How to Take Plasti Dip Off Wheels

Plasti Dip has become a popular way to customize vehicles, but sometimes that rubber coating has to be removed from your ride. Although cleaning off Plasti Dip isn’t as straightforward as applying it, fortunately, it doesn’t take much time if you’re using the correct cleaners. To avoid damage to the rest of your car, take the wheels off if you are able to. Then, apply a product like WD-40 or kerosene to soften the rubber coating. They both work similarly, although kerosene is a little messier and leaves more of an odor. The softened material washes right off so you can admire clean rims or renew them with a fresh coating of Plasti Dip.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Removing the Wheels

  1. English: Step 1 Park your vehicle on a flat surface like a garage floor.
    Choose a place that gives you plenty of room to access the wheels. Select a flat spot with hard ground. Engage the parking brake before removing the key from the ignition.[1]
    • For safety, always work over hard surfaces like concrete. The jacks used to raise the vehicle won’t be stable on softer ground.
    • To help keep the vehicle steady, consider also wedging chocks behind the wheels. You can buy some plastic chocks at an auto parts store or use pieces of scrap wood.
  2. English: Step 2 Loosen the wheel’s lug nuts with a 3⁄4 in (1.9 cm) socket wrench.
    Fit the socket onto a same-sized ratchet. Once you have the correct parts, slide the socket onto the ratchet’s adapter to assemble the wrench. Fit the socket onto one of the lug nuts in the center of the wheel’s rim and give it no more than a half-turn counterclockwise. Repeat this with the other lug nuts, but don’t remove any of them yet.[2]
    • You could also use a tire iron or tire wrench instead to handle the lug nuts.
  3. English: Step 3 Wrap plastic around the wheel if you are unable to remove it.
    Push a plastic garbage bag past the spokes so it is behind the wheel. Twist it around the axle, tying it as needed to keep it in place. The plastic will serve as a protective barrier so the Plasti Dip remover you use doesn’t get onto the brakes. Spray carefully when applying chemicals so they don’t spread beyond the Plasti Dip.[3]
    • The cleaners used on Plasti Dip can also cause serious damage to the car’s finish. If you get anything on the finish, rinse it off with clean water.
    • If you are able to remove the wheels, take them off for treatment. Doing this eliminates any risk to important components like the brakes.
  4. English: Step 4 Use a car...
    Use a car jack to elevate the car and remove the wheels. Locate the lift point, which is usually right next to the wheel. Slide the jack underneath the car and crank its handle until it is touching the lift point. Continue raising the car until you’re able to reach under it. Then, open a jack stand to the same height and position it next to the jack underneath the vehicle.[4]
    • Typically, the lift points are either in front of or behind the wheel. Expect them to be behind the front wheels and in front of the back wheels.
    • Lift points can vary from vehicle to vehicle. If you’re not sure where to find one, check the owner’s manual for more information.
  5. English: Step 5 Remove the lug...
    Remove the lug nuts from the wheel using a socket wrench. Attach the socket wrench to one of the lug nuts again and turn it counterclockwise. Finish unscrewing it by hand once it is loose enough to turn without the wrench. Take off the remaining lug nuts to detach the wheel.[5]
    • Work on the wheels one at a time. Wait to loosen or remove the other wheels until you have raised them with the jack.
  6. English: Step 6 Pull the wheel off of the vehicle by hand.
    Grasp onto the left and right sides of the wheel. Gradually pull it toward you with a firm amount of force. You may need to wiggle it from side to side a little to get it to come away from the vehicle. Once you have it off, you can safely treat its Plasti Dip shell without risking damage to the rest of the vehicle.[6]
    • If the wheel is stuck, reach behind it and tap it with a rubber mallet. Strike the rubber tire to avoid bending the metal rim.
  7. English: Step 7 Take off the remaining wheels if they also have Plasti Dip on them.
    Each wheel has to be removed separately after you shift the jack around. Leave the jack stand in place, then move the jack to the next wheel you wish to remove. Use the nearby lift point to raise the wheel off the ground, remove the lug nuts, and pull it off the vehicle. Go through the same process for each wheel.[7]
    • To keep the vehicle stable, you could use a hydraulic jack to keep the back end elevated while you’re using a different jack to deal with the wheels.
    • If you’re worried about the vehicle falling, work on the wheels one at a time. Clean one off, then put it back on the vehicle before removing the next one.
  8. English: Step 8 Put on rubber gloves and a respirator mask before cleaning the wheel.
    The cleaners used to treat Plasti Dip tend to be a little harsh and unpleasant to breathe in. For safety, put on a disposable respirator mask before opening or applying them to the wheel. Avoid touching cleaning chemicals with your bare hands.
    • Keep nearby doors and windows open as well. If you keep the garage door open, for instance, most of the odor will disperse while you’re working.
    • Keep other people and pets away until you’re done removing the Plasti Dip and have had a chance to put the wheels back on.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using WD-40 and a Pressure Washer

  1. English: Step 1 Spray WD-40 onto the Plasti Dip.
    Hold the canister of WD-40 about 6 in (15 cm) from the rim. Start at the top part of the wheel and gradually work your way down to the bottom. Cover the Plasti Dip completely with the cleaner. It’s easy to miss a spot, so double-check that the entire rim has been covered with a consistent coating of the cleaner.[8]
    • If you don’t have WD-40, try using an adhesive remover or a vehicle adhesive cleaner instead. You could also order a commercial Plasti Dip remover to spray onto your wheels.
  2. English: Step 2 Spread the WD-40 over the wheel with a clean rag.
    Scrub the wheel to ensure it’s coated all over with the cleaner. Lightly scrub the front surface of the rim from top to bottom first. The inner and back part of the wheel can be hard to treat by spraying alone, so scrub them as well afterward. Rub down the back part of the rim, then the rim’s spokes and exterior.[9]
    • Make sure the wheels are still covered with the cleaner when you’re done. Add more as needed to keep the Plasti Dip damp.
  3. English: Step 3 Wait about 5 to 7 minutes for the WD-40 to soak in.
    You might see the Plasti Dip begin to bubble right away. Give it a little extra time to soften, however. It’s much easier to remove after it has softened all over. Otherwise, it could break into a bunch of tiny chunks that take forever to deal with.[10]
    • If you’re using a commercial Plasti Dip remover, check the manufacturer’s instructions for the recommended drying time.
  4. English: Step 4 Select a pressure washer rated between 1,200 and 1,900 psi.
    A 1,800 psi washer works very well on wheels. At that amount of pressure, the washer is unlikely to cause damage to your vehicle. Try getting one that also puts out 1.4 to 1.6 US gal (5.3 to 6.1 L) of water per minute.[11]
    • Check with your local hardware store about pressure washers. If you don’t have one and aren’t prepared to buy one, you can often rent one instead.
    • If you aren’t able to get a pressure washer, scrub the wheel clean by hand. Use a bucket of warm water, soap, and a sponge or rag.
  5. English: Step 5 Spray the Plasti Dip with a pressure washer to loosen it.
    Use a garden hose to join the pressure washer’s water tank to a nearby water spigot. Then, hold the nozzle about 6 in (15 cm) from the front of the rim. Begin sweeping the nozzle along the rim, cleaning it from top to bottom. Remember to also poke the nozzle through the rim to clear out the hidden spots around the edges and spokes.[12]
    • Before spraying the Plasti Dip, you can test its softness. Scratch it with something hard, like a stiff-bristled brush. If it flakes, then it is ready to be sprayed off.
  6. English: Step 6 Peel off any large strips of Plasti Dip by hand.
    The pressure washer will crack the Plasti Dip, but it likely won’t blast all of it off of the wheel. While wearing a rubber glove, grasp the loose bits of Plasti Dip and pull them up. Expect most, but not all, of the Plasti Dip to come up in large strips.[13]
    • Take off as much as you are able to and leave the rest. Some small bits of Plasti Dip will stay stuck to the wheel, but these spots are difficult to peel off by hand.
  7. English: Step 7 Apply more WD-40 if the wheel still has some Plasti Dip to remove.
    It’s okay if you are unable to spray off all of the Plasti Dip in one go. Just spray a fresh coat of cleaner over the entire wheel. Work from top to bottom again, soaking the spots still covered by Plasti Dip. You can then use a rag to scrub the cleaner into any spots that are tough to reach.[14]
    • Let the cleaner soak in for another 5 to 7 minutes before attempting to spray or scrub off the remaining Plasti Dip.
  8. English: Step 8 Scrub off the remaining Plasti Dip with a clean rag.
    Locate any small bits of Plasti Dip left on the rim. These spots are often difficult to reach with a pressure washer, so scrub them clean by hand. Wipe the remainder until it comes loose. Then, finish the wheel by spraying it clean once again.[15]
    • The WD-40 won’t harm your rims, but you can wash the wheel with clean water if you wish to before moving on to the other wheels.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Washing Wheels with Kerosene

  1. English: Step 1 Pour a low-odor kerosene into a small container.
    Any type of kerosene will work on Plasti Dip, but using a low-odor version means you don’t have to deal with a harsh smell while you’re working. Select a Mason jar or another open container you can carry around. Fill it with enough kerosene to cover all of the wheels. Try using at least 12 cup (120 mL) to start.[16]
    • Paint thinners, brake cleaners, and even isopropyl alcohol can also work on Plasti Dip but tend to be less effective than kerosene.
    • Keep the wheel on a piece of cardboard to catch some of the mess from the kerosene. If you’re able to hang the wheel, you could place a bucket underneath it instead.
  2. English: Step 2 Use an old toothbrush to apply a generous amount of kerosene.
    Dip the brush into the container of kerosene, then spread it onto the rim. Work from the top to the bottom part of the rim. Cover the Plasti Dip completely with kerosene. Be careful to avoid getting any of it on the rubber, since it could damage the tire.[17]
    • If you don’t have an old toothbrush, you could use a disposable stiff-bristled, synthetic paint brush instead. Try using a 2 in (5.1 cm) brush to reach into tight areas on the wheel.
    • Always wear rubber gloves when handling kerosene. If you get any on your skin, rinse for 15 minutes. Use scented soaps with repeated washings to eliminate the smell.
  3. English: Step 3 Wait 6 to 8 minutes for the kerosene to soak into the Plasti Dip.
    Some of the Plasti Dip will probably begin dissolving while you’re finishing up the coating of kerosene on the wheel. It’s a good sign, but don’t rush to clean off the wheel yet. Wait until the Plasti Dip is soft all over.[18]
    • Note any spots that don’t soften. You might have missed them with the kerosene. Apply some more if those spots seem dry.
  4. English: Step 4 Use wood paint stirrers to scrape off as much Plasti Dip as possible.
    Wipe the wheel lightly to avoid scratching it. As long as you’re gentle, the wood sticks won’t cause any lasting damage. Scrub around the entire wheel, starting at the top and working your way to the bottom. When one stirrer stops picking up Plasti Dip, switch to a fresh one to continue.[19]
    • You could also use a scouring pad to rub off most of the Plasti Dip.
    • For areas that are tough to clear out by hand, such as pits from brake dust, use an old rag or brush.
  5. English: Step 5 Apply another coating of kerosene any of the Plasti Dip remains.
    The initial treatment will liquefy most of the Plasti Dip, but some stubborn spots may stay stuck in place. It isn’t a problem, since you can clear these spots off with another round of kerosene and scraping. Let the kerosene soak in again before attempting to scrape off the remaining Plasti Dip. Switch to a rag or brush as needed.[20]
    • Make sure you get the areas around the lugnuts, spokes and inner part of the rim. These spots are often easy to miss and tend to be the most resistant to treatment.
  6. English: Step 6 Wipe the wheel dry with an old rag.
    Scrub the entire wheel to clear off the liquified Plasti Dip and excess kerosene. The wheel will look clean when you’re finished. Note any spots that still have solid pieces of colored stains from the Plasti Dip. Treat these areas immediately with more kerosene until they look clean.[21]
    • Stubborn stains need to be treated with an additional coating of kerosene. Usually, one application is enough to leave rims clear of debris.
  7. English: Step 7 Wash the wheel with a mixture of soap and water.
    Fill a bucket with warm water, the mix in a gentle dish soap. Use about 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of soap for every 1 gallon (3,800 mL) of water in the bucket. Then, dip a clean sponge into the water and begin scrubbing the wheel. Work from top to bottom to ensure you don’t miss any spots.[22]
    • Go over the entire wheel to remove any remaining kerosene and Plasti Dip. This includes the tough spots, such as the inner rim and lug nuts.
  8. English: Step 8 Rinse off the soap and water with a garden hose.
    Hook a garden hose to the nearest water spigot. Turn on the warm water, then give the wheel a thorough rinsing to wash off the soap and any remaining debris you may have missed. Once the wheel looks clean, you can move on to the other wheels.[23]
    • If you don’t have a hose available, use a pressure washer. You could also scrub the wheel clean by hand using a sponge or rag and a bucket of warm water.

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      • Moisture can prevent Plasti Dip cleaners from working correctly. If you drove your vehicle recently, make sure the wheels are dry before attempting to remove Plasti Dip.
      • Plasti Dip on a car’s frame is also removable with WD-40 and similar products. Since these cleaners can damage your car’s finish, use them with caution.
      • If you get some cleaner on the rest of your car, wash it off with a spray of water from a hose.


      • For safety, don’t handle any cleaning products unless you’re wearing rubber gloves and a disposable respirator. Keep your workspace ventilated to further eliminate potential problems.
      • The cleaners used to remove Plasti Dip can damage other parts of a vehicle, including the brakes. If you’re unable to remove the vehicles, be very careful when applying the cleaner and make sure the brakes are well-covered.

      Things You’ll Need

      Removing the Wheels

      • Jack
      • Jack stands
      • Wheel chocks
      • Socket wrench
      • 34 in (1.9 cm) socket
      • Disposable respirator mask
      • Rubber gloves

      Using WD-40 and a Pressure Washer

      • WD-40 or alternative product
      • Rags
      • Pressure washer

      Washing Wheels with Kerosene

      • Low-odor kerosene
      • Piece of cardboard or plastic bucket
      • Toothbrush or stiff-bristle paint brush
      • Rags
      • Dish soap
      • Hose

      About this article English: Staff
      Co-authored by: Staff Writer
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      Updated: April 7, 2020
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