How to Reduce Redness on Your Chest

If you’re experiencing redness on your chest, it may be caused by a variety of different reasons, from dermatitis to dry skin to an allergic reaction. Whatever the cause may be, you’re not alone in seeking out a way to make it less noticeable. Redness can be uncomfortable and may make you self-conscious, but thankfully it’s a common occurrence and one that you can most likely deal with at home! If you’re experiencing any lightheadedness or have a fever, though, you should visit a doctor right away.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Soothing Red Skin

  1. English: Step 1 Apply concealer to cover redness caused by mild skin conditions.
    Whether you have rosacea or just tend to have redder skin, you can use a skin-toned coverup to mask the redness and make you feel more confident. Get a shade of concealer that matches the color of your face or neck so that it won’t be noticeable you’re wearing makeup. Dab the concealer onto your skin and then gently blend it in with your fingers or a sponge.[1]
    • If your skin tends to be very sensitive, apply a primer first to create a barrier between your skin and the concealer.
    • If your skin is really red, you could also try using a green-tinted concealer to help neutralize the redness.
    • Look for products in the beauty aisle that say “redness concealer” or “redness solutions.”
  2. English: Step 2 Cool down if your skin gets overheated and starts to turn red.
    Sweat and excessive heat can make the redness on your chest worse. If you’re out exercising or walking around and feel like you’re getting overly warm, find a way to cool off. Step into the shade, sit down and take a break, go somewhere with air conditioning, or even stand in front of an open freezer for a few minutes.[2]
    • If your skin becomes inflamed or itchy, you could even try applying an icepack or bag of frozen veggies to your chest. Wrap it in a clean towel and apply it to your skin for 5 minutes at a time.
  3. English: Step 3 Keep your skin moisturized to reduce inflammation and dryness.
    When you’re dealing with red, dry, itchy, or inflamed skin, it’s really important to keep it moisturized. It’ll help you feel more comfortable and it’ll make your skin look less red. Always apply cream to your chest right after you shower or bathe, and reapply it during the day as needed.[3]
    • For irritated skin, choose a cream or ointment, which contains more oil than lotions do. The oil will trap moisture in your skin and provide longer relief.
    • If your skin is itchy, try calamine lotion. It can soothe dry skin as well as relieve irritation from sunburn, insect bites, and other pesky skin conditions.[4]
  4. English: Step 4 Take a warm shower or bath to calm irritated or itchy skin.
    Hot water may irritate your skin more, so stick to warm water for the most soothing results. Let your chest soak for about 15-20 minutes, then gently pat your skin dry with a clean, soft towel. This should hopefully bring some quick relief![5]
    • Try adding 1-2 cups (90-180 grams) of uncooked or colloidal oatmeal to your bath. The oatmeal should calm any redness and reduce any itchiness you may be experiencing.[6]
    • Avoid rubbing your skin when you’re drying off—this will irritate it more.
  5. English: Step 5 Treat itchiness and inflammation with hydrocortisone cream.
    Especially if other methods aren’t giving you relief, hydrocortisone cream can help reduce redness caused by eczema, allergies, and general dermatitis. The cream itself can sometimes cause irritation, so don’t plan on using it for more than 7 days max.[7]
    • You can buy hydrocortisone cream at the store, or you could get a prescription from your doctor.

    Applying Hydrocortisone Cream: Wash your hands, then rub a thin layer of cream over your chest and any other irritated areas. You can reapply the cream 2-3 times a day if you need to. Don’t use it on cuts or burns.

  6. English: Step 6 Combat itchiness from allergies with an over-the-counter antihistamine.
    Whether it’s seasonal allergies or a flare-up from an allergic reaction, an antihistamine can give you fast relief. It can calm rashes, hives, and itchy skin.[8]
    • Some antihistamines, like Benadryl, may make you drowsy. Always check the label for instructions and warnings.
    • Seasonal allergies can make you feel miserable; in addition to taking a pill, try to avoid touching your face and take a shower before bed to minimize your symptoms.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preventing Irritation

  1. English: Step 1 Stay cool while exercising to keep your skin from getting red.
    Overheating can cause your chest and face to turn bright red, which can be a little embarrassing. This happens when your body starts to overheat and can’t cool off quickly enough; strenuous exercise or a humid environment can make this condition worse. Try these things to stay cool while you workout:[9]
    • Hydrate while exercising with cold beverages, like water or a sports drink.
    • Wear light, loose clothes and take off layers when you start to get warm.
    • Avoid exercising outdoors during the hottest part of the day.
    • Workout in an air-conditioned location, or keep a fan running near you to help keep you cool.

    Warning: Getting red in the chest or face can be a sign of dehydration or heat exhaustion, both of which can be dangerous. If you feel lightheaded, start experiencing muscle cramps or nausea, or get a headache, stop exercising immediately. Drink some water and cool down; call your doctor if you don’t feel back to normal after 1 hour.[10]

  2. English: Step 2 Avoid known triggers that make your skin flush, like alcohol or spicy foods.
    Sometimes redness can be caused by something you eat or drink, and the only way to prevent it is to abstain. Thankfully, this reaction most likely isn’t harmful and should go away within a few hours when it happens.[11]
    • If you get red when you eat or drink certain things, it’s caused by your blood vessels dilating. It can even be caused by chocolate or caffeine![12]
  3. English: Step 3 Switch out your laundry, home, and skin products for sensitive versions.
    Fabric softener, body wash, shaving cream, perfume, cologne, cleaning products, and air fresheners are just a few of the things that may be causing your skin irritation. When possible, choose sensitive, unscented, or hypoallergenic products.[13]
    • When your skin reacts to an ingredient in something, it can get red, itchy, and inflamed. This is called contact dermatitis and is super common.[14]
    • Because you’re dealing with redness on your chest, you may want to start replacing your laundry and skin care products first.
  4. English: Step 4 Wear soft clothes that won’t irritate and rub against your chest.
    Cotton, silk, and bamboo are great choices for clothing that will be gentle on your skin. Avoid wearing anything scratchy, rough, or too tight—they’ll most likely make the redness on your chest worse.[15]
    • Try wearing cotton or silk undershirts to create a soft barrier between your skin and clothes.
  5. English: Step 5 Run a humidifier...
    Run a humidifier in your bedroom to keep your skin from drying out. Redness is often caused by dry skin, which can be made worse by dry air. Especially when you’re sleeping, turn on a humidifier so that extra moisture will be pumped into the air. If you can run a humidifier in other rooms during the day, too, that would also be helpful.[16]
    • Always read the manual on your humidifier as you’re getting it set up.
    • Clean your humidifier 1-2 times a week if you’re using it regularly.[17]
  6. English: Step 6 Use sunscreen and stay in the shade to avoid sun damage.
    The redness on your chest may be caused by exposure to the sun’s harmful rays. While you may need to see a dermatologist to help repair damage, you can prevent it from getting worse by adopting healthy habits. Always wear sunscreen, even if it’s cloudy outside, and stay out of the sun by sticking to the shade or wearing protective clothing.[18]
    • Use a sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide if you have sensitive skin.
    • If you use tanning beds, now is the time to stop! The ultraviolet light can cause your skin to age quickly.[19]
  7. English: Step 7 Learn how to deal with stress to prevent dermatitis flareups.
    Dermatitis and eczema can get worse when you’re stressed out, which seems especially cruel when your skin may be the thing that’s causing you to stress in the first place! Also, periods of high stress may cause flareups even if you’ve been experiencing clear, calm skin. Try exercising, getting good sleep, meditating, or talking with a friend as a way to destress on a daily basis.[20]
    • Talk to a therapist for chronic stress or if you’re having trouble coping. There’s no shame in asking for help when you need it!
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Seeking Medical Care

  1. English: Step 1 Visit a dermatologist if the redness doesn’t improve or gets worse.
    If you’ve tried treating your skin on your own but haven’t seen any positive changes, you may need a little extra help. A dermatologist will help determine the cause of your redness and prescribe a treatment plan.[21]
    • Ask your doctor for a recommendation if you don’t already have a dermatologist.
    • Lots of people have to get help from a doctor for skin issues; you may feel embarrassed or awkward, but you’re taking the first steps to clearer skin!
  2. English: Step 2 Consult a dermatologist if your chest is red due to sun damage.
    Unprotected sun exposure or time spent in tanning beds can damage your skin. While you can prevent further damage by adopting good sun habits, the damage that has already been done may need professional care to get better.[22]
    • Your dermatologist can also help determine if other issues are causing your redness, like rosacea, dermatitis, or general aging.
  3. English: Step 3 Have microdermabrasion treatments to renew mildly damaged skin.
    Your dermatologist will use a small hand-held device to remove the top layer of skin on your chest. You’ll need several sessions to treat your skin and may need to go in regularly to help keep the redness at bay.[23]
    • Microdermabrasion can cause some redness and sensitivity, but that generally only lasts for a day.
    • Your dermatologist will give you instructions for what to do after each treatment. Make sure to follow their directions so the microdermabrasion is as effective as possible.
  4. English: Step 4 Have laser or light therapy done for more severely damaged skin.
    Redness from sun damage, rosacea, large blood vessels, or thickening skin can be targeted with different types of light and laser treatments. Most likely, you’ll need to have several sessions, each spaced about 3-4 weeks apart. Talk with your dermatologist to determine if this is something you should add to your skincare plan.[24]
    • Make sure to tell your dermatologist about any medications you’re taking, as they could potentially make your skin more sensitive to these therapies.
  5. English: Step 5 Talk to your doctor if you’re suffering from severe blushing or flushing.
    If your chest gets red when you get anxious, embarrassed, or in other social situations, you’re experiencing a physical response to an emotional stimulus. Your doctor may want you to see a therapist to learn how to train your body to respond to stress differently through cognitive therapy, or they may recommend medication to help control blushing. [25]
    • In severe cases, your doctor may suggest surgery to treat the nerves that are causing the redness.

    Tip: Lots of people experience blushing, but it can be uncomfortable and make you feel more self-conscious than you already do. If you’re struggling with this problem, know that you’re not alone and that there are treatment options available.

  6. English: Step 6 Seek treatment if the redness is paired with a fever or light-headedness.
    You may be having an allergic reaction or have something more serious going on. If you notice these symptoms, call your doctor or head to an urgent care location as soon as you can.[26]
    • If you are having trouble breathing, call an ambulance right away.

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      • If you keep scratching at your chest, try wearing gloves or doing something to distract yourself, like watching a movie or working on a puzzle.[27]



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