How to Take an Autistic Child on Vacation

As a parent of an autistic child (or any child for that matter), it can be nerve-wracking to organize a family vacation. You may worry about potential meltdowns, issues with new settings and people, and other problems that may arise. However, with some prior planning, you, your child, and your whole family can have a fun vacation.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing for the Trip

  1. English: Step 1 Know your child.
    Autistic children thrive on a routine and predictability. A vacation is a break from routine, which can be upsetting and confusing, especially if your child is in an unfamiliar place. Therefore, have in mind activities that you know your child will enjoy. If your child enjoys the thrill of amusement parks, then that may be your best option. If your child enjoys simply relaxing at the beach, or exploring in a place such as in the mountains, then go with one of those destinations. Wherever you go, remember that it is important that you choose activities that your child will like.[1]
    • Keep in mind your child's abilities and needs, too. If they struggle with motor control or sensory hypersensitivity, for example, then going camping in a tent and having a fishing trip might be more distressing than enjoyable to them.
    • Remember safety concerns. For instance, if your child frequently wanders off, book a hotel with a door lock they can't reach, or have an easy way to reach them (like a cell phone for older kids).
    • If your child is old enough, include them in the planning. What do they want to do? What do they think will be too hard for them? What would help them with the vacation or travel?
  2. English: Step 2 Talk about the vacation with your child.
    Show them pictures and videos of your destination, and even search the internet together. This will help your child know what to expect. Do this early, at least two weeks in advance, to give your child enough time to learn about your vacation destination with you.[2]
    • Let them know how you will be getting there. If it is a plane, then show them pictures of what the inside of an airplane looks like. If it is your own car, then let them know that, too.
    • Mark it on the calendar, and put it where they can see it. If they are too young to read much, explain it out loud whenever they show curiosity about it.
    • Tell your child about parts they'll like - for instance, if they have a special interest in stingrays, tell them about the aquarium you'll be going to.[3]
  3. English: Step 3 Use social stories, picture books, and visual schedules to explain parts that are new to them.
    If your child is not used to vacations, or is too young to understand everything that is happening, you can use stories to explain them. Look for kids' books that describe the type of trip you are taking (airplane, road trip, etc.) and each step along the way.[4]
    • Try making a simple itinerary with words and pictures so your child can follow along the schedule during the trip. You can even have the child play "schedule master" and have them read the chart to tell you what comes next!
    • You might want to practice things that you'll encounter during the trip, like waiting in lines. Some airports even offer practice security screenings.
  4. English: Step 4 Alert any airlines, airports and hotels that your child is autistic before the trip.
    Be very polite, and avoid demanding anything, but if there are accommodations you know will help, ask if they're available. Calling ahead of time to arrange any accommodations your child may need will help avoid this happening. Most companies will be happy to assist you, within reason, if something like providing a particular seat location or boarding priority will help.
    • If you're traveling by plane, there are often options to help with getting through airport security. For example, the TSA will let disabled children 12 and under be carried through security, and autistic teens can go through security without being separated from their travel companions.[5][6]
    • Most airlines have a special pre-board option for passengers with disabilities. This allows you to board the plane before most of the other passengers, and you will be able to get your child settled.
    • Hotels and campsites may be able to offer accommodations, too. For example, if your child is sensitive to noise, you might be able to stay in a room in a quieter area of the hotel.[7]

    Tip: Ask for accommodation before it's needed. Being prepared will reduce the risk of a meltdown or shutdown.

  5. English: Step 5 Obtain a letter from your physician explaining your child's disability.
    This will help if you are flying and there are any airport security issues, or if you are going to an amusement park, as some amusement parks have disability services or queue jumps for disabled visitors.
    • You may want to get a medical ID for your child, like a necklace, bracelet, or patch for their backpack, so that other people know your child is autistic. (Including their name and your phone number on it is also vital if your child is very young or can't reliably communicate.)[8]
  6. English: Step 6 Plan for breaks during the day, as close to your child's regular routine as possible.
    This will help your child avoid too many breaks from their normal routine, and it'll help keep repetition in your schedule, as this is another thing that autistic children thrive on.[9]
    • Plan to take breaks in your hotel between transitions. This can help your child (and any other children) switch gears and relax a little.
    • Try prioritizing activities. Autistic children may take longer with transitions, especially after a tiring or eventful day, so you may not be able to do everything you planned on your trip. If there are things that all of your family really wants to do, schedule those activities on a day and time when your autistic child is less likely to be overwhelmed or exhausted.
    • Don't be afraid to modify the schedule on the trip if your child is having a good or bad day.[10]
  7. English: Step 7 Consider the needs of your other children.
    Taking kids on a family vacation can be a challenge, autistic or not. Do your other children have any specific needs to attend to—a toddler who needs naps, an introvert who needs lots of downtime, a teen who gets grumpy when hungry? How can you plan around these needs?
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Packing Up and Traveling

  1. English: Step 1 Let your child help you pack their things.
    This way, they can make sure any important item that they like is not left behind.[11] When you are packing, show and tell them the item, so this way they can be sure their favorite items are in with everything else.
    • When you're packing, bring along some tangible reinforcements for your child if they enjoy receiving them for good behavior, or if they need to receive them.
    • Set aside plenty of time to pack up the day before. This way, the process will be low-stress and you'll have plenty of time to remember everything.
  2. English: Step 2 Bring sensory-friendly items.
    Unfamiliar and stressful situations like travel can make it harder for your child to tolerate sensory stimuli. If your child is sensitive to stimulus, bring along things that they're familiar with so they won't feel as overwhelmed. This might include:[12]
    • Comfortable clothing
    • Bedding
    • Toiletries
    • Towels
    • Sensory tools (headphones, sunglasses, etc.)

    Tip: If your vacation requires weather-specific clothing, like swimsuits or snow clothes, set aside time for your child to try on these clothes to make sure they still fit and are comfortable. Try to avoid buying new clothing if possible, since it may be overwhelming to your child.[13]

  3. English: Step 3 Consider what calms your child.
    If your child is stressed, do they enjoy stim toys, reading, stuffed animal play, conversation about their special interests, or something else? Prepare materials accordingly, so that the child can be calmed and distracted as needed.
  4. English: Step 4 Keep a bag of essentials handy.
    This bag can hold things to keep all your children busy during car, plane, or train rides.
    • Easy, nonperishable snacks (granola bars, trail mix, crackers)
    • Drinks, if you are not at an airport
    • Stim toys
    • Comfort objects (e.g. security blanket)
    • Activities, like storybooks, audio books, and coloring books
    • AAC, if your autistic child uses it
    • Cleaning wipes and napkins/tissues for spills
  5. English: Step 5 Allow for extra time while traveling.
    If you're rushing from place to place, your child could become stressed out or struggle to process the chaos. Budget extra time for traveling so that you're not rushing through parking lots, buildings, or airport security - this will make it easier on your child (and will reduce your stress, too!).[14]
  6. English: Step 6 Take breaks during long car rides.
    Some autistic children get dizzy or sick on long car rides, and others may get restless and need to move around. Before you leave for the trip, find locations that you can stop at - such as rest stops, parks, or other areas that allow you to stop - and stop periodically, so your child has the chance to get out of the car.
    • You may be able to pull over on the side of the road if necessary, but try to map out specific places to stop ahead of time.

    Tip: If your child needs more stimulation, keep sensory tools or active toys (like sports balls or jump ropes) in the car so that they can have some playtime during the breaks.[15]

  7. English: Step 7 Find quiet places to wait.
    When traveling, you may end up at chaotic or noisy places, like airports or restaurants. Finding somewhere that's less busy and having your child sit with their back to the wall can help them cope with the chaos.
    • Some airports may have separate rooms, or even sensory-friendly rooms, for disabled travelers. Check if your airport has one.[16]
  8. English: Step 8 Ease the process with a small gift for each child.
    Sometimes, having a new item to explore and play with can make it easier to deal with the stress of a trip. Buy a toy or activity that you know your child will enjoy: new books to read, a coloring book to draw in, music for their MP3 player, soft yarn to crochet with, et cetera. If possible, find something related to their special interests.
    • This new item can keep them busy during car or airplane trips.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Having a Good Time

  1. English: Step 1 Put the family members' needs first.
    Prioritize a person's needs (sensory needs, need to eat, need to sleep, etc.) over the wants of other family members.[17] It's hard to have a good time if someone's needs aren't being met. Meet all needs first, and then everyone will be ready to have fun.
    • This applies to both autistic and non-autistic family members.
  2. English: Step 2 Don't be afraid to split up.
    It's okay to split into groups if that's what will make everyone's needs be met, and keep people happy. Keep cell phones with both groups, and designate a meeting place that is easy to see.
    • For example, if your son is overwhelmed and needs a break, while your daughter wants to ride a roller coaster, maybe your wife could take your son for a break and meet up in half in hour.
    • For example, if your husband is very tired and needs rest, and your daughter is eager to get out and do things, maybe you can take her swimming while your husband takes a nap.
  3. English: Step 3 Be prepared for anything.
    Whether you're flying or driving, delays may happen. Therefore, it is important to pack distractions such as an MP3 player, their favorite snacks, or even an eraser or another favorite object that will keep them busy.[18]
    • Before leaving the hotel, have your autistic child pick out a stim toy or favorite object to take with them in a purse or bag. This can help them stay calm.
  4. English: Step 4 Encourage children to communicate their needs.
    If your child can tell you what they need (using speech or AAC), then you can often meet their needs before it turns into a meltdown. When any of your children communicate a need, take time to listen and talk about how to meet that need.
  5. English: Step 5 Recognize that meltdowns or shutdowns will most likely occur.
    The stress of travel and the confusion of a new environment may make your child prone to becoming overwhelmed. Therefore, be prepared for them, and do as close what you would normally do as possible in the event that one does occur.[19]
    • Your child will likely start displaying signs of stress before a meltdown - such as agitated stimming, looking upset, becoming passive, or regressing. Recognize these signs and help your child to leave or manage what's upsetting them.[20]
    • Have an exit plan. Maybe one person can take the child out for a walk around the parking lot, or to sit somewhere quiet, so they can have time to calm down.[21]
    • All parents have moments when their children scream and cry in public. It's okay. This happens to everyone.

    Tip: If possible, book your hotel or campsite near places you'll be frequenting. Doing so will make it easier to return to a familiar location if your child has a meltdown.[22]

  6. English: Step 6 Choose activities that the whole family will enjoy.
    When planning your trip, consider each family member's favorite activities. Keep in mind your autistic child's preferences, their siblings' preferences, and the preferences of the adults in the family. This vacation is for all of you.
  7. English: Step 7 Enjoy vacationing in your family's own unique way.
    It's okay if you don't have an amazing beach vacation just like the Sanchez family, or if you didn't spend as much money as Leslie in the corner office did. This vacation is for your family, not anyone else's. It might look a little different, and that's okay. Accept what you have, define your own fun, and make your own memories.

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      • Some vacation spots, like amusement parks, have sensory-friendly or disability-friendly weeks or months.
      • If your child wanders, when you are contacting the hotel, request secure locks. This way, at night, you can lock the door securely to prevent your child from wandering in the middle of the night. Some doors have chains on top that you can use.
      • If you are flying, and your child is nonspeaking, make sure that you bring gum and/or hard candy along, because they might not be able to alert you that their ears need popping if they don't use sign language, PECS, or other communication. Offer it to them both near takeoff, as well as at landing, as these are the times when ears are most prone to getting plugged up.
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      • If you are in the middle of doing something, whether it be sightseeing or walking, and your autistic child starts to have a meltdown, as much as you may want to stay, it is imperative to take them to a quiet, safe area. This way, your child will be able to calm down with minimal people looking at them.

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      Co-authors: 12
      Updated: January 12, 2023
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