How to Hang Tools on a Pegboard

If you have a lot of tools taking up space on your workbench, consider hanging them up on a pegboard. While you can always stuff them into a toolbox, keeping them displayed on a pegboard will keep them within reach for whenever creativity strikes. With a touch of creativity, you can hang other tools that don't contain hanging loops, such as screwdrivers, wrenches, and pliers.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Choosing, Cutting, and Painting the Pegboard

  1. English: Step 1 Match the thickness of the pegboard to the weight of your tools.
    In a hardware store, you'll find 2 types of pegboards: small-hole pegboards and large-hole pegboards. Small-hole pegboards are thinner and suitable for lightweight crafting tools. Large-hole pegboards are thicker and better for heavier hardware tools.[1]
    • Small-hole pegboards are typically 18 inch (0.32 cm) thick with 316 in (4.8 mm) diameter holes.
    • Large-hole pegboards are usually 14 inch (0.64 cm) with 14 in (6.4 mm) diameter holes.
  2. English: Step 2 Cut the pegboard smaller, if needed, but leave a border around it.
    If you cut your pegboard to the exact size you want, you may end up cutting through the peg holes, which won't look as nice. Instead, cut the pegboard so that you have an even border on all 4 sides of the board.
    • For example, you could leave a 1 in (2.5 cm) border around the holes on all 4 sides of the board.
    • Your pegboard may end up being a little smaller or larger than you want it to be, but it will look nicer.
  3. English: Step 3 Use a jigsaw...
    Use a jigsaw or a circular saw to cut the board. If you are using a jigsaw, keep the board facedown on the workbench. If you are using a circular saw, keep the board face up, otherwise you may get tears.[2]
    • Alternatively, you can ask the hardware store to cut the board for you, but be aware that they may charge you.[3]
  4. English: Step 4 Paint the pegboard if you want to change its color.
    Use a paint roller to apply 1 coat of paint primer. Let the primer dry, then apply 1 light coat of glossy or semi-glossy paint in your desired color. Let the paint dry, then apply another coat if the first coat is too sheer.[4]
    • If any paint collects in the holes, clear it away with a wooden skewer.
    • Latex paint will work just fine for this, but you can also use spray paint.
  5. English: Step 5 Seal the pegboard with clear polyurethane if you want to keep its color.
    Painting a pegboard is a great way to change up its look while sealing it at the same time. If you want to leave its original brown or white color, however, you still need to seal it in order to prevent moisture from seeping in. Sealing it will also make it easier to clean.[5]
    • Each brand of polyurethane sealer is a little different, so apply it following the instructions on the can or bottle.
    • You can still seal the pegboard if you already painted it. This will simply give it more protection.
  6. English: Step 6 Allow the pegboard to dry and cure completely.
    How long this takes depends on the type of paint you used. Latex paint will take several hours to dry, and it may require 1 to 2 days to cure. Spray paint will be dry to the touch within 15 to 30 minutes, but it will require a few hours to cure. Polyurethane will need to dry and cure for 24 hours.
    • Double-check the drying and curing times on the back of you can of paint or sealer. The times will vary between brands.
Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Adding the Back Planks

  1. English: Step 1 Cut 2 1 by 2 in (2.5 by 5.1 cm) planks to the height of your board.
    Measure the height of your pegboard first. Next, choose 2 wooden planks that are 2 inches (5.1 cm) wide and 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick. Use a saw to cut them to the same height as your board.[6]
    • Adding these planks is important, as it will help secure the board to the wall as well as allow you to insert the pegs. If your board already has these planks, skip this section.
    • A circular saw will work just fine for this, but you can also use a jigsaw or a handsaw.
    • The height of your board won't always be the longest side. For example, if you choose to hang it landscape style, the height will be the shorter edge.
  2. English: Step 2 Cut additional planks for the top and bottom, if desired.
    While not completely necessary, these planks will make your board more aesthetically pleasing if you were to look at it from the top or bottom. Measure across the top of your board, subtract 4 inches (10 cm), then cut your 2 planks accordingly.[7]
    • Use the same 1 by 2 in (2.5 by 5.1 cm) planks for this step.
    • You are subtracting 4 inches (10 cm) because these planks will rest between the vertical side planks.
  3. English: Step 3 Cut a plank for the middle if your board is bigger than 2 feet (61 cm).
    Large boards will need an extra support. Decide how you will orient your board (portrait style or landscape style), then cut an extra plank accordingly. Remember to subtract 4 inches (10 cm) so that the plank will fit between the adjacent planks.[8]
    • If your board is going to be hung landscape style, cut the plank according to the board's length, minus 4 inches (10 cm).
    • If your board is going to be hung portrait style, cut the plank according to the board's height, minus 4 inches (10 cm).
    • If your are working with a square board, you only need 1 plank. You can orient it horizontally or vertically.
  4. English: Step 4 Screw the vertical side planks to the back of the board.
    Place your pegboard on top of the 2 vertical planks, making sure that the planks align with the left and right side edges. Drill a hole into each corner of the pegboard, then insert brass wood screws into each hole.[9]
    • Make sure that the front side of the pegboard is facing up.
  5. English: Step 5 Glue the horizontal planks to the top and bottom edges of the board.
    Flip the pegboard over so that the back is facing you. Coat the horizontal planks with wood glue, then set them on top of the pegboard, making sure that they align with the top and bottom edges. Secure the planks to the pegboard with clamps until the glue dries.[10]
    • Because you cut these planks shorter, they should fit perfectly between the 2 vertical side planks.
    • If you cut an additional panel for the middle of the board, you should secure it with glue as well. Weigh the plank down with something heavy until the glue dries.
Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Hanging the Pegboard

  1. English: Step 1 Decide where to...
    Decide where to hang the board and locate the wall studs, if needed. You can hang your board wherever you want it, but above a workbench would be the most convenient. This way, everything will be within reach. Once you have decided where to hang the board, locate the wall studs and mark them with a pencil.
    • Drywall will have studs, but brick or cement walls may not have any.
    • You may need to adjust the placement of your board in order to fit it over the wall studs.
  2. English: Step 2 Drill a hole through each of the board's corners.
    Make these holes right next to the screws holding the planks to the back of the board. The holes need to be big enough for your brass screws to fit into.[11]
    • Make sure that you drill through both the board and the planks.
  3. English: Step 3 Place the board against the wall, then mark the holes with a pencil.
    Hold the pegboard against the wall where you want it to go. Next, have someone hold the board in place while you mark the holes in the board with a pencil.[12]
    • Use a level to ensure that the board is straight.
    • If your wall has studs in it, make sure that you are placing the holes over the studs.
    • If you can't fit a pencil through the holes, dip a skewer into paint, then poke it through the holes. Don’t worry, the wall anchors will cover the paint.
  4. English: Step 4 Set the board aside, then drill the holes into the wall.
    Make sure that you use a drill bit appropriate for the wall. A brick or cement wall will require a masonry drill bit, while a wooden wall or a drywall will require a standard drill bit.[13]
    • Make sure that the hole is big enough for the wall anchor.
  5. English: Step 5 Insert the wall anchors, then screw the board into place.
    Push wall anchors into the holes in the wall. Have someone help you hold the board over the wall so that the holes match up with the anchors. Insert screws into the holes, then drill them into place.[14]
    • Plastic wall anchors will work for thinner boards, but if you have a thick board, choose a metal wall anchor instead.
    • If you painted your board previously, use a small brush and extra paint to cover up the screws for a neater finish.
Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Laying Out and Hanging Your Tools

  1. English: Step 1 Use masking tape to create a box the same size as your board.
    Measure your pegboard first, then use masking tape to create a rectangle on your workbench that matches your board's measurements.
    • For example, if your board is 2 by 4 feet (0.61 by 1.22 m), make your rectangle 2 by 4 feet (0.61 by 1.22 m).
  2. English: Step 2 Arrange the tools in the box how you want them to hang on the board.
    If you have a lot of tools, consider grouping them based on type first. For example, you could place all of the screwdrivers into 1 group, and all of the saws into another.[15]
    • Play around with the positioning. Rather than keeping everything in neat, horizontal rows, try placing some items in vertical or diagonal rows.
  3. English: Step 3 Attach peg hooks onto your board in the appropriate areas.
    If you need to, use a ruler to find the exact position of a certain tool in your masking tape rectangle, then transfer those measurements to your pegboard. Insert peg hooks through the holes on your board.
    • Short hooks are great for small, lightweight items, such as rolls of masking tape.
    • Long, thick hooks are better for heavier items, such as drills and saws.
    • Use specialized hooks to hang specific items, such as circular saws. A well-stocked hardware store should carry them.[16]
  4. English: Step 4 Hang your tools on the hooks.
    Most tools will have some sort of loop at the top so that you can hang them. If they don't have hanging loops, read on to the next section to find other ways in which to hang your tools.
    • For example, you can clamp a binder clip onto a canvas pouch, then slide the binder clip over a peg hook.
  5. English: Step 5 Reinforce hooks with pegboard clips, if needed.
    Sometimes, hooks sit a little too loose in their peg holes. If you find that your hooks wobble too much as you move your tools around, you can tack them down with pegboard clips.[17]
    • Alternatively, coat the prongs on your hooks with hot glue before you pop them into place.
  6. English: Step 6 Trace your tools onto the board with permanent marker, if desired.
    This way, if you need to remove multiple tools at once, you can put them back onto the right hooks. Plain black marker will work just fine, but you can use multiple colors if you painted your board white.[18]
    • For example, you can outline your scissors using orange and gray markers.

Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Finding Other Hanging Options

  1. English: Step 1 Use dowels to hold rolls of paper.
    Hang 2 short peg hooks on your pegboard. Next, slide your roll of paper onto a 12 in (1.3 cm) wooden dowel, then set the dowel on top of the peg hooks.[19]
    • Hang the hooks so that they are narrower than the roll of paper.
    • The dowel needs to be a little longer than the roll of paper.
  2. English: Step 2 Clip non-hangable items onto binder clips, then slide the clips onto peg hooks.
    Not all tools have hanging loops. Instead of stuffing them into a tool box, clamp a binder clip over them. Next, slide the binder clip's loops over a peg hook on your board.[20]
    • This works best for flat items, such as canvas pouches and clipboards. It's not recommended for thick items, like pliers or screwdrivers.
  3. English: Step 3 Hang wire baskets from small hooks to hold other non-hangable items.
    Get some narrow, rectangular baskets from the kitchen or office section of a store. Pop some short hooks onto your board, then hang the basket from them. Fill the basket with non-hangable items, such as screwdrivers, pliers, and wrenches.[21]
    • If you want to store small items, such as screws, line the basket with fabric or paper first.
  4. English: Step 4 Slide a short piece of PVC piping over a hook to turn it into a cubby.
    Use a saw to cut a 6 in (15 cm) length of PVC piping, then slide it over a 6 to 8 in (15 to 20 cm) peg hook to create a cubby. Slide brushes or pencils into the PVC pipe cubby.[22]
    • The diameter of the PVC piping it up to you. The wider the piping is, however, the more items you'll be able to store inside.
  5. English: Step 5 Add a magnetic board to store small screws or post notes.
    Secure a magnetic sheet to your board with screws or pegboard hooks. Use magnets to attach notes to your board. You can also pop other magnetic items, such as small screws or tools, onto the board as well.[23]
    • For a fancier board, cover the magnetic sheet with printed vinyl, contact paper, or shelf liner.

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      • Look online at pictures of pegboards to see how other people hang their tools. The most basic and instinctual method of organization is by size.
      • If any of your tools have a specific shape that does not mesh well with he tools on the rest of the board, try to find a corner of the board for them where they will make as little an impact on the organization of the overall board.
      • You can create similar pegboards for other rooms in your house, such as the kitchen or crafting room.
      Show More Tips

      Things You'll Need

      • Pegboard
      • 2 to 5 1 by 2 in (2.5 by 5.1 cm) planks
      • Jigsaw or a circular saw
      • Paint primer (optional)
      • Latex paint (optional)
      • Polyurethane sealer (optional)
      • Paint rollers and brushes
      • Screwdriver
      • Wall anchors
      • Brass screws
      • Wood glue
      • Peg hooks
      • Pencil
      • Measuring tape
      • Making tape
      • Level (optional, but recommended)
      • Helper

      About this article English: Josh Goldenberg
      Co-authored by:
      Residential Remodeling Expert
      This article was co-authored by Josh Goldenberg. Josh Goldenberg is a Residential Remodeling Expert and the Co-Founder of 5blox, based in the Greater Los Angeles area. With more than seven years of experience, Josh and his team specialize in luxurious and sustainable home renovations. 5blox is fully licensed and bonded. This article has been viewed 18,305 times.
      1 votes - 100%
      Co-authors: 4
      Updated: August 23, 2022
      Views: 18,305
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