How to Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Naturally

While it’s particularly important for diabetics, everyone can benefit from maintaining a stable blood sugar level. Having high or low blood sugar can have serious consequences for your health, especially if you swing back and forth between high and low levels. A prolonged bout of high blood sugar can lead to damaged arteries and blood vessels, while low sugar levels can lead to confusion and loss of consciousness.[1] As a consequence, it’s important to talk to your doctor about developing a long-term management plan. In the event of an emergency, seek out medical help as soon as possible.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Maintaining a Proper Diet

  1. English: Step 1 Eat a small meal or snack every 3 to 5 hours to keep sugar levels stable.
    If you're trying to better stabilize and control your blood sugar, it's important to consider the consistency and timing of your meals. If you're skipping meals or waiting too long in between meals, you can experience fluctuations in your blood sugar.
    • Eat 3 meals a day if you can. In addition, plan to have a snack if you know you’re going to run into more than 5 hours between meals. This will help to keep you satisfied until your next meal.[2]
    • Be consistent with your portion sizes. It’s easy to get carried away at barbeques and buffets, but keeping your portions consistent will make it easier to keep your sugar levels stable.

    Tip: When you eat foods, your body digests them and absorbs the nutrients. Through this process, your body's blood sugar will rise. When you skip a meal, your body won't get the needed nutrients and your blood sugar levels will dip considerably. This why diet is so important when it comes to managing blood sugar.

  2. English: Step 2 Set time aside every day to eat and prepare your meals in advance.
    When you're working on stabilizing your blood sugar, it's important to make sure to know your body and plan ahead. Pack your lunch ahead of time and figure out what you’re going to eat for breakfast before going to bed. Give yourself time to eat, even if you’re really busy with school or work.[3]
    • Think about your typical day and how often you need to eat. Make sure you pack enough meals and snacks to keep your blood sugar stable throughout the day.
    • There are plenty of easy and delicious meals you can prepare ahead of time. Greek salads, riced cauliflower, and yogurt with nuts and fruit are all easy to prepare and package ahead of time.
    • Keep a healthy snack, like a granola bar, a pack of peanut butter crackers, or a bag of whole wheat pita chips on hand in case you need something in between meals.
  3. English: Step 3 Add a nutritious, high-fiber carbohydrate in every major meal.
    Carbohydrates are a key nutrient that help your blood sugar levels elevate to a healthy range. Include a nutritious and healthy carbohydrate with each of your meals to manage your blood sugar and keep it stable throughout the day.[4]
    • Carbohydrates are found in a wide variety of foods, including grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, and some cheese.
    • Carbs found in sweet treats and sugary beverages are usually made with refined sugar. These are not ideal sources of carbohydrates since they can spike your blood sugar levels quickly.[5]
    • A small cup of fruit, ½ of an apple or banana, or a small baked potato makes a great high-fiber snack with plenty of carbohydrates.[6]
  4. English: Step 4 Include healthy fats and proteins in one of your main meals.
    Consume roughly 6–8 ounces (170–230 g) of lean meats, like fish or chicken, for at least one of your daily meals. Both of these nutrients also help stabilize your blood sugar, but overdoing it can cause your blood sugar to behave erratically.[7]
    • Healthy sources of fat, when combined with a nutritious carbohydrate, help slow the absorption of sugar into your blood stream. This decreases the risk of spiking your blood sugar really high.[8]
    • Another way to work proteins and fats into your diet is to use 1 ounce (28 g) of nuts, 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of olive oil, or 6.25–7.5 ounces (177–213 g) of avocado in a non-meat based meal.
    • For example, a main course of salmon with walnut-topped asparagus is perfect. You can also do buffalo cauliflower with a turkey burger, or a chicken Caesar salad.
  5. English: Step 5 Drink at least 3-4 cups of water a day to stay hydrated.
    Drinking plenty of water ensures that your body stays hydrated, healthy, and happy. Drinking water doesn't have a direct impact on your blood sugar, but it does help your organs function properly, which is essential to helping your body process sugar correctly.[9]
    • When your blood sugar levels are high, your body will naturally try to reduce your blood sugar by excreting excess glucose into your urine. As a result, your body will excrete more fluid, causing you to become dehydrated.[10]
    • Unfortunately, those delicious sports drinks and flavored waters don’t count. Unflavored sparkling or mineral water is fine, though!
  6. English: Step 6 Eat or drink something sweet to if your blood sugar is low.
    If you’re experiencing a drop in your blood sugar, drink 12–1 cup (120–240 mL) of fruit juice, like orange, apple, or pineapple. You can also eat ½ of a banana, a small apple, or crackers if you prefer. After you drink or eat and start feeling better, eat a snack or meal that contains protein, healthy fats, and a nutritious carbohydrate. This will help stabilize your blood sugar levels for several hours.[11]
    • If you have no other options, a regular soda (not diet), or half of a candy bar will do the trick. These are not healthy options, though.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

  1. English: Step 1 Take your medications as directed by your doctor.
    You’re probably taking some kind of medication if you’re dealing with chronic blood sugar issues. Natural remedies can be very effective but if you have diabetes or have been prescribed medication, it's important to follow your doctor’s medical direction.[12]
    • Most diabetics are prescribed either oral or injectable medications. Taking your medications will help you keep your blood sugar at a reasonable level.
    • In addition, you may also be prescribed emergency medications that help increase your blood sugar if it gets too low. Always keep these medications nearby and take them with you when you go out for work, school, or to hang out with friends.
  2. English: Step 2 Measure and track your blood sugar as directed by your doctor.
    If you have diabetes, use your test strip or blood sugar meter to monitor your blood sugar over the course of your day. If you don’t have diabetes, monitor the way you feel over the course of the day and track what you’re eating to maintain a sense of what your blood sugar levels are.
    • Even if you don't have diabetes, ask your doctor to test your blood sugar every time you go in for a visit. Follow your doctor's advice regarding how often and when to test your sugar.
    • You can start a blood sugar journal if you want to track how your sugar levels change over time. Write down the dates, times, and your blood sugar readings. This will allow you to see any major trends.
    • If you notice that you're having highs or lows at specific times of the day or with certain types of meals, you work on changing your habits to stabilize your sugar.
  3. English: Step 3 Exercise in moderation to stay healthy and maintain your metabolism.
    Regular and consistent exercise is important to your overall health. In addition, regular exercise can also help you manage your blood sugar. Never work out or go running if your blood sugar is too high or low, but exercising when your blood sugar levels are stable is a great way to ensure your body processes glucose correctly.[13]
    • Studies have shown that regular exercise helps stabilize blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.[15]
    • Include at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week in addition to 1-2 days of strength training.[16]

    Tip: Try yoga! Studies have shown that yoga is really good at managing diabetes and blood sugar levels, in addition to lowering blood pressure.[14]

  4. English: Step 4 Maintain a healthy weight to make it easier for your body to process food.
    Maintaining a healthy weight improves your ability to stabilize your blood sugar. Determine whether or not you need to lose weight to help you stabilize your blood sugar. If you are overweight, talk to your doctor about making changes to your diet or workout routine to try and shed a few pounds.[17]
    • Obesity lowers the overall effectiveness of insulin. In some cases, prolonged obesity can you’re your body resistant to insulin.[18]
    • Determine what your BMI is using an online calculator. This will help you determine whether or not you're overweight and need to lose weight.
    • If your BMI is between 20.0 to 24.9, you're probably at a healthy weight for your height. If your BMI is 25.0 to 29.9, you’re considered overweight. If your BMI is over 30.0, you're considered obese.[19]
  5. English: Step 5 Manage your stress by practicing mindfulness and taking breaks.
    If you're chronically stressed, you may find it more difficult to stabilize your blood sugar. Step away from stressful situations and catch a breather. Practice yoga, workout regularly, and find things you enjoy to reduce the amount of overall stress in your life. When you're stressed—either by illness or lifestyle—your body produces hormones that cause your blood sugar to rise.[20]
    • If you're chronically stressed, find ways to relax and calm yourself based on what you enjoy. You can try talking to friends and family, going for a walk, doing some relaxing meditation, or listening to music.
    • If you're having difficulty managing your stress, consider talking to a behavioral specialist or therapist. They'll be able to give you more techniques and advice regarding stress management.
  6. English: Step 6 Limit your alcohol consumption to avoid dropping your blood sugar quickly.
    If you have diabetes or difficulty stabilizing your blood sugar, do not consume more than 2 drinks a day. When you drink, your liver works overtime to process the alcohol. This makes it much less efficient at processing glucose, which can drop your blood sugar fast. Drinks like wine, beer, or liquor can make keeping blood sugar stable more difficult.[21]
    • Drinking a lot of alcohol also makes insulin less effective since your blood has trouble processing it and sending it through your body.
    • It's especially important to never drink on an empty stomach. Doing so can cause a very delayed low blood sugar—even up to 24 hours later.
    • If you do drink, choose light beers, dry wines, and stay away from cocktails made with soda or simple syrup.
    • Never consume more than 1-2 drinks a day, especially if you’re trying to live a healthy lifestyle.[22]
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

When to Seek Medical Treatment

  1. English: Step 1 See your doctor if you suspect you have diabetes.
    Diabetes can cause life-threatening complications if you don’t manage it properly. If you think you may have diabetes, make an appointment with your doctor to get a formal diagnosis. They can recommend both medical treatments and natural approaches to help you manage your blood sugar levels.[23]

    Symptoms of Diabetes: The most common symptoms of chronic diabetes include:

    Unusual thirst and frequent urination

    An increased appetite, especially for sweet foods

    Weight loss with no obvious cause

    Changes in mood and energy levels, such as irritability and fatigue

    Blurry vision

    Wounds or sores that don’t heal properly

    Frequent infections, such as cold sores, gum infections, vaginal infections, and skin infections

  2. English: Step 2 Let your doctor know about any natural remedies you are trying.
    Before making any major changes to your diet and lifestyle, let your doctor know. They can talk to you about what kinds of changes will be safe and effective for you.[24]
    • Your doctor may recommend working with a dietitian or nutritionist to determine what, and how much, you should eat.
    • You should also talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise routines as well. They can recommend types of exercise that are healthy for your joints and heart, for example.
  3. English: Step 3 Keep regular appointments to monitor your condition.
    If you have diabetes or another condition that makes it difficult to keep your blood sugar levels stable, it’s important to meet with your doctor regularly. They can make sure that your treatments and lifestyle changes are working properly and keeping your blood sugar levels under control.[25]
    • Depending on how well you are managing your condition, you may need to see your doctor every 4-6 months. For severe cases, you may require biweekly or monthly appointments.
    • Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor in between regular appointments if your symptoms change, get worse, or if you have any questions or concerns about your care.
    • Don’t wait to see your doctor if you’re having problems with nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, you have a fever for more than 24 hours, or you can’t keep your blood sugar levels under control even with medications and diet.
  4. English: Step 4 Get emergency medical treatment for severe high blood sugar symptoms.
    If your blood sugar gets too high, you can develop a serious condition called hyperglycemia. Call emergency services or go to the emergency room if you experience serious changes in coordination or experience severe pain.[26]
    • A blood sugar reading of more than 180 mg/dL is high and you should take steps to reduce your blood sugar immediately.[27] If your blood sugar is 300 mg/dL or higher, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

    Serious Symptoms of High Blood Sugar:

    Nausea and vomiting that’s so severe you can’t keep anything down

    Fruity-smelling breath

    Confusion or fainting

    A blood sugar level over 300 mg/dL (13 mmol/L) and ketones in your urine

  5. English: Step 5 Seek emergency care if you have severe low blood sugar symptoms.
    Severe low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can be life-threatening. If your blood sugar level drops too low and you experience severe symptoms, contact emergency services or go to the emergency room right away. Watch out for symptoms such as:[28]
    • While it depends on your weight and when you last ate, a blood sugar reading of lower than 70 mg/dL is generally considered low and you should have a fruit juice, crackers, or other snack immediately. Then, retest your blood sugar after 15 minutes. If your blood sugar hasn’t moved up, seek medical attention.[29]

    Serious Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar:

    Confusion or impaired short-term memory

    Blurred vision or other visual problems



    Clumsiness or slurred speech

    Symptoms that don’t improve even after you eat or drink something sugary


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      About this article English: Zora Degrandpre, ND
      Co-authored by:
      Natural Health Doctor
      This article was co-authored by Zora Degrandpre, ND and by staff writer, Eric McClure. Dr. Zora Degrandpre is a Natural Health Doctor and Licensed Naturopathic Physician in Vancouver, Washington. She is a grant reviewer for the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. She received her ND from the National College of Natural Medicine in 2007. This article has been viewed 6,771 times.
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      Co-authors: 7
      Updated: May 4, 2023
      Views: 6,771
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