How to Land Your Dream Job

It’s time to make your dream job a reality. You may feel like getting the perfect job is impossible, but you won’t know until you’ve put in the work. Start by doing everything you can to improve your resume, network with others in the industry and build skills and connections. Being positive and proactive is also an essential part of searching for a job. If you believe that you are the best candidate, your prospective employers will believe it too, and before long you will find what you’re looking for.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Finding Jobs to Apply to

  1. English: Step 1 Learn about the field you are interested in.
    You probably have some idea of what field or industry interests you. Do everything you can to learn more about it. This can include online research, reading articles and book relating to the field, and talking to people with experience in the industry.[1]
    • Make sure you are getting up-to-date information on the field. Some fields change radically even within a few years, especially those related to technology.
    Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based boutique career and life coaching company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his training with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives. English: Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

    Talk to people in the industry. The best way to learn about a new career is to talk to people who are doing the work. Online research can be dry and overwhelming, and it doesn't give you the same sense of what it's actually like to do that job. You can also talk to those people to learn about the greatest needs and opportunities in the market to find the lesser-known niche careers. In addition, the connections you make could be useful when you're looking for a job.

  2. English: Step 2 Look online for positions to apply for.
    Check online sites like Indeed, Monster and even Craigslist for positions. You may find several, even dozens, of positions that seem like dream jobs. Keep in mind that there may be hundreds of people applying to the same job, so you will likely have to apply to many of these positions before even getting an interview.[2]
  3. English: Step 3 Contact companies that interest you.
    Not all jobs that exist are posted. If you find a company or business that really excites you, reach out to them. Call them and see if there are any positions open. Describe yourself in a couple sentences, including why you are interested in the company and what you have to offer.[3]
    • You can say something like, “Hello, my name is Sylvia Ramos. I have extensive experience in marketing and event planning and have worked for several marketing firms. I also really admire the work your company does. I was wondering if you are looking for any help in the marketing department.”
    • This can be a daunting prospect, but you have nothing to lose by calling. The worst that can happen is that they will tell you that there are no job openings.
Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Improving Your Resume and Cover Letters

  1. 1
    List all of your education on your resume. Your resume is often the first thing that your potential employer will see, so you want to make sure to list all of your qualifications. At the top of your resume, list your education. If you went to college and majored in something relating to the field of the position you are applying for, state your major.[Image:Understand-the-Difference-Between-a-Resume-and-a-CV-Step-13.jpg|center]]
    • Also consider including your GPA if you were a particularly good student.
  2. English: Step 2 Put your most relevant experience near the top of your resume.
    Make sure that your most impressive and relevant experience is close to the top of the resume. While many resumes are in chronological order, there are still ways that you can make sure that your most impressive positions are at the top.
    • Consider dividing your work experience into two categories: jobs relating to the field you're looking in, and other work experience.
    • For example, if you are applying to a job in Graphic Design, have the first section of work experience titled “Design Positions”, and other jobs under the title “Other Work Experience.”
  3. English: Step 3 Make sure that every job on your resume relates in some way to the one you’re applying for.
    Your resume should tell a story, with every job on it leading up to the job you’re applying for. You want to make it clear that you are applying to your dream job, and that every job before it was a step in the journey.
    • You may find it difficult to relate every job to the one that you are applying to. The best way to do this is to look at the job description and draw out words and phrases like “strong customer service skills” or “ability to multitask” and inject them into the descriptions on your resume of your past jobs.
    • Consider leaving some of your job experience off your resume. For instance, you probably don’t need to include your babysitting job in high school.
  4. English: Step 4 Include things that make you stand out on your resume.
    This could include volunteer experience, community service, or any clubs or organizations you belong to or run. The people reading your resume may be looking at hundreds every day. You want to be sure that yours stands out by showing your personality and what you have to offer to their company as an individual.[4]
  5. English: Step 5 Don’t be modest.
    Your resume is no place for modesty. For every job that you list, you want to state how your involvement was invaluable to the company you worked for. Instead of listing the tasks you performed, illustrate how these tasks helped the company or business reach a goal.[5]
    • For example, instead of saying “Managed several employees and directed them to do various projects”, say: “Acted as a manager for several employees and increased general productivity of the company to save $1500 monthly.”
  6. English: Step 6 Make your cover letters specific.
    As you start sending off your resume, you will likely need to accompany it with a cover letter. You want to make sure that every cover letter you send is catered for the specific job and company you are applying to.
    • Include at least one sentence about why you admire the company or business you are applying to, and why you would be a good fit for the culture of that company.
    • Elaborate on your most relevant former jobs. The cover letter is the place to fully express how your former experience relates to this new job.
    • Like with your resume, you can borrow from the job description and requirements of the job you’re applying for if you are working from a written job description.
  7. English: Step 7 Proofread carefully.
    You need to make sure to proofread your resume and cover letter carefully. Read them several times over and give yourself a few days to think of any edits you should make. Read them out loud to catch any grammatical errors. Then give them to at least one other person to look over.
    • Having even one spelling or grammar mistake may cost you the job, so don’t underestimate the importance of a spotless resume or cover letter.
Method 3
Method 3 of 5:


  1. English: Step 1 Make business cards.
    Business cards are a great thing to have when you are meeting people on the go. They can act as a stand-in for your resume when you meet people in the industry and have all of your vital contact information so that they can contact you if need be.[6]
    • Make sure that your business card has your name, phone number, email address, and a brief statement or title, such as “Software Engineer” or “Copywriter.”
  2. English: Step 2 Do informational interviews.
    Informational interviews are meetings where you talk to someone in a company or position that interests you, and ask them questions. Instead of interviewing for a specific position, you hold a conversation in a more casual environment and can ask whatever questions you may have.
    • Not only are informational interviews great for learning about a field or position, they are also great networking opportunities.
    • Make sure to tell the person you meet to let you know if they hear of any new positions opening up.
    • Always write a follow up note. Make sure that after your informational interview, you write a thank you note that thanks them for taking the time to meet with you.
  3. English: Step 3 Reach out to contacts.
    If you know of anyone in the field or industry, call or email them. Set up a time to have a chat, either on the phone or in person. Just as with an informational interview, ask them any questions you may have. Even if your contacts do not live in the same city as you, it can still be useful to get their advice and knowledge.
    • Ask your contact about their career path, particularly about how they ended up in the position that they’re in now.You could say something like, "I'd love to hear how you got to be working at this company."
    • Ask them if there is any advice they have for you in your search.
    • You also could ask, "I was wondering if there are any positions that you know of that you feel I would be qualified for and interested in."
  4. English: Step 4 Have your contacts to put you in touch with others.
    Ask your contacts if they know of anyone who would be helpful to you, either because they have specialized knowledge of a field that would interest you, or because they may know of a job opportunity.[7]
    • You can ask them something like, "Do you happen to know anyone who works in web design? It would be great to learn more about that area specifically."
    • The more people you know, the more useful your network will be.
  5. English: Step 5 Go to networking events.
    Find networking events in your area through the Internet or through your contacts. The more specific the networking event is to your area of interest, the better. However, there is still value in going to more generalized networking events.[8]
    • Bring your business cards, and give them to those you talk to.
  6. English: Step 6 Go to industry events.
    Go to any events in your area that have to do with your field of interest. For instance, if you are interested in the hospitality industry, go to any trade shows, opening events or conferences in your area. These are great ways to meet people in the industry and expand your network. They also are opportunities to learn more about the field.[9]
Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Acing the Interview

  1. English: Step 1 Do your homework.
    Before you go in for an interview, make sure to spend some time doing research on the company. Go onto their website and read it over carefully. Pay attention to things like their mission statement, their departments and any major events or projects that they are involved in.
    • Depending on the company or business, read any news articles that have been written about them, either on a local or national scope.
    • If you know the name of your interviewer, look him or her up and learn more about what they do at the company.
  2. English: Step 2 Dress professionally.
    Make sure that you are wearing clothes appropriate for the interview. Never dress less formally than business casual, even if the company has a relaxed work environment. For women, wear either a professional dress, a blouse and skirt, or a pantsuit. For men, wear slacks and a button-up with a tie, or a suit depending on the formality of the company.
  3. English: Step 3 Project positivity.
    Even if you are nervous, try your best to act friendly and positive. When you first meet your interviewer, smile and make eye contact while you are shaking hands. You want to seem assured of yourself and confident that you are a capable candidate for the position.
    • A big part of appearing confident is your body language. Sit up straight, try not to fidget, and remember to smile (when appropriate!)
  4. English: Step 4 Relate your past experience to the job.
    During the interview, you want to present yourself as experienced and well-qualified. Whenever your interviewer asks you any question about your job history, always lead with the job most relevant to the position you are interviewing for. Like with your resume and cover letter, try to craft your experience into a story that lead up to this particular position.
    • Say something like, "My position at Dell gave me a lot of experience in project coordination, a lot of which carries over to this position."
    • Emphasize your flexibility. Describe ways in which you are both a good collaborator, but also an independent thinker.
    • Employers want to know that you can work well both in groups and by yourself, and that you are capable of learning new skills and taking on new responsibilities.
  5. English: Step 5 Set yourself apart.
    Emphasize the skills, interests, or knowledge that sets you apart from other candidates. Explain how these skills or interests would be valuable to the company, and make you especially well qualified for the position.
    • For example you could say, "I've volunteered at several non-profits over the years, and it's given me a good understanding of how they work at the ground level."
  6. English: Step 6 Ask questions.
    At the end of the interview, your interviewer will likely ask you if you have any questions. Make sure to ask at least one question, either about the position or about the company. Doing this will show your interest in the position, and will show you as someone who is engaged and not just there to answer questions.[10]
    • You can ask about the work environment, what kind of training you will receive, how many other people work in the same position or department, or any other question that communicates that you are interested in the company and the role.
  7. English: Step 7 Send a follow-up note.
    After the interview, email your interviewer a follow-up note. Make sure to thank the interviewer for his or her time, and say that you enjoyed meeting and learning more about the position. Follow-up notes are almost expected in this day and age, so remember to send one!
Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Creating Your Own Dream Job

  1. English: Step 1 Become an entrepreneur.
    For some people, their dream job doesn’t already exist. They have to put in the effort to make it happen. If you have a vision of a business, Become an Entrepreneur to put it into action. Being an entrepreneur takes a lot of work and internal motivation, but it gives you far more control than most other jobs, and can be incredibly rewarding.[11]
    • If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, think of the things you love to do. Then figure out how to turn these things into a venture that would make you money.[12]
    • Remember that becoming an entrepreneur is risky, and is often only possible for those in good financial standing.
    • Before going forward with your plan, make sure that there is adequate demand and interest in the goods or services that you will be providing.
    • Networking is an essential part of being an entrepreneur, both to be able to attract people to your business, and to find potential investors.
  2. English: Step 2 Offer your services to a company.
    If you fall in love with a company but it has no job openings, consider what you have to offer them. Do research using their website, Glassdoor, their Facebook page, or press releases, and see if there seem to be departments or specific areas that are underdeveloped. Then come up with a pitch about how you could develop and improve these areas.[13]
    • For instance, you may notice that the company has a very bare social media presence. Write a pitch about how you would be able to amp up their social media, and why this would be an asset to the company.
  3. English: Step 3 Take on additional responsibilities in your company.
    If you are already working at a company you like but are unhappy with your role, consider asking for additional work outside the usual bounds of your position. You may find work that interests and excites you more than they work you are currently doing, without even having to apply for other jobs![14]
    • You can say to your boss, "I'm really interested in working more in the development department. Coming from customer service, I have a lot of ideas about how our company can encourage its customers to give back."
  4. English: Step 4 Create a new position within your company.
    If you can identify something that your company is lacking, make a pitch to your boss. Since you are already very familiar with the company, you should be able to identify problems in a detailed way and be able to offer a solution.[15]
    • Either propose to hold on to some of your old responsibilities while you work this new role, or see if it’s possible to delegate them to someone else.
    • This is a good solution if you like your company, but don’t like the position you’re in currently. It’s a way to let you work in areas that you enjoy while still staying in the same work environment.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    What if my dream field requires particular qualifications for entry-level positions (even volunteer ones!), but I can't afford to retrain, and saving the six figures required feels impossible? English: Mzm555
    Top Answerer
    Just keep trying for volunteer jobs, internships and trainee-type jobs. Jobs like airplane pilots, for example, have qualifications and licence costs leading well into the six-figure range; however, uni fee help is available, some airlines also offer yearly cadetships to train employees "from street to pilot seat" (no experience necessary). The training isn't free, but upon successful completion, your employment with the airline is usually guaranteed, and you are free to pay it off over a 10-year period (or more).
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      • Remember to maintain your network. Check in with your contacts every now and then to stay on their radar.
      • Also remember that networking is a two way street. Try to find a way to give back or help out your contacts if possible.
      • Consider saving multiple versions of your resume if you are applying to different kinds of positions.
      Show More Tips


      • Finding a job can take a long time. Consider getting a part-time or side job while you are looking to avoid running out of money.

      About this article English: Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC
      Co-authored by:
      Career Coach
      This article was co-authored by Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC. Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based boutique career and life coaching company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his training with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives. This article has been viewed 43,013 times.
      3 votes - 67%
      Co-authors: 27
      Updated: June 17, 2021
      Views: 43,013
      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 43,013 times.

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