مستخدم:Dr-Taher/قائمة أسوء حوادث التدافع

هذه قائمة بأسوء حوادث التدافع. العديد من هذه الحوادث مدرجة أيضًا في قائمة الحوادث والكوارث حسب عدد القتلى (قائمة الحوادث والكوارث حسب عدد القتلى). (غالبًا ما يساء استخدام مصطلح " التدافع stampede" في وسائل الإعلام الشعبية لأنه يشير تحديدًا إلى الهروب المذعور من الخطر. كانت معظم هذه الأحداث هي حوادث تزاحم ناجمة عن سوء إدارة الأحداث.[1]). وقعت أسوأ حوادث التدافع في العصر الحديث في المملكة العربية السعودية خلال موسم الحج، حيث أودت حادثة نفق منى عام 1990 بحياة 1426 شخصًا، وتسبب تدافع منى 2015 في مقتل 2400 شخص.[1]

القرن الثامن عشر عدل

تقدير عدد الوفياتالتاريخالاسمالدولةالمكانالوصف
24511 أكتوبر
تدافع على جسر Guillotière  فرنساليون ، فرنساحوصر حشد كبير عائد من مهرجان على الجانب الآخر من نهر الرون أمام عائق في منتصف الجسر ناجم عن تصادم بين عربتين.[2]
13330 مايو
بلا اسم  فرنساميدان الكونكورد (الآن)،
عندما اشتعلت النيران في عرض للألعاب النارية في احتفال بزفاف لويس السادس عشر وماري أنطوانيت ، مما أدى إلى اشتعال النيران في تماثيل الأزياء وغيرها من الزخارف، حيث مات الكثيرون دهسًا بينما غرق آخرون في نهر السين المجاور. قدّر بعض المؤرخين أن إجمالي عدد القتلى وصل إلى 3000. [3]

القرن التاسع عشر عدل

تقدير عدد الوفياتالتاريخالاسمالدولةالمكانالوصف
27–34 +23 فبراير
1807 كارثة نيوجيت  المملكة المتحدة
المملكة المتحدة
سجن نيوجيت،
مات عشرات المتفرجين دهسًا، عندما اندفع جزء من حشد قوامه نحو 40 ألف متفرج كانوا يشاهدوا الإعدام بعد انهيار عربة خشبية.
11012 فبراير
مأساة الكرنفال
عام 1823

فاليتاتوفي حوالي 110 فتى دهسًا أثناء محاولتهم مغادرة دير مينوري أوسرفانتي خلال احتفالات الكرنفال. [4]
6519 فبراير
كارثة المسرح الملكي
المملكة المتحدة
حدث التدافع في المسرح الملكي ، في شارع دنلوب ، عندما هُرع الجمهور للهروب من المبنى بعد اندلاع حريق.
4320 نوفمبر
كارثة مدرسة وارد
الولايات المتحدة
مدينة نيويوركاختنق الطلاب بعد انهيار درابزين الدرج أثناء فرارهم من حريق، مما تسبب في تكدسهم في أسفل الدرج. [5]
2016 يناير
بدون اسم
المملكة المتحدة
دندي ،
حدث دهس أثناء الدخول إلى قاعة شارع بيل. كان المدخل الرئيس لقاعة الموسيقى به درج لأسفل ومجموعة من بوابات الفتح الداخلية. عندما فُتحت البوابات ، دفعت قوة الحشد أولئك الموجودين في المقدمة إلى أسفل الدرج ، مما تسبب في تراكم أدى في النهاية إلى مقتل 20 شخصًا ، تراوحت أعمار ثلاثة أرباعهم بين 12 و18 عامًا. [6] [7]
1910 أكتوبر
بدون اسم
(الآن في بولندا )
قُتل 19 امرأة وطفلاً في حشد من الناس، بعد انهيار درج في كنيس خلال صيام يوم الغفران. أدى انطفاء إضاءة الغاز إلى إغراق شرفة كنيس يهودي (على ما يبدو معرض النساء) في الظلام ، مما تسبب في حالة من الذعر بين النساء. [8]
2785 ديسمبر
حريق مسرح بروكلين
الولايات المتحدة
بروكلين ،
أدى تكسُر سلالم صالة العرض والشرفة أثناء الحريق إلى تأخير إخلاء المبنى ، وهو عامل مساهم في ارتفاع عدد الوفيات. [9]
1230 مايو
بدون اسم
الولايات المتحدة
مدينة نيويوركأصيب العشرات بعد أن تعثرت امرأة على درج جسر بروكلين ، الذي كان مفتوحًا لمدة ثمانية أيام في ذلك الوقت. وتفاقم التدافع بسبب مخاوف من أن الجسر على وشك الانهيار. [10]
18316 يونيو
كارثة صالة فيكتوريا
المملكة المتحدة
دُهس 183 طفلاً تتراوح أعمارهم بين 3 و14 عامًا عندما اندفع أكثر من 1100 طفل إلى أسفل درج مسدود لجمع الهدايا من الفنانين بعد نهاية أحد العروض.
4014 أكتوبر
بدون اسم
زيونكا ، بودوليا
(الآن في أوكرانيا )
تسببت طلقات نار كاذبة في صالة النساء في الكنيس في اندلاع زحام واندفاع الناس نحو المخرج. [11]
1835 سبتمبر
مسرح إكستر رويال فاير
المملكة المتحدة
إكستر ،
حالات الوفاة بسبب عدم كفاية مخارج الهروب من الحريق. [12]
1،38918 مايو
مأساة خودينكا
حقل خودينكا،
دُهس الراغبون في الحصول على الهدايا أثناء تتويج القيصر نيكولاس الثاني - وجرح 1300 آخرين.

القرن العشرين عدل

تقدير عدد الوفياتالتاريخالاسمالدولةالمكانالوصف
11519 سبتمبر
حادثة كنيسة Shiloh Baptist Church
الولايات المتحدة
برمنغهامحدث تدافع بعد انطلاق كاذب لجرس إنذار الحريق أثناء بوكر تي واشنطن.
60230 ديسمبر
حريق مسرح Iroquois
الولايات المتحدة
شيكاغوحدثت أغلب الوفيات بسبب الاختناق أثناء محاولة الهرب.
1611 يناير
كارثة صالة Barnsley
المملكة المتحدة
بارنسليكان الطفال يحاولون مشاهدة عرض، وحدث تزاحم على الدرج بعدما اكتظت الصالة، وادى إلى وفاة 16 طفلًا.
1754 مارس
حريق مدرسة Collinwood Collinwood، أوهايوOne rescue worker, two teachers, and 172 children between the ages of five and fifteen were killed. Most of the children were killed in a stairwell when some were trying to escape down the stairs while others, who had found escape impossible that way, were trying to flee up the stairs.
7324 ديسمبر
Italian Hall disaster United StatesCalumet, MichiganThe event is considered the source for the often-cited legal limit of protected speech, i.e., that one may not falsely shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
60–7011 مارس
Bolivar crowd crush [bousculade du 11 mars 1918 à la station bolivar] France, ParisFollowing a bomb attack during World War I, Parisians tried to enter the Bolivar metro station, but the gates down the stairs only opened to the outside. The first rows of the crowd were crushed or suffocated by those behind them.[13][14]
7131 ديسمبر
Glen Cinema disaster United KingdomPaisley, ScotlandCaused by a smoking film canister. The resulting panic and crush initially killed 69 children and injured 40; two others later succumbed.
768 يناير
Kyoto Railroad Station tragedy JapanKyotoA crowd of about 10,000 saying farewell to 750 recruits of the Imperial Japanese Navy collapsed at the bottom of a stairway from a viaduct leading over the tracks down to the platform. The number far exceeded the station's capacity.[15]
4615 يونيو
Chongqing tunnel massacre [重庆隧道惨案] ChinaChongqingThousands rushed to the Shiba Ti Tunnel bomb shelter during the Japanese Bombing of Chongqing in the Second Sino-Japanese War and were locked from the outside. Crowding and lack of oxygen caused a stampede to get out, crushing many.[16]
35423 أكتوبر
Unnamed ItalyGenoaCrowd crush during an attack by the RAF Bomber Command in World War II as they made their way into Galleria delle Grazie, a railway tunnel used as an air-raid shelter. Rushing down the 150 steps leading underground into the shelter, people fell on top of one another.
1733 مارس
Bethnal Green tube station disaster United KingdomLondonPeople were entering the station during an air-raid alert during World War II, and a woman holding a child lost her footing and fell down the stairs, leading to the crowd falling around her in a crush.
1686 يوليو
Hartford circus fire United StatesHartford, ConnecticutA fire broke out at a performance of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus. Many died after being trampled by other spectators, with some asphyxiating underneath the piles of people who fell over each other. Most of the dead were found in piles, some three bodies deep, at the most congested exits. A small number of people were found alive at the bottoms of these piles, protected by the bodies on top of them when the burning big top ultimately fell down.
339 مارس
Burnden Park disaster United KingdomBolton, EnglandAt an FA Cup Quarter-final between Bolton Wanderers and Stoke City, the collapse of two crash barriers in an overcrowded stand led to the crowd falling forward upon each other.
539 أبريل
Santa Teresa Church tragedy [tragedia en la iglesia de santa teresa] VenezuelaCaracasOccurred when someone shouted "Fire!" in the Basilica of St. Teresa. 40 people were arrested in connection with the crush.[17][18] Two men who were arrested on the day of the crush were released. The panic started when an elderly devotee brushed against the veil which was holding candles in the head, making a small fire that alarmed those responsible for the panic.[19]
1099 مارس
Stalin funeral crush Soviet UnionMoscowA crush in Trubnaya Square during the state funeral of Joseph Stalin.[20]
500–8003 فبراير
1954 Prayag Kumbh Mela stampede IndiaAllahabadA surging crowd broke through the barriers separating them from a procession of sadhus and holy men of various akharas, resulting in a crush.
1241 يناير
Unnamed JapanYahiko, NiigataNew Year panic and crush at the Yahiko Shinto shrine.[21]
6717 يونيو
Busan Stadium crush South KoreaBusanHeavy rain forced spectators to rush towards the upper sections of the municipal stadium, leading to the crush.
3126 يناير
Seoul Station crush South KoreaSeoulOccurred two days before the Lunar New Year when many people were returning to their hometowns. About 3,900 people, more than three times the average crowd, flocked to the ticket gate, where 200 tickets were sold for a train with a capacity of 80 people.[22]
32824 مايو
Estadio Nacional disaster PeruLimaIn the worst disaster in association football history, fans disputing a referee's decision during a match between Peru and Argentina began a pitch invasion and police fired tear gas canisters into one of the grandstands to prevent more fans from invading the field, causing panic so that departing spectators moved down the enclosed stairways, pressing those in the lead against solid corrugated steel shutters at the bottom of tunnels, which were closed. The shutters finally burst outward from pressure of the crush of bodies inside. All of those that died were killed in the jammed stairwells, most from internal haemorrhaging by crushing pressure, or by asphyxia. An additional 500 people were injured, many critically.[23]
7123 يونيو
Puerta 12 Tragedy ArgentinaBuenos AiresFans were caught in a crush at the bottom of the stairs leaving through Gate 12 (Puerta 12 in Spanish) of El Monumental Stadium after a derby between River Plate and Boca Juniors. The exact cause for this crush is not certain, though rival fans might have been throwing burning paper, causing a panic. Other accounts say that the gate was closed, either by police or by other fans, intentionally or unintentionally. Still others argue that it was a simple matter of too many fans going through a gate that was narrower than the staircase leading to it. The disaster remains the deadliest sports-related event in Argentine history.
662 يناير
1971 Ibrox disaster United KingdomGlasgowStairway barriers collapsed after someone fell as fans were leaving the Ibrox Stadium following a match between Rangers and Celtic, leading to a crush. The tragedy included many children who died, and most of the deaths were caused by compressive asphyxia, with bodies being stacked up to six feet deep in the area. More than 200 others were injured.
113 ديسمبر
The Who concert disaster United StatesCincinnati, OhioCrush at a concert by The Who at the Riverfront Coliseum. The incident led to a reduced use of festival seating at U.S. venues.
79 يوليو
Unnamed BrazilFortaleza, CearáOn the 10th day of Pope John Paul II's visit to Brazil, in an effort to get good seats, the crowd at the Castelao Stadium broke down an unguarded gate and trampled those killed in the rush.[24][25]
218 فبراير
Karaiskakis Stadium disaster GreecePiraeusWhile some fans were exiting the stadium after a match between Olympiacos and AEK Athens, some lost their balance and fell on the last steps; soon dozens fell onto each other and were stepped over by a horde of unsuspecting fans who kept coming. 19 people died at the scene, while two more died of their wounds in hospital. At least 55 were wounded.
6620 أكتوبر
Luzhniki disaster Soviet UnionMoscowA crush began at a UEFA Cup match between FC Spartak Moscow and HFC Haarlem at Luzhniki Stadium after a person fell and a dense moving crowd, their direction limited by metal banisters, pushed over the fallen, crushing them. Others stumbled over the bodies in a domino effect creating a large chain-reaction pile-up of people.[26]
3929 مايو
Heysel Stadium disaster BelgiumBrusselsA crush occurred by a collapsing wall when fans escaping a confrontation between competing fan groups were pressed against it in the stadium before the start of the 1985 European Cup Final between Liverpool and Juventus. 600 were injured, and the disaster was later described as "the darkest hour in the history of the UEFA competitions".
2826 ديسمبر
Unnamed ChinaShanyang County, Shaanxi ProvinceAt around 7 a.m., children rushed out of their classrooms at Chengguan Primary School after a bell called all pupils to attend a weekly school assembly on the sports field. One metal door at one end of the building was locked, causing the children from all 18 classes to rush down an unlighted stairwell to the only other exit, and some in the front fell over.
9313 مارس
Kathmandu Stadium disaster NepalKathmanduFootball fans at Dasarath Rangasala Stadium attending a Tribhuvan Challenge Shield match between Janakpur Cigarette Factory and Bangladeshi side Liberation Army surged towards the only cover during a hailstorm. The crowd was beaten back by police, but when they returned to the south terrace, a crush developed in a tunnel exit through the terrace and could not escape because the stadium doors were locked, causing a fatal crush at the front of the crowd. 100 more were injured.
220 أغسطس
Unnamed United KingdomLeicestershire, EnglandFans died during a Guns N' Roses concert at a Monsters of Rock festival at Donington Park where they were crushed to death after a 50-person crowd collapse following a surge, 15 yards from the stage. Rolling Stone reported the band members said they stopped playing several times to try to calm fans. Upon exiting the stage, Axl Rose shouted to fans to have a good day and "... don't kill yourselves," but was unaware of the deaths at the time.[27] The head of concert security, present at the scene, wrote a presentation paper about the event for a seminar on mass crowd events.[28]
9715 أبريل
كارثة هيلزبرة United KingdomشفيلدIn one of the world's worst football disasters, 766 people others were injured at Hillsborough Stadium during an FA Cup match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. The intensity of the crush broke the barriers on the terraces, while those trapped were packed so tightly in the pens that many victims died of compressive asphyxia while still standing. The 1990 official inquiry concluded that the primary cause was the failure of police control, as too many people were let into the stadium. A 2012 reinvestigation concluded that crowd safety was compromised at every level by lack of police control.
86 يونيو
وفاة وجنازة روح الله الخميني إيرانطهرانCrush as millions flocked to the coffin of Ayatollah Khomeini as it was being moved through downtown Tehran, forcing the military to transport the body to Behesht-e Zahra cemetery using a helicopter.
1,4262 يوليو
حادثة منى 1990 السعوديةمنى، مكةA blockage at an exit of a pedestrian tunnel (Al-Ma'aisim tunnel) leading out from Mecca towards Mina and the Plains of Arafat led to deaths by suffocation of many religious pilgrims while they were traveling to perform the Stoning of the Devil ritual during the Hajj.
4013 يناير
Orkney Stadium Disaster جنوب إفريقياأوروكنيCrush at a football match between Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates attended by about 30,000 fans in a stadium with a capacity for 23,000. When brawls broke out, people panicked, and trying to escape, were crushed against riot-control fences in the melee.
324 يناير
أيه سي/دي سي United StatesSalt Lake CityCrush at an AC/DC concert attended by 13,294 fans at the Salt Palace, with 4,400 of those had "festival style seating".[29] Two 14-year-old boys and a 19-year-old woman were crushed to death as the crowd surged toward the stage as the band played "Thunderstruck".[30]
4213 فبراير
Unnamed MexicoChalma sanctuary, Mexico StateAn additional 55 religious pilgrims were injured after being overwhelmed by a crowd trying to enter the atrium of the sanctuary church to receive the divine signal from the ashes. The crowd pushed on for access to the atrium, with most of the dead and injured being trampled.[31]
10524 سبتمبر
1991 Taiyuan Illumination show crush [1991年太原踩踏事件] ChinaJikong Bridge, Taiyuan, Shanxi ProvinceLarge crowds of unknown size arrived in Yingze Park to see lanterns at a light festival. Crowds moving in opposite directions were crossing a poorly lit bridge. Some fell into the water and were drowned; others were killed in the crowd collapse and crush on the west side of the bridge. In all, 105 people were killed and 108 more were injured.[32]
928 ديسمبر
Unnamed United StatesNew York CityAt an oversold charity basketball game featuring rap stars, 29 others were injured while entering an overcrowded gymnasium while funneling through a small stairwell area at the City College of New York.[33]
211 يناير
Lan Kwai Fong Tragedy Hong KongLan Kwai Fong67 others injured as a crowd of 15,000 to 20,000 revelers celebrated New Year's Eve in the city's nightclub district, controlled by 118 police officers. The victims were mostly teenagers and young people in their 20s. The Independent reported witnesses as saying it was impossible to distinguish between the yelps of the partying crowd and the victims' agonized screams.[34][35][36]
27023 مايو
حادثة منى 1994 السعوديةجسر الجمرات، مكةHajj pilgrims were killed and injured during a crowd crush at the Stoning of the Devil ritual.
11323 نوفمبر
1994 Gowari stampede IndiaNagpur, MaharashtraGowari people in a political protest, mostly women and children, perished in a crush triggered by cane-wielding police who attempted to prevent the estimated crowd of 40,000 from pressing towards the Vidan Bhavan. 500 others were injured.
318 يوليو
Arad Festival disaster عرادIn a music festival a large crowd was pushed against a gate, causing it to collapse, killing two people instantly and injuring another who later died of her injuries.[37]
8316 أكتوبر
16 October disaster GuatemalaGuatemala City147 others were injured on the steep stairway of Estadio Mateo Flores prior to a World Cup qualifying match between Guatemala and Costa Rica. The crowd was estimated at 50,000 in the stadium designed to seat 37,500.
1189 أبريل
Unnamed Saudi ArabiaMeccaHajj pilgrims were trampled to death, 180 more injured in an incident on the Jamarat Bridge.[38]
5314 يناير
1999 Sabarimala stampede IndiaSabarimala shrine, KeralaWhen a landslide caused a cave-in during a Hindu pilgrimage on the day of Makara Jyothi, panic ensued and 200,000 male devotees panicked as the hill upon which they stood collapsed into the temple. The BBC reported that "Some of the dead were buried in the collapse, but most died in a stampede to avoid the landslide."[39]
5330 مايو
Nyamiha stampede BelarusMinskA sudden thunderstorm caused a number of young people to race for nearby shelter during an open-air concert. The crowd was funneled toward the underpass of the Nyamiha metro station and many were killed when they started slipping on the wet pavement, falling and trampling each other.
64 ديسمبر
"Air & Style" crowd crush AustriaInnsbruck"Severe crowd accumulation" at one exit of Bergisel Stadium went unnoticed. Darkness, a steep slope and a slippery surface were contributing factors, but "panic did not occur at any time." Four others were left in a vegetative state, and 38 were injured.[40]

القرن الحادي والعشرين عدل

عقد 2000 عدل

تقدير عدد الوفياتالتاريخالاسمالدولةالمكانالوصف

عقد 2010 عدل

تقدير عدد الوفياتالتاريخالاسمالدولةالمكانالوصف

عقد 2020 عدل

تقدير عدد الوفياتالتاريخالاسمالدولةالمكانالوصف

مراجع عدل

  1. ^ أ ب Benedictus، Leo (3 أكتوبر 2015). "Hajj crush: how crowd disasters happen, and how they can be avoided". The Guardian. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2019-07-02. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-10-04.
  2. ^ De Saint-Fargeau، Eusèbe Girault (1844). Didot، Firmin (المحرر). Dictionnaire géographique, historique, industriel et commercial de toutes les communes de la France et de plus de 20000 hameaux. ص. 440.
  3. ^ Guy-Ryan، Jessie (4 يوليو 2016). "Inside the World's Deadliest Fireworks Accident". Atlas Obscura.
  4. ^ Vella، Fiona (3 فبراير 2016). "To die for a piece of bread". Times of Malta. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2016-07-19.
  5. ^ . ص. 59–66. {{استشهاد بمنشورات مؤتمر}}: الوسيط |title= غير موجود أو فارغ (مساعدة)
  6. ^ "Frightful Accident at Dundee – 20 Persons Killed". South Australian Register. ع. Vol. XXIX – No. 5732. 15 مارس 1865. ص. 3. {{استشهاد بخبر}}: |issue= يحتوي على نص زائد (مساعدة)
  7. ^ King، Brian (2011). Undiscovered Dundee. Black & White Publishing. ISBN:978-1845028466.
  8. ^ E.Janiszewska, Synagoga w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim-studium architektury [in:] Studia Iudaica Ostroviensia-Ostrowskie Studia Judaistyczne, vol. 1, ed. J. Biernaczyk, W. Suszycki, Ostrów Wielkopolski 2007, pp. 185–202.
  9. ^ 'The Class of People who Go To The Gallery' "Special Report of the Fire Marshall" in Papers Relating to the Burning Down of the Brooklyn Theatre British House of Commons London: 1877. p. 15
  10. ^ Dead On The New Bridge – Fatal Crush At The Western Approach. – Front Page – Nytimes.Com. New York Times (2 January 2011). Retrieved 2011-01-19.
  11. ^ "Forty women killed in panic". The Aberystwith Observer. David Jenkins. 20 أكتوبر 1883.
  12. ^ Gillian، Don (2010). "The Fire at the Theatre Royal, Exeter". Stage Beauty.
  13. ^ Robert, Jean. Notre métro (بالفرنسية).
  14. ^ Mignard، André.؛ Jansoone، Didier (2017). L'histoire du métro parisien. Paris: First éditions. ISBN:978-2412017067. OCLC:989736491.
  15. ^ AP (9 يناير 1934). "76 Japanese Die in Panic". Volume 54. The Cornell Daily Sun. ع. 76. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-11-09.
  16. ^ "重庆防空洞惨案始末". krzzjn.com (بالصينية). 11 Jun 2022. Retrieved 2022-10-31.
  17. ^ "53 Killed In Church Panic". 12 أبريل 1952. ص. 3. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2017-11-21.
  18. ^ "40 Arrests in Sequel to Deaths". 15 أبريل 1952. ص. 6. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2017-11-21.
  19. ^ "Terror en Semana Santa". Crónicas del Tánatos (بالإسبانية الأوروبية). 16 Apr 2011. Retrieved 2017-07-13.
  20. ^ Khlevniuk، Oleg (2017). Stalin: New Biography of a Dictator. Yale University Press. ISBN:978-0300219784.
  21. ^ "Japanese Gather To Mourn Worshippers Killed At Shrine". Lubbock Morning Avalanche. Associated Press. 2 يناير 1956. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2020-09-13.
  22. ^ "慘! 서울驛構內서集團壓死". The Dong-a Ilbo. 27 يناير 1960. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2022-10-30.
  23. ^ Edwards، Piers (23 مايو 2014). "Lima 1964: The world's worst stadium disaster". BBC News. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2015-09-25.
  24. ^ Krause، Charles A. "3 Killed as Crowd Rushes to See Pope". The Washington Post. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2020-02-01.
  25. ^ Redmont، Dennis (9 يوليو 1980). "3 Papal Pilgrims Killed in Stampede". Associated Press.
  26. ^ Зайкин, В. (20 July 1989).Трагедия в Лужниках. Факты и вымысел نسخة محفوظة 15 September 2018 على موقع واي باك مشين., Известия (in Russian), 202, 24 September 1991. Retrieved 2012-02-06.
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