How to Hyphenate

Hyphens ("-") are used for a wide variety of grammatical tasks which are distinct from those of both en dashes ("–") and em dashes ("—"). Because these three symbols visually differ only in their length, they are easy to confuse. However, by remembering a few easy rules, it's not hard to start using hyphens with the confidence of an experienced editor. See Step 1 below to start fine-tuning your hyphen usage!

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Using Hyphens Correctly

  1. English: Step 1 Use hyphens for compound words.
    One of the most common, important uses of hyphens is to string together related words and concepts to form single words and unified phrases. For example, terms like "state-of-the-art", "first-timer", "penny-pincher", "son-in-law" all use hyphens to create a single idea from multiple words.
    • Here are a few examples of hyphens being used correctly in compound words:

      The singer was infamous for his over-reliance on autotune.

      That ten-year-old is remarkably mature for her age.

    • As a general rule, you should never put spaces around a hyphen (e.g., write "ten-year-old", not "ten - year - old."
  2. English: Step 2 Use hyphens for words with certain prefixes.
    Most words with prefixes, like "predetermined" and "evermore" don't need hyphens. However, some prefixes (namely, "ex-", "self-", "all-", and sometimes "cross-") need hyphens to separate them from the word they're modifying. Note that "cross" doesn't need to be hyphenated in words like "crossword," where it is part of the word itself, nor in terms like "cross purposes," where it is a separate word, as it's not being used as a prefix in these cases.
    • Here is an example of a hyphen being used for prefixes:

      She frequently accused her ex-boyfriend of being completely self-absorbed.

  3. English: Step 3 Use hyphens when creating original words.
    Similar to the way they are used for compound words, hyphens can also be used to create descriptive, colorful terms that may not be found in the dictionary. Hyphens used in this way allow you to create your own words from scratch. However, it's important to remember not to rely too heavily on unique hyphenated words, as this can become distracting. If you can convey your ideas just as well with one or more normal words, do so.
    • Here is an example of a unique hyphenated word used well:

      Kim took time off from her job and became a professional couch-sitter in the days just before giving birth.

    • Here is an example of a unique hyphenated word being used in a way that's not necessary. In this case, the hyphens don't make the term any easier to understand.

      I couldn't decide what to get at the pizza place, so I ordered my usual three-cheese-no-meat combo.

  4. English: Step 4 Use hyphens to clarify a word's meaning.
    Some words are hyphenated when neglecting the hyphen would make the meaning of the word unclear. For instance, to convey the idea of a duplicate or replica, a writer may use the word "re-creation" in place of "recreation" because the latter can also mean "fun" or "entertainment". Hyphens can also be used in a similar way to make compound words more visually appealing in cases where the first word ends with the same letter that the second starts with.
    • Here are a few examples of hyphens used for clarity. In the first, "re-signed" has a different meaning than "resigned" and "foreign-film theater" has a less ambiguous meaning than "foreign film theater". In the second, the hyphen separates the first "e" from the second.

      Jeremy re-signed his contract, then took the train to the foreign-film theater to celebrate.

      After the convicts passed a compulsory period of good behavior, the re-education program began in earnest.

  5. English: Step 5 Use hyphens for two-word numbers below one hundred.
    Though the rules for when to use numerals and when to spell out numbers can vary from style guide to style guide, many grammatical sources will recommend using a hyphen for two-word numbers below one hundred. In other words, use hyphens for the numbers twenty-one through ninety-nine, with the exceptions of thirty, forty, fifty, etc. This also means that after one hundred, you'll still use hyphens between the numbers in the "tens" and "ones" places (e.g. "two hundred twenty-two").
    • Here is an example of correct number hyphenation:

      The wedding reception had eighty-eight guests, but the cooks only prepared seventy-nine entrees.

  6. English: Step 6 Use hyphens for fractions.
    When writing fractions out as words, rather than writing them as numerals, you should separate the two numbers in the fraction with a hyphen. This rule is true even for mixed fractions (fractions preceded by a whole number, like "three and five-sixths").
    • Here is an example of hyphens used correctly in two fractions:

      The snickerdoodle recipe calls for two and two-thirds cups of flour and two and one-quarter cups of sugar.

  7. English: Step 7 Use hyphens for double last names.
    When someone has two last names (usually because his or her parents kept their own last names after marriage), the names are hyphenated. In rare cases where someone has three or more last names, all of the names are hyphenated.
    • Here is an example of hyphens used correctly for last names:

      When Suzie Sanders-Johnson and Tim Rodriguez-Lyle had their first child, they weren't sure what his last name would be.

  8. English: Step 8 Use hyphens for lists of compound words with a common base.
    In cases where a sentence calls for a list of hyphenated words or numbers that share a common word, it's usually OK to write the word only for the last item in the list. For the other items in the list, write the word or number followed by a hyphen. Separate each item with a comma as you normally would in a list.
    • Here is an example of hyphens used in a list:

      For this construction project, we're going to need plenty of ten-, twenty-, and fifty-inch boards.

  9. English: Step 9 When in doubt, look it up!.
    If you're ever unsure of when (or when not) to use a hyphen, consult a reference source for guidance. A wide variety of grammar references are available both in print, in libraries or bookstores, and online. Be sure to choose a reference source that's well-qualified and professional. It's hard to go wrong with the "big three" style guides: APA Style, MLA Style, and Chicago/Turabian Style.
    • Note that minor differences may exist between the style guides you consult. For instance, the MLA style guide allows you to use hyphens for expressing number ranges (e.g., 350-400 degrees), while the Chicago style guide recommends an en dash.[1][2]
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Knowing When to Avoid Hyphens

  1. English: Step 1 Don't use hyphens in well-known compound words.
    Some words which are technically compound words have become so commonplace and well-known that hyphenating them can actually make their meaning less clear. For example, "lunchtime" and "roommate" don't need to be hyphenated, as these common words' meanings are perfectly clear without hyphens. Note that in some cases, hyphens are optional: both "high school" and "high-school" are generally considered acceptable.
    • Here is an example of compound words that don't need hyphens:

      I will read you a story at bedtime, but only if you correct the misprints in your book report .

  2. English: Step 2 Don't use hyphens for most words with prefixes.
    As noted above, except in some exceptional cases, most words with prefixes don't need hyphens and will look cumbersome if an unnecessary hyphen is added. There are too many of these "normal" prefixes that don't require a hyphen to list, but here are just a few: "pre-", "post-", "non-", "un-", "anti-", "re-", "bi-", "di-", and "de-".
    • Here is an example of words with prefixes that don't need hyphens:

      The recycled paper was strangely unaffected by the heat of the fire.

  3. English: Step 3 Don't use hyphens for verbs.
    When a compound word or phrase can be used as both a verb and a noun or adjective, you generally shouldn't include a hyphen if the word is used as a verb. For instance, the term "back up" can be used as a verb and a noun to mean both "to make a copy of something for safekeeping" and "a copy of something", respectively. Thus, you would write "back up" as a verb like this: "Please back up your hard disk data," and write it as a noun like this: "He is our back-up plan if the other candidate doesn't want the job."
    • Here is an example of a verb that doesn't need a hyphen:

      Tell the repairman to fix it.

    • However, the same phrase can use a hyphen when it becomes an adjective:

      Call our usual fix-it guy, please.

  4. English: Step 4 Don't use a hyphen for old or antiquated compound words.
    Some words, like "today" and "tonight", were once hyphenated like normal compound words. This is generally not done in modern writing, so you shouldn't feel any need to include these superfluous hyphens unless you're specifically trying to mimic an old-fashioned tone or style.
    • Here is an example of words that once used hyphens but do not today:

      I shall meet you tomorrow at sunup when the cock crows and not one moment sooner.

  5. English: Step 5 Don't use a hyphen after "very" or an adverb ending with "-ly".
    Though hyphens are used to construct many compound words and phrases, you shouldn't use them after adverbs that end with "-ly", like "softly", "strongly", and "deftly", and after the word "very" when it's used as an adverb. Note, however, that you can use hyphens after words that end with "-ly" if they aren't adverbs, like "family", "barely", and so on. As a reminder, adverbs are words that modify or qualify a verb, adjective, or another adverb.[3]
    • Here is an example of adverbs that don't need a hyphen:

      The quickly drying paint was bone dry within the hour.

    • Note that hyphens can be used correctly after a word ending in "-ly" that is not an adverb:

      The little boy reached toward the friendly-looking rabbit without fear.

  6. English: Step 6 Don't use hyphens for comparative or superlative adjectives.
    When you use a compound adjective to compare two or more things or ideas, you shouldn't use a hyphen. This rule stems from the fact that the meaning of these types of adjectives is clear without the aid of a hyphen. For instance, you would never say that one house is "better-constructed than the other", but saying that a house is "better constructed than the other" is just fine.
    • Here are a few examples of comparative and superlative adjectives that don't need hyphens:

      After the boxing match, one fighter was clearly more bruised than the other.

      Even the best laid plans sometimes go awry.

  7. English: Step 7 Don't use a hyphen in chemical terms.
    Though it's usually somewhat rare that a person with a non-technical background might have to write at length about chemistry-related topics, it's still useful to note that the names of specific chemicals don't contain hyphens. This is true even for chemicals with long names containing multiple prefixes, like monochloroacetic acid.
    • Here is an example of chemical names where hyphens are not needed:

      After adding the cyclopentane to the Erlenmeyer flask, the scientist stirred in 5 milliliters (0.17  fl oz) of hydrochloric acid.

Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Knowing When to Use a Dash

  1. English: Step 1 Know when to use a dash instead of a hyphen.
    Two symbols called the en dash and the em dash resemble the hyphen but are used for different purposes. En dashes ("–") are slightly longer than a hyphen, while em dashes ("—") are even longer. In informal writing, you can usually get away with using hyphens and dashes interchangeably, but in formal contexts, you'll want to keep the uses of each distinct, as it can be considered a grammar error to do so. Following these general rules can help you keep your use of hyphens and dashes distinct. Below are a few of the situations in which you'll need to use dashes:
    • Ranges of dates, numbers, times, and values (en dashes)
    • Prefixes for words which don't usually have them (en dashes)
    • Substituting for blank or missing content (em dashes)
    • Abrupt sentence interruptions (em dashes)
    • Punctuating a sentence with extra information (em dashes)
  2. English: Step 2 Use en dashes to describe ranges.
    En dashes are often used to express the idea that two or more words or numbers are connected by a range of values in between. For instance, in the sentence "We just delivered the Jan–Apr issue," the dash implies that the magazine is for January through April, not just January and April. Note that when using en dashes for ranges, you shouldn't put a space on either side of the dash.
    • Here is an example of an en dash used to express a range:

      Would you please schedule me an appointment for 1:00–2:00 PM?

  3. English: Step 3 Use en dashes to attach prefixes to awkward words or phrases.
    In general cases, you shouldn't use any sort of punctuation mark for common prefixes like "pre-", "post-", "re-", and so on. However, when connecting this sort of prefix to a word like a proper noun, a complex phrase, or a word that would look awkward or cumbersome without some sort of separating mark, it's acceptable to use an en dash. Obviously, however, en dashes shouldn't be used for words like "preselect" or "postgame" where the meaning is already clear.
    • Here are a few examples of en dashes used to attach prefixes:

      The professor's degree in the pre–Cold War history of Russia qualified him to teach his course on Czar Nicholas II.

      Post–Andy Kaufman, the comedy landscape just didn't seem as vivid.

  4. English: Step 4 Use em dashes to punctuate a sentence.
    Em dashes can be used to abruptly break the flow of a sentence to convey related information, add commentary, and more. Em dashes used in this way can either come before the words inserted into the middle of the sentence or before and after them if the original sentence continues after the interruption. Unlike typical hyphen and dash usage, some grammatical resources allow you to separate em dashes from the rest of the sentence with spaces when used this way.[4]
    • Below are a few examples of em dashes used to interrupt sentences:

      Deborah — who was nineteen — still loved the swings at the local park.

      There's no need to lock the door — I'm coming out after you.

  5. English: Step 5 Use em dashes to show when a sentence cuts off.
    Em dashes can also be used at the end of a sentence to show that the flow of words has abruptly ceased before the sentence would normally have ended. In this case, you shouldn't end the sentence with a period, question mark, or exclamation point as you normally would. This is an especially useful tool for written dialog, as it allows you to show when one character interrupts another by speaking over him.
    • Here's an example of an em dash being used to show someone's speech being interrupted:

      Where are we going? The police are right --—" "Shh! They'll hear you."

  6. English: Step 6 Use em dashes to substitute for missing information.
    In some cases, when information is intentionally left out, it's acceptable to use one or more em dashes to substitute for the missing words or letters. Often, this is used in citations: some style guides call for three em dashes to be used in place of an author's name when it needs to be listed many times in a row.[5] This can also be used to "censor" the names of people or places to keep them confidential.
    • Here is an example of an em dash being used to substitute for missing information:

      The paranormal incident took place in the night sky just outside of the rural town of N——.


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      • The hyphen key on a standard keyboard is between the zero (0) and the equal to (=), or you could use the minus key (-) on the number pad.
      • When in doubt, leave it out.

      Types of Dashes

      • Hyphen: )-(
      • En dash: )–(
      • Em dash: )—(



      About this article English: Diane Stubbs
      Co-authored by:
      Secondary English Teacher
      This article was co-authored by Diane Stubbs. Diane Stubbs is a Secondary English Teacher with over 22 years of experience teaching all high school grade levels and AP courses. She specializes in secondary education, classroom management, and educational technology. Diane earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Delaware and a Master of Education from Wesley College. This article has been viewed 50,213 times.
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      Co-authors: 27
      Updated: July 12, 2022
      Views: 50,213
      Article SummaryX

      One of the most common ways to hyphenate is to insert a hyphen between 2 unrelated words to create a compound word such as “first-timer” or “over-reliance.” Additionally, use a hyphen to add a prefix like “ex-“ or “all-“ to a word. Alternatively, use a hyphen to create an original compound word that’s not found in the dictionary. For example, you could write, “Kim took time off and is now a professional couch-sitter.” Another way to use hyphens is to clarify the meaning of a word, such as "re-sign" in place or "resign" in the sentence, "Jeremy re-signed his contract." For tips on how to differentiate between hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes, read on!

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      Reader Success Stories

      • English: Susanta Kumar Giri

        Susanta Kumar Giri

        Sep 9, 2021

        "There was lot of trouble in spelling a number needing hyphens in between. This was resolved."

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