Seidel's sign (also called Seidel's scotoma) is a sickle-shaped scotoma that is a superior or inferior extension of the blind spot. It occurs in some patients with glaucoma.[1]

Seidel sign
A visual description of the sites of different types of scotomas on the retina.Seidels sign is marked with orange
Differential diagnosisglaucoma



In 1914, German ophthalmologist Erich Seidel first described the glaucomatous visual field defect, Seidel's scotoma.[2]


  1. ^ HARRINGTON DO (1964). "The Bjerrum Scotoma". Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 62: 324–48. PMC 1310164. PMID 14269898.
  2. ^ "Overall topographic frequency of glaucoma defects. In memory of Erich Seidel (1882–1948)".