How to Handle Being Sick As a Mom

Being a mom can be a full time job, as you are responsible for the routines of your household and for the wellbeing of your child. Being sick as a mom can be overwhelming and you may struggle to maintain your usual routines at home, including the care of your child. You can handle being sick as a mom by finding easy, stress free ways to keep your child occupied and to care for your child. You can also reach out to others around you for help if you feel you cannot keep up due to your illness.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Keeping Your Child Occupied While Sick

  1. English: Step 1 Allow your child to watch television or use other media.
    Though you may try to avoid letting your child watch too much television or go on the computer too often, you may loosen up a little on these rules when you are sick. Putting your child in front of the television while you are ill on the couch can keep your child occupied and allow you to relax. You may also allow your child to play games on their iPad, the computer, or on your phone so you can lie down and recover.[1]
    • If you want to still interact with your child while you are ill, you may suggest that you both watch a television show or play a computer game together. That way, you can spend time with your child and get some rest.
  2. English: Step 2 Encourage your child to do a solo, creative activity.
    To keep your child occupied while you are sick, you may suggest a solo activity that is creative and fun. Allow your child to build a fort in their room or suggest that they pick their favorite book and read quietly on their own. You may also let your child play with their toys in their room while you recover from your illness.[2]
    • If you have a little bit of energy despite your illness, you may try setting up a craft area in your child’s room where they can draw or color on their own for as long as they like.
  3. English: Step 3 Set up a contained play area for your child.
    If you have a baby or a toddler, you may worry about keeping them occupied while you are ill and unable to move around much. One option is to set up a play area that is contained, such as a play pen or a fenced off room. Then, you can put your child down on the ground with toys and watch over them as they play on their own. Setting up an area for them to play can help keep them busy and allow you to rest without interruption.
    • If you have a very young baby that cannot crawl or walk on their own, you may need to pick up your baby periodically. You may try scheduling in some pick up time and then allow your baby to lay down on their back in the contained play area so you can rest.
  4. English: Step 4 Invite others over to keep your child occupied.
    If your child does better playing with others, you may suggest they invite a friend over to play with. Allow your child and their friend to play in the yard or in your child’s room while you rest in your room. Provide toys, games, and books so your child and their friend can hang out together without bothering you.[3]
    • You may also suggest your child invite over a family member so they can spend time with them while you recover.
    • If your child has a friend who lives in your neighborhood, you may suggest they go over and play with them so you can rest at home alone.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Caring For Your Child While Sick

  1. English: Step 1 Modify your child's eating schedule.
    When you are sick as a mom, your usual routines may need to be tweaked and that's okay. If you have a baby or a toddler, they may be on a regimented eating schedule that keeps you on your feet. Try to modify this schedule slightly so you can have more time to rest, but your child still gets the attention they need. One day of a different routine will not be detrimental to your child, especially if it means you can recover and feel better the following day.[4]
    • For example, you may try feeding your baby every two hours rather than every hour so you can get some rest but your baby still gets fed. Or you may set a timer that goes off and wakes you up for every feeding so your baby still manages to stick to a similar feeding schedule.
  2. English: Step 2 Put snacks within reach of your child.
    To make your life easier when you are ill, place snacks in bowls on the counter so your child can have them without having to ask you. Put out single serving snacks like juice boxes or yogurt so your child can grab them on their own. Tell your child to help themselves to snacks while you rest.[5]
    • You may say to your child, “Mommy is feeling sick right now and she needs to lie down. Can you help yourself to a snack when you get hungry?” or “Mommy isn’t feeling great and needs her rest. Take snacks when you get hungry and help yourself.”
  3. English: Step 3 Prepare quick, easy meals.
    When you are ill, you may not have the energy to prepare elaborate meals for your child. Accept that this is the case and try preparing meals that are quick and easy to make. This may mean defrosting leftovers in the freezer or heating up leftover food from the night before. Having one meal of leftovers will not be detrimental for your child and will allow you to avoid stressing about preparing meals.[6]
    • If you do not have leftovers on hand, you may end up resorting to prepackaged meals for lunch or dinner. You may heat up a can of soup, pop some fish sticks in the oven, or warm up a frozen dinner meal.
  4. English: Step 4 Do only the essentials when you are up and about.
    When you do manage to get up from the couch or your bed, try to focus on getting only the essentials done for your child. Think to yourself, what must I absolutely get done right now and what can I manage to do later? Try to address several important things when you are up so you can lie back down and rest without stressing out.[7]
    • For example, when you are up, you may fill your child’s snack bowl, change their diaper, and make sure they have enough craft supplies in their room for the rest of the day. This way, when you lie back down you can rest for a prolonged period of time without worrying about your child.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Reaching Out to Others for Help

  1. English: Step 1 Arrange transportation for your child.
    If your child goes to school, you may be in the habit of picking up and dropping them off on a daily basis. Ask another parent if your child can carpool to school with them so you can rest in bed. Or see if a friend or family member can help you with the picking up and dropping off at school.[8]
    • If your child is involved in extracurricular activities after school like soccer, debate club, etc, they may need a ride home. Ask another parent or a friend to transport them for you while you recover. If you cannot find someone to help you, you may need to cancel their activity for that day.
  2. English: Step 2 Let your partner or spouse know you need help.
    Though you may resist asking for help from others, do not be ashamed to do so when you are ill. Being sick happens to everyone and sometimes you just need another pair of hands to help you out. If you have a partner or spouse, let them know you are feeling ill and need them to pitch in. Ask them to help you with specific tasks throughout the day and let them do some of your chores or duties while you rest.[9]
    • For example, you may ask your partner to stay home for the day and help you take care of the kids while you rest in bed. Or you may ask your partner to pick up your children at daycare for you or drop off your child at an event so you can recover at home.
  3. English: Step 3 Lean on family and friends.
    Call your mother or father and ask them to babysit your child while you recover. Or ask your sibling if they would come over and watch your child while you rest in bed. You may also ask close friends to help you keep your child occupied when you are ill and to give you a helping hand.[10]
    • For example, perhaps you ask a friend to take your child out for a few hours on a fun outing so you can recover in bed.
  4. English: Step 4 Get in touch with others in your community or network.
    Be willing to reach out to other people in your life who could help you care for your child while you are ill. You may ask another mom you know if your child can go over to their house for a playdate or a sleepover so you don’t have to worry about keeping your child occupied at home. Or you may ask a neighbor to come over and take care of your child while you recover from your illness.[11]
    • You may feel uncomfortable at first with asking others in your community for help. But being honest about your illness and your need for help will often encourage others to pitch in and offer their time, especially if you are part of a close knit community or have a generous network of people in your life.

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      Co-authored by: Staff Writer
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      Co-authors: 3
      Updated: August 10, 2021
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