List of books about polyhedra

This is a list of books about polyhedra.

Polyhedral models


Cut-out kits

  • Jenkins, Gerald; Bear, Magdalen (1998). Paper Polyhedra in Colour. Tarquin. ISBN 1-899618-23-6. Advanced Polyhedra 1: The Final Stellation, ISBN 1-899618-61-9. Advanced Polyhedra 2: The Sixth Stellation, ISBN 1-899618-62-7. Advanced Polyhedra 3: The Compound of Five Cubes, ISBN 978-1-899618-63-7.[1]
  • Jenkins, Gerald; Wild, Anne (2000). Mathematical Curiosities. Tarquin. ISBN 1-899618-35-X. More Mathematical Curiosities, Tarquin, ISBN 1-899618-36-8. Make Shapes 1, ISBN 0-906212-00-6. Make Shapes 2, ISBN 0-906212-01-4.
  • Smith, A. G. (1986). Cut and Assemble 3-D Geometrical Shapes: 10 Models in Full Color. Dover. Cut and Assemble 3-D Star Shapes, 1997. Easy-To-Make 3D Shapes in Full Color, 2000.
  • Torrence, Eve (2011). Cut and Assemble Icosahedra: Twelve Models in White and Color. Dover.



Other model-making


Mathematical studies


Introductory level and general audience

  • Akiyama, Jin; Matsunaga, Kiyoko (2015). Treks into Intuitive Geometry: The World of Polygons and Polyhedra. Springer.[14]
  • Alsina, Claudi (2017). The Thousand Faces of Geometric Beauty: The Polyhedra. Our Mathematical World. Vol. 23. National Geographic. ISBN 978-84-473-8929-2.
  • Britton, Jill (2001). Polyhedra Pastimes. Dale Seymour Publishing. ISBN 0-7690-2782-2.[15]
  • Cromwell, Peter R. (1997). Polyhedra. Cambridge University Press.[16]
  • Fetter, Ann E. (1991). The Platonic Solids Activity Book. Key Curriculum Press.[17]
  • Holden, Alan (1971). Shapes, Space and Symmetry. Dover, 1991.[18]
  • le Masne, Roger (2013). Les polyèdres, ou la beauté des mathématiques (in French) (4th ed.). Self-published.[19]
  • Miyazaki, Koji (1983). Katachi to kūkan: Tajigen sekai no kiseki (in Japanese). Wiley. Translated into English as An Adventure in Multidimensional Space: The Art and Geometry of Polygons, Polyhedra, and Polytopes, Wiley, 1986, and into German as Polyeder und Kosmos: Spuren einer mehrdimensionalen Welt, Vieweg, 1987.[20]
  • Pearce, Peter; Pearce, Susan (1979). Polyhedra Primer. Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 978-0-442-26496-3.[21]
  • Pugh, Anthony (1976). Polyhedra: A Visual Approach. University of California Press.[22]
  • Radin, Dan (2008). The Platonic Solids Book. Self-published.[23]
  • Sutton, Daud (2002). Platonic & Archimedean Solids: The Geometry of Space. Wooden Books. ISBN 978-0802713865.[24]



Monographs and special topics


Edited volumes

  • Avis, David; Bremner, David; Deza, Antoine, eds. (2009). Polyhedral Computation. CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes. Vol. 48. American Mathematical Society.
  • Gabriel, Jean-François, ed. (1997). Beyond the Cube: The Architecture of Space Frames and Polyhedra. Wiley.[50]
  • Kalai, Gil; Ziegler, Günter M., eds. (2012). Polytopes - Combinatorics and Computation. DMV Seminar. Vol. 29. Springer.
  • Senechal, Marjorie; Fleck, G., eds. (1988). Shaping Space: A Polyhedral Approach. Birkhauser. ISBN 0-8176-3351-0. 2nd ed., Shaping Space: Exploring Polyhedra in Nature, Art, and the Geometrical Imagination, Springer, 2013.[51]



Early works


Listed in chronological order, and including some works shorter than book length:

Books about historical topics

  • Andrews, Noam (2022). The Polyhedrists: Art and Geometry in the Long Sixteenth Century. MIT Press.[56]
  • Davis, Margaret Daly (1977). Piero della Francesca's Mathematical Treatises: The "Trattato d'abaco" and "Libellus de quinque corporibus regularibus". Longo.[57]
  • Dézarnaud-Dandine, Christine; Sevin, Alain (2009). Histoire des polyèdres: Quand la nature est géomètre (in French). Vuibert.
  • Federico, Pasquale Joseph (1984). Descartes on Polyhedra: A Study of the "De solidorum elementis". Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Vol. 4. Springer.[58]
  • Richeson, D. S. (2008). Euler's Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Topology. Princeton University Press.[59]
  • Sanders, Philip Morris (1990). The Regular Polyhedra in Renaissance Science and Philosophy. Warburg Institute, University of London.
  • Wade, David (2012). Fantastic Geometry: Polyhedra and the Artistic Imagination in the Renaissance. Squeeze Press.[60]

