How to Learn More About Pregnancy Trimesters

The life of a fetus is generally measured from the time of ovulation or fertilization. The length of the pregnancy, on the other hand, is measured from the first day of the last menstrual period. The weeks are grouped into three trimesters, or three month periods. Many changes occur from the first trimester to the third and having knowledge about these changes helps in knowing what to expect and how to be prepared for the birth of your baby.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

First Trimester

  1. English: Step 1 Be prepared to feel more tired than usual.
    During the first trimester, you'll often notice that you feel very tired or even fatigued.[1] Fatigue happens because your body starts working harder to metabolize nutrients when you become pregnant. Leg elevation will help to keep the weight off your legs, which in turn will help you to feel less fatigued.
    • Pregnant women, especially those who have full time jobs, should elevate their legs for 30 minutes during their break time.
  2. English: Step 2 Be prepared to have tender and swollen breasts.
    Another discomfort that a woman experiences when she is pregnant is having tender and swollen breasts. This occurs because of the increase in estrogen levels brought about by the pregnancy.[2]
    • Wearing a bra that is made with a wide shoulder strap will help to support your sensitive breasts. However, keep in mind that you should contact a doctor if the pain does not let up, or gets worse as time goes on.
  3. English: Step 3 Know that you may experience morning sickness.
    There is still no definite cause as to why morning sickness occurs during pregnancy. One reason may be that when a woman gets pregnant, her body has less gastric motility, which means that her body does not process food correctly. This could lead to morning sickness.
    • To manage morning sickness, try to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day, rather than three large meals. Eating smaller meals will help your body to process the food more easily.
    • Keeping a pack of saltine crackers and eating them early in the morning before getting out of bed may help to settle your stomach.
    • Excess saliva is common if you have morning sickness. By the end of the first trimester, this clears up.
  4. English: Step 4 Be prepared to experience some food craving.
    These cravings occur because your body is telling you that certain nutrients, vitamins, and minerals are lacking and should be consumed. When the cravings are healthy, they should be encouraged, but if not, in the case of pica, which is a craving for paper and hair, immediate medical attention should be warranted.[3]
  5. English: Step 5 Combat constipation.
    Constipation happens because of the weight of the fetus and the gradual growth of the uterus that puts pressure on the bowels. This weight on the bowels can further slow down your ability to process food.
    • Eat fiber to control your constipation. Great sources of fiber include oatmeal, apples, whole wheat bread, and brown rice. Drinking at least one liter of water every hour may also help to fight constipation.
  6. English: Step 6 Know that you might also have to urinate a lot.
    Another discomfort during the first trimester of pregnancy is the need to urinate frequently. This happen because of the pressure that the uterus puts on the anterior bladder.
    • Avoiding caffeine may help to control your desire to urinate because caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it makes you need to go to the bathroom all the time.
  7. English: Step 7 Watch out for headaches.
    During the first trimester of pregnancy, you may experience headaches. These headaches occur because of the expanding blood volume in your body. The blood may put pressure on your cerebral arteries. To manage headaches:
    • Rest a cold compress on your forehead.
    • Talk to your doctor about taking acetaminophen to combat the headache.
  8. English: Step 8 Understand that heartburn may occur.
    Heartburn happens because gastric motility, or the ability to process food, slows down. When this happens, gastric emptying is further slowed down.
    • Again, eating small, frequent meals rather than three large meals each day can help your body ability to process food.
    • Talk to your doctor about taking Amphojel or Maalox to combat heartburn.
  9. English: Step 9 Keep your diet in mind.
    What you eat during your first trimester is important because it will set the platform for the rest of your pregnancy. It is important to eat fresh, wholesome, and healthy foods when you are pregnant. Foods rich in fiber are also good choices during this trimester as they can help to relieve constipation.[4]
    • Consider working with your doctor or nutritionist to come up with a diet that fits your dietary needs.
  10. English: Step 10 Take folic acid supplements.
    Folic acid is especially important during the first trimester as it helps to avoid developmental defects in your baby such as neural tube defects. Talk to your doctor about taking a daily folic acid supplement that contains roughly 400 mcg of folic acid.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Second Trimester

  1. English: Step 1 Understand that changes that will occur in the second trimester.
    The second trimester of pregnancy is generally thought to be more comfortable than the first trimester. Symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue start to fade during this time.[5] However, there are new changes happening in your body. You may find that your abdomen is beginning to expand with the continued growth of your baby.
  2. English: Step 2 Know that you may need to make some changes to avoid back pain.
    As your baby grows, your body will change its posture to accommodate the new weight. There are certain ways to help relieve back pain that you might experience. This includes:
    • Wearing shoes with no heel. Wearing heeled shoes may affect the curvature of your spine so try to avoid them.
    • Walk with your pelvis tilted forward to give yourself a wider base of support.
    • Apply a warm compress to your back.
    • Squat rather than bend when you have to pick up objects.
  3. English: Step 3 Know that your veins may become inflamed.
    When your uterus increases in weight, it can put a lot of pressure on your veins, which makes it harder for blood to reach your lower extremities. When this occurs, your veins may become painful, inflamed and engorged.[6]
    • Resting in Sims’ position is one way to relieve varicose veins. This is done by lying on your back with both legs raised against a wall or a chair.
    • Avoid crossing your legs while sitting for a long period of time.
    • Walk for 30 minutes each day to promote blood circulation.
    • Eat vitamin C-rich foods to ease your inflamed veins. Great sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. Green leafy vegetables are also rich sources of vitamin C.
  4. English: Step 4 Understand that your breasts may change to accommodate the milk your body will create.
    During the second trimester, your areola will begin to darken and their diameters will also begin to increase in size. This happens as your breasts prepare for milk production.
  5. English: Step 5 Know that your palms might start to itch.
    Your palms will start to itch during the second trimester. This condition is more commonly known as palmar erythema. This is a normal occurrence throughout pregnancy and it happens because your estrogen levels are increased.
    • Calamine lotion can be applied on the affected area to soothe the itching.
  6. English: Step 6 Know that ankle edema also occurs during the second trimester of pregnancy.
    This may happen because there is a chance that your blood pressure will go up around this time. At the same time, your baby is getting larger, which cuts off a lot of the blood supply to your lower extremities, making your ankles swell up.[7]
    • Sleeping or resting in a left side lying position will help keep the weight off your lower extremities. Elevate your legs whenever possible to help improve blood flow.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Third Trimester

  1. English: Step 1 Understand that shortness of breath may develop.
    Because your baby is getting larger, your uterus starts to expand even more, causing pressure to be put on your diaphragm. This pressure can make you feel dizzy or like you can’t catch your breath.[8] You may find that you experience this more severely at night than during the day.
    • Listen to your body. If it's telling you to stop and rest, try to sit or lie down as soon as possible. If you feel like you need to eat or drink something, get a drink of water or a snack.[9]
    • One way to relieve shortness of breath is to sit upright so that the weight of the uterus will be distributed away from the diaphragm. Add two or more pillows to support your head and neck when sleeping to relieve dyspnea.
  2. English: Step 2 Be aware that hemorrhoids can develop.
    Your expanding uterus may put even more pressure on your veins, which can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids in your rectum. Luckily, these can be managed.
    • Rest in Sim’s position, which is when you lie on your back with both legs raise up against a wall or chair.
    • To avoid hemorrhoids, try not to strain when you have a bowel movement. It can help to prop your feet on a low stool while you're on the toilet.[10]
    • Talk to your doctor about taking stool softeners.
    • Try to reduce any constipation you are experiencing, as described in Part 1.
  3. English: Step 3 Watch for Braxton Hicks contractions.
    During this stage of the pregnancy, you may feel Braxton Hicks contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions occur when your uterus starts to contract and relax periodically. You will most likely only feel minimal pain because of these contractions. The pain can be likened to that of menstrual cramps. This is one sign that labor is fast approaching.
    • Inform your obstetrician right away if you feel these contractions. Monitor the duration and severity of contractions as they occur.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Learning about a Baby’s Development

  1. English: Step 1 Know what happens during the first four to twelve weeks of gestation.
    During the first trimester, the fetus’ internal organs, such as the heart, are starting to develop. Note that the fetus in this stage does not yet resemble a human being but more of a seed with facial features and a discernible tail ,which will later form the lower extremities. Upon ultrasound, at 8 weeks of gestation, a gestational sac can be observed. At the end of 12 weeks gestation, the sex of the baby should already noticeable.[11]
    • During this time, the baby will most likely grow from 1 centimeter (0.4 in) to 8 centimeters (3.1 in) in length. The weight should be between 400 mcg and 45 grams.
  2. English: Step 2 Understand what happens in weeks 16 through 24.
    During this time the fetal heartbeat should become audible with the use of a Doppler (an instrument that can detect fetal heart sounds) but towards the end of the second trimester it can be heard using a stethoscope. The sex can also be determined through ultrasound. Other internal organs such as the liver and pancreas are fully functioning. Other notable features of the fetus during this trimester are the presence of lanugo (downy hair at the back and extremities which help regulate heat upon birth), brown fat (for heat insulation) and vernix caseosa (a substance that regulates heat). The fetus has already established waking and sleeping patterns.
    • During the second trimester, the fetus should now be about 10 centimeters (3.9 in). Towards the end of 24 weeks it should be approximately 36 centimeters (14.2 in). The weight should be between 55 grams to 550 grams.
    • In case a woman gives birth at only 24 weeks of gestation, the baby should be able to survive with constant monitoring and care under a neonatal intensive care unit.
  3. English: Step 3 Be aware of the baby’s condition during the last 28 to 40 weeks.
    Because of the presence of lung surfactant, the lung alveoli can fully function. Note that during the third trimester, the eyes of your baby should now be fully open. The fetus should now look more like a baby. Fat deposits are present on the arms and legs. It is best to start reading aloud and listening to classical music during this time because the fetus is now aware of sounds. During the third trimester, the baby now assumes either a vertex (head first) or breech position (foot or buttocks). There is now lesser lanugo towards the end of this trimester.
    • During this trimester kicks can be felt during the waking hours of the baby which can be strong enough to cause mild discomfort to the mother.
    • The length of the baby should now be around 35 centimeters (13.8 in).

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    In which month of pregnancy does morning sickness stop? English: Wendy Powell
    Wendy Powell
    Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist
    Wendy Powell is a Maternal Health and Exercise Specialist and the Founder and CEO of MUTU System, the world's best-selling, medically recommended online fitness education program for mothers. Wendy specializes in pregnancy, post-baby recovery, postpartum exercises, fitness education, and body confidence. Wendy works to shift the conversation on women's bodies towards equality and empowerment for health, confidence, and power. She is a published author, international speaker, and award-winning entrepreneur. Wendy is on the Women's Development Board of the MicroLoan Foundation and is a frequent contributor to the BBC. MUTU System has been featured in Vogue, the Huffington Post, Fox News Health, Daily Mail, and The Guardian, and is recommended by Hollywood Trainer, Jeanette Jenkins. English: Wendy Powell
    Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist
    Expert Answer
    While some women have morning sickness through their whole pregnancy, most find that it eases in the second trimester.
  • Question
    What happens during the third trimester? English: Wendy Powell
    Wendy Powell
    Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist
    Wendy Powell is a Maternal Health and Exercise Specialist and the Founder and CEO of MUTU System, the world's best-selling, medically recommended online fitness education program for mothers. Wendy specializes in pregnancy, post-baby recovery, postpartum exercises, fitness education, and body confidence. Wendy works to shift the conversation on women's bodies towards equality and empowerment for health, confidence, and power. She is a published author, international speaker, and award-winning entrepreneur. Wendy is on the Women's Development Board of the MicroLoan Foundation and is a frequent contributor to the BBC. MUTU System has been featured in Vogue, the Huffington Post, Fox News Health, Daily Mail, and The Guardian, and is recommended by Hollywood Trainer, Jeanette Jenkins. English: Wendy Powell
    Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist
    Expert Answer
    During the third trimester, your baby is growing, and that can have a big effect on your energy levels, posture, alignment, and ability to move easily. Take care of yourself and your baby by eating well, staying hydrated, and being as active as you can.
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      1. Wendy Powell. Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist. Expert Interview. 24 September 2020.
      2. Discomforts of Early Pregnancy: The FirsTrimester. In A. Pillitteri, Maternal & Child Health Nursing Volume 1 (pp. 266-270). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
      3. Discomforts of Early Pregnancy: The FirsTrimester. In A. Pillitteri, Maternal & Child Health Nursing Volume 1 (pp. 266-270). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
      4. Discomforts of Early Pregnancy: The FirsTrimester. In A. Pillitteri, Maternal & Child Health Nursing Volume 1 (pp. 266-270). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
      5. Wendy Powell. Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist. Expert Interview. 24 September 2020.
      6. (2003). Discomforts of Middle to Late Pregnancy. In A. Pillitteri, Maternal & Child Health Nursing Volume 1 (pp. 270-273). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
      7. (2003). Discomforts of Middle to Late Pregnancy. In A. Pillitteri, Maternal & Child Health Nursing Volume 1 (pp. 270-273). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
      8. Wendy Powell. Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist. Expert Interview. 24 September 2020.
      9. Wendy Powell. Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist. Expert Interview. 24 September 2020.
      1. Wendy Powell. Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist. Expert Interview. 24 September 2020.
      2. (2003). Milestones of Fetal Growth and Development. In A. Pillitteri, Maternal & Child Health Nursing Volume 1 4th Edition (pp. 187-189). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

      About this article English: Wendy Powell
      Co-authored by:
      Maternal Health & Exercise Specialist
      This article was co-authored by Wendy Powell. Wendy Powell is a Maternal Health and Exercise Specialist and the Founder and CEO of MUTU System, the world's best-selling, medically recommended online fitness education program for mothers. Wendy specializes in pregnancy, post-baby recovery, postpartum exercises, fitness education, and body confidence. Wendy works to shift the conversation on women's bodies towards equality and empowerment for health, confidence, and power. She is a published author, international speaker, and award-winning entrepreneur. Wendy is on the Women's Development Board of the MicroLoan Foundation and is a frequent contributor to the BBC. MUTU System has been featured in Vogue, the Huffington Post, Fox News Health, Daily Mail, and The Guardian, and is recommended by Hollywood Trainer, Jeanette Jenkins. This article has been viewed 48,930 times.
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      Co-authors: 8
      Updated: July 8, 2021
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