I am "Tedgrant" but my email address is [email protected] because the name "tedgrant" was already taken by a more famous Ted Grant.My real name is Edward Grant and I've been forced to call myself Edward Grant II in order to avoid confusion with the famous Ted Grant.My only claims to fame are YouTube videos, regular comments on other user's videos, especially promoting Atheism and popular scienceand small edits of some Wikipedia entries. I am a retired IT project manager, regular PC gamer, enthusiastic piano student and gardener.I find the natural world fascinating even though I don't know what the word "natural" means. I live in sunny Wales with my wife. I have two sons and a grand daughter (living elsewhere).I actually have changed the world: cereal boxes used to have an instruction on the top suggesting you should stick your finger under theflap and slide to open the box. I cut my finger on one occasion and wrote to the supermarket about it. They apologized and removed theinstruction on their own brands very soon and warned all their other suppliers to remove their instructions. This has gradually spreadto other supermarkets so most brands found in Wales no longer suggest sticking your finger under the flap. Result !