How to Use Yoga to Improve Sleep

Yoga is widely known for its ability to help relieve stress and improve physical strength and flexibility. Plus, it can help you sleep better, even if you struggle with insomnia. Try one or both of these calming yoga sessions in a soothing environment before bedtime so you drift off with ease.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Longer Yoga Session

  1. English: Step 1 Sit in a comfortable position on the floor to do Easy Pose.
    To start Easy Pose (Sukhasana), cross your legs so your feet are below your knees. Rest your hands on your knees and sit up tall, lengthening your spine. Focus on your breath as you release any distractions in your mind. Hold for 2-5 minutes or until you are relaxed.[1]
    • This pose is a basic seated posture that may help calm your mind and relieve stress and anxiety.
    • Variation: If you are having trouble sitting in this position, and especially if your hips feel tight, prop your backside up on a blanket, pillow, or yoga block.
  2. English: Step 2 Move on to do Easy Pose with a forward fold.
    To do this pose, Adho Mukha Sukhasana, remain seated with your legs crossed and reach your arms above your head on inhalation. Slowly bow forward, with your arms still extended, on exhalation. Allow your back and neck to naturally curve forward as you bend—don’t arch your back upward. Rest your arms and forehead on the mat. Hold for 2-5 minutes.[2]
    • This pose builds on the basic seated posture, Easy Pose. By adding a forward fold the pose becomes soothing and restorative. A forward fold may help restore balance while centering the mind.
    • Variation: As with the standard Easy Pose, prop yourself up on a blanket, pillow, or yoga block if your hips feel tight. In this case, though, also make sure to prop up your head.
  3. English: Step 3 Sit upright with your spine lifted and do a variation of Perfect Pose.
    Unlike the classic Perfect Pose (Siddhasana), this variation (Bharadvajasana) involves a twist! To begin, return to the standard Easy Pose seated position. Place your right hand on your left knee as you inhale. Support yourself by placing your left hand behind you. Focus on your breathing as you twist your upper body to your left. Hold for 1 minute, then switch sides.[3]
    • This posture is believed to help regulate nervous energy and maintain balance.
  4. English: Step 4 Extend your legs straight in front to do Seated Forward Fold.
    Start this pose, Paschimottanasana, with your legs together and flat on the floor in front of you, and your upper body upright and extended. Reach your arms above your head on inhalation. Slowly bow forward, bending at your hips, with your arms extended on exhalation. Hold on to your shins, ankles, or feet (as flexibility allows). Hold for 1 minute or more.[4]
    • Make sure to bend from the hip joint and not the waist.
    • Variation: If your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees or place a yoga block or rolled up blanket under your knees. You can also wrap a yoga band or belt around the soles of your feet and hold it with both hands.
  5. English: Step 5 Lie on your back with your legs still extended for Reclining Big Toe Pose.
    After lying flat to begin this pose, also called Supta Padangusthasana, raise your left leg vertical as you inhale, using your hands to clasp the back of your thigh. (Alternatively, loop a yoga strap or belt over your raised foot and hold it with both hands.) Keep your foot flexed and hold the pose for 1 minute. Lower your left leg and repeat with the right leg.[5]
    • This pose may help develop patience, relaxation, and surrender while opening the hips and reducing lower back pain.
    • Variation: If this pose is still difficult while using a yoga strap, bend your lower leg so that your foot is flat on the mat. A pillow or yoga block can also be used to raise the heel of your lower leg.
  6. English: Step 6 Raise your pelvis up off the floor to do Bridge Pose.
    Start Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) by lying flat on your back. Place your feet flat on the floor and draw them back until they are directly below your knees. As you do this, inhale and lift your pelvis, using your hands for support. Relax your arms next to you, or use them to support your back. Hold for 1 minute or longer.[6]
    • This pose can be rejuvenating for those who spend a lot of time sitting or driving. Since it is a mild inversion, it may help provide relief from stress, anxiety and fatigue.
    • Variation: If you are having a hard time keeping your hips lifted, use a yoga block or pillows under your tail bone.
  7. English: Step 7 Lie on your back and bend your knees to do Supine Spinal Twist.
    Begin Supta Matsyendrasana flat on your back, then bring your knees to your chest and extend your arms to your sides to make a “T” shape with your body. Turn your knees to the right and your head to the left as you exhale. Hold for 1-3 minutes, then turn your knees to the left and your head to the right.[7]
    • Twisting your body may help squeeze out the anxiety and frustration of your day. It strengthens your abdominal muscles and, some people believe, helps to remove toxins.
  8. English: Step 8 Lie with your backside against a wall to do Legs-Up-The-Wall.
    Begin Viparita Karani by sliding your buttocks against the wall and lifting your legs to set them flat against the wall. Rest your arms to your side with your palms facing upwards. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and hold this pose for 3-5 minutes.[8]
    • This inverted pose may bring your body into a state of relaxation and renewal.
    • Variation: If your neck needs greater support you can place a pillow underneath it
    • Instead of running them up a wall, you can instead place your legs (with your knees bent at 90 degrees) on a couch or chair if you need to. Either way, this is a great restorative posture if you have upper or lower back pain.[9]
  9. English: Step 9 Make yourself comfortable and finish up with Corpse Pose.
    To do Corpse Pose (Savasana), lie flat and let your arms and legs relax. Breathe naturally, instead of doing any special breathing technique, and allow your body to feel heavy. Relax your face. Hold this pose on the floor for 3-5 minutes, or use it in bed to drift off to sleep![10]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Shorter Yoga Session

  1. English: Step 1 Kneel on the floor to do Wide-Knee Child’s Pose.
    Begin Balasana by kneeling on the floor with your toes touching and your knees hip-width apart. Breathe out and lower your torso down against your thighs, resting your arms to your sides, palms up, so your hands are next to your feet. Touch your forehead to the ground. Hold the pose for up to 5 minutes.[12]
    • To reduce tension in your brow, slowly turn your head from side to side while keeping your forehead in contact with your yoga mat.
    • As a more challenging alternative, reach your hands out forward, palms down on the floor.
    • Focus on your breathing technique during this and every pose in your bedtime session!
  2. English: Step 2 Get up on your feet to do Standing Forward Bend.
    The Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) starts with you standing up straight with your feet hip-width apart. Inhale deeply and bend over, elongating your spine in the process. Fold your arms above your head, grab your shins with your hands, or place your palms on the floor. Maintain this pose for up to 5 minutes.[13]
    • Don’t treat this like a toe touch! Focus less on touching the floor and more on achieving a position that extends your spine and relaxes your shoulders and neck.
    • Skip this pose or consult with your doctor if you have a back injury.
    • If you feel tightness in your hamstrings, bend your knees slightly.
    • Stand up slowly so you don’t get light-headed!
  3. English: Step 3 Do a Standing Half-Forward Bend variation against the wall.
    Begin Ardha Uttanasana by standing about 1 ft (30 cm) from the wall with your feet hip-width apart. Place your palms against the wall, shoulder-width apart and at just above hip height, then slowly step back until your arms are fully extended and your upper body is at a 90-degree angle with both your legs and the wall. Press your palms into the wall and your feet into the floor, keep your arms tucked against your ears, and maintain a straight line from your hips to your palms.[14]
    • Hold this pose for up to 5 minutes.
  4. English: Step 4 Ease hip and groin tension by doing Reclining Bound Angle.
    For this pose, Supta Baddha Konasana, lie down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring the bottoms of your feet together and let your knees relax and droop towards the floor. Cross your arms behind your head or extend them to your sides, palms up. Hold the pose for up to 5 minutes.[15]
    • Place yoga blocks or rolled towels under your knees if you need more hip support. You should feel light stretching, not pain, in your hips and groin. Extend your feet farther away from your body to further reduce hip and groin tension.
  5. English: Step 5 Lie down and put your butt against the wall for Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose.
    Start Viparita Karani by lying flat on your back, sliding your backside against the wall, and lifting your legs straight up and flat against the wall. Turn your palms upward and rest your arms to your sides on the floor. Focus on your breathing, close your eyes, and hold this pose for 3-5 minutes.[16]
    • Place a pillow under your neck if you need additional neck support.
    • Alternatively, place your legs (with your knees at 90 degree angles) on a chair or couch. Both forms of the pose may help you with upper or lower back pain.[17]
  6. English: Step 6 End your session the traditional way by doing Corpse Pose.
    Begin Corpse Pose (Savasana) by lying flat on the floor and letting your arms and legs relax. Rather than using a particular breathing technique, just breathe naturally and let your body relax fully so that it feels heavy. Let your face relax fully as well. Hold this pose for 3-5 minutes.[18]
    • Alternatively, do the pose in bed and allow yourself to drift off to sleep!
    • As another alternative, lie on your side and curl into the fetal position. You may find this primal position even more calming.[19]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Advice for Success

  1. English: Step 1 Give yourself adequate, undisturbed time for yoga before bedtime.
    Depending on the number of poses you plan to do and how long you intend to hold each pose, you may need up to 40 minutes to complete a session. Make “yoga time” one of the last, if not the last, thing you do before climbing into bed. Treat it as an essential part of your nighttime routine, not something you try to squeeze in before bedtime.[20]
    • You can’t rush yoga! Give yourself the time you need to complete your session calmly and completely.
  2. English: Step 2 Do your yoga in a calm, quiet environment—but not in your bedroom.
    Choose a quiet environment with minimal distractions and adequate space to move around. Lay down a yoga mat, or use a towel or soft rug. Turn down the lights. Play music or light a candle to help you better relax.[21]
    • It’s tempting to do bedtime yoga in your bedroom, but it’s best if you use your bedroom exclusively for sleeping. That way, your body equates it only with sleeping. This also means you shouldn’t watch TV in there before bed!
    • Some poses require you to be near a wall or to use a chair, so make sure you have what you need in close proximity.
    • Bring some pillows, rolled up towels, foam blocks, or other aids you may need to make doing the various poses more comfortable.
  3. English: Step 3 Dress in comfy clothes that allow free movement—maybe even your pajamas!
    Comfort and range-of-motion are key here, not fashion. If you have pajamas that can double as a functional yoga outfit, go ahead and wear them. That way, you can slip right into bed when you’re finished.[22]
  4. English: Step 4 Choose poses that will calm you, not make you sweaty and more alert.
    Remember that the goal here is to fall asleep! Skip any high-intensity yoga poses for now, and consider saving them for morning as part of your daily wake-up routine.
    • If you want to do yoga in the morning as well, search online for "wake up yoga" (or similar) to find quick routines suited to getting your day going. Or consider signing up for a morning yoga class.
  5. English: Step 5 Focus on breathing in a slow, deep, relaxed manner.
    In yoga, the formal practice of breathing is called Pranayama. You want to focus on inhaling and exhaling deeply in a balanced manner. By focusing your breathing you are allowing yourself to relax and tune into your body.[23]
    • There are various breathing techniques used in yoga. Try attending a few classes or watching some instructional videos to find the technique that works best for you.
    • One popular technique is called Ujjayi (also called Ocean Breath and Victorious Breath). It involves breathing in and out exclusively through the nose, and constricting the back of your throat while you exhale so your breath sounds like ocean waves.[24]
  6. English: Step 6 Work with your doctor if you have insomnia or concerns about using yoga.
    If you’re having consistent trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor so you can pinpoint any particular medical or psychological issues. If you’re diagnosed with insomnia, ask your doctor about using yoga—studies have shown that bedtime yoga can be particularly helpful.[25]
    • Even if you don’t have insomnia, there’s a great deal of solid evidence that doing yoga can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and sleep better.[26]
    • For most people, it’s perfectly safe to try yoga without consulting your doctor. However, if you have existing health conditions or physical limitations that may make doing yoga difficult or even potentially risky, talk to your doctor about adaptations and alternatives to traditional yoga.

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      • Listen to your body! If a pose feels uncomfortable, or causes pain, use modifications. Yoga should feel effortless when done correctly.

      Things You’ll Need

      • Yoga Mat (or alternate)
      • Yoga Block or Pillow (optional)
      • Belt or Yoga Band (optional)

      About this article English: Elaine Oyang
      Co-authored by:
      Yoga Therapist & Instructor
      This article was co-authored by Elaine Oyang and by staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Elaine Oyang is a Yoga Therapist and Instructor, Wellness Advocate, and Founder of Elaine Oyang Yoga in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 9 years of experience, Elaine specializes in spinal release yoga, viniyoga, pranayama (yoga breathing practices), meditation, guided relaxation, and Ayurveda. Elaine holds a BS in Biology from Harvey Mudd College. She is certified in Yoga Therapy from the Stress Management Center of Marin. Elaine has received over 1,000 hours of training in yoga therapy and focuses on teaching clients to redirect stress and tensions towards effective self-growth, resilience, and contentment through physical nurturing and inner reflection. She also specializes in treating those with Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, Lupus, Lyme's, anxiety, and depression. This article has been viewed 7,384 times.
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      Updated: May 25, 2021
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