How to Get a Master's Degree Abroad

Studying abroad can be a great experience for a young student. You can experience an entirely new culture and language while furthering your education and professional credentials at the same time. Overseas study might have other advantages as well, like lower tuition costs. Getting a master’s degree overseas, however, requires a lot of planning and preparation. Keep track of all the admissions requirements and make your travel plans well in advance of your departure date. Strike an effective work-life balance to get the most out of your overseas experience.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Finding and Applying to Programs

  1. English: Step 1 Find schools that offer your field of study in a location you like.
    When you’re considering overseas graduate study, you have to take 2 main things into account: first, the subject you want to study; and second, the country you’d like to be in. Investigate programs that offer subjects you’re interested in, and that are also located in a place you’d like to live. Use this criteria to narrow down your list of programs to apply to.[1]
    • Currently, some of the most popular study abroad destinations are the UK, the US, Italy, Spain, Germany, China, Japan, Australia, and Costa Rica.[2]
    • Consider things like language barrier, culture, living costs, and safety for countries you’d want to study in. For example, if no one in a certain country speaks your native language and you don’t have much knowledge of the local language, then you’ll have a harder time adjusting.
    • This assumes you know what you’d like to study in graduate school, which is a big decision in itself. If you don’t know yet, then figure that out before applying to foreign programs.
  2. English: Step 2 Confirm that your home country will recognize the foreign degree.
    Before taking further steps to attend a foreign university, confirm that your degree will be recognized and allow you to get a job in your home country. Some countries have evaluation services that assess foreign degrees and decide whether or not they are valid. Investigate each university you’re planning to attend to find out whether your home country recognizes it.[3]
    • Many countries have organizations that evaluate foreign degrees. While there is no single assessment entity for the US, the US State Department trusts evaluations from the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) and Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE). See if your home country has similar organizations that assess foreign degrees.
    • If you aren’t sure about a degree, try speaking with some business owners or hiring managers to see if they’d consider someone with a degree from the school you’re looking at.
    • If you plan on coming back to your home country, then don’t attend a university that isn’t recognized. However, if you plan on staying overseas permanently, then it’s less risky to attend a university like that.
  3. English: Step 3 Check if programs require proficiency in the country’s language.
    If you’re considering study in a country that doesn’t speak your native language, then there may be a requirement that you’re proficient in the country’s language. Check each university’s admission requirements to see if you have to pass some kind of evaluation proving your language ability. If so, then start preparing for it as soon as possible.[4]
    • American universities, for example, require a passing grade on the TOEFL exam to prove a foreign applicant’s knowledge of English.
    • If you’ve never studied a foreign language before, then you probably don’t have enough time to become proficient enough to pass an entrance exam. Try to find another program with no requirement, or study in a country that speaks your native language.
    • If you’re a native English-speaker, then there is probably less emphasis on learning a foreign language. Many universities conduct classes in English, especially if they admit a high level of foreign students.
  4. English: Step 4 Track the application deadlines and materials for each school.
    Applying to overseas programs requires even more organization than applying for programs in your home country. Make a detailed list of all the application materials you need for each program, and note down the application deadline for each. Cross the materials out as you gather them so you don’t lose track.[5]
    • Making a spreadsheet is a good way to track all the information. Organizing it all can get chaotic, especially if you’re applying to programs in multiple countries, so staying organized is key.
    • Common application materials are transcripts, a resume/CV, and a personal statement. Different programs may want additional materials, like a portfolio if you’re applying for an art program.
    • Many graduate programs require letters of recommendation as part of your application. Request letters from former professors, employers, or coaches at least 1 month in advance of the due date.
  5. English: Step 5 Prepare for any required entrance exams for each program.
    Depending on the country and program, there may be entrance exams you’ll have to pass for admission. Check the admission requirements for any exams, and begin preparing for them if they’re required. Take the tests early enough so the results will be in by the application deadline.[6]
    • In the US, for example, most graduate schools require the GRE, a standardized test for entry. You’ll have to earn a passing score on this test to pursue graduate study in the US.
    • You’ll probably have to take these exams in advance of the application deadline. Keep track of all the dates you can take them, and by what date you’ll have to submit the results.
  6. English: Step 6 Calculate the tuition and living costs in each area you’re considering.
    Studying overseas is expensive. Between the tuition costs, fees, living expenses, and entertainment costs, you’ll be spending a lot of money pursuing your degree. Get a full picture of the costs for every location you’re thinking of studying in to plan accordingly. Add up the costs for tuition, housing, and normal living expenses to help make your decision.[7]
    • Costs of living vary widely between different countries and cities. If you’re in the US, for example, you might find the cost of living a bit high in other countries. Tuition costs, however, are usually much lower, so the total costs will probably balance out.
    • Calculating living costs requires some investigation. Some websites can provide average costs of living in different areas, though keep in mind these might not be accurate for other countries. Be best method is looking up average costs for basic necessities in each area, including rent, food items, transit, and hygiene products. Use that information to develop a cost of living index for each area.
    • Don’t just look up average costs for a country. Instead, investigate living costs in the particular city you’re living in.
  7. English: Step 7 Investigate if your government offers assistance for international study.
    To help offset the costs of international study, some governments have set up grant and scholarship programs. Check if your government offers financial assistance like this and apply to help support your education.[8]
    • The US government, for example, offers a few different grants for international study. There is also the Fulbright Scholarship for international students.[9]
    • Usually these grants have their own application procedures. Keep track of the materials and deadlines so you don’t miss your chance.
  8. English: Step 8 Submit all your application materials by the due date.
    Once you’ve done all your investigating and gathered the application materials, it’s time to submit. Most universities have an online application system, so upload all of your materials here. Double check that you’ve uploaded all the required documents, then hit “Submit” and wait for responses.[10]
    • If you do have to apply with the regular mail, make sure you send everything out early so it gets there on time. International mail can move slowly, so send the applications out a few weeks ahead of the due date.
    • Processing applications can take several months. Try to be patient and keep your mind off the applications to prevent anxiety.
  9. English: Step 9 Make a final decision based on the programs that admit you.
    After a few months of review, universities will start sending out their admission decisions to applicants. Wait for your responses to start coming in and see which schools admitted you. Then, choose from those programs to decide which one you’ll attend.[11]
    • Many larger universities have a set number of spots set aside for international students. This increases your chances of admission.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Preparing to Move

  1. English: Step 1 Get or renew your passport at least 2-3 months before your move.
    You’ll need a passport from your home country to travel to your new area of study. If you have one, make sure it’s up to date and won’t expire any time soon. If you either don’t have one or yours is expired, start the process of getting one 2-3 months in advance of your departure date.[12]
    • When it comes to applying for passports, the earlier the better. Processing can take several weeks or longer, and you don’t want to be stuck before your departure date with no passport.
    • Keep track of the expiration date on your passport even after you enter the host country. You’ll probably want to return home for visits, so don’t let your passport expire while you’re abroad.
  2. English: Step 2 Learn about the culture of the country you’re studying in.
    It’s very likely that the country you travel to has some unique cultural practices that you aren’t familiar with. Do some studying to learn the culture of the host country in advance of your visit. This will reduce the culture shock you experience upon arrival.[13]
    • A quick internet search of the country should provide you with some details on how to behave while you’re there. You can also read tourist books and websites about that country.
    • Try to contact the university you’ll be studying at and see if they can put you in contact with current students. These students can give you some details on proper behavior and culture in the host country.
    • Learning the new culture isn’t just a matter of respect, it’s a matter of safety as well. You might inadvertently offend or insult someone if you aren’t familiar with the local culture, which can cause arguments.
  3. English: Step 3 Apply for a student visa to the country you’re studying in.
    Most countries have a specific visa for students that allows them to stay in the country while completing their studies. The process varies between countries, so investigate the procedure in the specific country you’ll be studying in. Submit the application 1-3 months in advance of your departure date so it’s all set up by the time you leave.[14]
    • Normally, a student visa application includes your admission letter from the university, transcripts from your current university, and proof of financial support and insurance while you’re overseas.
    • If you can’t find the necessary information for applying for a student visa, try contacting the university you’re attending to see if they can help.
    • Some countries in Western Europe don’t require a student visa at all if you come from the US or a European Union country. This depends on the country, and what your home country is.
    • Remember that there are usually certain requirements for keeping a student visa, like maintaining good academic standing. Do well in your studies and follow all the procedures to avoid losing your visa.
  4. English: Step 4 Practice the country’s language if it’s different from your own.
    Even if the program you applied to doesn’t require proficiency in the local language, it’s still a good idea to become familiar with it. This will make your adjustment much easier. Start studying a little bit every day several months in advance of your trip. With some dedication, you should at least have a basic grasp of the language by the time you leave.[15]
    • Start with using tourist phrase books to learn the most common phrases you’ll need. Then try looking at some textbooks or websites to build your vocabulary.
    • Watching foreign TV or reading foreign-language newspapers is a great way to familiarize yourself with another language.
    • This isn’t always applicable. For example, if you’re coming to the US from Ireland, then you don’t have to learn a new language. You might be confused by some American slang and phrases, however, so try to familiarize yourself with these.
  5. English: Step 5 Investigate if there are work opportunities for students.
    Since overseas study is so expensive, getting a job may help you with some of the costs. See if your university has a work-study program that gives students jobs around campus. These are a good way to earn money and get work experience that will help you later in your career.[16]
    • Remember that some student visas prohibit students from working. Some, however, might allow campus jobs. Follow all the parameters of your visa to avoid violating its terms.
  6. English: Step 6 Find housing in a convenient location near your university.
    The right housing is important when you study abroad. You’ll want a location that’s close enough to your university to make traveling convenient. Also look for something affordable to avoid going over your budget.[17]
    • Many universities have dorms or off-campus housing for their graduate students. These options are lower-cost, but might not offer much room or privacy.
    • Housing in a private apartment will give you more privacy than dorm housing, but is also more expensive. Consider the pros on cons of each housing arrangement.
    • If your university doesn’t have campus housing for graduate students, see if they provide lists or contact information for other students looking for roommates.
  7. English: Step 7 Book all of your flights and travel arrangements 3 months in advance.
    Making your travel plans a few months in advance is usually the best way to get cheaper flights. Book your flights and organize all of your other necessary transportation well in advance so it’s all set by the time you arrive.[18]
    • Try not to book sooner than 6 months in advance of your trip. You might miss out on deals and discounts closer to the departure date.
    • Remember that you’ll also need to get from the airport to your housing. Book train tickets or a car service if you have to. If you’ll be using public transit, study the routes and systems to avoid getting lost.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Succeeding in Your Studies

  1. English: Step 1 Make native friends who can help you navigate the country and program.
    Adjusting to a new country and culture will be difficult. Making friends who are familiar with the host country, either natives or people who have lived there for a long time, can help you adjust much more easily. Find people in your university to help grow your social support network.[19]
    • Getting involved in your university is one of the best ways to make friends. Attend events, join clubs, and participate in other activities to meet new people.
    • Make friends with other international students as well. Whether they’re from your own country or another one, you’re all adjusting to a new environment and can bond over that.
  2. English: Step 2 Get accustomed to the grading system in the country you’re studying.
    Different countries may use different grading systems than what you’re familiar with. Look over your class syllabi and determine how grading works in your program, as well as which marks are considered passing and failing. Abide by this grading system to perform well in class.[20]
    • Contacting the professor at the start of the semester is a good idea. Introduce yourself and say you just arrived in the country and might need some extra help throughout the semester. They will probably be happy to help out.
    • If you’re confused, ask another student or the professor to explain. Let them know you aren’t used to these requirements and want to learn more.
  3. English: Step 3 Keep up with the requirements of your program.
    Although traveling abroad is chaotic and exciting, remember that the reason you came here is getting a master’s degree. Concentrate on your studies and perform well in your classes. If you stay focused, you should complete your degree without too much struggling.[21]
    • Finding a faculty mentor or supervisor is a good way to succeed. They can fill you in on the requirements and guide you in the right direction.
    • Most master’s degree programs require some sort of long-term project, like a thesis paper. Start planning and working on this as soon as possible so you complete your degree in a timely manner.
    • Tune out distractions as well as you can. You’ll naturally want to explore the new country you’re in, but sometimes you have to buckle down and get work done.
  4. English: Step 4 Stay in contact with family and friends to avoid getting homesick.
    Being in a new environment can be isolating and lonely. Reach out to your support network back home when you’re feeling down. Call your parents or friends to talk and catch up. Use these little conversations to avoid getting lonely, and remind yourself that your degree will be done in no time.[22]
    • If you can afford it, visit home every few months. This will help you avoid homesickness when you’re back at work.
    • One of the best ways to avoid homesickness is staying busy. Make friends and go out with them to keep yourself occupied and free of loneliness.
  5. English: Step 5 Remember to have fun as well.
    Don’t only focus on work while you’re away. After all, you’re in a new country! Visit clubs, try new food, tour historic sites, and soak in the culture. Develop a strong work-life balance to get the most out of your overseas experience.[23]
    • Use normal caution when you’re out in a foreign country and follow the same safety rules you would at home. Travel in groups, don’t go off with people you don’t know, drink in moderation so you can stay alert, and keep your valuables hidden while you’re in public.
    • Remember to keep an eye on your spending while you’re out touring the country. You don’t want to blow your budget and have nothing leftover for your bills.

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      • Remember to apply for a few programs in your home country as well, just in case you don’t get into foreign programs.

      About this article English: Staff
      Co-authored by: Staff Writer
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      Updated: March 11, 2020
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