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How to Use The List App

The List App is a new social media platform on which everything is shared in list form, where you can “Create and Share Lists about Anything and Everything”. This simple format both encourages and challenges the user to be creative and succinct. It really makes you wonder: what can’t be done with a list? Learn everything you need to know to get started in this community here.

Part 1
Part 1 of 7:

Downloading The List App

  1. How.com.vn English: Step 1 Go to the App Store and search for The List App.
    • The List App is currently only available for iPhones.
    • You could use an iPad, but The List App is currently optimized only for iPhone.
  2. 2
    Download The List App.
Part 2
Part 2 of 7:

Setting Your Profile at Registration

  1. How.com.vn English: Step 1 Open up the app.
  2. How.com.vn English: Step 2 Tap “Register”.
  3. How.com.vn English: Step 3 Select a username and password.
    The username is what you will be tagged with later on - and, as you will see later, it shows up at the very top of your profile screen. This is changeable in the Settings section later on, so if you’re not sure yet don’t fret.
    • Note: Your username need not be your real name.
  4. How.com.vn English: Step 4 Add your email and name.
    Your email will not be viewable by others. The name is separate from your username, and will not be used in tags.
    • Upload an optional Profile Picture here. You will also have the opportunity to do this at a later time in the Settings section.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Add your email and name.
    • You can autofill your information from Facebook here as well.
  5. How.com.vn English: Step 5 Wait for the option to receive Notifications from The List App to pop up.
    These are the notifications you would receive on your iPhone outside of the app.
  6. How.com.vn English: Step 6 Find contacts if desired.
    If you would like to sync your contacts from Facebook, Twitter, or from your iPhone to find people you’d like to follow, you can do so here. You will also have the option to do so later on in Settings.
  7. How.com.vn English: Step 7 Select Recommended Users you would like to follow.
    @How.com.vn is currently one of them!
  8. How.com.vn English: Step 8 Explore The List App!
    • This is the Discover screen. If you’re ready to dive into lists, this first screen displays: Activity (once you are following people), Featured Lists, Trending Lists, and a Search Bar at the top.
Part 3
Part 3 of 7:

Navigating The List App: Basics

To quickly help you understand the features available, here is a breakdown of the buttons and functions available to you, from top to bottom.

  1. How.com.vn English: Step 1 Use the icon on the top left to invite new users to The List App and find people to follow.
    It features a person and a “+”.
  2. How.com.vn English: Step 2 Use the lines and “+” icon on the top right to quickly and easily create lists.
  3. How.com.vn English: Step 3 Access the stream of lists from people you follow by selecting the Home icon on the bottom left.
  4. How.com.vn English: Step 4 Go to the Discover screen by tapping the Magnifying glass icon (second to the bottom left).
    The Discover screen is where you go to see recent Activity, Search for lists, and find lists that are Featured or Trending.
  5. How.com.vn English: Step 5 Tap the Speech bubble with lines icon (third from the left) to list notifications.
    Find out who is following you, liking your list, relisting your list, mentioning you in a list, commenting on your list, requesting a list, and if your list is trending or featured.
  6. How.com.vn English: Step 6 Enter your personal profile screen by tapping the person icon (far right).
    Here you will see how your profile looks to others, with the exception of the Save button. You will be able to manage all your personal preferences (via Settings), Drafts, Lists (own, Saved, Liked, Relisted, and Requested from followers) here.
    • The blue checkmark at the top to the right of names marks verified users.
    • See how many people you are following and how many followers you have.
    • This is where your personal description will be featured.
    • You can tap into someone’s profile picture to have it expand into full screen.
      How.com.vn English: Step 6 Enter your personal profile screen by tapping the person icon (far right).
Part 4
Part 4 of 7:

Making a List

  1. How.com.vn English: Step 1 Select the icon with the lines and “+” on the top right of the gray bar to start your list.
    • Take a look at the List Suggestions (in faint gray) in your Profile, especially if it is your first time making a list or if you need some ideas. Tap the one you like to proceed.
      How.com.vn English: Step 1 Select the icon with the lines and “+” on the top right of the gray bar to start your list.
    • Tap into the list of a title you like and want to re-use. Then, long-press the title. When you let go, a draft will appear with the same title and, in the description, “Inspired by @”, tagging the person who wrote the original list.
      How.com.vn English: Step 1 Select the icon with the lines and “+” on the top right of the gray bar to start your list.
  2. There are 3 types of lists you can make from scratch: Bulleted (3 bullets and lines button), Numbered (“1 2 3” button), or Open List (“+” button). These options are differentiated by the selections at the top (under Compose).
    • Bulleted or Numbered lists are similar, it’s just a difference between whether you want the items on your list bulleted or numbered.
      • Bulleted:
        How.com.vn English: Step 2 Choose your list type.
      • Numbered:
        How.com.vn English: Step 2 Choose your list type.
    • Open List allows other users to make suggestions to your list -- which you could then approve with a double tap. This selection will automatically tag a “+” symbol at the end of your list title. Open List is the only type that can be published without an item. This is also the only list where introductory text will show in the news feed.
      How.com.vn English: Step 2 Choose your list type.
  3. How.com.vn English: Step 3 Add the title of your list.
    There is a 100 character limit.
  4. How.com.vn English: Step 4 Add an introduction (optional).
    This section has a 350 character limit and will only show in the news feed if it is in an Open List.
  5. How.com.vn English: Step 5 Start your list.
    • Lists can have up to 99 items. Yes, you can list 99 problems (and a list ain’t one).
    • The first 3 list items of a list will display in the home feed unless the list is exactly 4 points, in which case all 4 points will display.
    • The individual lines have a 350 character limit and up to one line of text will be viewable in the stream.
    • The character count on the right of each text input will inform you of the remaining space.
  6. How.com.vn English: Step 6 Consider adding a photo or additional text.
    Once you tap into the first line, you will see there are additional features available for each corresponding line, all of which are optional. From left to right:
    • The speech bubble (with three dots) icon allows you to add additional descriptive text up to 500 characters. This is often used to dig deeper, offering additional details, insight, etc. Tap in:
      How.com.vn English: Step 6 Consider adding a photo or additional text.
    • Once added, descriptive text will appear below your main list item.
      How.com.vn English: Step 6 Consider adding a photo or additional text.
    • The camera icon allows you to add an image. You can Select from Photos or Take Photo. (If you choose to Select from Photos, you will have to grant access to Photos.) There is no option to re-size at this time.
      How.com.vn English: Step 6 Consider adding a photo or additional text.
      • All photos are constrained within a square. Drag the portion of the image you want into focus, select Choose (on the right). There is no option to re-size at this time.
        How.com.vn English: Step 6 Consider adding a photo or additional text.
      • Hint: If you tap into an image, you can swipe left or right to read the rest of the list with its corresponding image.
    • The upside down tear drop icon/place marker is used to tag a location. The List App will need access to your location services, which will have to be turned on. Type in the location and select from the list of options.
      How.com.vn English: Step 6 Consider adding a photo or additional text.
  7. How.com.vn English: Step 7 Click-drag items to easily reorder your list at any point.
    • You can also click-drag to reorder your list while editing a published list.
  8. How.com.vn English: Step 8 If you’re finished with your list (complete or not), select next (at the top right in the gray).
    Here you will have the option to Publish or Save as Draft.
    • You'll get a confirmation when your list if published.
      How.com.vn English: Step 8 If you’re finished with your list (complete or not), select next (at the top right in the gray).
  9. How.com.vn English: Step 9 Revisit drafts later if you want to.
    Drafts are saved to your profile, under the brief bio (if you have one).
    • Tap into the Draft section to view the list-in-progress.
      How.com.vn English: Step 9 Revisit drafts later if you want to.
    • If you want to delete the draft, swipe left.
      How.com.vn English: Step 9 Revisit drafts later if you want to.
  10. How.com.vn English: Step 10 Delete any complete list item if you need to.
    You can do this while making the draft or editing a list. Just swipe left on the line you want to delete, and press the button.
  11. These are options at any point.
    • To Delete or Save a list in progress, simply select Cancel on the top left corner. You will then be prompted to select Delete, Save as Draft, or Cancel.
      How.com.vn English: Step 11 Edit or delete your lists when you want to.
    • To Edit or Delete a list that is already created, simply swipe left on the title in your profile and tap the corresponding button.
      How.com.vn English: Step 11 Edit or delete your lists when you want to.
    • Or tap into the list, select the “Edit or Add to Your List” Button.
      How.com.vn English: Step 11 Edit or delete your lists when you want to.
      • Select Delete.
        How.com.vn English: Step 11 Edit or delete your lists when you want to.
    • Use the click-drag feature while editing to reorder lists. Especially helpful for Open Lists.
      How.com.vn English: Step 11 Edit or delete your lists when you want to.
Part 5
Part 5 of 7:

Searching For Lists, Saving Lists, and Sharing Lists Outside The List App

  1. How.com.vn English: Step 1 Go to the Discover screen by tapping on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
    There are 4 ways you can find lists.
    • Activity shows who select people have most recently followed, what lists those people are liking, relisting, and commenting on. These are updated in real time.
    • Featured lists are lists featured by The List App. Sometimes Trending lists lead to being Featured, but Featured lists are also comprised of lists selected by The List App.
      How.com.vn English: Step 1 Go to the Discover screen by tapping on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
    • Trending lists are the lists that people are actively engaging with. This is usually determined by a combination of likes, relists, and comments.
      How.com.vn English: Step 1 Go to the Discover screen by tapping on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
    • Search bar at the top allows you to search for people (by name or username) and for lists. This will display lists that have your term in both titles and lists.
      How.com.vn English: Step 1 Go to the Discover screen by tapping on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom.
  2. How.com.vn English: Step 2 Follow more people and simply check your stream.
    Your stream is accessible by the home icon on the bottom left. Scroll through to see what lists other people are publishing or relisting.
    • Find people to follow by clicking on the person and “+” icon on the top left. You will have the option to find people via Facebook, Twitter, Contacts, or the Recommended List.
      How.com.vn English: Step 2 Follow more people and simply check your stream.
    • Another way to find more people to follow is by clicking into either your followers or people you follow (on your profile) and scrolling all the way to the bottom.
      How.com.vn English: Step 2 Follow more people and simply check your stream.
      • Tap into “Find People to Follow” and find more ways to connect through social media and Recommended Users.
        How.com.vn English: Step 2 Follow more people and simply check your stream.
  3. How.com.vn English: Step 3 Save lists you like.
    Saving lists on The List App is easy, and private. Only you can see the lists you’ve saved, and on the other end the person cannot see when you’ve saved their list. To save a list, you can tap the floppy disk icon on the bottom right of lists in streams and after you’ve tapped into lists on the bottom right before comments.
    • You can locate this collection on the top of your Profile screen (person icon in the bottom right corner) > tap the floppy disk icon.
      How.com.vn English: Step 3 Save lists you like.
  4. How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
    Lists will be accessible on both web and mobile browsers. There are 5 ways to share: Tweet, on Facebook, via Text Message, through Email, or by Copy and Sharing the link. First, tap into the individual profile. Then, tap into a list of your choice, and tap the “...” icon to the right of the floppy disk button (or Save Lists feature).
    • Once selected, the following options will be revealed.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
    • Note: The iPhone app is required to make lists.
    • To share on Twitter, tap the Tweet option. The title, author, and link will auto-populate. Feel free to edit the text or add onto the description.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
    • Post on Facebook by selecting Facebook. The link will auto-populate, with an option to choose a Location and specific Audience. Come up with your own introduction, and tap Post on the top right corner when you’re finished.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
    • Tapping on Message will take you to your iMessages, with a message already crafted for you, along with the list title, author, and the web URL.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
    • If you prefer email, upon choosing the option, you will be have a draft created for you, including: subject, title, author, direct link to the list, and a link to Download The List App at the end of the message.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
    • Copy Share button will simply copy the link. If you click into the link, it will take you to the web URL, unless you have the app open already.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Share lists outside of The List App.
Part 6
Part 6 of 7:

Engaging in the Community

Here are some ways to become more engaged in this vibrant community:

  1. How.com.vn English: Step 1 Find some big names to follow.
    Featuring star-studded contributors, The List App Community includes (but is not limited to): B.J. Novak, Mindy Kaling, Rowan Blanchard, Lena Dunham, Snoop Dogg, Anthony Bourdain, Bobby Hundreds, Jake Tapper, John Mayer, Paul Scheer, and Sophia Rivka Rossi.
    • Featured brands also include: How.com.vn, The New York Times, NPR, Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ, TED Radio Hour, American Red Cross, Wired, Pitchfork, The Onion, McSweeneys, Mental Floss, Hello Giggles, Grub Street, and more.
      How.com.vn English: Step 1 Find some big names to follow.
  2. How.com.vn English: Step 2 Follow more people.
    You can follow them by clicking into their profile and clicking “Follow” on the top right.
    • Following.
      How.com.vn English: Step 2 Follow more people.
  3. How.com.vn English: Step 3 Show your love by liking lists.
    Like a list by tapping on the actual star or double-tapping the list screen while reading the list in full. For tapping on the star directly, you can do this on the post within the feed or after you’ve tapped into a list at the bottom (before comments).
    • You can access yours and others’ liked lists in the Profile by tapping the star icon (third at the top). The number of lists liked is under this icon.
      How.com.vn English: Step 3 Show your love by liking lists.
  4. How.com.vn English: Step 4 Relist a list to share the list with all your followers.
    Simply tap the dual arrow icon on the right of the star icon in the stream or within the list.
    • You can access yours and others’ Relists in the Profile also by tapping the same dual arrow icon (second from the left at the top). The number of relists is available under this icon.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Relist a list to share the list with all your followers.
  5. How.com.vn English: Step 5 Reuse an inspiring list title.
    To do this, tap into the list you are interested in. Proceed to long-press the title. A draft will be created with the same title and “Inspired by @” tagging the user in the description.
  6. How.com.vn English: Step 6 Make a Suggestion on Open Lists.
    Open Lists are branded with the “+” symbol at the end of a list. Tap into the list and tap the “Make a Suggestion” button. All the features available when creating a line on a list are available here (more details, photo, and location).
    • Send when ready.
      How.com.vn English: Step 6 Make a Suggestion on Open Lists.
    • Accept a Suggestion by double-tapping the line.
    • Reorder the Suggestion in your list by going tapping into editing and using the click-drag feature.
  7. How.com.vn English: Step 7 Comment on a list.
    Tap into a list and simply tap on “Add a Comment”.
    • Add the text and hit send.
      How.com.vn English: Step 7 Comment on a list.
    • To respond to a comment, swipe left on the individual comment and select “Reply”.
      How.com.vn English: Step 7 Comment on a list.
      • It will automatically tag the person for you by including an “@” in front of the username.
        How.com.vn English: Step 7 Comment on a list.
    • Delete a comment by swiping left on the text line and tapping “Delete”.
      How.com.vn English: Step 7 Comment on a list.
    • Use the “@” symbol to tag someone.
      How.com.vn English: Step 7 Comment on a list.
    • The 100 emoji has been often used to remark that a list is solid.
  8. How.com.vn English: Step 8 Write Lists.
    • Consider an Open List for something more interactive, and double-tap others’ Suggestions to add to your list.
      How.com.vn English: Step 8 Write Lists.
      • After accepting a Suggestion, you can reorder your list. Tap into editing > use the click-drag feature.
        How.com.vn English: Step 8 Write Lists.
      • You can publish an Open List without a single item -- note: it is the only type that allows this.
  9. This can be their expertise, insight, or something you would like to know about them.
    • Tap into their profile and tap the “Request a List” button.
      How.com.vn English: Step 9 Request a list that you would like to read from someone.
    • Add the title.
      How.com.vn English: Step 9 Request a list that you would like to read from someone.
    • Send.
      How.com.vn English: Step 9 Request a list that you would like to read from someone.
    • Respond to requested lists. Go to your profile and top on the last icon on the top (arrow to the right) to look at your requested lists.
      How.com.vn English: Step 9 Request a list that you would like to read from someone.
  10. How.com.vn English: Step 10 Invite people to join The List App.
    Tap the icon on the top left of the gray bar (a person with a plus symbol).
    • This screen will allow you to invite people via Facebook, Twitter, or your Contacts.
      How.com.vn English: Step 10 Invite people to join The List App.
    • For Facebook, the following message will auto-populate, “Join me on The List App! Download the iPhone App.” You can add, revise, or create your own message as you see fit. Select a location and audience if you choose, and post.
      How.com.vn English: Step 10 Invite people to join The List App.
    • For Twitter, this tweet will auto-populate “Join me on @TheListApp! Download the iPhone App.” Add, revise, or create your own text to invite your friends. Add a location if you choose, and post.
      How.com.vn English: Step 10 Invite people to join The List App.
    • If you select your Contacts, a list of names will generate with an Invite button next to each name. Tap each corresponding Invite button.
      How.com.vn English: Step 10 Invite people to join The List App.
    • This same screen will allow you to find more people to follow through the same channels and the Recommended List.
  11. 11
    View the Activity portion of the Featured screen and possibly participate. These are the most recent actions of selected users, and may be live.
Part 7
Part 7 of 7:

Setting Your Privacy Settings and/or Changing Settings

  1. 1
    Decide if you want to change your settings from the default. By default, your account and lists are public, which means anyone can view (including the links through the web and mobile browsers) and interact with you and your lists (through the app only). However, The List App offers a number of secure features that will ensure you the customized experience you seek. Access your Settings to set your Privacy or change your personal information (both private and displayed).
  2. How.com.vn English: Step 2 Tap the person icon on the bottom right corner (fourth from the left) to go to your Profile.
  3. How.com.vn English: Step 3 Access your Settings by tapping the gear icon on the top right of your profile screen, under the gray bar.
    • Managing general Settings includes: editing your Profile (in chronological order: username, name, profile description, and website), changing your Profile Picture, and changing your email address.
      How.com.vn English: Step 3 Access your Settings by tapping the gear icon on the top right of your profile screen, under the gray bar.
  4. How.com.vn English: Step 4 Change your profile picture by tapping the circle with the camera icon in the center (or the existing image).
    If you have an existing image, you will need to select Remove the Image first.
    • When you have no image, you can either Select from Facebook, Select from Photos, or Take Photo.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Change your profile picture by tapping the circle with the camera icon in the center (or the existing image).
    • All photos are confined to a square, and you can drag the portion you want into the square outline. Tap choose in the bottom right corner.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Change your profile picture by tapping the circle with the camera icon in the center (or the existing image).
    • Note: The profile photo will then be cropped into a circle - keep this in mind when selecting your photo.
      How.com.vn English: Step 4 Change your profile picture by tapping the circle with the camera icon in the center (or the existing image).
  5. How.com.vn English: Step 5 Adjust your settings as you'd like.
    There are several options to consider when managing your Privacy Settings, which are viewable when you scroll down from your general settings.
    • “Receive Notifications From” has to do with the push notifications from your iPhone (that you allowed or denied access in your set-up during registration). You can either receive Notifications from Everyone or “Only People I Know”. Note: If you choose to set-up Notifications on your iPhone, go to your iPhone Settings > Notifications and grant The List App permission.
      How.com.vn English: Step 5 Adjust your settings as you'd like.
    • “Allow List Suggestions From” is for Open Lists (Lists that end with a “+” in the title). These type of lists allow people to make Suggestions, which you can later decide to double-tap to add to your list. This feature lets you control whether your Suggestions can come from Everyone or “Only People I Know”.
      How.com.vn English: Step 5 Adjust your settings as you'd like.
    • “Allow List Requests From” exists because people can request lists from you. This privacy feature lets you decide whether these requests will come from Everyone or “Only People I Know”.
      How.com.vn English: Step 5 Adjust your settings as you'd like.
    • “Allow Comments On Your List From” is to make sure that you’re comfortable with who can or cannot comment on your list. (Scroll further down to see this option.) Similarly, this feature lets you choose Everyone or “Only People I Know”.
      How.com.vn English: Step 5 Adjust your settings as you'd like.
    • “Keep My Account Private” is exactly as it sounds. This ensures total privacy from the people you aren’t connected with. If your account is Private, your lists cannot be: featured, relisted, shared across social, and the web URL will not be accessible for sharing.
      How.com.vn English: Step 5 Adjust your settings as you'd like.
  6. How.com.vn English: Step 6 Scroll down for additional options to:
    review policies and guidelines, reach out to the administrator, and read the FAQs.
  7. How.com.vn English: Step 7 Log out of the app with the button at the bottom of the Settings section.
  8. Managing your privacy amongst individual users is also available. However, this does not take place in the Settings section.
    • You can block someone that follows you by tapping into their profile, and selecting the “...” icon on the top to the right. Select the “Block User” option.
      How.com.vn English: Step 8 Block, mute, or report users if you need to.
    • If someone you follow gets trigger-happy with the Relisting option, you can “Mute Relists”. Tap into their profile, select the “...” icon on the top right, and choose the corresponding option. Muting Relists will only disable the relists from this person.
      How.com.vn English: Step 8 Block, mute, or report users if you need to.
    • If a person is not abiding by the Community Guidelines (listed under Settings), you can Report them by going into their profile and selecting the icon “...” on the top right.
    • If a person makes an inappropriate comment, you can also Report it. Simply swipe the comment to the left and select Report.
      How.com.vn English: Step 8 Block, mute, or report users if you need to.

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      • The List App is a place where people have complete freedom in composing their lists, which has resulted in a richly vibrant and positive community.
        • The List App has successfully been used as a means of: self-expression, communication, discovery, problem solving, recommendations, and beyond.
      • You can use an iPad, but The List App is currently only optimized for iPhone.
      • View Privacy Policy and Community Guidelines through the Settings screen.
      Show More Tips


      • The List App can be pretty addictive and might have you thinking in list-form throughout the day.


      About this article

      How.com.vn English: B.J. Novak
      Co-authored by:
      Actor, Writer & Entrepreneur
      This article was co-authored by B.J. Novak. B.J. Novak is a writer and actor best known for his work on NBC's Emmy Award winning comedy series "The Office" as an actor, writer, director, and executive producer. He is co-founder of The List App, and author of "The Book with No Pictures." B.J. graduated from Harvard University with a degree in English and Spanish literature in 2001. This article has been viewed 5,436 times.
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      Co-authors: 8
      Updated: August 4, 2023
      Views: 5,436
      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 5,436 times.

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