How to Teach an Autistic College Student

So you open an email or see a student come up to you and you hear those unusual words: "By the way, I'm autistic." What do you do? How will you handle their needs? With a little compassion and understanding, it will be all right.

Part 1
Part 1 of 7:

Understanding Autism

  1. English: Autistic Girl Watches Butterfly Away From Group.png
    Forget everything you thought you knew about autism. Some groups tell scary stories as a fundraising tactic, meaning that parts of what you've heard may be exaggerated or untrue. Autistic young adults are diverse and capable individuals. You will be fine.
    • If they made it to college, they are probably intelligent and calm enough to handle a well-organized classroom.
    • Don't expect them to "look autistic"—some autistic people blend in, especially if they don't feel comfortable expressing themselves.
    • Even the students who "look autistic" can still be eager learners who are a pleasure to have in class.
  2. English: Autistic Young Adult Avoids Eye Contact.png
    Recognize that autistic listening body language is different from non-autistic listening body language. Your student may squirm, sit oddly, or move in ways that seem casual. This allows them to feel comfortable and focused. You may see...
    • Rocking
    • Wandering eyes (floor, ceiling, window, wall)
    • Changing positions
    • Stimming (repetitive fidgeting that helps them self-regulate)
    • Lack of eye contact, even in one-on-one conversations
  3. English: Autistic Teen Flaps Hands in Delight.png
    Expect stimming, a type of repetitive fidgeting that helps with focus and self-control. They may play with a stress ball or chew gum in class. Planned ignoring, or not calling attention to the stimming, will help the other students become accustomed to it.
    • Assume that any repetitive movements are important.[1]
    • If you don't ordinarily allow gum or food in class, make an exception for them. This is often a substitute for placing unsanitary objects in their mouths (pencils, jewelry, etc.).
    • If they are disrupting class, talk with them about finding a comfortable alternative stim.
  4. English: Freckled Person in Purple Speaking.png
    Know that they may speak a little differently. Autistic people may use words differently, and may be unaware of their tone of voice and/or unable to control it. Keep in mind that the way they speak is not necessarily indicative of their intelligence, nor does their tone always match how they feel. They may have some of the following quirks:
    • Monotone, singsong, or "inappropriate" voice
    • Unusual pitch or volume
    • Repeating words or scripted phrases
    • Using big words or "talking like a textbook", or very simplistic language
    • Unusually fast, slow, or halting speech
    • Odd phrasing (especially if they learned sign language first)
    • Speech impediments
    • Being unable to speak, sometimes or always[2]
  5. English: Autistic Teen Covers Ears.png
    Recognize that their senses may be muted or amplified. This has a medical basis: sensory processing disorder, which changes the way the brain perceives sensory input. If their senses are amplified, then they may be hurt, startled, or frightened by things that don't bother other people.[3] Here are some examples of things they may do...
    • Cover their ears in ordinary situations
    • Be afraid of certain objects
    • Refuse to touch slimy, sticky, or scratchy things
    • Become ill at the smell of chemicals such as formaldehyde
    • Cry easily when injured
    • Wear earplugs (If they wear earplugs during lecture, don't worry—they can still hear you!)
  6. English: Girly Messy Room.png
    Expect some organization problems. Executive dysfunction is the technical term for the trouble autistic people have with time management and keeping track of tasks (among other things).[4] This may range from mild to severe, depending on their inborn capability and coping skills.
    • This may be especially tough for first-year students, who are still adjusting to the unstructured school environment, and no longer have parents or caregivers helping them manage their homework.
    • Autistic students may show some signs of inattentive or hyperactive type ADHD.
  7. English: Thoughtful Hijabi Girl and Bookshelf.png
    Be aware that their social behavior may be different. Autistic people may not intuitively understand the social rules that non-autistic people take for granted. They may act in surprising or unexpected ways. Every autistic person is different, and will act differently.
    • They may find making friends to be difficult, and have few or no friends.
    • To compensate for uncertainty or anxiety, they may constantly ask questions.
    • They may constantly raise their hands or blurt answers, like Hermione from Harry Potter.
    • They might hug you. (This simply means that they like hugs and they like you.)
  8. English: Pill Bottle.png
    Know that co-occurring conditions are a possibility. Autistic people are at higher risk for mental illnesses like depression and anxiety, learning disabilities like auditory processing disorder, and medical problems like epilepsy and stomach issues. If there is a problem, ask if they have discussed it with a doctor, and refer them to student health services if not. Here are issues you may notice:
    • Perfectionism, too eager to please (could be anxiety or something similar)
    • Difficulty paying attention, controlling impulses, staying organized (could be ADHD)
    • Trouble recalling what was said during a lecture (could be auditory processing disorder, invisible seizures, or ADHD)
    • Shy, doesn't raise hand (could be social anxiety)
    • Constantly ill (could be a number of conditions)
    • Sick, tired, missing deadlines (could be depression)
    • Submissive, afraid of making own choices (could be PTSD, abuse victimization, or effects of compliance therapy)

    Tip: Not all students want to share the names of their diagnoses. Don't ask. They'll tell you if they think you should know and they feel comfortable sharing.

  9. English: Autistic Teen Feeling Inadequate.png
    Keep in mind that autistic people are often judged unfairly by other people. In what researchers refer to as the "double empathy problem," non-autistic people tend to show less empathy for autistic people. Even teachers judge autistic students more harshly.[5] Recognize that your student may have had bad experiences before, and that they might be especially in need of having someone "in their corner."
    • Snap judgments are often unfavorable for autistic people. On average, non-autistic people have worse first impressions of autistic people than of non-autistics, even when simply viewing a photo.[6]
    • Autistic people can be misinterpreted as rude or uncaring, even though this often doesn't match their intent or how they feel.[7] They may struggle with putting their thoughts into words. Be understanding, and don't hesitate to ask questions if you're having trouble interpreting what they say.
Part 2
Part 2 of 7:

Organizing the Classroom

The ideal environment for an autistic student is one in which assignments are clear and materials are easy to find.

  1. English: Basic Programming Assignment.png
    Make your expectations clear. A vague assignment is confusing to all students, but especially autistic students. Even if the assignment is fairly open-ended, make it clear what goals it needs to fulfill, and don't expect students to "read between the lines" to understand the instructions.[8]
    • For projects, consider showing a few examples from students in previous years, so they can envision the type of thing you want.
    • Set a clear length. "As long as it needs to be" is not helpful. "Around 3-5 pages" is much clearer.
    • Autistic students may lapse into perfectionism when it is unclear, working until their physical or mental health suffers.
  2. English: Pencil and Paper.png
    Make sure that all important directions are written down clearly. Autistic people often have trouble remembering spoken directions. They may do poorly if they don't have a written copy for reference.
    • Provide clear assignment sheets and rubrics so autistic people can go through them sentence by sentence.
    • Write in-class activity directions on the board or on the PowerPoint slide. Keep them there until the activity is done.
    • When asking for the class to turn to a certain page, write the page number on the board, or repeat it once or twice in case anyone didn't catch it.
  3. English: Laptop on Class Website 1.png
    Set up a class website. Many colleges use class websites such as Blackboard for students to access grades and assignments. Here are good things to keep online:
    • Digital copies of the syllabus and assignment instructions
    • The latest homework (e.g. "Thursday: Read Textbook Chapter 8 and prepare for Tuesday's quiz")
    • A gradebook where students can view their overall and assignment grades (so they can monitor their own progress)
    • Examples of previous student projects
  4. English: Diagram Spring Rosy Flowchart.png
    Break large assignments into smaller pieces with individual due dates. This will help with organizational problems, and keep students from being overwhelmed by the size of a task. Choose a number of steps that seems reasonable to you.
    • This does not necessarily mean a lot of grading. Try making individual steps (like the rough draft) a completion grade.
  5. English: Man Talks to Young Woman.png
    Make it clear how students can get extra help if they need it. Autistic students may need a little extra guidance in figuring out what to do if they need help.
    • Write your office hours on the syllabus, on the class website, or wherever else it is easily found. Encourage students to attend them.
    • Tell students how to access a tutoring center, or whatever the school provides for help in your subject area.
    • Consider supplementing these with maps of the campus showing how to get there.
  6. English: Agenda 3D.png
    Go over assignment directions in class, providing time to answer questions. Autistic people may need extra clarification on directions.
    • Be available to answer quick questions after class ends.

    Did You Know? Autistic students may ask a lot of questions. This isn't due to a lack of effort, but due to neurological differences and difficulties "reading between the lines." Instead of assuming they didn't read the directions, answer their questions; they may have re-read it many times before asking you. If they keep missing things written in the instructions, ask them if they need extra help with the directions.

  7. English: Class Website SQL Power Point.png
    Post any PowerPoints or notes online for students to access. Autistic students may struggle with issues like difficulty understanding spoken words or difficulty sustaining attention. Online notes help make sure they catch everything important. You may even post notes before the lecture, so students with laptops can follow along.
    • Autistic students can make sure they didn't miss anything.
    • Absent students can use the notes to catch up.
    • All students can use them to study for exams.
Part 3
Part 3 of 7:

Accommodating Them

Individual accommodations are important in giving autistic students an equal opportunity to succeed.

  1. English: Person Mentions Disability.png
    On the first day of class, encourage any disabled students to meet with or email you. This way, you can discuss accommodations.
  2. English: Girl Raises Hand in Class.png
    Let them sit where they please. If you assign seating, talk with the autistic student about where they prefer to sit. Let them keep the same seat all semester.
    • Some like to sit front and center, so they can focus on what's in front of them with minimal distraction, and they can hear you better.
    • Some want to avoid distractions like doors and windows.
    • Some prefer to sit in corners, so that there is only movement on two sides of them.
    • Each autistic person is different, so let them choose the seat that works best for them.
  3. English: Blue Exercise Ball.png
    Consider alternative seating for especially fidgety students. If the student has a hard time sitting in a regular chair, ask the school's disability services for an exercise ball, seat wedge, or other form of seating. These will provide extra sensory input, allowing them to sit better.
  4. English: Calendar with One Day Circled.png
    Give plenty of warning for due dates and changes in routine. Autistic students often thrive on routine, and surprises (pop quiz, notes not available online) can throw them off. Remind the class about the following:
    • Upcoming field trips
    • Test, quiz, and exam dates
    • Due dates for big assignments
    • Changes in schedule (e.g. a cancelled class)
  5. English: Startled Person in Red.png
    Don't put them on the spot. Some professors may call on random students to ensure that everyone pays attention. This can backfire for autistic students, who may fumble with turning thoughts into words, and may become anxious or flustered under pressure. The anxiety of constantly trying to be prepared to be called on can detract from their focus.
  6. English: Teen Covers Mouth.png
    Be open to alternatives to verbal participation for grades. Participation grades can penalize some autistic and disabled students.[9] Turning complex thoughts into sounds and initiating public speech can be hard. Here are some ways autistic students can participate without being forced to speak in class:
    • Type messages in online discussions
    • Create a meme or social media post about something related to the material
    • Write a brief paragraph of their thoughts and show it to you at the end of class
    • Take a photo of their notes
    • Do an alternate project connecting the material to an interest of theirs
  7. English: Mom Comforts Sad Teen Boy.png
    Be compassionate about problems that arise. Autistic students tend to have more health issues and forgotten assignments (due to executive dysfunction). Encourage them to tell you in person or via email as soon as they notice a problem, and be understanding when they do so.
  8. English: Parent Asks Friend Question.png
    Take them aside and gently explain if they are behaving inappropriately. Autistic people don't always know how to act in certain situations. Be clear and kind, because they probably don't understand. Let them know why it's a problem, and help them find a different thing to do to fulfill the same need or desire.
    • For example, "I like you and am glad we're friends, but it feels weird for a young woman like you to hug an old guy like me. Maybe next time you want a hug, you could ask your friend Tiana instead."
  9. English: Professor Emails About Disability Accommodations.png
    Keep in contact with the college's disability services center. Registered students can request accommodations through the disability center. Your student may need...
    • Extra time on tests
    • A separate room for test-taking (The Disability Service Center will provide a room.)
    • A note-taker
    • Use of laptop instead of handwriting
    • Ability to audio record lecture
    • The ability to turn in assignments a day late
    • Other accommodations
Part 4
Part 4 of 7:

Handling Labs and Group Work

This section only applies if you have groups of students working together on projects.

  1. English: Three Students Talk.png
    Assign groups and keep them small. This relieves the stress of needing to find one's own group, and makes it easier for the autistic person to speak up within the group.
    • If you notice that the autistic person has a friend in the class, put them with their friend.
    • Have each group member have a role (secretary, spokesperson, editor, etc.). A concrete role will help them know how to contribute even when social skills are hard.
  2. English: Hijabi Girl at Computer.png
    Let students work alone on small tasks if they prefer.[10] If they can do it by themselves, doing it with a partner might actually be harder, because they have to navigate a confusing social situation. Working independently can be more efficient for them.
  3. English: Man Gently Shushes.png
    Keep things from becoming too loud. Some autistic people are sensitive to sound, and constant noise will prevent them from focusing. Remind students to use their indoor voices and get their attention if the noise level is getting too high.
    • Seat the autistic person's group near a corner of the room, farther away from the main activity.
    • Some autistic students may work better with headphones or earplugs. Make sure to get their attention (e.g. by waving a hand in their field of vision) before you start class again.
  4. English: Young Woman and Older Man Talk.png
    Pay attention to the autistic person's group, and if things are going smoothly. Autistic people struggle with social interaction, so they might not realize when there is a problem, or not know how to solve it. Since self-esteem issues are common, they may lack the assertiveness skills to speak up.
    • Talk to individual team members who are not behaving well: being rude, slacking off, etc.
    • Encourage all group members to be patient with each other.
    • Do not allow team members to bully or ostracize the autistic student. Thanks to the "double empathy problem," autistic people are often judged unfairly by non-autistics.[11][12][13]
  5. English: Asexual Teen and Tall Woman Talk.png
    Check up on the division of labor. Since autistic people may not know how to speak up for themselves, they may end up doing a large portion of the work, or be assigned work that they don't understand. Help the group divide up work if need be.
  6. English: Concerned Young Woman Talks to Man.png
    Teach the autistic student how to handle recurring problems. Autistic people can learn social skills if they are taught. Giving clear directions helps them know how to handle problems that confuse them. This can be done during office hours, or briefly after class.
    • Try if-then statements: "If he tries to make you do all the work, then ask him 'What would you like to do?' If he doesn't pick something, then suggest a few things for him to do."
    • "If your classmates are talking over you, try taking a deep breath and clearly saying 'I have something to add.' If that keeps failing, tell me."
    • Intervene if the autistic person cannot solve the problem on their own.
Part 5
Part 5 of 7:

Optimizing Online Learning

The rules you set and the options you provide can make a big difference in the student's success.

  1. English: Laptop with Video on DBT.png
    Make plans for extra clarity during video lectures. Many autistic students have auditory processing disorder, and they often find it harder to understand words that come out of a computer speaker. See if you can make sure that information is available even to students who don't hear everything.
    • Audio: Try to speak clearly in an environment that isn't too noisy.
    • Captions: See if your software can create auto-generated captions. (Keep in mind that captions may distract a hyperlexic student.)
    • Power points: Detailed power points can usually help them catch any details they missed. Try providing the power point file to download before class so that the student can go back in case you advance a slide when they weren't quite ready.

    Tip: While some professors may want not to "make it too easy," keep in mind that things that are convenient to non-autistic students may be a necessity for autistic students. Consider making an exception to any strict rules so that your autistic student can learn.

  2. English: Laptop with Video Chat 1.png
    Don't require students to show their faces. Autistic people are often expected to act in non-autistic ways because their natural body language is considered "weird" or "disrespectful." If your student is on camera, they may spend more energy on performing non-autistic behavior when they really should be focusing on learning.[14]
    • Autistic students often do best when they're allowed to "act autistic." When they aren't in front of a camera, they don't need to worry about adopting "acceptable" facial expressions and body language. This means they can spend more energy on learning.
    • Being able to hide and mute themselves means that they can stim as much as they need to. This can offer more freedom than a traditional classroom and may benefit their attention.

    Did You Know? This policy can benefit many students. Students with slow internet connections may be able to see and hear you better if there aren't multiple video streams competing for bandwidth. Tired students can show up to class having a bad hair day or wearing pajamas if they'd like.

  3. English: Hand and Phone with Conversation.png
    Consider the accessibility of your participation options if you do a participation grade. Just as speaking in an in-person class is challenging for some autistic students, online classes can pose challenges as well for participation. Flexibility can help them find a good format.
    • Timing: Accommodate poor executive functioning with flexibility on timing. For example, instead of saying "3 posts per week spaced at least a day apart," let them do it all in one go.[15]
    • Text and voice chats: Some autistics struggle with knowing when to speak up during a chat. Consider providing alternate options for a participation grade.
    • Other formats: Consider letting students pick between a few options.
Part 6
Part 6 of 7:

Handling Meltdowns and Tears

By early adulthood, many autistic people know how to prevent public meltdowns, or take them to a private place. Thus, any classroom crises will probably not be dramatic.

  1. English: Crying Girl 2.png
    Know the warning signs of stress. Distressed autistic students may look a little different from distressed non-autistic students. Here are things you may see:
    • Crying
    • Agitated stimming
    • Change in body language
    • Getting "stuck" on an idea
    • Unhappy facial expression, or hiding the face
    • Saying negative things
    • Potentially disruptive behavior
    • Looking "more autistic" due to decaying self-control
  2. English: Teen Discusses Problem with Adult.png
    Quietly check up on them, just like you would with a non-autistic student who looks sick or very upset. Ask if they are okay, if you can help, and if they would like to leave. If they seem unable to speak, give them a pencil and paper, or suggest that they type a response on their laptop.
    • Sometimes autistic people may stay longer than they should in a misguided attempt to "stick it out." You can counteract this by checking on them right away.
    • Quietly asking about leaving lets them know that you will not be mad at them if they have to leave.
    • If they're being disruptive, suggest that they go to the drinking fountain or wash their hands or face in the restroom, and then come back. The walk may calm them down so they can be ready to focus again. (If they seem confused, quietly say "you're being disruptive and I think a quick break could help you refocus" and send them off.)
  3. English: Shocked Woman Sees Autistic Girl Self Injuring.png
    Intervene immediately if they begin self-injuring. Self-injury means that something is seriously wrong. If you can eliminate the thing that is causing them stress, then they may stop hitting, biting, or otherwise harming themselves.
    • If they cannot tell you what is wrong (through spoken or written words), ask them to leave the room. If the stressor is something in the room, it will remove them from it. If not, they will still be able to calm down in a less public place.
    • Use a compassionate tone of voice to make it clear that this is not a punishment.
  4. English: Teen with Down Syndrome Asks Adult for Help.png
    Treat the problem as real, even if it doesn't make sense to you. Since their brains are structured differently, a situation that feels harmless to you could be very upsetting or threatening to them.
    • If you can get rid of the cause, do so. Quiet the classroom, give them an alternate assignment (e.g. dissecting a model frog instead of a real one), or have them leave the room.
    • If they mention a psychological issue (e.g. an anxious student worrying that she is a "bad student" because she missed the homework), try giving a quick, gentle reality check. "Every student makes mistakes sometimes. You are not a bad student. Please stop worrying about it." Sometimes reassurance from an authority figure will break the cycle of negative thinking.
  5. English: Closed Door.png
    Quietly suggest that they leave if you can tell that stress is boiling over. They may need to take a few minutes in the bathroom to cool down, or to go take some medication, or go back to their dorm to rest.
    • "Toughing it out" only makes oncoming meltdowns worse. The best way to avoid them is to catch them early.
    • Some autistic people have trouble recognizing when they are stressed. You mentioning it will help them realize that they are not doing well.
  6. English: Middle Aged Person Thinking.png
    Reflect on what just happened. Sometimes crises result from sensory input (e.g. an especially noisy lab or a startlingly loud noise). If it was something in your control, see if you could avoid it next time.
    • Try giving warnings for unavoidable things: "I'm going to roll down the projector, and it's going to be loud, so cover your ears if you need to!"
    • If you can't figure out what caused it, it is probably not your fault. Don't feel bad. This happens sometimes.
  7. English: Middle Aged Woman Accepts Feelings.png
    Take a deep breath or two and continue teaching. This is new and alarming to you, but the autistic student has likely dealt with it many times, and knows how to take care of themselves. It feels terrible while it lasts, but it will pass and they will go back to normal.
    • Right now, the best thing you can do is continue teaching.
    • If you are worried, ask your TA to go out with them and help them with whatever they need.
  8. English: Middle Aged Man Talking.png
    Be understanding and nonchalant when they return. Most autistic people get completely better by the next morning. Tell them what they missed (if anything), and ask if there's anything you could do to help them in the future. Then leave it at that.
    • If you want to ask what caused it, consider doing so via email, so they have time to think carefully about it.
    • Don't feel the need to make it into a big deal. These things happen, and even though you might have witnessed it for the first time, your student is probably used to it. They may feel embarrassed about it, and just want to move on.
Part 7
Part 7 of 7:

Encouraging Their Strengths

Autism affects the entire brain, causing not just difficulties, but also noticeable strengths. You can help the student capitalize on their abilities and feel proud of themselves.

  1. English: Jewish Guy with an Idea.png
    Try letting students pick their own essay or project topics. Autistic people usually have intense special interests, or an area in which they are incredibly knowledgeable and skilled. They will enjoy learning much more if they can connect the material to their passion, and they will perform better too.
    • This will help all students enjoy the class, not just the autistic student(s).
    • Researchers have found that when autistic students are able to incorporate their special interests into the lesson, they are more independent and engaged, and they even speak more fluently and have better motor skills. Incorporating their interests helps them relax and enjoy themselves.[16]
  2. English: Chain Rule Explanation.png
    Write down the general steps used to solve a type of problem. While examples can be helpful, it helps to know the logic behind them. Autistic people tend to be good at sequencing and understanding sequences. Providing a pattern can be a huge help.
  3. English: Voting Intention Pie Chart.png
    Use visual supports. Many autistic students are visual learners, and they benefit from diagrams, illustrations, and other images. Try using color coding and flowcharts to explain complex concepts.
  4. English: Professor Speaking Positively.png
    Praise them a little. This does not mean extolling their virtues in front of the entire class—just an encouraging comment during office hours or a small affirmation when they ask you a question after class. Many autistic students grew up with others focusing on their deficits, and struggle with invisible issues such as sensory processing disorder and anxiety. A little reminder that they did well can make their day.
    • To encourage resilience, try calling them a hard worker.
    • When grading papers, point out a few positive aspects, such as "Great organization" or "Love the wording here!" This offsets the pain of seeing errors.
    • Avoid jokingly criticizing them. While non-autistic students can usually tell you aren't serious, an autistic student might become confused and distressed.
  5. English: Relaxed Guy Reading.png
    Harness their potential for enthusiasm and deep focus. If they have enough motivation, autistic people can access incredible amounts of energy for learning. Create a friendly environment and positive expectations, and watch them rise to the opportunity.
  6. English: Smiling Young Woman and Man.png
    Get to know the student as an individual. This article is based on generalizations, which will sometimes or often (but not always!) apply. Some students need little accommodation and others need a lot. Some are mathematically oriented, others are great artists, and others are both. Get to know your student as a person, and you will learn how to build a great teaching relationship.

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      • Start with the assumption that the student is doing the best they can, with the resources they have. Autistic students usually want to succeed. If they're doing something odd or inappropriate, try to understand why, instead of jumping to punishment.
      • Consider alternative testing methods if your student struggles to succeed. For example, if the student participates knowledgeably in class discussions but fails a test on the material, it may be that the test format was the problem. In that case, you could invite them to office hours and ask them the test questions verbally, and they might find it easier to show their mastery of the material through a dialogue.


      • Don't mention their autism when others can hear. Some students prefer to keep it quiet for fear of ostracism by their peers. Unless the student has said they don't mind other people knowing, respect their privacy.
      • Never deny accommodations requested from the school disability center. Not only does it harm the student, but it could get you in trouble with the school.
      • Use a critical eye when learning about autism online. Many autism-related websites, such as Autism Speaks, paint overly negative pictures, and may recommend harsh or controlling tactics. If you feel that a website is recommending something unkind, trust your judgment and don't do it.
      • If the student begins missing lots of classes, encourage them to see a doctor if they haven't already. Something might be seriously wrong.
      • If the student expresses or hints at suicidal thoughts, tell someone. Around 2/3 of autistic people experience suicidal ideation, and about 1/3 make plans or attempts.[17]

      About this article

      Written by:
      Community Expert
      This article was written by Luna Rose. Luna Rose is an autistic community member who specializes in writing and autism. She holds a degree in Informatics and has spoken at college events to improve understanding about disabilities. Luna Rose leads's Autism Project. This article has been viewed 12,176 times.
      165 votes - 98%
      Co-authors: 9
      Updated: December 17, 2021
      Views: 12,176
      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 12,176 times.

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