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/* jshint asi: true *//* global mw, $, CiteTB, citeTemplate, citeErrorCheck */if ( window.CiteTB === undefined ) {  window.CiteTB = {    "Templates" : {}, // All templates    "Options" : {}, // Global options    "UserOptions" : {}, // User options    "DefaultOptions" : {}, // Script defaults    "ErrorChecks" : {} // Error check functions  };}if (typeof mw.usability == 'undefined') {  mw.usability = {};  mw.usability.getMsg = function(m) { return mw.messages.get(m); }  mw.usability.addMessages = function(msgs) { mw.messages.set(msgs); };}// Object for cite templateswindow.citeTemplate = function (templatename, shortform, basicfields, expandedfields) {  // Properties  this.templatename = templatename; // The template name - "cite web", "cite book", etc.  this.shortform = shortform; // A short form, used for the dropdown box  this.basic = basicfields; // Basic fields - author, title, publisher...  // Less common - quote, archiveurl - should be everything the template supports minus the basic ones  this.extra = expandedfields;  this.incrementables = {};  // Add it to the list  CiteTB.Templates[this.templatename] = this;  // Methods  this.makeFormInner = function(fields, incrsetup) {    var i=0;    var trs = [];    var autofills = []    for (i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {      var fieldobj = fields[i];      var field = labelfield = fieldobj.field;      var ad = false;      if (incrsetup && fieldobj.increment_group) {      field = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', '1');      labelfield = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', '');      if (this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group] && !this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].setup) {      // The object has been created, but not fully initialized      this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group]['fields'].push(fieldobj)      } else if (!this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group]) {      // Object not yet created      this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group] = {      'fields': [fieldobj],      'val':1,      'setup': false      };      } else if (this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group] && this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].setup) {      // Fully initialized from a previous invocation of this function, just resetting the number      this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].val = 1      }      } else if (fieldobj.increment_group) {      // Adding a new row      incrval = this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].val;      field = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', incrval.toString());      labelfield = fieldobj.field.replace('<N>', '');      }      if ($.inArray(field, CiteTB.getOption('autodate fields')) != -1 ) {        im = $('<img />').attr('src', '//');        im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-insert-date')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-insert-date'));        var ad = $('<a />').attr('href', '#');        ad.append(im);        ad.attr('id', 'cite-date-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field);        $( document ).on( 'click', '#cite-date-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field, CiteTB.fillAccessdate );      }        if (fieldobj.autofillid) {        var autotype = fieldobj.autofillid;        im = $('<img />').attr('src', '//');        im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-autofill-alt')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-autofill-alt'));        var ad = $('<a />').attr('href', '#');        ad.append(im);        ad.attr('id', 'cite-auto-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field+'-'+autotype);        autofills.push('#cite-auto-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field+'-'+autotype);      }            if (fieldobj.increment_button) {        var incrtype = fieldobj.increment_group;        im = $('<img />').attr('src', '//');        im.attr('alt', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-increment-alt')).attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg('cite-increment-alt'));        var ad = $('<a />').attr('href', '#');        ad.append(im);        ad.attr('id', 'cite-incr-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+incrtype);      }        var display = mw.usability.getMsg('cite-'+labelfield+'-label');      if (typeof display !== 'string') {      if (fieldobj.label) {      display = CiteTB.fixStr(fieldobj.label);      } else {      display = CiteTB.fixStr(labelfield)      }      }      var tooltip = fieldobj.tooltip ? $('<abbr />').attr('title', mw.usability.getMsg(fieldobj.tooltip)).html('<sup>?</sup>') : false;            var input = '';      if (ad) {        input = $('<input tabindex="1" style="width:85%" type="text" />');      } else {        input = $('<input tabindex="1" style="width:100%" type="text" />');      }      input.attr('id', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field);  if (fieldobj.autofillprop) {  classname = 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+fieldobj.autofillprop    if (fieldobj.increment_group) {    input.addClass('cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-incr-'+fieldobj.increment_group);    classname+='-'+this.incrementables[fieldobj.increment_group].val.toString();    }    input.addClass(classname);  }      var label = $('<label />');      label.attr('for', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+field).text(display);      if (tooltip) {        label.append(tooltip);      }      var style = 'text-align:right; width:20%;';      if (i%2 == 1) {        style += ' padding-left:1em;';      } else {        var tr = $('<tr />');      }      var td1 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" />').attr('style', style);      td1.append(label);      tr.append(td1);      var td2 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" style="width:30%" />');      td2.append(input);      if (ad) {        td2.append(ad);      }      tr.append(td2);      if (i%2 == 0) {        trs.push(tr);      }    }    var needsetup = false;    for (g in this.incrementables) {    if (!this.incrementables[g].setup) {    needsetup = true;    $( document ).on( 'click', '#cite-incr-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-'+g, CiteTB.incrementFields );        this.incrementables[g].setup = true;    }    }    if (needsetup || $.isEmptyObject(this.incrementables)) {    for(i=0; i<autofills.length; i++) {    $( document ).on( 'click', autofills[i], CiteTB.initAutofill );    }    }    return trs;    }    // gives a little bit of HTML so the open form can be identified  this.getInitial = function() {    var hidden = '<input type="hidden" class="cite-template" value="' + this.templatename + '"/>';    return hidden;  }    // makes the form used in the dialog boxes  this.getForm = function() {    var main = $("<div class='cite-form-container' />");    var form1 = $('<table style="width:100%; background-color:transparent;" class="cite-basic-fields" />');    var i=0;    var trs = this.makeFormInner(this.basic, true);    for (var i=0; i<trs.length; i++) {      form1.append(trs[i]);    }        var form2 = $('<table style="width:100%; background-color:transparent; display:none" class="cite-extra-fields">');    trs = this.makeFormInner(this.extra, true);    for (var i=0; i<trs.length; i++) {      form2.append(trs[i]);    }        main.append(form1).append(form2);        var form3 = $('<table style="width:100%; background-color:transparent;padding-top:1em" class="cite-other-fields">');    var tr = $('<tr />');    var td1 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" style="text-align:right; width:20%" />');    var label1 = $('<label />');    label1.attr('for', "cite-"+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-name').text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-name-label'));    td1.append(label1);    var td2 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" style="width:30%" />');    var input1 = $('<input tabindex="1" style="width:100%" type="text" />');    input1.attr('id', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-name');    td2.append(input1);    var td3 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" style="text-align:right; padding-left:1em; width:20%">');    var label2 = $('<label />');    label2.attr('for', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-group').text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-group-label'));    td3.append(label2);    var td4 = $('<td class="cite-form-td" style="width:30%" />');    var input2 = $('<input tabindex="1" style="width:100%" type="text" />');    input2.attr('id', 'cite-'+CiteTB.escStr(this.shortform)+'-group');    td4.append(input2);    tr.append(td1).append(td2).append(td3).append(td4);    form3.append(tr);    main.append(form3);    var extras = $('<div />');    extras.append('<input type="hidden" class="cite-form-status" value="closed" />');    var hidden = $('<input type="hidden" class="cite-template" />');    hidden.val(this.templatename);    extras.append(hidden);    var span1 = $('<span class="cite-preview-label" style="display:none;" />');    span1.text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-raw-preview'));    extras.append(span1).append('<div class="cite-ref-preview" style="padding:0.5em; font-size:110%" />');    var span2 = $('<span class="cite-prev-parsed-label" style="display:none;" />');    span2.text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-parsed-label'));    extras.append(span2).append('<div class="cite-preview-parsed" style="padding-bottom:0.5em; font-size:110%" />');    var link = $('<a href="#" class="cite-prev-parse" style="margin:0 1em 0 1em; display:none; color:darkblue" />');    link.text(mw.usability.getMsg('cite-form-parse'));    extras.append(link);        main.append(extras);        return main;  }}/* Class for error checks    FIXME: DOCS OUT OF DATE   type - type of error check - current options:    * 'refcheck' - apply a function on each ref individually      * function should accept a ref object, return a string    * 'reflist' - apply a function on the entire ref list      * function should accept an array of ref objects, return an array of strings    * 'search' - apply a function ro the page text      * function should accept the page text as a string, return an array of strings   The strings returned by the function should be valid HTML      func - The function described above   testname - Name of the error check, must not contain spaces   desc - A short description of the test*/window.citeErrorCheck = function (obj) {  this.obj = obj  CiteTB.ErrorChecks[this.obj.testname] = this; = function() {    var errors = [];    switch(this.obj['type']) {      case "refcheck":        CiteTB.loadRefs();        for(var i=0; i<CiteTB.mainRefList.length; i++) {          var e = this.obj.func(CiteTB.mainRefList[i]);          if (e) {            errors.push(e);          }        }        break;      case "reflist":        CiteTB.loadRefs();        errors = this.obj.func(CiteTB.mainRefList);        break;      case "search":        var func = this.obj.func        CiteTB.getPageText(function(text) {          errors = func(text);        });        break;    }    return errors;  }    this.getRow = function() {    var row = $("<li />");    var check = $("<input type='checkbox' name='cite-err-test' />");    check.attr('value', this.obj.testname);    var label = $("<label />").html(mw.usability.getMsg(this.obj.desc));    label.attr('for', this.obj.testname);     row.append(check).append(' &ndash; ').append(label);    return row;  }}$('head').trigger('reftoolbarbase');