How to Treat Cystic Acne Naturally

The skin contains glands, pores, and hair follicles that can get clogged with dried sebum (a natural skin oil), skin debris, bacteria, and dead skin cells.[1] When someone has severe and cystic acne, that person has a large number of comedones (small bumps), pimples, pustules, nodules, and cysts. Severe or cystic acne may cause scarring and changes in skin color, usually darker areas.[2] Cystic acne is a severe form of acne and is most common in teenagers. While there are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription treatments for cystic acne, there are also natural methods you can try to minimize your acne and improve the overall health of your skin.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Cleaning Your Face

  1. English: Step 1 Wash your face.
    To help fight off acne, wash your face at least twice a day. This is especially important after you have been sweating heavily.[3]
    • Also make sure you take a bath or shower once a day.
    • If you’ve been doing a lot of sweating, you may benefit from showering more than once a day.
  2. English: Step 2 Use a plant-oil based cleansing product.
    When choosing a face wash, choose one that is gentle and is plant-oil based. Look for a cleanser labeled as “non-comedogenic,” which means it doesn’t clog your pores and encourage new acne.[4]
    • Try glycerin, grapeseed oil, hempseed oil, and sunflower oil, as well as others. Oils are the best to use to absorb and dissolve other oils. You can also use castor oil, calendula oil, or argan oil.[5][6][7] Also try heating shea butter until it has a smooth, oil-like consistency.[8]
    • Try products from Neutrogena, Cetaphil, and Olay. There are also many other store brand products that are non-comedogenic. Check the label.
  3. English: Step 3 Apply products with your fingertips.
    When washing your face, use your fingertips instead of a cloth. Using a washcloth or sponge can irritate the skin. Also avoid scrubbing while washing or drying your face. It can cause damage to your skin.
  4. English: Step 4 Skip the exfoliation.
    Exfoliation can do more harm than good by causing micro-scarring and scarring. It can also make acne worse.[9] The American Academy of Dermatology also recommends staying away from astringents and toners, since they can dry out and irritate your skin. Dry, red skin makes acne appear worse.
    • Salicylic acid (beta hydroxy acid) and alpha hydroxy acid can dry out and irritate your skin. Alcohol also dries and damages your skin as well.[10]
Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Steam-cleaning Your Face

  1. English: Step 1 Wash your face.
    When you wash your face, start by wetting your face with lukewarm water. With your fingertips, apply your cleanser to your face in gentle, circular motions. Do this for about a minute. After you’re done, rinse your face thoroughly with lukewarm water. Pat dry using a clean, cotton towel.
  2. English: Step 2 Pick the right essential oil.
    There are a few oils that are good for acne. Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory oil that is also antifungal and antibacterial. It is believed to be just as effective as benzoyl peroxide in treating acne. You can apply tea tree oil directly onto the cysts. Use a cotton ball or swab to gently apply 100% tea tree oil directly onto the cysts twice a day.
    • Be careful not to get any tea tree oil near your eyes.
    • You can also use boswellia oil, also called frankincense, in the steam treatments. Boswellia oil is an anti-inflammatory.
    • Always test for sensitivity to essential oils. Put a single drop of the oil on your wrist and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. If there is no irritation, you should be able to use the oil.
  3. English: Step 3 Add essential oils.
    Start the process of steam-cleaning your face by boiling some water. Fill a pot with 1 US quart (0.95 L) of water and heat it until it boils. At this point, add 1 to 2 drops of the essential oil of your choice. After adding the oil, let the water boil for another minute. Then, turn off the heat and move the pot to a sturdy table or counter. Place a potholder under the pot to protect the surface you place it on.
    • Adding an essential oil, such as tea tree oil or boswellia/frankincense oil, adds antibacterial or antiseptic properties to the steam. This means the oils can kill bacteria that can cause pimples. Using these oils can help prevent the formation of pimples.
    • If you don’t have the essential oils, substitute 1/2 a teaspoon (usually about 1/3 g) of dried herb per 1 US quart (0.95 L) of water.
  4. English: Step 4 Place your face over the steam.
    To perform the treatment, cover your head with a large towel. Place your face over the steaming pot, but stay at least 12 inches (30 cm) above it.
    • Close your eyes and breathe normally. Remain over the steam for 10 minutes. This helps open your pores and dilate your blood vessels.
  5. English: Step 5 Rinse and pat dry when finished.
    When 10 minutes have passed, rinse your face with lukewarm water. Gently pat your face dry without rubbing your skin.
    • At this point, apply a non-comedogenic moisturizer.
  6. English: Step 6 Repeat twice a day.
    When first starting a steam treatment, do it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. After a few weeks, you should start to see an improvement in your skin. When you see an improvement, reduce the frequency to once a day.
Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Trying Other Natural Remedies

  1. English: Step 1 Make an herbal mask.
    Facial masks can aid the skin’s healing process and minimize pimples. Astringent herbs tighten the skin while the antibacterial herbs help kill off bacteria. Try the following mask for oily skin:
    • Mix 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of honey, 1 egg white, and 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of lemon juice. Since lemon juice is a bleaching and whitening agent, you can substitute witch hazel if you don’t want to use lemon juice.[11]
    • Add 12 teaspoon (2.5 mL) of either tea tree or Boswellia essential oil.
    • Spread the mask over your face, neck, or other problem area. You can use a cotton swab to dab the mixture on specific problem areas.
    • Let the mixture dry for 15 minutes, then rinse it off completely with lukewarm water. Pat your skin dry, then follow with a non-comedogenic moisturizer.
  2. English: Step 2 Change your diet.
    Processed sugars and dairy products can cause acne in some people by increasing inflammation and producing an environment for bacteria to grow. Studies have shown low-glycemic index, or low sugar, foods can reduce acne. Consider eliminating sugary soft drinks from your diet.[12] Another change that might help decrease acne is switching dairy products and fatty foods for more vegetables in your diet.
    • Low GI foods include rolled oats and bran cereals; whole wheat and whole grain breads; vegetables, except beets, pumpkin, and parsnips; nuts; fruits aside from watermelon and dates; legumes; yogurt; and brown rice, barley, and whole grain pasta.[13]
  3. English: Step 3 Add skin-healthy nutrients to your diet.
    Vitamins A and D are believed to be the most important for skin health.[14] Omega-3 fats can help with acne because they have anti-inflammatory properties.[15]
    • Vitamin A-rich foods include sweet potatoes, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, red peppers, and summer squash. Fruit, such as cantaloupe, mangoes, and apricots, also contains a lot of vitamin A. Legumes, meat, and fish, such as herring and salmon, also provide good amounts.[16]
    • Vitamin D-rich foods include salmon and tuna, along with cod liver oil. Dairy, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, also has vitamin D.[17] The best way to get Vitamin D is to be out in the sun for 10 to 15 min in the morning or late afternoon 3 to 4 times a week.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids are found in flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, butternuts, and walnuts. Fish, like salmon, sardines, mackerel, and whitefish, are excellent sources of omega-3s. Basil, oregano, cloves, and marjoram contain omega-3s, and so do vegetables like spinach and Chinese broccoli.[18]
  4. English: Step 4 Make an oil cleanser.
    Oil is one of the best ways to wash an oily face because it removes oil and dirt without stripping your skin.[19] Cleanse your face twice a day with the cleanser. Also use it after you sweat.
    • Choose a non-comedogenic oil, like argan oil, hemp seed oil, shea nut oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, or castor oil. Choose either tea tree or Boswellia essential oil to add to the cleanser.
    • Add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil for every 1 fluid ounce (30 mL) of oil. Mix the 2 oils well. Store away from light.
  5. English: Step 5 Wash your face with the cleanser.
    Pour a small amount of the oil mixture into your hand and massage it onto your face for 2 minutes. Use small, circular motions. Place a washcloth you have soaked in warm water on your face. Leave it on your face for 20 seconds. Then, gently wipe off the oil. Rinse the washcloth in warm water and repeat until all the oil is removed from your skin.
    • Don't rub too hard, or you will irritate your skin.
    • Pat your face dry with a cotton towel.
  6. English: Step 6 Stay out of the sun.
    Don’t be in the sun or use tanning beds. Sunlight and tanning beds can damage your skin cells because of damaging UVB radiation. Certain acne medications even make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Understanding Cystic Acne

  1. 1
    Look for the symptoms of cystic acne. Cystic acne is considered to be the most severe type of acne. To recognize it, look for symptoms such as:[20]
    • Deep, painful, solid-feeling lumps underneath the surface of your skin (nodules)
    • Large pus-filled bumps that may be far beneath the surface of the skin (cysts), which are typically painful to the touch
    • Pustules at the surface of the skin
  2. English: Step 2 Learn what causes acne.
    In general, acne forms on your face when bacteria and hormones interact with your natural skin oils. This causes inflammation in your hair follicles. Acne can be aggravated by makeup clogging your pores, cleansers that irritate and inflame the skin, excessive sweating, or wearing tight clothing. For some, dairy products and diets high in processed sugars increase the risk for acne.[21]
    • Hormonal changes, like those that you experience when you’re going through puberty, can also trigger the development of cystic acne.[22]
  3. English: Step 3 Avoid making it worse.
    There are a few things you should never do when you have acne, because they can make the acne worse and cause irritation. These activities include:
    • Don’t scrub or wash any affected areas too hard.
    • Don’t use alcohol, abrasive soaps, or anti-bacterial soaps.
    • Don’t use greasy or oil-based cosmetic products.
    • Don’t pick at or squeeze blackheads, whiteheads, or pimples. This can cause scarring and infection or cause the acne to spread.[23]
Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

When to Seek Medical Attention

  1. English: Step 1 See your doctor if you think you have cystic acne.
    Cystic acne is a severe form of acne, and it can be difficult to manage without medical treatment. While it isn’t usually physically harmful, it’s often painful, emotionally distressing, and can cause permanent scars if you leave it untreated.[24] Make an appointment with your doctor or a dermatologist to get a diagnosis and discuss treatment options.
    • Let your doctor know if you’re using any natural remedies to treat your acne. Some natural treatments can interact with other medications.
    • You should also talk to your doctor if you’ve been trying home remedies or over-the-counter treatments for 2-3 weeks without seeing any improvements.
  2. 2
    Talk to your doctor if you suddenly develop acne as an adult. Cystic acne most commonly starts when you’re a teenager, but sometimes people can develop acne later in life. If you develop acne as an adult with no previous history of it, this may be a sign that you have an underlying medical condition. Make an appointment with your doctor for an exam.[25]
    • Let your doctor know about any other symptoms you’re having, and tell them about any medications you’re currently taking.
  3. English: Step 3 Discuss medical treatment options with your doctor.
    Cystic acne is treated with injections, medicine, and retinoids applied to the skin.[26][27] Scarring, which is a side effect of acne, can be treated with chemical peels, laser resurfacing, or dermabrasion. [28] Talk to your doctor about which treatment options might be best for you.
    • Before trying any treatments, talk to your doctor about your health history. This can impact which treatments you can use safely.
    • For example, many prescription oral acne medications are not safe to use while you are pregnant.[29]
  4. 4
    Visit a doctor if your acne bothers you emotionally. Dealing with acne can be stressful, and it’s not uncommon for people with severe acne to develop depression. Tell your doctor if you think you may be depressed. They can help you find coping strategies or connect you with a counselor who can help.[30]
    • You should also talk to your doctor if your acne causes you anxiety or you find yourself withdrawing and avoiding social situations because of your acne.
  5. 5
    Get medical attention if you have a bad reaction to a natural remedy. Natural remedies and over-the-counter medications and cleansers can sometimes cause irritation or allergic reactions. If you experience symptoms such as a rash, redness, itching, or burning while using one of these products, stop using it right away. Let your doctor know if the reaction doesn’t clear up in a few weeks. Get emergency medical care if you experience severe symptoms such as:[31]
    • Swelling of your face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat
    • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
    • A rapid heartrate
    • Faintness

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      10. Wexler, S. Problem Solved!. Prevention [serial online]. January 2014;66(1):54-57.

      About this article English: Zora Degrandpre, ND
      Co-authored by:
      Natural Health Doctor
      This article was co-authored by Zora Degrandpre, ND. Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007. This article has been viewed 32,289 times.
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      Co-authors: 8
      Updated: August 10, 2021
      Views: 32,289
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