User:Ato/Turkish flag metapost source

The Metapost source file used in creating Turkish flag image. I am the author and I release this under terms of GPL version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. at0 06:14, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)

verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mflogo}\begin{document} etexbeginfig(1);u=12cm;path tbn, uck, dcm, icm, ycm, yild;%ust discember, alt discemberpath udc, adc;numeric n;%ust kesisim, alt kesisim, yildiz cemberi merkezpair uks, aks, ycmmer;%yildizin uclari ve koseleri;pair yiluc[], ykos[];tbn=(0,0)--(3/2u,0)--(3/2u,1u)--(0,1u)--cycle;uck=(0,0)--(1/30u,0)--(1/30u,1u)--(0,1u)--cycle;dcm=fullcircle scaled 1/2u shifted (1/30u+1/2u,1/2u);icm=fullcircle scaled 0.4u shifted (1/30u+1/2u+0.0625u,1/2u);udc=subpath(0, arctime (arclength(dcm)/2) of dcm) of dcm;adc=subpath(arctime (arclength(dcm)/2) of dcm, arctime arclength(dcm) of dcm) of dcm;uks = udc intersectionpoint icm;aks = adc intersectionpoint icm;ycmmer = (uks+aks)/2+(1/8u,0);ycm = fullcircle scaled 1/4u shifted ycmmer;yiluc[1] = (uks+aks)/2;yiluc[2] = ((yiluc[1] shifted -ycmmer) rotated (1*360/5)) shifted ycmmer;yiluc[3] = ((yiluc[2] shifted -ycmmer) rotated (1*360/5)) shifted ycmmer;yiluc[4] = ((yiluc[3] shifted -ycmmer) rotated (1*360/5)) shifted ycmmer;yiluc[5] = ((yiluc[4] shifted -ycmmer) rotated (1*360/5)) shifted ycmmer;ykos[1] = (yiluc[1]..yiluc[3]) intersectionpoint (yiluc[2]..yiluc[5]);ykos[2] = (yiluc[2]..yiluc[4]) intersectionpoint (yiluc[3]..yiluc[1]);ykos[3] = (yiluc[3]..yiluc[5]) intersectionpoint (yiluc[4]..yiluc[2]);ykos[4] = (yiluc[4]..yiluc[1]) intersectionpoint (yiluc[5]..yiluc[3]);ykos[5] = (yiluc[5]..yiluc[2]) intersectionpoint (yiluc[1]..yiluc[4]);yild = yiluc[1]--ykos[1]--yiluc[2]--ykos[2]--yiluc[3]--ykos[3]--yiluc[4]--ykos[4]--yiluc[5]--ykos[5]--cycle;draw uck withcolor (0,0,0) withpen pencircle;fill tbn withcolor (0.89,0.04,0.09);fill uck withcolor (1,1,1);fill dcm withcolor (1,1,1);fill icm withcolor (0.89,0.04,0.09);fill yild withcolor (1,1,1);endfig;end;