
Jongste opmerking: 4 maande gelede deur MGA73 in onderwerp Bot flag requests
Na Argief

Hoe word 'n argief aangelê?

Sien gerus Wikipedia:Robot/Goedgekeurde robotte vir suksesvolle versoeke.

Bot flag requests

  • Robot: Gebruiker:KabouterBot
  • Bevelvoerder: Adriaan Joubert (K175)
  • Outomaties of handmatig: outomaties (met oorsig)
  • Taal: Python
  • Bronkode: m:pywikipedia
  • Funksie: Spoor stukkende eksterne skakels op (bediener reageer met 404), kyk of skakel geargiveer is op Wayback Machine, en indien wel, plaas nota op besprekingsblad dat stukkende eksterne skakel vervang kan word met skakel na geargiveerde weergawe.
  • Het reeds robotvlag: Nee.

KabouterBot (kontak) 20:02, 5 Julie 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord



Ek sal baie graag eers in die sandboks wil eksperimenteer.--MickeyDangerez (kontak) 12:59, 31 Augustus 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord


  • Gekant Mickey, jou spelling is nie goed nie. Ek dink nie dat robotstatus vir jou werk aan spelling 'n goeie idee is nie. (Ek is onseker of robotwerk aan spelling oor die algemeen só hanteer moet word, maar dit is 'n aparte bespreking.) Slyp gerus jou skryfvaardighede en maak seker dat jy op datum is met die AWS en dat jy 'n speltoetser in jou blaaier gebruik. Maar voordat die spelling nie met rasse skrede verbeter nie, sal ek nie hierdie aansoek kan steun nie. Die spelfoute in jou aansoek hierbo is nogal ironies. Ek wil jou ook aanmoedig om net eers meer vertroud te raak met meer aspekte van die projek. Iemand wat 'n robot beheer behoort 'n redelike insig van die naamruimtes, projekkonvensies, wikitaal, ens. te hê. Groete, Alias (kontak) 19:19, 31 Augustus 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek is wel baie bevoeg met Python-programmering, en wil juis die bot gebruik om my te help met my spelling en ook artikel wat na gegaan moet word vir taal gebruik. Ek het nie toegang tot speltoetser op my blaaier nie. Indien my versoek nie goedgekeur gaan word nie gaan ek nog voort gaan met my ontwikkeling vanaf buite Wikipedia. Ek het bot status benodig om met my bot ontwikkelling te begin en die tegnologie bevorder maar ek word eerder oor my taalgebruik aangevat. Dankie vir jou inset.-MickeyDangerez (kontak) 19:02, 1 September 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ek wil graag ander aspekte van robotte ook mee eksperimenteer en is nie net gefokus op spelling nie. Dus benodig ek robotstatus vir opvoedkundige doeleindes.--MickeyDangerez (kontak) 19:29, 1 September 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord
Mickey, 'n robotvlaggie is nie nodig om 'n robot te skryf of te gebruik nie. Min of meer al wat die robotvlaggie doen is om wysigings wat daardie rekening/gebruiker/robot maak op sekere plekke by verstek weg te steek (soos bv. by Spesiaal:Onlangse wysigings). Sover ek weet is daar geen verskille in wat die rekening tegnies gesproke kan doen nie. Die vraag is dus of die wysigings by verstek weggesteek moet word of nie. Ek verstaan jou versoek dus so: jy dink jou wysiging aan spelling (of opvoedkundige eksperimente) moet by verstek versteek word by onlangse wysigings. Ek vertrou nie my eie spelling genoeg om my wysigings te versteek nie. As 'n reël word eintlik omtrent niks versteek nie. Vroeër was robotte algemeen vir interwikiskakels, maar hulle is deesdae nie meer nodig nie. Sover ek weet word dit nou in baie beperkte gevalle gebruik wat baie maklik geoutomatiseer kan word. Die verbetering van spelling kan in baie gevalle nie maklik geoutomatiseer word nie. Ongespesifiseerde eksperimente waarvoor ons nie die kode kan nagaan nie, is volgens my min of meer die definisie van wat ons nie deur 'n robot wil toelaat nie. Mens het nie 'n robot of 'n speltoetser in jou blaaier nodig om jou spelling na te gaan nie - jy kan jou teks in enige program inplak met 'n speltoetser om dit daar na te gaan. Hou in gedagte dat die algemene Afrikaanse speltoetser in Firefox, LibreOffice, Linux-stelsels (en deur pyenchant/Hunspell vir Python) nie briljant is nie - dit ondersteun bv. nie samestellings nie, en kort heelwat woorde. Dit is hoekom mens tog nog maar moet oplet na die spelreëls. Jy voel duidelik geaffronteerd oor baie van die terugvoer hier, en dit word geweldig uitputtend om jou te probeer help. Probeer asb. kritiek sien as 'n manier om jou aan die konvensies hier bloot te stel. (Ek besef alles is nie gedokumenteer nie, en mense stem ook nie noodwendig oor alles saam nie.) --Alias (kontak) 19:49, 1 September 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord
In daardie geval het my robot nie botstatus nodig nie, ek het net die OK nodig gehad om te mag eksperimenteer vir navorsing en moontlike praktiese gebruike. As ek geaffronteerd voorkom is dit slegs omrede ek gevoel het dat jou gekanting teen my navorsing is en nie geweet dit is spesifiek bedoel tenopsigte van botvlag en versteekde veranderinge nie. Ek verkies dat enige veranderinge aangebring word deur die bot sigbaar moet wees. My robot is anders as normalle robotte, hy gebruik 'n blaaier (Chrome) op die selfde wyse as 'n persoon en gebruik nie die API nie. Hy funksioneer op die vlak van 'n persoon en sal nie buitensporige veranderinge maak indien hy los gelaat word nie, maar op die selfde pas as 'n algemene gebruiker sy take verig. Verder beplan ek nie om enige ingeboude speltoetsers te gebruik nie maar met die hulp van die NCHLT Afrikaans Text Corpora. Soos ek vantevore gese het, vir eers gaan hy net kyk vir basiese spelfoute, vir eers sal ek dat hy net raporteer van enige spelfoute wat 'n persoon dan kan nagaan en dan deur gee of hy moet voortgaan met verandering of dit moontlik vals is or alreeds verander is. Ek sal meer ingligting gee soos ek daaraan werk en vordering maak.--MickeyDangerez (kontak) 22:28, 1 September 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord
  • Ondersteun. Ek glo die gebruiker sal woorde opsoek voor hy enige vervangings maak :-) Aan die ander kant is dit regtig nie nodig om vir botstatus te wag nie, mits die bot nou nie honderde bladsy gaan wysig nie. Dit help natuurlik ook om eers die bot se doeltreffendheid te demonstreer. Groete. Frank (kontak) 19:46, 1 September 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord
Baie baie dankie vir jou ondersteuning in my navorsing. Sien asb my boodskap hierbo vir meer inligting oor my beplanning.--MickeyDangerez (kontak) 22:28, 1 September 2017 (UTC)Beantwoord


  • Robot: Gebruiker:NadzikBOT
  • Roboteer: Nadzik
  • Outomaties of handmatig: Semi-outomaties
  • Taal: N.v.t.
  • Bronkode: Standaard AWB
  • Taak: Gaan artikels na vir basiese foute.
  • Huidige botvlag:



Albertoleoncio (kontak) 16:34, 22 Junie 2020 (UTC)Beantwoord



TolBot (taak 5)

  • Robot: TolBot
  • Roboteer (Operator): Tol
  • Outomaties of handmatig (Automatic or manual): outomaties (automatic), daagliks (daily)
  • Taal (Language): Python 3
  • Bronkode (Source code): m:User:TolBot/Task 5#Source
  • Funksie (Function): dateer COVID-19-pandemiedata op (update COVID-19 pandemic data), vervang AlbeROBOT (replace AlbeROBOT)
  • Robotvlag op (Bot flag on): Engelse, Oekraïens, Estlandse, Franse Wikipedias (English, Ukrainian, Estonian, French Wikipedias)



Die bot werk, jy kan dit by Sjabloon:Koronaviruspandemie van 2019-2020/data sien. Dit vervang AlbeROBOT, wat gebreek het as gevolg van 'n verandering aan Engelse Wikipedia se sjabloon. Tol (kontak | bydraes) @ 19:55, 6 November 2021 (UTC)Beantwoord

Bot status for User:MGA73bot


Hello, I am requesting bot status for my bot:

I have made 11 test edits so you can see how it works. --MGA73 (kontak) 21:17, 6 Julie 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

Anyone? User:SpesBona, User:Naudefj or User:Oesjaar perhaps? --MGA73 (kontak) 17:00, 28 Julie 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Update the original post is now in Wikipedia:Geselshoekie/Argief2024#GFDL. --MGA73 (kontak) 16:10, 6 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

I suggest also to do license migration like Special:Diff/2688447 (eligible) and Special:Diff/2688446 (not eligible). Should I do some edits with my bot so you can see?

Also would you prefer I edit without a botflag but with 1 minutes between edits so you do not have to give a bot flag? --MGA73 (kontak) 16:45, 6 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

OndersteunPynappel (kontak) 20:02, 6 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Ondersteun - Rooiratel (kontak) 08:53, 23 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
MGA73, to be honest - I am not an expert with Bots and frankly I do not understand whet your Bot want to do. Can you show me an exmaple? Regards. Oesjaar (kontak) 17:50, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Gebruiker:Oesjaar Thank you for the fast reply. I would like to make two types of edits.
Right now MediaWiki:Licenses include GFDL as a suggested license. So if anyone upload a file and chose the template {{GFDL}} the license will include disclaimers. To avoid that I would like to remove the disclaimers from the template but it is not possible as long as some files use the template. That is why I would like to change all files to {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}}.
I can do the edits very easy with my bot and I have made more than 1 million edits so I know how to do it. But I need an approval. It makes no difference to me if the bot gets a flag or not. The only difference is that edits will (or can) be hidden from recent changes if the bot has a flag. So it is up to you if you think the edits should be visible in recent changes or not. --MGA73 (kontak) 18:13, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
But how do I know that what you want to do is legally acceptable? Have you authority from somebody up there in the cloud somewhere to do this? Only asking... Oesjaar (kontak) 18:25, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
The w:Wikipedia:Licensing update is decided by the Wikimedia Foundation per wmf:Resolution: Licensing update approval. You can see more on m:Licensing update and m:Licensing_update/Questions_and_Answers.
The second part is basicly to rename the template. It is for legal reasons that we can't just remove the disclaimers while the template is in use. Only the copyright holder can remove the disclaimers. So once the template is changed to {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}} the uploader is free to change back to {{GFDL}}.
The same has been done on Commons, English Wikipedia and many other wikis. So there is nothing to worry about. But as you know nothing happens on Wikipedia unless someone decide to do something. And I have decided that I would like to help fix this because it can be really hard to figure out how to do but once you know how it is easy. You can see en:Wikipedia:Bots/Requests for approval/MGA73bot 2 as an example. --MGA73 (kontak) 18:39, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

@MGA73: Sorry, but I don't see any need for removing {{GFDL}} or {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}} as long as en:Template:GFDL and en:Template:GFDL-with-disclaimers still exist. They say Existing media is not affected. So why should we on the Afrikaans-Wikipedia act, as they don't need to act? At the end of the day, the Afrikaans-Wikipedia has Billike gebruik like the English Wikipedia has fair use, so we do not need to change anything, because no file needs to be deleted, may it be because of GDFL or something else. For our Billike gebruik, please read Wikipedia:Geselshoekie/Argief2023#Vryheid van panorama, Wikipedia:Geselshoekie/Argief2021#Suid-Afrikaanse rand en Namibiese dollar, Wikipedia:Geselshoekie/Argief2019#Billike gebruik and Wikipedia:Geselshoekie/Argief2008#Billike gebruik. I am Gekant because we do not need to change anything. Groete. --  SpesBona 18:30, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

@SpesBona: The bot will not remove {{GFDL}} or {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}}. It will only rename {{GFDL}} to {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}}. Once the rename is complete I would like to remove the words "Onderhewig aan vrywarings." from {{GFDL}}. It is correct that en:Template:GFDL-with-disclaimers still exist but it is not supposed to be added to new uploads. --MGA73 (kontak) 18:43, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
@MGA73: Thank you for your offer, but why is there no note on en:Template:GFDL like "This licence is outdated and no longer supported. Please use en:Template:GFDL-with-disclaimers instead." en:Template:GFDL states This template is used on approximately 32,000 pages so is this an old number? What will happen if we do not do anything? No one can delete us any file because of {{GFDL}}. Groete. --  SpesBona 18:50, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

@SpesBona: It is the other way around. Users should NOT use en:Template:GFDL-with-disclaimers. They should use en:Template:GFDL. That is why there is this warning on the GFDL template:

DO NOT EVER ADD "with disclaimers" TO THIS TEMPLATE. SEE en:Wikipedia:GFDL standardization FOR MORE INFORMATION.

The rename is to avoid that users keep uploading files with disclaimers.

Without the rename users can't upload files without adding disclaimers. It will mean it is harder to reuse the files that are uploaded to Wikipedia. --MGA73 (kontak) 19:00, 20 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

I do not think the biggest issue is the license migration but that some of the files seems to be taken from the internet without proof that the files are licensed GFDL. I will generally ignore that for now.
If someone check and delete the files in Kategorie:NouCommons it will probably reduce the number of files to work on. --MGA73 (kontak) 15:07, 25 Augustus 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
  • Update September 10, 2024: I have now removed the part about license migration. So this is now only about renaming a template. I have never heard about any legal problems related to renaming templates on Wikipedia. The rename will make sure that the copyright for all files is exactly the same as it is now.
After the rename it is possible for the users to relicense their files and remove the disclaimers if they wish to do so. It will also be possible to remove the disclaimers from files copied from other wikis where the files now incorrectly have disclaimers. --MGA73 (kontak) 14:41, 10 September 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

Gebruiker:SpesBona It seems that there are no other users that are interessted to Comment on this request. Perhaps you can grant the flag or if you have any more worries explain what the problem is in renaming the license template from GFDL to GFDL-with-disclaimers just like on most other wikis? --MGA73 (kontak) 17:40, 1 Oktober 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

@Oesjaar I trust @MGA73 and agree with the change. We did speak about this on the phone a while back. I'm not sure how to grant a bot flag. Please can someone show me how to do it, I will take responsibility if the changes are disruptive. - Rooiratel (kontak) 18:11, 1 Oktober 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
I have the authority to do it but have no idea how to! Gebruiker:SpesBona, help us please! Regards. Oesjaar (kontak) 18:16, 1 Oktober 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord
Thank you Rooiratel and Oesjaar. Based on the names on Commons I would expect that if you click on Special:UserRights/MGA73bot you should be able to mark "bot". --MGA73 (kontak) 11:27, 2 Oktober 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

Thank you for the bot flag. I have now fixed the files. --MGA73 (kontak) 15:32, 4 Oktober 2024 (UTC)Beantwoord

Important: maintenance operation on September 1st


User:Trizek (WMF) (talk) 10:30, 31 Augustus 2020 (UTC)Beantwoord

Important: maintenance operation on October 27


Help met die vertaal na uw taal Dank u.

This is a reminder of a message already sent to your wiki.

On Tuesday, October 27 2020, all wikis will be in read-only mode for a short period of time.

You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, October 27. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (14:00 WET, 15:00 CET, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 03:00 NZDT on Wednesday October 28).

Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. This may have an impact on some bots work.

Know more about this operation.

-- User:Trizek (WMF) (talk) 09:25, 26 Oktober 2020 (UTC)Beantwoord

Server switch


SGrabarczuk (WMF) 01:23, 27 Junie 2021 (UTC)Beantwoord

Server switch


SGrabarczuk (WMF) (besprekings) 01:10, 11 September 2021 (UTC)Beantwoord

Bots need to upgrade to Pywikibot 6.6.1


Dear bot operators, bots running Pywikibot must upgrade to version 6.6.1 otherwise they will break when deprecated API parameters are removed. If you have any questions or need help in upgrading, please reach out using one of the Pywikibot communication channels.

Thanks, Legoktm (talk) 18:02, 22 September 2021 (UTC)Beantwoord

Your wiki will be in read only soon


Trizek (WMF) (Bespreking) 21:24, 27 Februarie 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord

Your wiki will be in read-only soon


MediaWiki message delivery 01:21, 21 April 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord

Your wiki will be in read-only soon


Trizek_(WMF) (talk) 09:30, 15 September 2023 (UTC)Beantwoord

Terug na die projekblad "Robot".