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How to Use a Texas Instruments 30XA Scientific Calculator

With a lot of keys and buttons, if you have a TI-30XA scientific calculator, it may look intimidating to use, though it really isn't all that tough. Knowing where everything is and where certain things can be used to get you to the right spot, is what can make using this calculator seem tough, though with the instructions in this article, you'll learn how to use this calculator with ease.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Entering Basic Keystrokes

  1. 1
    Open your TI-30XA calculator. If you just bought one and have gotten the packaging open, you won't have to fight with opening it up. This calculator connects to two end prongs at the end of a slide-off base, which can be turned around and housed right back on the slider, pushed all the way back up.
  2. 2
    Recognize the display of this calculator. This calculator contains a one-line display with spaces for ten digits, along with a spot where scientific notation can hold a mantissa plus an up-to 2-digit exponent. The display houses a line that gives you feedback as to all your formatting and whether there's stuff stored in memory. It'll read back if the 2nd function key has already been pressed and is waiting for a response from you. It's a little complex, but not overly verbose in what is contained in this display.
  3. 3
    Know the On and Off buttons to your calculator. Two buttons are used. The On button is just below the readout area, and the Off button is in the top line on the right side. Some TI-30XA's "from years gone by" were operated by solar cells. However, TI has changed this, and now this particular calculator is solely battery-operated.
    • The On button of the solarized version changes the button's name from On/C to On/AC after exposing it to sunlight. Turning it off can be achieved by closing up the calculator back into the slider case.
  4. 4
    Learn where the "2nd" button is - as it will be necessary for certain calculations. The 2nd button gives you secondary functions on your calculator that couldn't be achieved using the standard buttons. Its button is at the top left corner of the calculator. The 2nd key is sort of the Shift key of the TI-30XA world, though it should not be held down as you access/press the other key.
    • Older TI-30XA's were a little more colorful than present-day TI-30XA's. Olden days TI-30XA's featured a yellow with black text 2nd button along with many black and white keys, grey and white keys, and a few blue and white keys. Each key except a few had a secondary function instruction above the key it uses, and the power key had a colorful border.
      • As of the current model, most of that has changed. Current TI-30XA's feature a green 2nd key with white lettering and all sorts of greyish keys of all different shades of grey and no colorful border ring around the On/C key.
    • This article may at times refer to using the 2nd function. The User Guide was never good to explain where each 2nd function was - instead referring to the process as 2nd then in square brackets mentioning the function itself - leaving the reader stranded, hunting for that particular key (never once explaining which key the function is controlled by). This article will try to explain these as "functions of the 2nd key" or "2nd function of the (x) key" - and where they are found on the calculator. For simpler functions, they will be explained in the order they need to be inputted, mentioning where to find each key.
  5. 5
    Learn where a solar version once differed from the battery-operated calculator if you still have one available. These differences are still notated in the user's manuals of battery-operated calculators bought new from stores starting in 2020.
    • The CE/C key will clear a value and the K constant, but not any of the memory banks or statistics.[1]
    • Pressing the same key twice will clear everything including the display, value, and K constants.[2]
    • Pressing the On/AC will clear the display, errors, pending operations, constants, statistics, and all memory banks.[3]
  6. 6
    Recognize the basic functions that you'll need to know to solve basic arithmetic. A common skill necessary for this device is finding certain areas of the calculator that you'll need to know, including the numeric keypad and arithmetic operators.
    • The numeric keypad can be found towards the bottom four center rows in columns 2 through 4 (not taken into account by the operators). It is formed as a ten key-like keypad with numbers 7-9 in the top row, 4-6 in the middle row, 1-3 in the bottom row, and directly below that are the 0, decimal point, and ("+< - - > -" key, changing the sign of the value between positive and negative.
    • Learn the location of your arithmetic operators. On your right-hand column, you'll see five keys ordered from division to multiplication, subtraction to addition, to the equals sign in the very bottom right corner. The arithmetic keys are a little lengthier from top to bottom and take a more squarish appearance (as opposed to the rectangular appearance of most of the other keys).
      • The = sign calculates the value to the expression and sends the result back, as what would be expected of a standard calculator (on some other TI calculators, this would be shown as something different, but not on this one).
  7. 7
    Enter a negative value so the calculator can interpret it. With this calculator, the user must enter the value followed by pressing the +/- key found on the bottom line to the right of the decimal point.
  8. 8
    Learn your clearing buttons.
    • Over in the bottom left corner, you'll find the key to backspace one number from the right of the entry you've created. It's written as a left-ray arrow.
    • Along with being the on key, to clear the complete display, press the "On/C" button once.
    • Press the "On/C" button twice in a row and you'll clear whatever processes you've used and you'll have to start over.
  9. 9
    Learn about entering fractions. Two keys on this keypad are used to enter fractions.
    • Enter a proper fraction by utilizing the "a(b/c)" key just above the backspace key you learned about earlier. Enter fractions by typing your numerator into the top, then pressing the key, then typing your denominator.
    • If you have a mixed number, type the complete number followed by the fraction, using the "a b/c" key to split each item. 2+1/3 will be entered "2 (a b/c) 1 (a b/c) 3 (a b/c)". However, it will display on your calculator as "2 underscore 1 arc off the bottom line 3".
    • Turn a mixed number into an improper fraction. Using the 2nd key in the top, type your mixed number, then press the 2nd key followed by the fraction key. The calculator calls it "d/c" and turns the value into the improper fraction you'll desire.
      • To turn an improper fraction into a mixed number, just type your improper fraction, then tap the 2nd key followed by the "a b/c" button (known as d/c).
    • Turn a fraction into a decimal formatted number. Type your fraction using the fraction format, then tap the 2nd key, then press the backspace key at the very bottom left corner (the one used to remove a digit).
    • Turn a decimal into a fraction. Type your decimal in the decimal form then tap the 2nd key and tap the same backspace key. Turn this decimal into its own fraction with its component decimal bars.
  10. 10
    Learn about storing and recalling values, and how this calculator utilizes these features. STO (Store) and RCL (Recall) are directly above the fraction key (designated as "a b/c") in the left-most column. Much like memory banks on calculators, these keys allow you to grab values stored in memory to be used in another calculation. The TI-30XA has three memory storage banks called M1, M2, and M3 which are displayed (once something is stored) in the top left corner of the calculator's display as M1, M2, and M3.
    • Storing the value requires not only locating (or entering) the value to be stored, but it also requires entering which memory bank should be used to store the value. However, once values are stored in each of the three banks, if you try to enter another value in a memory bank (except for the value "0"), it'll overwrite its stored data. Entering the value requires typing the value then pressing the STO key (next to the 7 key) then typing either 1 (for memory 1), 2 (for memory 2), or 3 (for memory 3).
    • Recalling the value requires not only entering the calculation up to the point of the need to plug in your value, but also adding the value into the calculation. Recalling values involves using the RCL key - found just below the STO key on the left-most column (next to the 4 key). If you stored something in a memory bank (as shown on the display in the top left corner), perform the calculation up to the point of needing the stored value, then press the RCL key followed by the numeric key corresponding to which data bank the value is in.
    • Clearing memory banks completely involves using this article's process, instead right from your calculator. Solar calculators can also clear all memory banks at once by pressing the "On/AC" button.
    • Add the displayed value to the running total of information inside a memory bank with the "SUM" key. SUM is the 2nd function of the RCL key. For example, one of your memory banks contains the number 35, yet you want to keep tally and add the displayed value (25) from the display to the memory. Just use this feature (tap 2nd key-RCL) and your memory will change to 60 so that memory will then change to be a value of 60 instead. If it's not displayed, you will need to enter it onto the display.
    • Exchange data for memory values with the "EXC" key. Get the computation performed for the value you'd like to switch with a memory bank, then when you'd like to switch them, use the 2nd function EXC by pressing the STO key and typing the number for the memory bank which your value is found in. If you'd like to switch it back, perform no other calculations and just repeat.
  11. 11
    Worry less about calculations involving a series of "order of operations" expressions with the parenthesis keys. The "(" can be found directly above the 8 key, and ")" can be found directly above the 9 key. This process is fine to represent an expression where something needs to be done first, that wasn't given quickly to you. In a problem like "9x(3+4)" (to get 63) you would input that as 9, (multiplication sign) "(", 3, +, 4 ")" then the equals sign, thereby forcing the calculator to add 3 and 4 then multiply that to the 9 (9x7), giving you 63.
    • The User's Guide mentions the order of which items it takes into its order of operations. It'll take parenthesis expressions first, then single variable functions, combinations/permutations, powers and roots, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction, and finally the = to complete all the operations involved.
      • Single variable functions (as written in the Owner's Manual) include squares, roots, trigonometric functions, factorials, logarithmic functions, percents, reciprocal, and angle conversions.
  12. 12
    Utilize keys allowing you to evaluate exponent expressions. Here you have a few choices.
    • Use the quick x2 key (directly above the "(" key)) to square the number.
    • Use the x3 key to cube a number. This is a 2nd function of the 1 key.
    • Utilize the "10x" with care - knowing there are better forms out there for entering numbers of this type. The 10x function is a 2nd key function of the "LOG" key on the top middle row key (three over from the left).
      • Keep in mind the EE function controls the setting of scientific notated calculations, which is something this article will deal with later.
    • There's always the "yx" key which can be used by inputting the "y" term with the power the item is raised by "x" as the next value entered, following a press of the "yx" key. The "yx" key can be found directly between the "Off" and "division" keys. To input 9 to the 4th power, type 9 "yx" 4 then press the equals key.
  13. 13
    Utilize root keys if necessary.
    • Solve a square root expression. Type the number followed by the "√x" key - located above the ")" key.
    • Solve a cubed root expression. Type the number to cube root then press the cube root key (3√x). This is a 2nd function key of the 0 key.
    • Solve a miscellaneous root expression: "x√y". This is a 2nd function key of the "yx" key. Input these as the "y" value first. To find the fourth route of 4096, input 4096 then the 2nd key, then 4, and press equals (the answer is 8).
      • This function will also work in conjunction with the x-><-y switching keys (noted later).
  14. 14
    Find the decimal form for the inverse of the inputted value using the calculator. To find the decimal form of the fraction 1/3 (or similar) quickly, type the expression you want to become the denominator then press the "1/x" key - which can be found to the right of the "EE" key.
  15. 15
    Enter a percent into the calculator. Percents are entered as if you are reading them. Press the percent key at the right time - this key can be found as the 2nd function of the 2 keys.
    • Calculate the percent of a number by typing the number you wish to determine multiplied by the full percent then press the percent key. When the calculator determines you're entering a percent, it'll automatically calculate and convert it to the right decimal form from which it needs to enter the computation from.
    • Calculate the ratio of one number to the other. Type the first number divided by the other number, then enter the % key and type the equals sign.
    • Calculate add-ons and discounts using the percent key.
      • Suppose you want to add a percentage tip to a digital order, cab ride, offline restaurant bill, or something similar where adding a percentage is necessary, using your calculator. To find out how much you should tip the person along with the base amount, type in the amount, plus the plus sign, then the percentage number then put in the percent sign, and after that tap equals.
    • Suppose there's a percent sale on clothing you'd like to see as the final price. Enter the original price followed by a subtraction sign followed by the percent numbers, then the percent sign followed by the equals sign. That number is your item's on sale price.
  16. 16
    Change the display read-out at any time, if necessary to read a fixed decimal number of places answer. If you don't care to read way too many numbers and want the value shortened a bit, use the FIX function - a 2nd function of the decimal key. Either before or during the calculation, set your device to read the number using the proper number of locations - rounding or adding additional numbers if necessary.
    • Obtain the fixed value setting. Get your calculation done, then enter a fixed value. Get the function up, then tap the number of units inside the decimal you'd like to be displayed (for instance, if you'd like to read a 4-digit decimal number with only three digits long after the decimal, call up the function then tap the number 3).
    • Clearing fixed notation involves calling the function then tapping the decimal point key (meaning 2nd key, decimal, then decimal again).
    • Keep in mind that your calculator takes no account in the rounding up of sales based on tax rates, so fixed notation should be set to one more than the minimal amount of numbers so you can do the right math and round it accordingly. Set it to three to minimize the extraneous numbers and you do some of the math, based on what you find when its last digit - thousandths - reads anything other than 0.
Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Entering Scientific and Trigonometric Data


  1. 1
    Find the reciprocal of the displayed or entered number. Get the number on the screen you'd like to find the reciprocal of and press the 1/x button. This button can be found underneath the "sin" button, just to the right of the "pi" button. The value you get is the approximation based on 1 divided by the value that was originally displayed on the screen. You don't need to press the equals sign to get it to convert at any time.
  2. 2
    Learn about the EE key. This key is the way to enter values in scientific notation, though the screen will look confusing at first. Enter your decimal-formed mantissa then press the EE key, omit the x 10 - information (the screen will have two pieces: your mantissa and just the exponent portion. The exponent already takes into account the "x 10" portion, and if necessary, you can turn that negative, after entering the exponent value). The EE button is found between the 1/x and 7 key - four rows down from the top, in column 2 from the left (just to the left of the open parenthesis key).
    • Keep in mind that this calculator can only hold two digits of the exponent. If the value has more, it can't hold any more digits to the expression.
  3. 3
    Utilize constants in calculations.
    • Locate and use the "pi" key. The π key is a constant that is equal to about 3.141592654. Your calculator calculates expressions with values up to 12 digits (3.1415265359) but displays the first ten digits after rounding.[4] Its key can be found to the left of the reciprocal (1/x) key along the left column, in the third row down from the top.
    • Use the constant "K" to find out the effects of "K" on the progression of data. Enter the number based on the calculation - variable times (or added) to the constant K then press the equals button. Keep changing the variable then press equals each time. The letter K will appear in the top right corner of the calculator's display, as the constant is set. You can find the K feature as the 2nd function of the HYP key, which is in the second row down from the top, left-most column (above the "π" key).
      • Clearing a constant K value means clearing it with the On/C button for another constant. If you decide to turn off your calculator, it will not permanently store this value for the next time you turn it on and it will remove itself from temporary memory.
      • Constant K's don't work well when figured with subtraction and division and most other formats. However, it works well with addition and multiplication. With subtraction and division, it tends to hang answers from prior calculations on the display as answers to the expression.
    • Use Euler's constant. e is Euler's constant, the value being 2.71828182846 and is something not thought below high school Calculus classes and x is the value you'll enter first to see its effect on this function. This function is traditionally used in the modeling of population growth and the depreciation of asset value. Plug the x-valued exponent in, and press the 2nd function for ex - located under the LN key.
  4. 4
    Calculate logarithms.
    • Calculate common logs. If you need to work in base 10, know the exponent, and need to calculate the argument (the number you'd probably be looking up with a logarithm table in the olden days), your LOG button will be your friend. You don't need to enter the base because the calculator already understands it's to the base of 10, but you will have to enter the argument which is the number to the direct right of the log on your sheet to get your exponent. On the TI-30XA, you can find the LOG button on the top row, to the right of the DRG key (just above the COS key).
      • To get the inverse - based on the argument to get the exponent - use the 10x function described earlier in this article.
    • Calculate natural logs. If you like to make things tough and like to work in base of the special constant, e (as stated earlier) - the LN key is your friend. Enter the value to the left of the ln and press the LN key to find the exponent to the natural log. The LN key is to the right of the LOG key, above the TAN key on the top row.
      • The inverse of a natural log was discussed earlier as the "ex" function and should be consulted from there.
  5. 5
    Switch one value for another using the x -><-y key in two-value calculations. This is a 2nd key function of the π key. Type one value then call up the 2nd function using the pi key, then type another and call up the function again and the display will read the first function you inputted.


  1. 1
    Enter sines, cosines, and tangents. If you know your angle measure (sometimes called theta measurements), you can find the values for sines, cosines, and tangents by using your calculator. Enter the angle value and find the answer. Type the angle value then press either the SIN (calculate sines), COS (calculate cosines), or TAN (calculate tangents) buttons. You can find these buttons to the right of the HYP button on the second line of buttons starting in column 2 (above the 1/x, x2, and square-root (x) buttons).
  2. 2
    Get the inverse trigonometric function values for the angles of the entered value. If you have the sine, cosine, and/or tangent values and are trying to find the angle measure for which they are computed, type in the trigonometric value and press one of these functions. Each one's inverse is designated as the 2nd function of each trigonometric key's function as the function to the superscripted -1. Type the value, then tap 2nd then the trigonometric inverse function of that key. Inverse sine will be the 2nd function of the sine, inverse cosine will be the 2nd function of the cosine, and inverse tangent will be the 2nd function of the tangent.
  3. 3
    Switch the mode to HYP and calculate hyperbolic trigonometric details. The hyperbolic button switch is located directly underneath the 2nd button, to the left of the SIN button in the left column, and must be executed before each hyperbolic function calculation. Type your angle measure followed by the HYP then utilize each trigonometric function as necessary. However, clearing the calculator with On/C will clear out the HYP function from being used.
    • The hyperbolic inverses also can be computed and can be used accordingly. Type the trigonometric value then activate the hyperbolic function (HYP button), then utilize the inverse function as necessary.
Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Entering Statistics and Probability Data


  1. 1
    Enter statistics data with ease. Entering the data is as easy as entering data points one at a time, with the "capital sigma+" (for simplicity in this article, this will be written as "summation+") key found to the left of the EE key along the left column - between the pi key and STO buttons. In a data plot, there's data of 1, 2, 4, and 6. Enter each one separately. Type in your data and after each item, press the "summation +" key. (In this case, it would entail 1 Ʃ+, 2 Ʃ+, 4 Ʃ+, 6 Ʃ+ )
    • After you enter your first data point, the word STAT will appear just to the left of DEG in the display, along the top line. STAT just says that there are current statistics in your database that are currently being held until you clear them.
    • Watch as data points are entered. If you enter single data points, the display will display n= then to the right, which will give you the total number of data points you have entered. If you later forget during a computation, there's a way to find this detail (discussed later).
  2. 2
    Enter data with frequencies. If your data had many items of differing frequencies, (data points to 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 5, 7), you'd use the FRQ function before using the summation + function - however, FRQ is a 2nd function key of the "1/x" function key. In this example, you'd type 1 summation+, 2 (second key of 1/x) 3, Ʃ+, 3, 5, 7).
  3. 3
    Know how to remove the last data point you entered. This is just as easy. Use the summation- key - a 2nd function key of the summation+ function. If your data was 1,2,3 and you entered into your data set 1,2,3,4 - type the number 4 into the calculator, then call the summation- function from your calculator. If you entered this data point with different frequencies, you'll have to enter the frequencies you'd like to remove (using the FRQ function) before pressing summation-.
  4. 4
    Switch one data point for another. With this, you'll need to enter and remove the data point before adding in the corrected data point. For data points at 1,2,3,4,5, if you wanted to make the 3 a 6 instead, you'd tell your calculator you'd like to remove the 3 (type 3 summation-) then add in your corrected plot. You can remove additional frequencies of the numbers, if necessary, following the FRQ function and Ʃ- keystrokes, if necessary.
  5. 5
    Clear all the statistics data at once with the CSR function. Quick-remove all the data points in a plot at once by calling up the CSR function. The CSR function is a 2nd function of the 7 key (if you have several data items in the list that it would take forever to remove quickly, get rid of them all in one fell swoop). Call up the CSR function - tap 2nd then 7.[5] The calculator might force the total frequency to become a static number on your display, but that's easy to clear with the On/C key.
  6. 6
    Calculate different statistical data.
    • Calculate the total of all the data. If you have various data you'd like summed up, use the "Ʃx" key. If your data was 1,2, and 3, after entering 1, 2, and 3, just use the summation x function - a 2nd function of the open-parenthesis key "(". In this example, you'd type "1 (Ʃ+), 2 (Ʃ+), 3 (Ʃ+), 2nd, ( - for the Ʃx) which should give you a total of 6 on the display.
    • Calculate the total of all the data squared with one keystroke. If you want the square of the data, a 2nd function of the closing parenthesis key is a Ʃx2 key which can be used to square data (from the previous example, typing each data point, then pressing 2nd then the (summation x2) key, you'd see on your display 36).
    • Find out how many data points have been added to your statistics data plot on your device. If you later forget how many data points you have entered, it's easy to find this out. Using the (lowercase) n function (a 2nd function of the EE key) will recall this total n value information as a digit on the display (without the signifying "n=" display portion). Enter your values (in the last example 1,2,3), then tap 2nd, EE (the position of the function) and you'll see the number 3 display without any signifying information before it.
    • Calculate the mean of the data plot. Do you want to find the average of the data plot by using the mean? It's just as easy. Use the x-bar key - a 2nd function of the x2 key. As the previous data shows, type your data points in, then use the 2nd key, then the x2 key (for x-bar), and you'll come up with a mean of the data points.
  7. 7
    Calculate the standard deviation of your data plot basing your data on n and/or n-1 totals. Mathematicians are split on how to calculate standard deviation because the n values cause trouble with non-true mean plot points coming into play and causing trouble - so instead they end up relying on a corrective action called Bessel's correction "n-1". You can take your pick. Enter your data and either activate the σxn (second function of the division key) or σxn-1 (2nd function of the square root key) functions.


  1. 1
    Enter simple factorial expressions (x!). Permutations are fun to work with and very easy to enter with a TI-30XA. Enter the number to the left of the factorial symbol. Then activate the function - a 2nd function of the 3 key. The value of 3! would be typed 3 (2nd) 3 and its value would come up seconds later without using the equals sign.
  2. 2
    Enter permutations. nPr - or the permutation key is entered as the value of n followed by the function followed by the r-value, then either the equals sign or a second entry of the function. The nPr is a 2nd function of the 9 key.
  3. 3
    Enter combinations.nCr - or the combination key is entered as the value of n followed by the function followed by the r-value, then either the equals sign or a second entry of the function. The nCr is a 2nd function of the 8 key.
Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Changing Modes

  1. 1
    Switch to a different angle-unit setting. The DRG key holds two ways to utilize this feature.
    • If you don't press the 2nd key, you can switch the angle measure before performing a calculation. You can change between degrees (deg), radians (rad), and gradians (grad) (the default is degrees). You'll find this information in the very top line above the numbers.
    • If you type the details, then tap the 2nd function key then the DRG key, the calculator will convert between degrees, radians, and gradians.
  2. 2
    Switch your display between floating notation, scientific notation, and engineering notation.
    • Know what mode you need to use to get the right showing measurement. If you want to calculated answers in scientific notation - always - call up the SCI format - a 2nd function of the 5 key. Here, not only will your decimals be shown as a single-digit whole number then the decimal and the exponent in the display, but there's no stopping the divisions of the exponents in an answer.
    • Select an engineering notation if necessary. With engineering notation, the exponent will always be in a multiple of 3[6]. This format can be called up as the 2nd function of the 6 key.
    • Floating decimal format (the default format of your calculator) can be switched back by calling up the FLO function - a 2nd function of the 4 key.
    • If you turn off your calculator then back on, your type of notation will change back to floating and you'll have to start again. If you want to stay in one notation, avoid turning your calculator off and on.
  3. 3
    Convert modes between DMS (degrees-minutes-seconds) and DD (decimal degrees). DMS entries take the format Degrees (0-7 digits) then a decimal-point separator then an up to two-digit minutes followed by an up to two-digit seconds followed by a fractional part of a second. Before using a DMS value, it must be converted to the decimal with DMS->DD.
    • Learn how to program an entry as a DMS entry. DMS entries are programmed in whole number decimal format. To enter a value of 50 degrees 10 minutes 5 seconds, enter the degrees as the whole number portion, then the minutes and seconds following a decimal point. But remember if an entry is less than 10 of that unit to add a leading zero in between the last entry and the single-digit portion of the next portion of the entry - in this case, the decimal should look like ".1005" following the "50" - showing in the display as "50.1005".
    • Convert these numbers to decimal format using the DMS->DD function - a 2nd function of the addition key. Type your DMS item then call up the DMStoDD function by pressing 2nd, +, and read out the decimal degrees answer (this example would show as 50.16805556 in the display).
    • Convert a decimal degree answer back to DMS values. Enter the decimal degrees in decimal format (in this case 50.16805556) and DD->DMS function - a 2nd function of the equals key. Answers will be shown as degrees then a degree sign, then minutes, then a single ', then the seconds, then a double quotes " and another portion unit with no units to that.
  4. 4
    Convert modes between polar and rectangular angle measures. If you have a polar angle measure that you need to convert to rectangular angles, use the P->R function - a 2nd function of the multiplication (x) key. If you have a rectangular angle measure you need to convert to polar angle, use the R->P function - a 2nd function of the subtraction (-) key.
Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Reading Your Display's Indicators

  1. 1
    Look for an indication of the use of a memory bank. Memory banks are denoted in the very left corner as either M1, M2, and/or M3. As values are stored, each memory bank will light up as text values without displaying the memorized value. There could be one, two, or all three in use at one time - depending on the situation of what the user has stored.
  2. 2
    Look for your calculator's indication of the pressing of the 2nd key to access the 2nd functions. As mentioned earlier, right next to the memory bank, once you press the button, the calculator will say "2nd" on the display line.
  3. 3
    Let your calculator tell you if you've currently used it to calculate hyperbolic functions for the next keys. After pressing the hyperbolic button, the display will read HYP to the right of the 2nd function indicator.
  4. 4
    Find out if you are currently using scientific or engineering notation for your calculations. Each type will display in its own spot, directly next to HYP, as either SCI (scientific) or ENG (engineering) notation.
  5. 5
    Look for fixed decimal settings. Watch the screen mention the indication of the setting being used. FIX will show to the right of ENG (rarely, these two will be on together).
  6. 6
    Look for an indication that there are currently data plots stored in your statistics bank. Your calculator will light up a STAT button on the display to the right of FIX.
  7. 7
    Watch out for the specification of the angle setting. Your calculator, as said previously, houses 3 angle settings, and regardless of time, one of them will show. It'll default to DEG, but there's also to its right two other values RAD and GRAD (GRAD just reuses the RAD and adds a G to the beginning, but calculates its angle values in gradians).
  8. 8
    Look for the polar and rectangular conversion indicators based on the Greek alphabet. Chi (the x-like character states you have a polar to rectangular conversion) or gamma (the r-like character states you have a rectangular to polar conversion) should be displayed when performing these calculations.
  9. 9
    Watch for the constant K. The uppercase K will display at the far right corner.
  10. 10
    Look out for errors at times. When an error occurs, the word "Error" will read on the screen in rectangular-like letters, and all you can do is clear the error and try again. The owner's manual on page 18 describes ways to get the error message but is a little too much when you want to interpret/calculate your expression. If you should ever receive an error, it might be because the value is one of the reasons described in their manual.
  11. 11
    Remember, the display can fit no more than 10 characters. This includes a decimal, a negative symbol (if necessary), and/or an exponent given in scientific notation along with a positive or negative on that too.

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    What are the specific keystrokes I need to press for 9(-8)?
    How.com.vn English: Christopher
    Top Answerer
    Since this seems like a simple multiplication problem, on this calculator, you'd enter 9 then the multiplication sign followed by the 8 followed by the negative sign. But make sure to get the evaluated answer by pressing the = key.
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      • If you forget to turn off your TI-30XA calculator, it will turn off with its Automatic Power Down feature.[7]
      • The TI-30XA doesn't just come with a User's manual. It also comes with a 2-sided handy-dandy quick cheat-sheet card that can be slipped inside the slider base. This can be handy on tests and quizzes, as a reminder entry card. You can't write much on this card because of its waxiness, and it doesn't contain much space.
      • Most school tests allow this calculator because it doesn't contain an official keyboard or a way to keep more than just numbers stored in the device. However, you'll want to check with a teacher or proctor to see if they will indeed allow this calculator or need you to bring one to the test room - as some schools provide each student with their own calculator for their use, or require a specific one.


      1. TI-30XA User's Manual, pg 13
      2. TI-30XA User's Manual, pg 13
      3. TI-30XA User's Manual, pg 13
      4. TI-30XA User's Guide, page 3
      5. TI-30XA Quick Reference Card
      6. TI-30XA user manual, page 16
      7. TI-30XA User's Manual p. 2
      8. https://education.ti.com/download/en/ed-tech/E4CC4C51FCA94B33A48137F1FCE16670/02647476DC3447D2988EAD2E8DBC5BA2/30xa-eng.pdf - research reference (among many other forms)

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      Updated: August 31, 2021
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