How to Support Someone with Anxiety During Coronavirus

People who suffer from anxiety need support during the best of times. During the COVID-19 outbreak, they’re probably feeling especially overwhelmed and need a bit of extra encouragement. If someone in your life suffers from anxiety, then you unfortunately can’t cure it. However, you can take some steps to care for and support them during the outbreak. This way, you can help prevent their anxiety from getting out of control until the world returns to normal.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Talking Them through Anxiety

  1. English: Step 1 Keep yourself calm and collected while interacting with the person.
    People with anxiety are often sensitive to the way other people behave, and they're probably especially on edge curing the outbreak. If someone you know suffers from anxiety, it’s best to model calm, confident behavior when you talk to them, especially if they seem like they’re on the verge of a panic attack. Your own calm demeanor could help steer them away from more anxiety.[1]
    • This is especially important with children and teenagers. They often model the behavior they observe, so be extra careful about staying calm if they’re feeling anxious.
    • This doesn’t mean you should lie to the person or hide your own feelings. Just try to say things in a confident tone and avoid getting too worked up.
  2. English: Step 2 Tell them it’s okay to feel anxious during the outbreak.
    Validating the person’s feelings is very important. They shouldn’t feel like they’re alone or abnormal for feeling anxious. Tell them it’s normal and completely okay to be worried.[2]
    • Use calming phrases like “With the way the world is now, it’s very normal to feel overwhelmed by it all.”
    • Leveling with the person can help as well. Say, “I know how you feel, this all gets me down sometimes too.” Remember to say this calmly, without seeming frustrated.
  3. English: Step 3 Encourage them to talk about their fears.
    Some people really just need to vent and get their fears out, especially in a stressful time like the COVID-19 outbreak. Ask directly what they’re afraid of. Then be open and let them talk. Don’t judge or interrupt them when they’re speaking, so they can make all their points.[3]
    • During the outbreak, their fears will probably focus on getting sick, someone in their family catching the virus, or maybe losing their job. These are normal challenges that many people are experiencing.
    • Remember that not all of these fears might be logical. This is a part of anxiety. Still, let them vent before you interrupt.
    • Some people who experience anxiety feel like they’re a burden when they tell other people about their problems. Assure them that they’re not a bother, and you want to hear what they have to say.
  4. English: Step 4 Ask them to make a list of how they think the outbreak will affect them.
    This is a good exercise for coming to concrete solutions rather than simply focusing on fears. As a first step, encourage them to write out a list of the things that are bothering them about the outbreak. You can then use this list to help them reach constructive solutions.[4]
    • Putting all of these fears into words could be overwhelming and might even trigger a panic attack. Keep an eye on them and encourage them to take a break if they seem to be struggling.
  5. English: Step 5 Help them focus on problems that they can control.
    While the person writes down their fears, there will probably be a division between the things they can control and the things they can’t control. Focusing on problems we can’t control is futile and makes anxiety worse. When they’re finished, encourage them to focus and work on the things they can control. They can then take action to prevent those particular fears from happening.[5]
    • For example, they might say that they’re afraid of the coronavirus lasting for another year, getting sick themselves, and someone in their family getting sick. While they can’t control how long the outbreak will last, they can take steps to keep themselves and their family safe. Encourage them to focus on those problems.
    • You may have to be firm and tell them that some of their fears are uncontrollable. Do this in a friendly, nonjudgmental way. Say, “It’s very logical that you’d be scared about this. But you know, you can’t control that, even if you did everything perfectly.”
  6. English: Step 6 Talk about solutions for the problems that they can control.
    After identifying problems that the person can control, you can talk about how to solve them. Discuss constructive solutions and actions that the person could take for each one. You don't need perfect solutions for every problem. Simply having a set of solutions is often comforting for people with anxiety.[6]
    • For example, if their fear is getting sick with COVID-19, a way they could take control is making sure they wash their hands, wearing a face mask in public, and disinfecting everything they bring into their home.
    • You don’t have to have all the answers here. You could just listen to the solutions they’re considering and provide feedback on whether they’re good ideas.

Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Monitoring Their Mental Health

  1. English: Step 1 Make sure they continue with any treatment regimens they had.
    If the person suffered from anxiety before the outbreak, then they may have had a treatment regimen in place. Whether this included taking medication, following a daily routine, or other therapies, it’s very important that they continue during the COVID-19 outbreak. Remind them of this, and encourage them to stick with the schedule that their doctor or therapist recommended.[7]
    • Unless it is your child suffering from anxiety, you unfortunately can’t force someone to follow their treatment regimen. You can only encourage them to do so and tell them that they’ll feel better.
  2. English: Step 2 Remind them that this could be a continuation of a previous anxiety condition.
    If a person had an anxiety issue before the COVID-19 outbreak, then the outbreak is probably making it worse. It could be helpful to remind them that some of their worries are from their condition, and they can work through it.[8]
    • If they state some illogical fears, for example, you could say “You know that’s your anxiety talking. You’ve worked through all of this before, and you can do it again.”
    • Never act frustrated or condescending when you remind a person of their anxiety. Always say it with an encouraging tone.
  3. English: Step 3 Monitor the person for signs of an anxiety attack.
    People can express anxiety without having an actual anxiety or panic attack. However, a panic attack can build, so monitor the person for signs of an attack. Common signs are hyperventilating, fast speech, shaking, sweating, and increasingly fearful or illogical thoughts. If you notice these signs, then the person may be having a panic attack.[9]
    • Also monitor if the person complains of sudden body aches or headaches. These are signs of increased anxiety as well.
    • Remember that not all people respond to anxiety by crying, hyperventilating, or getting agitated. Some suddenly shut down and get very quiet. This is also a sign of an anxiety attack, so be mindful of that.
  4. English: Step 4 Stay calm and...
    Stay calm and talk them through it if they do have a panic attack. In the event someone does have a panic attack, there isn’t much you can do to stop it. The best thing you can do is stay calm and supportive. Tell the person that it’s okay and that you’re here for them. Use supportive statements like “You’ll get through this” and encourage them to take deep, slow breaths.[10]
    • Panic attacks often last around 20 minutes, but this is just a guideline. They could be longer or shorter.
    • If they usually take medication for a panic disorder, then offer to get it for them and help them take it.
  5. English: Step 5 Encourage them to see a therapist if they’re feeling overwhelmed.
    If the person seems paralyzed by their anxiety or suffers from regular panic attacks, then the problem might be out of your hands. The best thing to do is encourage them to see a professional. A therapist can help talk them through their fears and provide them with effective strategies to manage their anxiety.[11]
    • Many therapists have started offering remote services with videoconferencing software. This makes keeping an appointment even easier.

Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Showing Them Quality Information

  1. English: Step 1 Make sure they follow the CDC guidelines to stay healthy.
    Many people are probably feeling anxiety about getting sick, or someone in their family getting sick. It’s important to show them the CDC guidelines for avoiding COVID-19 and encourage them to follow those guidelines as closely as possible. This way, they can alleviate some of their anxieties about getting sick.[12]
    • As of now, the CDC advises people to wash their hands often for at least 20 seconds, stay at least 6 ft (1.8 m) away from other people, wear a face mask in public, and disinfect anything they bring into their homes from outside.[13] If the person follows those guidelines, they’re doing all they can to avoid getting sick.
    • Some secondary suggestions are maintaining a healthy diet, trying to sleep through the night, and avoiding alcohol and smoking. These steps keep your immunity up and improve your body’s ability to fight off diseases.
  2. English: Step 2 Encourage them to only check the news once a day.
    Constantly checking the news causes a big increase for many people’s anxiety. It’s best to just get the information you need once a day and then turn the news off. Too much exposure will only make you worry more.[14]
    • Once a day isn't a concrete rule. If the person can handle more news without getting upset, then it's fine for them to watch or listen. However, if even once a day makes them anxious, then they should limit their exposure even more.
    • Remember that news comes from many places. They should also be careful on social media and online in general, because news pops up constantly.
  3. English: Step 3 Show them trustworthy news sources, so they don’t read fake stories.
    With the internet and social media, fake news spreads rapidly. For someone with anxiety, this is especially nerve-wracking. Show them reliable sources of information about the outbreak and encourage them to stick with these sources for their news. Some reputable sources are:[15]
  4. English: Step 4 Volunteer to give them news updates, so they don’t have to check.
    It’s very easy to come across worrying information when you check the news. This is even worse for people with anxiety. If the person finds it too overwhelming to look for news, even on reliable sources, then you can help. Offer to tell them about any important updates or developments as they happen. That way, they’ll be informed of important information but won’t have to look for news on their own and risk getting overwhelmed.[16]
    • You could schedule a weekly news check-in, for example. On a particular day during the week, check in and say “No news” or tell them any new developments that you’ve heard about.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Distracting Them from Anxiety

  1. English: Step 1 Contact them as often as you can if you don’t live with them.
    Isolation is very stressful for everyone, especially people with anxiety. Their minds will probably wander, which could make anxiety worse. If you don’t live with the person, then try to check in every few days. Call or message them to see how they’re doing.[17]
    • Text messages are good, but phone or video calls are better. These make the person feel more connected to you, which helps more with anxiety.
    • If you live with the person, then ask how they’re doing every few days. Don’t overdo it, or you could make their anxiety worse by annoying them.
  2. English: Step 2 Support them with encouraging, positive statements.
    Some positivity is a big help for people with anxiety. Whether they seem anxious, give them encouragement and support. Say things like “You’re looking great today” or “I just feel like today will be a good day.” That positivity is contagious and could help distract a person from their anxiety.[18]
    • Try not to overdo it with these statements, or they’ll seem fake. Once a day is fine.
  3. English: Step 3 Exercise with them if you can.
    Physical activity is a great way to decrease anxiety, and it’s especially important during times of social distancing. If you live with the person, encourage them to take a walk or do some aerobics with you. If you don’t live together, then try doing a video conference workout together. This is a great boost for physical and mental health.[19]
    • If there is an open park nearby, this is a great place to unwind. Getting out of the home for some fresh air is a big help.
    • If you’re unable to work out with the person, you can still be encouraging. Send them some exercise videos to do from home, for example.
  4. English: Step 4 Distract them with other household tasks.
    Keeping their home in order is a great way for people with anxiety to not only distract themselves, but do productive things. Cleaning, organizing, or building something for their home are all good things that you can suggest for the person to stay distracted.[20]
    • You could try reminding them of things that have been on their to-do list. For example, say “Well I know you’ve been talking about organizing your bookshelf. That would be a good thing to do today.”
    • Keep your tone encouraging. Don’t make it sound like a task, but something that will make them feel better.
  5. English: Step 5 Encourage them to help others.
    Sometimes helping others is the best way to make yourself feel better. There are a lot of people who need help now, and plenty of opportunities for a person to get involved. Some opportunities include:[21]
    • Buying food for a local food bank.
    • Donating money to help needy families.
    • Signing up to babysit children of essential workers.
    • Volunteering at community centers that need more staff.
    • If the person has a compromised immune system, then it’s best to encourage them to do things that won’t but them in contact with sick people.

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      About this article English: Mental Health America
      Co-authored by:
      Non-Profit Organization
      This article was co-authored by Mental Health America. Mental Health America is the nation's leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting overall mental health for all. Their work is guided by the Before Stage 4 philosophy – that mental health conditions should be treated long before they reach the most critical points in the disease process. This article has been viewed 5,885 times.
      1 votes - 100%
      Co-authors: 7
      Updated: March 26, 2022
      Views: 5,885
      Article SummaryX

      The coronavirus pandemic has been difficult for everyone, but people with anxiety can find it especially hard to cope. If you know someone who is dealing with anxiety, check in with them regularly to see how they’re doing. Encourage them to continue any medications or other treatments they were using before the coronavirus outbreak, since this can help prevent their anxiety from getting worse. A person with anxiety can easily pick up on your feelings, so try to stay calm when you’re talking to them. Give them a chance to vent to you about their feelings, which can help make anxiety feel more manageable. It might also help to get them to define their specific fears and identify actions they can take to put those fears at ease. For instance, if they’re worried about getting sick, talk about strategies for protecting themselves, like washing their hands frequently and wearing a mask in public. For tips on how to find reliable sources of information on COVID-19 for your loved one, keep reading!

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