User:Lowercase sigmabot III/

Source as of 02:39, 25 December 2020 (UTC).

#!/data/project/sigma/bots/venv/bin/python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# LGPLv2+ license, look it upimport builtinsimport sysimport collectionsimport reimport timeimport localeimport tracebackimport hashlibimport twiggyfrom arrow import Arrowfrom datetime import timedeltafrom ceterach.api import MediaWikifrom import Pagefrom ceterach import exceptions as excfrom passwords import lcsb3import mwparserfromhell as mwpAPI_URL = ""LOGIN_INFO = "Lowercase sigmabot III", lcsb3SHUTOFF = "User:Lowercase sigmabot III/Shutoff"ARCHIVE_TPL = "User:MiszaBot/config"FREQ = 30logger ="archivebot")locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8")STAMP_RE = re.compile(r"\d\d:\d\d, \d{1,2} (\w*?) \d\d\d\d \(UTC\)")THE_FUTURE = Arrow.utcnow() + timedelta(365)MONTHS = (None, "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",          "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")class ArchiveError(exc.CeterachError):    """Generic base class for archive exceptions"""class ArchiveSecurityError(ArchiveError):    """Archive is not a subpage of page being archived and key not specified    (or incorrect)."""def twiggy_setup():    everything_out = twiggy.outputs.StreamOutput(twiggy.formats.line_format)    main_out = twiggy.outputs.FileOutput(        "archivebot.log",        twiggy.formats.line_format,        msg_buffer=FREQ    )    err_out = twiggy.outputs.FileOutput("errlog", twiggy.formats.line_format)    twiggy.add_emitters(        ("everything", twiggy.levels.DEBUG, None, everything_out),        ("main", twiggy.levels.INFO, None, main_out),        ("err", twiggy.levels.ERROR, None, err_out)    )def mwp_parse(text):    # Earwig :(    return mwp.parser.Parser().parse(text, skip_style_tags=True)def all_entities(text: str):    ret = ''    for ch in text:        ret += "&#" + str(ord(ch)) + ";"    return retdef ucfirst(s: str):    """Now with better namespace checks"""    if ":" in s:        if s.count(":") != 1:            return s        return ":".join(map(ucfirst, s.split(":")))    return s[0].upper() + s[1:] if len(s) else sdef make_key(title, target):    """echo -en "${salt}\n${title}\n${target}" | sha256sum"""    sha256sum ="sha256", open("salt", "rb").read())    sha256sum.update(b'\n')    sha256sum.update(title.encode("utf8"))    sha256sum.update(b'\n')    sha256sum.update(target.encode("utf8"))    return sha256sum.hexdigest()class RedoableIterator(collections.Iterator):    """    Put a value back in the top of the stack of the generator.    In Perl, you would do:    while (my $v = $iterable_obj->next()) { func(); redo }    In Python, you would do:    for v in iterable_obj:        func()        iterable_obj.redo()        continue    """    def __init__(self, iterable_obj): = iter(iterable_obj)        self._redo = False    def __next__(self):        if self._redo:            self._redo = False            return self._val        self._val = next(  # The StopIteration will propagate        return self._val    def redo(self):        self._redo = True'''class OrderedDefaultdict(collections.defaultdict, collections.OrderedDict):    def __init__(self, default_factory, *args, **kwargs):        collections.defaultdict.__init__(self, default_factory)        collections.OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)'''  # Both implemented in Python so you get a TypeError# OrderedDefaultdict(collections.OrderedDict):    # Source:    def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw):        if (default_factory is not None and            not callable(default_factory)):            #not isinstance(default_factory, collections.Callable)):            raise TypeError('first argument must be callable')        super().__init__(*a, **kw)        self.default_factory = default_factory    def __getitem__(self, key):        try:            return super().__getitem__(key)        except KeyError:            return self.__missing__(key)    def __missing__(self, key):        if self.default_factory is None:            raise KeyError(key)        self[key] = value = self.default_factory()        return value    def __reduce__(self):        if self.default_factory is None:            args = tuple()        else:            args = self.default_factory,        return type(self), args, None, None, self.items()    def copy(self):        return self.__copy__()    def __copy__(self):        return type(self)(self.default_factory, self)    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):        import copy        return type(self)(self.default_factory,                          copy.deepcopy(self.items()))    def __repr__(self):        return 'OrderedDefaultdict(%s, %s)' % (self.default_factory,                                               OrderedDict.__repr__(self))def str2time(s: str):    """Accepts a string defining a time period:    7d - 7 days    36h - 36 hours    Returns the corresponding time, measured in seconds."""    s = str(s)    s = s.lower()    try:        if s[-1] == 'd':            return timedelta(seconds=int(s[:-1]) * 24 * 3600)        elif s[-1] == 'h':            return timedelta(seconds=int(s[:-1]) * 3600)        else:            return timedelta(seconds=int(s))    except OverflowError:        return timedelta.maxdef str2size(s: str):    """Accepts a string defining a size:    1337 - 1337 bytes    150K - 150 kilobytes    2M - 2 megabytes    20T - 20 threads    Returns a tuple (size,unit), where size is an integer and unit is    'B' (bytes) or 'T' (threads)."""    # AT LAST, THIS FUNCTION HAS BEEN DE-UGLIFIED    s = str(s)    unit = s[-1].lower()    # int() handles other strange unicode characters too, so yay    #    allowed_units = {'b': 1, 'k': 1024, 'm': 1024 * 1024, 't': 1, '': 1}    allowed_units = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1024 * 1024, **allowed_units)    if not unit in allowed_units and not unit.isdecimal():        raise TypeError("Bad input")    if unit in allowed_units:        s = s[:-1]    if not s.isdecimal():        raise TypeError("Bad input")    if (s + unit).isdecimal():        unit = ''    if int(s) == 0:        raise TypeError("Zero is not allowed")    return int(s) * allowed_units[unit], "T" if unit == 't' else "B"class DiscussionPage(Page):    def __init__(self, api: MediaWiki, title: str, archiver):        super().__init__(api, title)        self.archiver = archiver        self.talkhead = ""        self.threads = []        self.sections = []    def reset(self):        self.threads = []        self.sections = []        self.talkhead = ""    def generate_threads(self):        code = mwp_parse(self.content)        sects = iter(code.get_sections())        # We will always take the 0th section, so might as well eat it        self.talkhead = str(next(sects))        for section in sects:  # WT:TW            if section.get(0).level < 3:                break            self.talkhead += str(section)        del sects  # Large talk pages will waste memory        for section in code.get_sections(levels=[1, 2]):            head = section.filter_headings()[0]            if head.level == 1:                # If there is a level 1 header, it probably has level 2 children.                # Because get_sections(levels=[1, 2]) will yield the level 2 sections                # later, we can just take the level 1 header and ignore its children.                section = section.get_sections(include_lead=False, flat=True)[0]            d = {"header": "", "content": "",                 ("header", "content"): "",                 "stamp": THE_FUTURE, "oldenough": False            }            d['header'] = str(head)            d['content'] = str(section[len(head):])            d['header', 'content'] = str(section)            self.threads.append(d)            self.sections.append(section)        self.parse_stamps()  # Modify this if the wiki has a weird stamp format    def parse_stamps(self, expr=STAMP_RE, fmt='%H:%M, %d %B %Y (%Z)'):        stamps = []        algo = self.archiver.config['algo']        try:            maxage = str2time("^old\((\w+)\)$", algo).group(1))        except AttributeError as e:            e.args = ("Malformed archive algorithm",)            raise ArchiveError(e)        for thread in self.threads:            if mwp_parse(thread['header']).get(0).level != 2:                # the header is not level 2                stamps = []                continue            for stamp in expr.finditer(thread['content']):                # This for loop can probably be optimised, but ain't nobody                # got time fo' dat                #if in MONTHS:                try:                    stamps.append(Arrow.strptime(, fmt))                except ValueError:  # Invalid stamps should not be parsed, ever                    continue            if stamps:                # The most recent stamp should be used to see if we should archive                most_recent = max(stamps)                thread['stamp'] = most_recent                thread['oldenough'] = Arrow.utcnow() - most_recent > maxage                pass  # No stamps were found, abandon thread            stamps = []    def rebuild_talkhead(self, dry=False):        """        Specify the dry parameter if you only want to see if there's        an archive template on the page.        """        new_tpl = self.archiver.generate_template()        talkhead = mwp_parse(self.talkhead)        for talkhead_tpl_ref in talkhead.filter_templates():            tpl_name =             if ucfirst(tpl_name) == ucfirst(                break        else:            raise ArchiveError("No talk head")            #return 0x1337  # Our duty is done, and this function broke        if dry:            return  # Our duty is done, and this function worked        for p in new_tpl.params:            if talkhead_tpl_ref.has_param(                talkhead_tpl_ref.add(, p.value)        self.talkhead = str(talkhead)        del new_tpl, talkhead    def update(self, archives_touched=None):        """Remove threads from the talk page after they have been archived"""        self.rebuild_talkhead()        text = str(self.talkhead) + "".join(map(str, self.sections))        # Instead of counting the sections in the archives, we can count the        # sections we removed from the page        arch_thread_count = len([sect for sect in self.sections if not sect])        # Fancier edit summary stuff        summ = "Archiving {0} discussion(s) to {1}) (bot"        titles = "/dev/null"        if archives_touched:            titles = ", ".join("[[" + tit + "]]" for tit in archives_touched)        summ = summ.format(arch_thread_count, titles)        # But wait, there's more!        maybe_error = sys.exc_info()[1]        if isinstance(maybe_error, Exception):            # This means this method was called by unarchive_threads()            err = traceback.format_exception_only(*sys.exc_info()[:2])            err = ''.join(err)            summ = "Archive failure: {}) (bot".format(err.strip())            archives_touched = None  # unarchiving doesn't touch stuff        if text != self.content:            if not archives_touched and not maybe_error:                # The talk page was changed, but nothing was archived                raise ArchiveError("Nothing moved to archives")            try:      "{}", self.edit(text, summ, minor=True, bot=True))            except exc.SpamFilterError as e:                if e.code == 'spamblacklist':                    # The only way to override the spam blacklist is to nowiki it                    nul = "<nowiki>", "</nowiki>"                    code = mwp_parse(text)                    bad_strings = e.response['matches']                    for url in code.filter_external_links():                        if any(s in url for s in bad_strings):                            url.url = url.url.join(nul)                    text = str(code)                    del code          "{}", self.edit(text, summ, minor=True, bot=True))            return        if not archives_touched:            return  # The talk page was not changed, and nothing was archived        # Otherwise, blow up and move on        raise ArchiveError("Nothing happened")class Archiver:    def __init__(self, api: MediaWiki, title: str, tl="User:MiszaBot/config"):        self.config = {'algo': 'old(24h)',                       'archive': '',                       'archiveheader': "{{Talk archive}}",                       'maxarchivesize': '1954K',                       'minthreadsleft': 5,                       'minthreadstoarchive': 2,                       'counter': 1,                       'oldcounter': 1,  # For internal use by the bot                       'key': '',        }        self.api = api = tl        self.archives_touched = frozenset()        self.indexes_in_archives = collections.defaultdict(list) = DiscussionPage(api, title, self)    def generate_config(self):        """Extracts options from the archive template."""        # I literally copied this part from        code = mwp_parse(        sects = iter(code.get_sections()) = str(next(sects))        for section in sects:            if section.get(0).level < 3: break   += str(section)        del sects        code = mwp_parse(  # The template MUST be in the talkhead        try:            template = next(code.ifilter_templates(        except StopIteration:            raise ArchiveError("No talk head")        for p in template.params:            if != "archiveheader":                # Strip html comments from certain parameters                for html_cmt in p.value.filter_comments():                    p.value.remove(html_cmt)            self.config[] = p.value.strip()        arch_string = self.config['archive'].replace("_", " ").strip()        self.config['archive'] = arch_string        try:            # All these config options must be integers            counter_ = str(self.config['counter'])            self.config['counter'] = abs(int(counter_ if counter_.isdecimal() else 1)) or 1            self.config['oldcounter'] = self.config['counter']            self.config['minthreadstoarchive'] = int(self.config['minthreadstoarchive'] or 1)            self.config['minthreadsleft'] = int(self.config['minthreadsleft'] or 1)        except ValueError as e:            print("Could not intify:",            raise ArchiveError(e)    def generate_template(self):        """Return a template with an updated counter"""        # DONTFIXME: Preserve template formatting shit        # This is only called so the params can be extracted.        code = mwp.nodes.Template(        for paramname, val in self.config.items():            code.add(paramname, val)        return code    def archive_threads(self):        """Move the threads from the talk page to the archives."""        def make_params():            return {'counter': self.config['counter'],                    'year': stamp.year,                    'month': stamp.month,                    'monthname': MONTHS[stamp.month],                    'monthnameshort': MONTHS[stamp.month][:3],                    'week': stamp.week,            }        keep_threads = self.config['minthreadsleft']        fmt_str = self.config['archive']        max_arch_size = str2size(self.config['maxarchivesize'])        arched_so_far = 0        archives_to_touch = OrderedDefaultdict(str)        # self.indexes_in_archives already set in __init__        # strftime() to create the keys for archives_to_touch        # Values should be the text to append, text should be matched to        # corresponding key based on where the thread belongs        # Then iterate over .items() and edit the pages        p ="Coal ball")        arch_pages = {p.title: p}  # Caching page titles to avoid API spam        arch_thread_count, arch_size, text = 0, 0, ''  # This shuts up PyCharm        # Archive the oldest threads first, not the highest threads        # that happen to be old        threads_with_indices = enumerate(        threads_with_indices = sorted(threads_with_indices, key=lambda t: t[1]['stamp'])        threads_with_indices = RedoableIterator(threads_with_indices)        for index, thread in threads_with_indices:        #for index, thread in enumerate(            if len( - arched_so_far <= keep_threads:      "Keep at least {} threads on {}", keep_threads,                break            if not thread["oldenough"]:                continue  # Thread is too young to archive            stamp = thread['stamp']  "{} is old enough ({})", thread['header'], stamp)            params = make_params()            subpage = fmt_str % params            if not subpage in arch_pages:                p =                arch_pages[subpage] = p                try:                    text = mwp_parse(p.content)                except exc.NonexistentPageError:                    text = mwp_parse("")                arch_thread_count = len(text.get_sections(levels=[2]))                arch_size = len(text)            else:                p = arch_pages[subpage]            if max_arch_size[1] == "T":                # Size is measured in threads                if arch_thread_count + 1 > max_arch_size[0]:                    logger.fields(measure="T").info("Increment counter")                    self.config['counter'] += 1                    params = make_params()                    if fmt_str % params == subpage:                        # Now we will increment the counter ad SIGINTum                        break                    threads_with_indices.redo()                    continue            elif max_arch_size[1] == "B":                # Size is measured in bytes                if len(thread['header', 'content']) + arch_size > max_arch_size[0]:                    # But if len(thread) > max arch size, we will increment                    # the counter ad SIGINTum                    # Therefore:                    if arch_size == 0:                        # Put it in anyway, and make an archive with 1 thread                        pass                    else:                        logger.fields(measure="B").info("Increment counter")                        self.config['counter'] += 1                        params = make_params()                        if fmt_str % params == subpage:                            # Now we will increment the counter ad SIGINTum                            break                        threads_with_indices.redo()                        continue  "Archive subpage: {}", p.title)            arch_size += len([index])            arched_so_far += 1            arch_thread_count += 1            if archives_to_touch[subpage]\                and not (archives_to_touch[subpage].endswith("\n")                         or[index].startswith("\n")):                archives_to_touch[subpage] += '\n'            archives_to_touch[subpage] += str([index])            self.indexes_in_archives[subpage].append(index)            # Remove this thread from the talk page  [index] = ""        self.archives_touched = frozenset(archives_to_touch)        archives_actually_touched = []        if arched_so_far < self.config['minthreadstoarchive']:            # We might not want to archive a measly few threads            # (lowers edit frequency)            self.archives_touched = frozenset()            if arched_so_far > 0:                # Useful output so we don't leave you hanging on "Archive subpage:"      "Need more threads to archive")            return  # Finished, so raise StopIteration        yield None  # I am such an evil Pythoneer        for title, content in archives_to_touch.items():            page = arch_pages[title]  # Actually implement the caching            arch_thread_count = len(mwp_parse(content).get_sections(levels=[2]))            summ = "Archiving {0} discussion(s) from [[{1}]]) (bot"            summ = summ.format(arch_thread_count,            try:                if page.exists:          "{}", page.append("\n\n" + content, summ, minor=True, bot=True))                else:                    content = self.config['archiveheader'] + "\n\n" + content          "{}", page.create(content, summ, minor=True, bot=True))            except exc.SpamFilterError as e:                if e.code == 'spamblacklist':                    # The only way to override the spam blacklist is to nowiki it                    nul = "<nowiki>", "</nowiki>"                    code = mwp_parse(content)                    bad_strings = e.response['matches']                    for url in code.filter_external_links():                        if any(s in url for s in bad_strings):                            url.url = url.url.join(nul)                    content = str(code)                    del code                    if page.exists:              "{}", page.append("\n\n" + content, summ, minor=True, bot=True))                    else:              "{}", page.create(content, summ, minor=True, bot=True))            logger.fields(p=page.title).info("Actually archived")            archives_actually_touched.append(title)            # If the bot explodes mid-loop, we know which archive pages            # were actually saved            self.archives_touched = frozenset(archives_actually_touched)        yield None  # Finished    def unarchive_threads(self):        """Restore the threads that were not archived to the talk page"""        untouched_archives = self.indexes_in_archives.keys() - self.archives_touched        #                          archives to touch       archives actually touched        if not untouched_archives:            # If we couldn't edit a single archive, restore the whole TP            untouched_archives = self.archives_touched        total_counter_increments = self.config['counter'] - self.config['oldcounter']        for untouched in untouched_archives:            total_counter_increments -= 1            for index in self.indexes_in_archives[untouched]:                # Reconstruct the section from                thread =[index]                text = str(thread['header']) + str(thread['content'])      [index] = text        if 0 < total_counter_increments:            # Suppose we failed the first archive, and didn't increment?            # Thus, we need to see how many times we incremented the counter,            # and decrement it for each archive we didn't actually touch.            # If result le 0, it means we did not increment the counter, but            # we didn't touch some archives.            # Otherwise, we incremented the counter, and also touched some            # archives, and as such, we can do subtraction to find the correct            # counter to restore.            self.config['counter'] -= total_counter_increments    def key_ok(self):        return self.config['key'] == make_key(, self.config.get('archive', ''))    def run(self):        self.generate_config()  # If it fails, abandon page  # Raises an exception if it fails        if not self.config['archive'].startswith( + "/"):            if not self.key_ok():                raise ArchiveSecurityError("Bad key: " + repr(self.config['key']))        time_machine = self.archive_threads()        try:            next(time_machine)  # Prepare the archive pages        except StopIteration:  # Don't archive a measly few threads            return        # Now let's pause execution for a bit  # Assume that we won't fail        # Save the archives last (so that we don't fuck up if we can't edit the TP)        # Bugs won't cause a loss of data thanks to unarchive_threads()        #next(time_machine)  # Continue archiving        # try to deal with blacklists this way?        next(time_machine) unittestclass TestShit(unittest.TestCase):    def setUp(self):        self.config = {'algo': 'old(24h)',                       'archive': '',                       'archiveheader': "{{Talk archive}}",                       'maxarchivesize': '1000M',                       'minthreadsleft': 5,                       'minthreadstoarchive': 2,                       'counter': 1,                       'oldcounter': 1,                       'key': '',        }    def modified_generate_config(self, k):        import urllib.parse        arch_string = self.config['archive'].replace("_", " ").strip()        arch_string = urllib.parse.unquote(arch_string)        self.config['archive'] = arch_string  # Normalise the archive titles        try:            # All these config options must be integers            counter_ = str(self.config['counter'])            self.config['counter'] = int(counter_ if counter_.isdecimal() else 1) or 1            self.config['minthreadstoarchive'] = int(self.config['minthreadstoarchive'] or 1)            self.config['minthreadsleft'] = int(self.config['minthreadsleft'] or 1)        except ValueError:            print("Could not intify:", "<unittest>", self.config)            raise        if k:            return self.config[k]    def test_counter_shit(self):        self.config['counter'] = s = 0        self.assertEqual(1, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = s - 3  # -3        self.assertEqual(1, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = s + 4j  # -3 + 4j        self.assertEqual(1, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = '`'  # Non-number        self.assertEqual(1, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = 'oeutuonoi'  # Non-numbers again        self.assertEqual(1, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = '12345'  # West Arabic numbers        self.assertEqual(12345, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = "१२३४५६७८९०"  # Devanagari numbers        self.assertEqual(1234567890, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))        self.config['counter'] = s = "00000000"        self.assertEqual(1, self.modified_generate_config('counter'))    def test_str2size(self):        def foo(res):            return str2size(res)[0]        s = "200T"        self.assertEqual(200, foo(s))        s = "some random string"        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: foo(s))        s = "some random string with a unit at the endK"        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: foo(s))        s = ""        self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: foo(s))        s = "-423B"        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: foo(s))        s = "14"        self.assertEqual(14, foo(s))        s = "3004M"        self.assertEqual(3004 * 1024 * 1024, foo(s))        s = "444S"        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: foo(s))        s = "१२३४५६७८९०"        self.assertEqual(1234567890, foo(s))        s = "١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠"  # East Arabic        self.assertEqual(1234567890, foo(s))        s = "۹"  # Perso-Arabic        self.assertEqual(9, foo(s))        s = "0"        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: foo(s))        s = "00000000K"        self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: foo(s))    def test_str2time(self):        s = "12d"        self.assertEqual(12 * 24 * 60 * 60, str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = "33"        self.assertEqual(33, str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = "some random string"        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = ""        self.assertRaises(IndexError, lambda: str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = "१२३४५६७८९०"        self.assertEqual(1234567890, str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = "-10"  # get instant archiving by setting algo to 0 or under        self.assertEqual(-10, str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = "-10h"        self.assertEqual(-10 * 60 * 60, str2time(s).total_seconds())        s = "34j"        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: str2time(s).total_seconds())if __name__ == "__main__":    #unittest.main(verbosity=2)    import itertools    def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):        """Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"""        # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx"        # Stolen from        args = [iter(iterable)] * n        return itertools.zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue)    def page_gen_dec(ns):        def decorator(func):            # You're lucky I didn't nest this a second time            real_dec = lambda *pages: (":".join([ns, shit]) for shit in func(*pages))            return real_dec        return decorator    generic_func = lambda *pgs: pgs    ut = page_gen_dec("User talk")(generic_func)    t = page_gen_dec("Talk")(generic_func)    wp = page_gen_dec("Wiki")(generic_func)    wt = page_gen_dec("Wikipedia talk")(generic_func)    twiggy_setup()    api = MediaWiki(API_URL, config={"retries": 9, "sleep": 9, "maxlag": 9, "throttle": 0.5})    api.login(*LOGIN_INFO)    #api.login("throwaway", "aoeui")    #api.login("my password is literally just password", "password")    api.set_token("edit")    shutoff_page =    victims = itertools.chain((x['title'] for x in api.iterator(list='embeddedin',                                                                eititle=ARCHIVE_TPL,                                                                #einamespace=[3,4],                                                                #eititle="Template:Experimental archiving",                                                                eilimit=500)),                              # wp("Administrators' noticeboard/Edit warring",                              #    "Requests for undeletion",                              # ),                              # t("RuneScape",                              #   "Main Page",                              # ),                              # wt("Did you know",                              #    "Twinkle",                              # ),    )    if len(sys.argv) > 1:        victims = sys.argv[1:]    for subvictims in grouper(victims, FREQ, None):        subvictims = RedoableIterator(subvictims)        # To not spam the API, only check the shutoff page every $FREQ archives.        try:            shutoff_page.load_attributes()        except exc.ApiError:            # We'll survive another $FREQ pages            pass        if shutoff_page.content.lower() != "true":  "Check the shutoff page, exiting.")            break        api.set_token("edit")        for victim in subvictims:            if victim is None:                # TODO: Convert this part into iter(func, sentinel=None)                break            bot = Archiver(api, victim)            try:                logger.fields(p=victim).info("Beginning to work")                  except Exception as e:                crap = e                logger.fields(p=victim).trace().error("Try to unarchive")                if isinstance(e, ArchiveError):                    continue                elif isinstance(e, exc.ApiError):                    time.sleep(5)                    subvictims.redo()                    continue                try:                    bot.unarchive_threads()                except:                    logger.fields(p=victim).trace().critical("Failed to unarchive")                    continue            else:                logger.fields(p=victim).info("Done")