How to Manage Anxiety when Taking Wellbutrin

Wellbutrin, which is also known as buproprion, can sometimes cause anxiety as a side effect. While this side effect may go away after a couple of weeks, it can be frustrating while it lasts. If you’re having anxiety as a result of taking buproprion, make an appointment with your doctor and reach out in other ways as well. You can also use calming strategies and self-care to minimize your anxiety while you adjust to your medication. However, if things don’t improve, tell your doctor right away so you can explore other treatment options.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Seeking Help for Anxiety

  1. English: Step 1 See your doctor if your anxiety has gotten worse.
    Increased anxiety is a rare, but serious side effect of taking buproprion. If you experience increased anxiety after starting buproprion, it’s important to tell your doctor right away. They may prescribe a medication to help with the anxiety or they may recommend switching to a different medication, such as another antidepressant if you’re taking buproprion for depression.[1]
    • Keep in mind that some anxiety medications can be habit forming. Discuss the risks of a new medication with your doctor before starting it.[2]
    • Don't stop taking buproprion without talking to your doctor first!
  2. English: Step 2 Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your anxiety.
    Sometimes simply talking with a trusted friend or family member can help you to feel better. Call up a friend or family member and chat with them about how you’re feeling. You might also talk about something else to take your mind off of your anxious thoughts.[3]
    • For example, you might say something like, "I'm feeling really anxious right now. Do you have some time to talk?"
    • Or, you could say, "Hey, I'm feeling anxious and I need to take my mind off of it. Tell me about your day!"

    Tip: Identify a few people who you feel comfortable talking to and make them your go-to contacts when anxiety strikes. Try to avoid friends and family members who tend to make you feel more anxious when you’re experiencing anxiety.[4]

  3. English: Step 3 Look into cognitive behavioral therapy with a licensed therapist.
    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-researched treatment for anxiety, and it has been shown to be helpful. This involves talking through your thoughts and feelings with someone on a regular basis. Find a therapist who has experience working with people who suffer from anxiety and make an appointment to meet with them.[5]
    • You can search online to find therapists in your area or ask friend and family members for a recommendation.
    • You may need to ask your doctor for a referral to a therapist for insurance reasons. Otherwise, it might not be covered.
  4. English: Step 4 Ask your doctor or therapist about support groups in your area.
    Talking with other people who have issues with anxiety may help you to feel less alone. The social aspect of a support group may also fulfill a need to interact with other people if you don’t get many opportunities to socialize. Find a group for people who are also dealing with anxiety or depression and start going to meetings.[6]
    • If there are no anxiety support groups in your area, look into an online group or forum to find support. There are many online support groups that you can participate in.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Calming Strategies

  1. English: Step 1 Take deep breaths...
    Take deep breaths to calm yourself. Breathing deeply can promote a feeling of relaxation and calm almost instantly, so you may want to make this your go-to tool. Inhale slowly through your nose to the count of 4 and then hold it for 4 seconds. Then, slowly exhale though your mouth to the count of 4. Repeat this for 5 or more breaths to help yourself relax.[7]
    • You can practice deep breathing anytime and anywhere to experience a feeling of relaxation, so it’s a great tool to use.
  2. English: Step 2 Adjust your expectations of yourself so they are more realistic.
    If you have very high expectations of yourself or other people, this can lead to disappointment and possibly make you anxious if things don’t always go how you hoped. Examine your expectations of yourself and others and try to adjust them to a more realistic level.[8]
    • For example, if you’re a perfectionist regarding your grades and you get anxious about anything lower than an A, then you might remind yourself that B’s are also above average and getting the occasional B won’t hurt your grade.
    • If you get anxious when a friend or family member runs late, then you might adjust your expectations so that you always expect them to show up later than planned.
  3. English: Step 3 Keep an anxiety journal
    and note what triggers your anxiety. There might be certain things that trigger your anxiety more so than others. These may range from minor annoyances to major life events, but keeping track of anything that sets off your anxiety can help you to become more aware of your triggers. Notice when you’re feeling anxious and what is happening or what preceded the anxiety and make a note of it. Review your journal after a month to look for patterns.[9]
    • For example, if you notice that you feel anxious every time you have to ride the bus, then this may be one of your triggers. Or, if you get anxious when you are in a large group of people, then this may be a trigger.

    Tip: You might not be able to avoid all of your triggers, but there are strategies that might help. For example, if you get anxious when you have to ride the bus, perhaps listening to some soothing music during your commute might help you to relax. Or, if large groups make you anxious, try using deep breathing to calm yourself when you’re stuck in a crowd.

  4. English: Step 4 Make a list...
    Make a list of everything you feel grateful for to change your focus. Making a list of everything you feel grateful for may help you to feel less anxious and happier in general. Try writing down 10 things that you feel grateful for whenever anxiety strikes, or do this as a daily exercise whether or not you feel anxious.[10]
    • You can include anything that you feel grateful for on your list. For example, you might be grateful for a roof over your head, access to the internet, your cuddly cat, or a good cup of coffee. Whatever makes you feel grateful, write it down!
    • Review your list after you finish it and return to it any time during the day when you need a reminder of all the good things in your life.
  5. English: Step 5 Practice meditation, yoga,...
    Practice meditation, yoga, or tai chi daily. Meditation, yoga, and tai chi are all effective ways to become more mindful of your body and surroundings and promote a feeling of relaxation. Carve out 15 minutes in your day to practice one of these exercises or use them when you’re feeling anxious. Try out different exercises to see what you like best and incorporate one into your daily routine.[11]
    • Check online for free instructional videos to learn how to do yoga and tai chi. You can also find guided meditations that you can listen to on headphones while you relax.
  6. English: Step 6 Perform a progressive...
    Perform a progressive muscle relaxation exercise. Progressive muscle relaxation is when you systematically tense and release the muscles in your body going from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Tense each muscle group for 5 to 10 seconds and then release it.[12]
    • For example, start by tensing the muscles in your toes, such as by curling them under. Then, count to 10 while you hold the tension, and release. Move on to the muscle in your feet next, then your calves, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, hands, arms, and face.
    • You may find it more relaxing to do this exercise while lying down. Lie on your bed, a sofa, or a comfortable spot on the floor.
  7. English: Step 7 Practice mindfulness...
    Practice mindfulness as you go through your everyday activities. Being mindful is when you consciously notice the sensations of your surroundings rather than going through the motions quickly and mindlessly. Focus on your 5 senses whenever you need to calm yourself, which includes sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. You can practice mindfulness while you do your daily routine, such as while you’re getting dressed, eating a meal, or going for a walk.[13]
    • For example, practice mindfulness while brushing your teeth by noticing the smell and taste of the toothpaste, the feeling of the bristles against your teeth and gums, and sound of the toothbrush in your mouth.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Taking Good Care of Yourself

  1. English: Step 1 Exercise...
    Exercise for 30 minutes most days of the week to help minimize anxiety. Getting regular physical activity can work wonders for anxiety. Aim for 30 minutes on 5 days of the week to promote better physical health and to see an improvement in your anxiety. Do something that you enjoy to increase the chances that you will want to stick with it.[14]
    • For example, if you enjoy dancing, take a dance class, go out dancing with friends, or dance to music in your bedroom. If you like to swim, join a gym that has a pool and go swimming a few times per week.
    • A shorter burst of activity can also help to ease anxiety if you can’t fit in a full 30 minutes. Try going for a brisk 10-minute walk around your neighborhood, or do squats and jumping jacks during commercial breaks when you’re watching a TV program.

    Tip: Going for a walk in nature can be especially relaxing. Choose a safe area, such as a local park or hiking trail, and go for a walk or bike ride. Even going outside and sitting under a tree for a few minutes may help you to feel calmer.[15]

  2. English: Step 2 Eat healthy...
    Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Nourishing your body can help it to function better and this may also help to reduce your anxiety. Focus on eating whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Steer clear of junk food, such as cookies, chips, and fast food.[16]
    • Try meal prepping a few days in advance so that you’ll always have healthy snacks and meals to eat. Cut up fresh fruit and veggies, make a pot of soup and refrigerate individual portions, or grill chicken breasts and pair them with steamed veggies and brown rice.
  3. English: Step 3 Limit or avoid alcohol to minimize the anxious after-effects.
    While it might seem like alcohol relaxes you, these effects are often short-lived and you may feel even more anxious once they wear off. If you suffer from anxiety, it’s best to avoid alcohol as much as possible. If you do drink, limit yourself to 1 drink per day if you’re a woman or 2 drinks per day if you’re a man.[17]
    • Try having a non-alcoholic cocktail when you go out with friends, such as tonic water with a twist of lime or club soda with a splash of cranberry juice.
  4. English: Step 4 Cut back on...
    Cut back on caffeine and nicotine to avoid extra anxiety from stimulants. These are stimulants that can make your anxiety worse, so it’s best to avoid them if you are having anxiety from taking Wellbutrin. Opt for decaf coffee and tea instead of the caffeinated kind. If you’re a smoker, try to quit smoking. Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation options.[18]
    • Wellbutrin can help to reduce your craving for cigarettes, so keep taking your medication as directed if you’re using it to quit smoking.
  5. English: Step 5 Get at least...
    Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Being well-rested can help to reduce your anxiety the following day and improve your overall mood. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to ensure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Some other strategies that may help you to get more sleep include:[19]
    • Avoiding caffeinated beverages in the afternoon and evening.
    • Turning off all electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime, such as your phone, TV, and computer.
    • Making your bedroom a cool, quiet, dark oasis for sleeping.

    Tip: Although it’s optional, decorating your bedroom might also help to make it more relaxing. Invest in some nice sheets, get a cute lamp to place on your bedside table, or hang a few relaxing pictures on the wall.

  6. English: Step 6 Make time to do things you enjoy every week.
    Having fun is an important part of self-care, so ensure that you set aside some time to do the things you enjoy each week. Plan to do something that you enjoy, such as engaging with a favorite hobby or seeing friends.[20]
    • Try making plans with friends for the weekend or your day off of work.
    • Set aside at least 15 minutes every day to do something that relaxes you, such as knitting, reading a book, or gardening.

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      • Call emergency services or a suicide prevention line if you are considering hurting yourself.

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      Co-authored by: Staff Writer
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      Updated: October 11, 2022
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