How to Read Poetry

Reading poetry can be challenging, but learning how to carefully move through a poem is also very rewarding. Closely reading a poem can help you better understand and enjoy the poem. If you're reading a poem to analyze it, read it aloud several times to better understand how the words, sounds, structure, and images of the poem work together to produce meaning. If you're going to read a poem out loud, read slowly, project your voice, and follow the punctuation. Similarly, use your tone of voice, gestures, and pacing to entertain the audience when you're performing a poem.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Reading a Poem for Analysis

  1. English: Step 1 Scan the poem...
    Scan the poem to identify its form, rhythm, and meter. Scanning the poem helps you understand its structure, which helps you more easily recognize the poet's ideas and imagery. Notice how many lines are in each stanza, as well as how many stanzas are in the poem. Listen to the sound of the poem, and notice how the poet uses rhyme, if at all. Count the syllables in each line, and mark if they are stressed or unstressed. Finally, mark any words or lines that repeat.[1]
    • Use a “/” for stressed syllables and a “u” for unstressed syllables. If you notice a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables, draw lines to mark each time the pattern repeats. These are called feet and can help you identify the meter of the poem.
    • Mark the end of each line using consecutive letters to indicate the poem’s rhyme scheme. For example, the word at the end of the first line would be “A,” then if the second line ends with a word that rhymes with the first end rhyme, then also mark it “A,” or mark it “B” if the words don’t rhyme.
    • Your scan will help you figure out the form, if the poet used one. As an example, the poem might be a sonnet, villanelle, rondeau, ballad, or haiku. A poem that doesn't have a regular meter or rhyme scheme is called free verse, which is common in contemporary poetry.
    • Your scan will also help you figure out if the poem is formal or informal based on the words the poet used, whether or not the poet followed a strict rhyme scheme, and how often the poet varied from their established meter.
    • Think about the era the poem may belong in. What does the form, language, and subject tell you about the time period when it was written?
  2. English: Step 2 Read the poem slowly at least 3 times.
    You need to read a poem several times to better understand it and see what it is doing. Focus on the way the poem sounds the first time you read it, then note the images in the poem the second time, and then focus on the narrative the third time. On each reading, go deeper into the poem to help you determine its meaning.
    • Remember that it’s best to read the poem aloud to yourself as you evaluate it, even if you have to read it quietly. Hearing the sounds of the poem is essential to understanding it better.
    • On your first reading, don’t try to figure out what the poem means. Just take in the words and how they’re presented. Form a first impression of the poem based only on what you see on the paper.[2]
  3. English: Step 3 Study...
    Study the sentences within the poem, not just the lines. Most poems have punctuation to show you where to pause and where an idea ends. Consider each full sentence as one unified idea, regardless of where the line breaks occur. Then, go back and evaluate how the line breaks might add to each sentence’s meaning.[3]
    • If the poem doesn’t have punctuation, focus on the line breaks and what the poet is trying to convey. Notice where natural pauses might occur as you read the poem.
    • For example, notice how the punctuation in this short poem tells you where the sentences end:
      • I brought you a violet,
      • And left
      • It on your stoop
      • For morning.
      • Walking home at sunset,
      • I saw the torn petals
      • Float
      • On a summer's breeze -
      • The stem crushed,
      • Forgotten on the ground.
  4. English: Step 4 Annotate...
    Annotate the poem by writing notes and questions in the margins. Annotating helps you better understand a text, since you're putting the ideas in your own words. Write down what you think each stanza might mean, as well as anything special you notice about the passage. Be as detailed as you can when you make your notes. Keep in mind that you can add more notes as you read the poem additional times.[4]
    • Circle or underline repeated lines and phrases or lines that stood out to you.
    • Draw arrows to connect ideas you think are similar.
    • Jot down the feelings you get from the poem, or the ideas that pop into your head.
  5. English: Step 5 Underline and look up words or passages you don’t understand.
    It’s common to encounter words you don’t know when you’re reading. Don’t simply skip over the word, as the poet likely chose that specific word for a reason. Understanding the word will help you figure out what the poet or narrator is saying.[5]
    • You can look up the word in a dictionary or online.
  6. English: Step 6 Identify the themes...
    Identify the themes of the poem to understand the meaning. A poem will have one or more themes, such as loss, love, or unity. The themes are the underlying messages or major ideas in the poem. The theme is at the heart of the poem’s meaning. Here are some questions to help you find the theme:[6]
    • What is the subject of the poem?
    • Who is the narrator of the poem?
    • What is the poet or narrator's attitude toward the subject?
    • What events happen in the poem?
    • What images does the poem present?
    • Where does the poem take place?
    • Why might the poet have written this poem?
    • Is the poem written under certain circumstances?
    • Whom is the poem directed toward?
  7. English: Step 7 Analyze the poem's imagery to better understand its message.
    Poets use imagery to evoke your senses so that you can relate to the messages in their poem. Analyzing the imagery will help you better understand the poem's message and themes. Notice the use of figurative language in the poem. What does the poem describe? What images appear in your head as you read the poem? Note this imagery in the margins and use it to help you analyze the poem.[7]
    • For example, you could highlight all of the descriptive words and examine what they suggest.
    • In the short poem above about the violet, you could note the image of a fresh violet versus the image of torn petals and a crushed flower stem. Similarly, the beginning of the poem references morning, which is a beginning. The end of the poem mentions sunset, which is an end.
  8. English: Step 8 Decide what the title of the poem suggests about the poem itself.
    Some poets use the title to give you insight into what the poem is about or what inspired the poem. After you’ve read the poem a few times, go back and re-read the title again. Think about why the poet might have chosen that title. How does it change or reinforce how you’ve interpreted the poem so far? Read the poem again after you’ve re-read the title.[8]
    • Sometimes the title might be a line or word from the poem. However, the title might seem unrelated to the poem, which might change how you interpret it.
    • For example, let's say the title of the poem about the violet is "Violet." This title doesn't tell you much more about the poem than you get from reading it. However, the poem's title could be "Unforgiven," which tells you more about the poem. This title suggests that the poem is about an attempt to make amends by offering a flower, which was rejected by the recipient.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Reading a Poem Aloud

  1. English: Step 1 Read slowly.
    It is important to pace yourself as you read the poem so you have a chance to process the words and notice small details of the poem. To help slow you down, take deep breaths as you read.[9]
    • If you rush through the poem, you won’t fully experience the poem’s sound and rhythm.
  2. English: Step 2 Articulate each word in the poem.
    Make sure you say each syllable of each word, as this is important for the poem’s meter. Let each sound stand on its own so the poem’s rhythm is as close to the poet’s intent as possible.
    • Each syllable and sound will contribute to the rhythm of the poem.
    • Focus on the sound and rhythm of the words.[10]
  3. English: Step 3 Pause at punctuation, not line breaks.
    Poems can be tricky to read because the lines break in the middle of a sentence. Don’t stop at the line breaks, as this makes the poem sound choppy and difficult to understand. Instead, read through the line breaks and pause or stop at the punctuation.[11]
    • Pause at commas or dashes. Fully stop for a moment when you reach a period or semicolon.
    • If the poem doesn’t have punctuation, treat the line breaks as potential pause points. Decide how long of a pause feels right for this poem.
  4. English: Step 4 Incorporate emotion into your reading, but don’t be dramatic.
    Use the emotion evoked by the poet to enhance your reading of the poem. However, don’t try to act out the poem. A reading should let the poem speak for itself.
    • For example, you might use a warm, wistful tone for a love poem, or inject a bit of rage when reading an angry poem.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Performing a Poem

  1. English: Step 1 Make eye contact with the audience as you perform.
    You don’t have to make constant eye contact, but don’t look at the floor or your hands. Your performance will be more engaging if you’re looking out at the crowd.[12]
    • Try to make eye contact with each person in the audience, if you can.
  2. English: Step 2 Enunciate and project each word of the poem.
    When people are listening to you perform a poem, they need to clearly hear each sound of the words. Speak slowly and say each sound or syllable within each word. Make sure you speak from your belly so that the entire audience can hear you.[13]
    • Don’t rush through your poem, as this will make it hard for your audience to understand it.
  3. English: Step 3 Infuse your poem with attitude or emotion.
    Convey the feeling of the narrator, whether it’s you, another poet, or a poetic voice. The attitude or emotion you inject into the poem should add to its meaning or the way the audience perceives the poem.[14]
    • Choose an attitude or emotion that feels natural for you and the poem. Don’t try to force it, as this will seem inauthentic to your audience.
  4. English: Step 4 Pause when you want to create tension or make a point.
    You should still pause with punctuation like you do when you read a poem aloud. However, you can also use pauses to build drama in your poem or allow an idea to resonate within your listeners. Use these pauses sparingly.[15]
    • It’s best to practice this ahead of time. Think about what you want the reader to get from your poem, then use a pause to help you create that feeling.
    • Don’t use too many pauses, as this can make your poem sound choppy.
  5. English: Step 5 Vary your speed to build tension or show emotion.
    It’s important to speak slowly enough that your audience can understand you. However, you can vary your pace to keep your audience’s attention and create or relieve tension.[16]
    • For example, you might increase your speed when emotions are heightening in your poem or to build tension as you rise to the climax of your poem.
    • On the other hand, slowing down your pace might create a calm or resolute feeling.
  6. English: Step 6 Use gestures and facial expressions when they’re appropriate.
    This can add to your performance and help you portray the meaning of the poem. Keep your gestures simple and use them to add to what you’re saying. Change your facial expressions to show the emotions in your poem.[17]
    • Your gestures and facial expressions should all look natural.
    • If you plan to use a lot of gesturing, film yourself before you perform the poem to make sure it looks natural.
  7. English: Step 7 Memorize your poem to improve your performance.
    It’s best to memorize your poem so that you aren’t tempted to just read it from the page. Your performance will be better if you know the poem by heart. However, don’t let not knowing the poem keep you from performing.[18]
    • You can still bring the poem with you on stage during your reading. That way you can refer to the poem if you get stuck or as part of your performance.
  8. English: Step 8 Practice your poem in front of a mirror or on video.
    The best way to succeed at performance poetry is to get a lot of practice. Watch the gestures and facial expressions you make, and notice where changes need to be made. Listen to how your voice sounds and adjust your tone, volume, and speed if necessary.[19]
    • The more you perform, the better you’ll get. Stick with performance poetry if it’s something that’s important to you. Getting started might be hard, but it’ll get easier with time.

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      • If you’re new to poetry, start with contemporary poetry written by poets in your generation. It’s easiest to understand references from your own time period, so you’ll be able to better relate to the poems.[20]
      • Don’t expect to find “hidden meanings” in poems. Instead, consider the meaning of each line, the impression the poem makes on you, and the images the poem creates in your mind.[21]
      • A stanza is a grouping of lines in the poem. Think of a stanza as a “paragraph” in a poem.
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      • People may react to a poem differently. If you’re studying a poem for school, make sure you understand how your instructor interprets and teaches the poem, as this is the material you’ll be tested on.

      About this article English: Christopher Taylor, PhD
      Co-authored by:
      English Professor
      This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD and by staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. This article has been viewed 58,760 times.
      17 votes - 91%
      Co-authors: 25
      Updated: May 4, 2023
      Views: 58,760
      Article SummaryX

      To read poetry, start by quickly scanning the poem to determine how it's structured and whether the author used a specific rhyme scheme or meter. Then, slowly read the poem at least twice, and try to pick up on more of the meaning with each reading. As you're reading, take notes in the margins, and underline any words or passages you don't understand so you can look them up later. You should also try to identify any themes, like love or loss, and interesting imagery that the author uses. To learn how to read poetry out loud, scroll down!

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