How to Treat an Acute Cough

An acute cough is defined as a cough that has existed for less than 3 weeks.[1] The key to treating an acute cough is to determine the underlying cause, as the treatment will vary depending upon the reason for your cough. Most of the time, you can treat a mild acute cough at home. However, if you have a severe cough and are having trouble breathing, go to the emergency room immediately.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Home Remedies

  1. English: Step 1 Get plenty of rest.
    As with any illness, the more time you can give your body to rest, the faster you will likely recover from the infection. Most acute coughs are caused by the common cold or the flu, and taking time to rest can enhance your immune function and your ability to fight off the bug.[2]
    • Ideally, you should stay home from work or school while you’re sick, especially if your cough is caused by a contagious disease like COVID or the flu. This will help you get better faster, and will also protect others from getting sick. Ask your doctor to write a note, if necessary.[3]
    • If you cannot get time off work or school, see if you can cancel other commitments to give your body more rest.
    • Get extra sleep if this is at all possible with your schedule. Sleep is one of the best ways to boost your immune function.
  2. English: Step 2 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
    Your body loses water as it works to fight off an infection. Therefore, it is key to drink plenty of fluids. Drink an 8  fl oz (240 mL) glass of water at least 8 times per day. Drinking water can also help soothe your irritated throat and loosen phlegm that might be making your cough worse.[4]
    • Warm fluids can be especially soothing. Try sipping on warm chicken broth or drinking warm water with a squeeze of lemon. You can also try gargling warm water with ½ a teaspoon (3g) of salt dissolved in it. Spit out the salt water after you gargle it.[5]
    • It can also be helpful to use a humidifier—which vaporizes water into the air—to ease symptoms of your cough.
    • The steam from a hot shower can also help to clear your airways and to improve your cough.
  3. English: Step 3 Soothe your cough with warm, caffeine-free drinks mixed with honey.
    Some studies show that honey may help soothe a cough or sore throat. Mix a little honey into warm water or herbal tea and sip it to minimize throat irritation associated with your cough. You can also add a squeeze of lemon, if you like.[6]
    • Avoid drinking caffeinated teas, since too much caffeine can dehydrate you.[7]
    • While there’s some evidence that honey can be an effective cough remedy, the jury is still out on whether it works as well as over-the-counter cough medicines.[8]
    • Never give honey to a baby under 1 year old, since it could cause a rare type of food poisoning called infant botulism.
  4. English: Step 4 Use over-the-counter medications as needed.
    The most common types of OTC cough medicine are dextromethorphan and guaifenesin. Dextromethorphan works by suppressing the cough reflex, while guaifenesin makes it easier for you to cough up irritating mucus and phlegm. Some products contain a combination of these medicines, or combine them with other drugs (like fever reducers or painkillers).[9] You can buy cough medicines over-the-counter at your local drugstore or pharmacy. Note that using OTC cough medications is only useful if your cough is caused by an acute respiratory infection, such as the common cold or the flu.
    • Always take these medications with a full glass of water.
    • If you’re using a cough and cold medication, check the ingredients carefully before you take any other medicines to avoid accidental overdoses. For example, don’t take Tylenol (acetaminophen) if you’re also taking a multi-symptom cough and cold medicine with Tylenol in it.
    • Over the counter cold and cough remedies are generally not recommended for children under 6 years old, and their effectiveness in this age group has not proven to be effective.
  5. English: Step 5 Take magnesium or other supplements to boost your immune system.
    Magnesium supplements can help you fight a cough in several ways—the improve your immune response, relax the muscles in your airways, and help you sleep.[10] Ask your doctor to recommend an appropriate dose for you.
    • Other supplements that may improve your immune function include vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.[11] Vitamins D and A, as well as zinc and selenium, are also good immune boosters.[12]
    • Before starting any new supplement, let your doctor or pharmacist know if you are taking any other supplements or medications. This will help them figure out if you can take the supplement safely.
  6. English: Step 6 Try lozenges to soothe your throat.
    Sucking on lozenges can help to alleviate a cough, particularly a cough that is dry and tickling in nature. Lozenges can be purchased at most grocery stores, or at your local drugstore or pharmacy.[13]
    • A simple hard candy may also help soothe a sore or tickly throat.
  7. English: Step 7 Cool your inflamed airways with a soothing chest rub.
    Menthol rubs are an old home remedy for easing irritation in your throat and chest when you have a cold. Smooth the rub into the skin on your chest and the front of your neck before you lie down to rest or sleep. The heat from your body will cause the rub to evaporate so that you can breathe in the soothing vapors.[14]
    • You can buy medicated chest rubs at most pharmacies or grocery stores.
    • You can make your own chest rub by melting a base such as beeswax and coconut or olive oil and mixing in a few drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender essential oils. Use no more than 3 drops of essential oil for every 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of your carrier oil.[15]
  8. English: Step 8 Elevate your head at night if you have a dry cough.
    If you have a dry cough caused by upper respiratory irritation, such as a post-nasal drip or a sore throat, raising your head a bit when you sleep may help. Put an extra 1-2 pillows under your head, or elevate the head end of your bed slightly.[16]
    • Elevating your upper body can also help if you have a cough caused by acid reflux.
    • On the other hand, if you have a wet or productive cough, lying down with your head lower than your chest and abdomen can help drain mucus and fluids from your lungs. For example, lie down on your back with pillows under your legs, or on your chest with pillows under your stomach and hips.[17]
  9. English: Step 9 Avoid possible allergens that might be causing your cough.
    Allergens or irritants in your environment can sometimes cause a cough.[18] While there are medications you can take to reduce allergy symptoms, it’s better if you can avoid allergy triggers altogether. Clean and vacuum your home regularly, and consider installing an air filter to cut down on dust and other airborne allergens. If you’re allergic to pollen, avoid going out on days when there’s a high pollen count.[19]
    • Food allergies can also cause a cough.[20] If you notice that certain foods tend to trigger a cough or other symptoms, talk to your doctor about whether you might have a food allergy.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Severe Cough Symptoms

  1. English: Step 1 Seek emergency medical help if your cough is severe.
    The first thing to do if you have an acute cough is to determine whether you need to go into the emergency room, or whether it is okay to wait to see your family doctor. Indications that you should go straight to the emergency room include:[21]
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    • A fever of 103 °F (39 °C) or higher
    • Coughing up blood or bloody mucus
    • Difficulty speaking or swallowing
    • Difficulty opening your mouth all the way
    • Swelling of one side of your throat
    • Other underlying health issues that leave you immunocompromised (such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, or an organ transplant)
  2. English: Step 2 Let your doctor ensure that your vital signs are stable.
    If it is an emergency situation, and you are in distress because of your cough or having trouble breathing, the doctor will work to stabilize you before proceeding with further treatment.[22] They may offer you:
    • Supplemental oxygen
    • A bronchodilator, which is a medication that will relax the airways in your lungs
    • Positive airway pressure, such as a CPAP or BiPAP machine
    • In rare cases, ventilatory support
  3. English: Step 3 Tell your doctor about how the cough began.
    Once you are stable enough to answer questions and to engage in conversation with your doctor, they will want to get information about the history of your cough. They will ask you questions like:[23]
    • When did your cough begin?
    • Have you had a cough like this before?
    • Is your cough getting better or worse?
    • Does it come in episodes, or is the cough constant?
  4. English: Step 4 Describe your cough.
    Your doctor will also ask about the characteristics of your cough. This will help them figure out what might be causing your cough and how serious it is. Things they may ask about are:[24]
    • Is it a productive cough? That is, are you bringing up phlegm or mucus when you cough?
    • Is there blood in your cough?
    • Is there a wheezy aspect to your cough?
  5. English: Step 5 Watch for any other signs and symptoms.
    It is key to discuss any other symptoms that you have noticed alongside your cough. This will also help them determine what’s causing your cough and how to treat it. Things to tell your doctor about include:[25]
    • Chest pain, which may radiate to other parts of your body
    • Chest tightness
    • Shortness of breath
    • General fatigue
    • Lightheadedness, dizziness, and/or fainting
    • A fever
  6. English: Step 6 Share your medical health history.
    Finally, as your doctor works to diagnose the cause of your cough, it is key that he is aware of your medical history and any other health conditions that you may have.[26] Let your doctor know if you have a history of:
    • Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or ongoing heart disease
    • Ongoing respiratory disease prior to the onset of your cough
    • Acid reflux (GERD) or symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, or frequent sour tastes in your mouth
    • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever), which can cause a cough due to post-nasal drip
    • A condition that compromises your immune system (such as HIV/AIDS or an organ transplant)
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Medical Diagnosis

  1. English: Step 1 Let your doctor perform a physical exam.
    In addition to evaluating your vital signs and assessing if you need emergency treatment, your doctor will also listen to your chest with a stethoscope. The stethoscope can detect crackles in your lungs when there is fluid buildup (such as in cases of pulmonary edema or pneumonia). Your doctor will also look for other signs during the physical exam, including:[27]
    • Elevated pressure in your neck veins. This can indicate whether there is fluid buildup, such as in congestive heart failure or pulmonary edema.
    • Signs of low oxygen. They might do this by attaching an oxygen monitor to your finger or examining your hands, tongue, or the inside of your cheeks.
    • Other abnormal breath sounds, such as wheezing or stridor (a harsh squeaking or vibrating sound).
    • Signs of decreased air movement when you breathe.
  2. English: Step 2 Receive a chest x-ray if your doctor thinks it’s necessary.
    A chest x-ray is another beneficial tool when it comes to determining the cause of your acute cough. A chest x-ray may show signs of an enlarged heart, such as in congestive heart failure. It may also show fluid buildup in the lungs. It will show pneumonia if you have it, and it can also detect lung cancer.[28]
    • If the x-ray alone is inconclusive, your doctor may request that you proceed with a CT scan or other types of imaging to look at your lungs in more detail.
    • However, in many cases, the x-ray alone is sufficient to make the diagnosis and to begin a treatment plan.
  3. English: Step 3 Talk your doctor about a CT scan if they need more detailed images.
    Your doctor may decide to do a computed tomographic (CT) scan of your chest, which can provide them with more detailed images of your lungs than an x-ray. This can be used to identify or rule out serious afflictions.[29]
    • A PE (pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot in the lung that can lead to an acute cough) can be ruled out with a CT scan.
    • Your doctor may also order a CT scan if they suspect that a tumor is causing your cough.
  4. English: Step 4 Have an ECG (electrocardiogram) if your doctor suspects heart problems.
    While an acute cough is usually nothing serious, it can sometimes be a symptom of heart disease.[30] If your doctor suspects a heart problem, they may order an ECG. This simple, painless test involves attaching electrodes to a few places on your body to monitor the electrical signals from your heart. It usually only takes a few minutes.
    • A cough caused by heart failure will usually come with other symptoms, such as wheezing, swelling in your legs and feet, and fatigue.[31]
  5. English: Step 5 Get a sputum sample taken to identify a lung infection.
    Given that the most common cause of an acute cough is an infection, your doctor may collect a sample of your sputum for analysis in the lab. This can reveal if there is an infection present, and also what type of microbe is growing in your body so that the antibiotic treatment can be specifically targeted to the bacteria that has infected you (if it is indeed bacterial).[32]
    • Your doctor is more likely to order a sputum test if they suspect a serious infection, such as tuberculosis, whooping cough, or bacterial or fungal pneumonia.
  6. English: Step 6 Opt for spirometry if your doctor suspects asthma or COPD.
    Spirometry is a type of lung function test. To do this test, you’ll need to wear a soft clip on your nose and exhale several times into a machine that will test how much air you can breathe out in a single breath. It can be used to diagnose asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), among other things. A COPD "exacerbation" is a common cause of an acutely worsened cough, so this is something that your doctor may wish to consider in the diagnostic process.[33]
    • Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are types of COPD.
    • Spirometry is also useful for diagnosing conditions like cystic fibrosis or scarring of the lungs.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Medical Treatments for a Severe Cough

  1. English: Step 1 Continue basic supportive treatments at home.
    The same remedies that you’d use for a mild cough can also help you recover from a more severe lung infection, such as pneumonia.[34] Keep using home treatments such as:
    • Drinking warm fluids
    • Taking supplements or medications (such as Mucinex) as directed by your doctor
    • Using a humidifier
    • Keeping your room clean and well-ventilated
    • Avoiding irritants, such as smoke or allergens
  2. English: Step 2 Receive breathing support as needed.
    If your cough is making it difficult for you to breathe, you may need oxygen supplementation. In more severe cases, you may need positive airway pressure (such as a CPAP machine or a BiPAP machine) or, rarely, ventilator support.[35]
    • Bronchodilators such as albuterol are also used in the event of bronchospasm.
    • It is key to ensure that you are getting adequate oxygen delivery before proceeding with further treatment.
  3. English: Step 3 Take antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection.
    If you have an infection, such as acute bronchitis or pneumonia, you may benefit from antibiotics. This is not true in all cases (it depends upon the risk level of your infection, and whether it is believed to be bacterial). Your doctor can guide you as to whether antibiotic treatment is needed in your case.[36]
    • Note that, in a viral infection (or an infection caused by any microorganism other than bacteria), antibiotics will be of no benefit.
    • You’re more likely to need antibiotics if you have an infection such as acute bronchitis, pneumonia, or bacterial sinusitis.
  4. English: Step 4 Increase your dose of inhaled medications if you have a COPD exacerbation.
    If you have a COPD exacerbation, you will likely need increased amounts of inhaled bronchodilator medication (such as Ventolin) and inhaled corticosteroids (such as Flovent). You may also need to begin oral steroids (such as Prednisone) for a short period of time, to get your cough and shortness of breath under control.[37]
    • Systemic and inhaled steroids are also used in acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis.
    • If the cause of your COPD exacerbation is a respiratory tract infection, you may also need antibiotics.
  5. English: Step 5 Treat other causes of an acute cough based on the underlying cause.
    The treatment plan for an acute cough depends entirely on the underlying cause of the cough. While most coughs are caused by common viral infections, there are some less common causes you’re your doctor might have to treat in order to control your cough.[38] Some other causes of a cough may include:
    • Allergies. If the cough is due to allergic rhinitis, nasal corticosteroids may prove helpful as well as oral antihistamines.[39]
    • Acid reflux, or GERD. In the event that the cough is due to acid reflux, H2 blockers or PPI's may be helpful to relieve symptoms, and also lifestyle changes (avoiding spicy and acidic foods, elevating head of bed for sleep).[40]
    • Cardiac tamponade, which is when blood pools around your heart, leading to compression of the heart and fluid build-up in the lungs. This causes a wet and productive cough accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath.[41] To treat this condition, your doctor would insert a needle into your chest cavity to remove the blood that has pooled around your heart).[42]
    • Other heart or circulatory conditions, such as heart failure or a blood clot.

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      About this article English: Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS
      Medically reviewed by:
      Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
      This article was medically reviewed by Luba Lee, FNP-BC, MS. Luba Lee, FNP-BC is a Board-Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) and educator in Tennessee with over a decade of clinical experience. Luba has certifications in Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Emergency Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Team Building, and Critical Care Nursing. She received her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) from the University of Tennessee in 2006. This article has been viewed 7,199 times.
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      Updated: October 21, 2021
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