-1945)

Communism was a culture with new ideologies, political been the main difference to the western capitalist countries. Populations that had suffered poverty, hardship, and lack of worker rights before and after the first world war looked for a change.In 1920 the French government of Millerand broke several strikes which had a backdrop of building solidarity with the workers of the colonies and other oppressed nations.The French communist party (PCF) emerged on to the French political forum in 1920 the party been founded by Ho Chi Minh and Marcel Cachin,

who then helped to set up the French Section of the Communist International(SFIC) the first secretary-general Ludovic-Oscar Frossard among Ho Chi Minh being the founders. Achieving its greatest support when hostilities at the end of World War II ceased, strengthen by their involvement with the French resistance, entered the government of Charles de Gaulle.

The PCF struggled in this period with the colonial question although it understood the importance, Robert Louzon an activist who with much of the French left supported the Rif War in Morocco, he left the PCF in 1924 when the party was influenced by Zinoviev and Stalin traveling to Morocco to fight colonialism, publishing two articles La Révolution prolétarienne about capitalism in Algeria. Ho Chi Minh (1919-45)

Nguyen Aïn Nuä'C (Ho-Chi-Minh), délégué indochinois, Congrès communiste de Marseille, 1921, Meurisse, BNF Gallica

Born in central Vietnam 1890 part of French Indochina. As a young man he lived in France during World war I, amongst his sea travels as a cook he visited the Soviet Union, the United States, and Britain, he looked for change finding inspiration from the Bolshevik Revolution to become an outspoken pro-Vietnamese independence voice, joining the Communist Party,He petitioned the Conference of Peace at Versailles in 1919 to grant the same rights to its subjects in Indochina as it did to the rulers. Ho Chi Minh was involved in the creation of the Indochinese Communist Party in 1930 contributing in 1941 to the creation of the League for the independence of Vietnam (Viet Minh).With the vacuum left behind at the end of hostilities of World War II, the northern city of Hanoi was seized by Viet Minh forces declaring a new state, Democratic state Vietnam, North Vietnam.Ho been appointed president serving in the presidents’ position from 1954 to 1969 know to the people as ‘Uncle Ho,’ Ho became a modern-day symbol of resistance and inspiration during the struggle of unification of Vietnam, (Vietnam War) against the United States of America and South Vietnam finally succeeding with the fall of Saigon in 1975. The people honoring Ho by renaming the city Ho Chi Minh city.The French communist party was heavy influenced by Ho Chi Minh in its early days embracing nationalism,In an interview with Selim Nadi Ph.D. candidate at the center for history at Sciences Po (Paris) member of the French Marxist theoretical journal Periode explains ‘The French Communist Party left a checkered record on anti-imperialism.’