How to Get More Done

Many people struggle with feeling productive. You may feel you should be doing more than you are in the present moment. If that is the case, there are steps you can take to become more productive. To start, form a routine. Develop solid eating and sleeping habits, as a healthy mind and body can prep you for a productive lifestyle. Avoid procrastination by breaking tasks into chunks, disciplining yourself when necessary, and creating regular rituals around work. Last, work on altering your mentality. Focus on the big picture and learn to be positive about yourself. Think of productivity as an investment in yourself.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Forming a Routine

  1. English: Step 1 Get a good...
    Get a good night's sleep. Sleep is one of the most important factors when it comes to being a productive person. Poor sleep can make it difficult to concentrate on daily tasks as you'll feel fatigued throughout the day. If you want to become a more productive person, start by working on your sleep. There are many steps you can take to get higher quality sleep each night.[1]
    • Make sure you strive for 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep a day. This may mean adjusting your routine. You may, for example, have to go to bed earlier each night. If you have to be up at 8AM for work, for example, do not make 2AM your bedtime. Strive to be in bed by 11 or 12 each night.
    • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, even on the weekends. The body has a natural circadian rhythm that will adapt to a regular schedule. If you go to bed at 11 PM and get up at 8 AM each day, your body will start to feel tired around your bedtime and energetic when you wake up.
    • You should also try to engage in a relaxing bedtime ritual each night before bed. For example, you could read a book or do a crossword puzzle. Refrain from using electronics, as the blue light admitted from phone and computer screens can affect sleep.[2]
  2. English: Step 2 Create a morning ritual.
    People tend to thrive on routine and ritual. If you create a routine every morning that you engage in before you begin to work, this can help signal to your brain that now is the time for productivity. A starting ritual can help you warm up to begin a task so you go into any given project with less anxiety and apprehension.[3]
    • Think of some kind of self care ritual you can engage in before jumping into the day. For example, maybe you could make a point of stopping at your favorite local coffee shop and grabbing a latte before work.
    • The more stressful a task is, the more important it is to have a warm up ritual. If you're nervous about a particular project, you need to clear your mind before you begin. Go for a long walk before you have to write that business report. Listen to a few songs by your favorite band before you have to give that presentation.
  3. English: Step 3 Prioritize tasks according to your energy level.
    Energy naturally ebbs and flows throughout the course of a day. People tend to have energy dips around certain specific times in the morning and the afternoon. If you tweak your schedule to help you hone your bursts of energy and productivity, this can help you get more done.[4]
    • Most people tend to have peaks in energy and productivity between 9AM and 11AM. Energy tends to deplete from here. At 2:30 PM, people tend to feel sluggish and may have difficulty concentrating.
    • However, energy levels vary. While most people fall into the above patterns, your personal energy levels may rise and fall at different times throughout the day. Try to keep track of when you feel most productive and energetic. Write down the times when you feel you're getting the most done.
    • Work on forming a schedule around your natural energy levels. If you tend to be feel perky between 10 AM and 1 PM, clear all distractions during that time and hyper-focus on work. If you begin to feel sluggish around 3PM, schedule time for a break at 3PM.
  4. English: Step 4 Focus on one thing at a time.
    Multi-tasking can actually hurt your productivity. While people think doing multiple things at once is impressive, studies indicate you're actually most efficient and productive when you take things one step at a time.[5]
    • It can help to make a short to-do list for yourself. As you move through the to-do list, make sure to give your dedicated attention to only one item at a time. While you're editing a draft of a press release, put away your cell phone and focus only on the editing process. Do not glance at your to-do list to see what's up next. Your entire focus should be on the item at hand.
    • If you need to break from a task to answer a question, return an e-mail, or take a phone call, pull yourself away from the task completely. Turn your attention completely towards the person asking for your time. When you're done, quickly switch back to the task at hand.
  5. English: Step 5 Schedule time for your passions.
    Not everyone's job is indicative of a personal passion. Your day job may not necessarily be reflective of what drives you as a person. It's vital to schedule time to work on your passion during the day. Most people feel more productive if they're scheduling at least 15 minutes a day for something that they find inspiring.[6]
    • Having time for passion at the end of the day can help motivate you to complete tasks on a timely fashion. If you know you'll have time to work on your poetry if you do your dishes and laundry quickly, you'll be more likely to work on these tasks with excitement.
    • Find gaps in your schedule where you can focus on what moves you. For example, maybe you love to play the piano. Make time to play the piano for 15 minutes before bed each night.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Ending Procrastination

  1. English: Step 1 Break tasks up into small chunks.
    A task can seem overwhelming if you're looking at the whole thing. Feelings of stress over large tasks can greatly fuel procrastination. Break a large task in manageable chunks and then focus on one component at a time.[7]
    • For example, say you need to finish a 20 page term paper by the end of the month. This task can seem incredibly daunting, but try breaking it down by weeks. For example, you can spend the first week of the month researching, the second week writing the introductory pages, the third week writing the mid-section, and the fourth week hashing out the conclusion and revising.
    • It can even help to break the chunks down further. In week one, you can plan on going to the library Monday and Tuesday to find sources. On Wednesday and Thursday you can read through these sources, and on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you can use them to outline your paper.
  2. English: Step 2 Give yourself a pep talk before you begin the task.
    Going into a task with the right mentality can help motivate you to work with passion and excitement.[8] This will cut down on time you spend procrastinating. Before you begin a task, remind yourself why you're doing it. Focus on the positives that will come out of completing a given task.[9]
    • If it's a task you're passionate about, finding positives may be easy. For example, you may think to yourself, "If I finish this opinion piece, I can send it out to the newspaper. This is a topic I'm really passionate about, and I want to encourage other people to consider my perspective."
    • However, some tasks may be things you're not particularly excited about and you may have to focus on more abstract benefits. Maybe you're writing a term paper for a class that's a requirement for your school. You may not feel a personal sense of fulfillment for completing the course. Try to say to yourself, "I don't particularly care about human genetics, but if I get a good grade I'll keep my GPA up. The sooner I finish this paper, the sooner I'll be done with the science requirement. Then, I can focus on pursuing my art degree."
  3. English: Step 3 Find a habit that helps you feel better about yourself.
    You need a good mind/body balance to be a more productive person and avoid procrastination. One way to help you with this is to find a habit that makes you feel good about yourself. If you feel positive, strong, and healthy, it will be easier for you to focus on day-to-day tasks as you'll be less bogged down by stress.[10]
    • Exercise can be a great way to improve your mood and productivity. Try to hash out some time a few days a week to engage in a workout ritual. If you work out regularly, you'll feel better, stronger, and less stressed.
  4. English: Step 4 Discipline yourself.
    Self-discipline is difficult, but it's one of the most important means to avoid procrastination. If you do not complete a task in a timely fashion, you should set consequences for this behavior. Developing a systems of rewards and punishments for yourself can really help with procrastination.[11]
    • If you love to go on social media, you may find you've wasted time on Facebook instead of completing the necessary tasks. It's a good idea to create a strict consequence for yourself at this point. Change your Facebook password to something difficult to remember. Write this password down, and place the slip of paper in a hard-to-reach place.
    • The next day, do not allow yourself to go on Facebook until you've completed a variety of tasks. If you do not complete those tasks, do not go on Facebook that night. Have a friend or family member hide the slip of paper with your password until you're ready to work. If you do not complete the task on time, do not allow yourself to retrieve your password.
  5. English: Step 5 Ask for help when necessary.
    Sometimes, unexpected obligations come up that may prevent you from focusing on your work. In these cases, it's appropriate to ask for help. If you try to do everything on your own, you may feel overwhelmed and start procrastinating. If a work obligation keeps you busy until 10 o'clock every night, it's okay to ask your neighbor to help feed your cats or water your plants so you can keep your mind at the office and not on household tasks.[12]
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Getting Organized

  1. English: Step 1 Understand how being organized makes you more productive.
    You may feel like you don't have time to devote to organizing, but think about how much time you waste by being disorganized — digging through piles for that one piece of paper, trying to remember if you scheduled that appointment (and if you did, when did you schedule it?), looking for your misplaced stapler, trying to figure out what is a priority and what can wait until later, and on and on and on. According to one survey, the average person wastes the equivalent of two weeks of work (76 hours) looking for lost or misplaced items.
    • Putting in the time to get organized will save you more time in the long-term.
  2. English: Step 2 Designate a place for everything.
    This goes for things in your office or home as well as the files on your computer. Keep frequently-used items nearby — maybe the top drawer of your desk can be devoted to physical items you find yourself using often. Things you use less frequently can be stored in high or low spots to make room for the things you need close by. Use shelving, wall baskets, and hooks to make more space.[13]
    • Make folders and subfolders on your computer to keep files organized. Label the folders so you know exactly what they are. For instance, instead of one folder that just says "Writing," with all your writing projects saved in the same place, make subfolders for different types of writing, specific projects, or years. Maybe within your writing folder you have a subfolder for the book you are working on, and within that folder you have a subfolder for research relating to the book, as well as a subfolder for your first and second draft, and so on.
    • Try using labeled, color-coded binders for different projects. Consider keeping a basket on your desk as an "Inbox" with things you need to tackle that day.
    • Make sure you always put things back in their designated spots. The plan doesn't work if you don't return items to where they belong — you'll once again be wasting time searching for that darn stapler. If you don't have time in the moment, devote a few minutes at the end of each day to returning things to their rightful places.[14]
  3. English: Step 3 Write it down.
    Keep a notepad within arm's reach so you can jot down any thoughts, worries, ideas, or other notes throughout the day. If you are working on a budget but you have an idea for a blog post you'd like to write, jot it down on the notepad so you don't forget, and then turn your attention back to the task at hand.[15]
  4. English: Step 4 Plan your day.
    Before going to bed, try planning out the next day. Make a To Do list. Note your priorities, deadlines, etc. for the day. This can help you stay on-task and not become distracted by trying to figure out what you should work on next or what you need to accomplish by day's end.
    • Use a calendar to help you keep track of appointments and deadlines. You can use your smartphone or a paper calendar to write down your obligations.
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Developing a Positive Mentality About Work

  1. English: Step 1 Identify why you're putting off a task.
    Sometimes, we have reasons to not work. You may feel under-qualified, hopeless, or otherwise frustrated by a certain job. Try to think about why you're feeling the urge to procrastinate, and what you can do to temper this urge.[16]
    • There are many reasons people procrastinate. You may put off work because of a sense of inadequacy. You may not feel you're qualified to complete a task, for example. You may also put off work for emotional reasons. If you're going through a rough time, you may feel less inclined to push yourself.[17] You may also have inadequate time to care for yourself, causing a sense of fatigue that can lead to procrastination.
    • Figure out what is holding you back so you'll know the barrier you need to break down to continue. For example, maybe you're not working due to emotional exhaustion. To combat this, take an hour to yourself. Go for a walk, read a book, or find another way to treat yourself and then jump back into work once you're relaxed.
  2. English: Step 2 Engage in self-compassion over self-criticism.
    Oftentimes, we feel we need to take a tough love approach to procrastination. However, you're more likely to have a good work ethic if you indulge in self-compassion over criticism. Try to be kind and encouraging to yourself instead of self-depreciating.[18][19]
    • Focus on what you're doing right instead of what you're doing wrong. If you feel happy and positive about yourself, you'll be more likely to be productive as you'll be in a better mood.
    • Say you had a slow morning at work. You did not really stay on track, and as a result work piled up. You were able to focus more in the afternoon, however, and completed tasks quickly. Don't think to yourself, "I can't believe how much time you wasted this morning. You could have finished work so much quicker." Instead, think to yourself, "Well, it was a rough morning, but I'm glad I didn't let that define my day. I'm proud I got myself back on track later on."
  3. English: Step 3 Take breaks.
    Multiple studies indicate people are vastly more productive when they take breaks throughout the day. Feeling tired, bored, or frustrated with your work load is inevitable. No matter how passionate you are about a given project, at some point you will feel distracted by it. A good way to combat this is to take a short break when you begin to feel distracted.[20]
    • If you notice you have a natural dip in energy during the day, take a break during this time. For example, say you start to feel sleepy around 3 PM each day. When it gets close to 3, try taking a 15 to 20 minute walk.
    • In addition to replenishing energy, breaks can increase your motivation to complete a task on time. After the break, you may come back to the job with a fresher and more excited mentality.
  4. English: Step 4 Reward yourself for a job well done.
    If you incorporate small rewards, you may work harder to earn little treats. After you finish a task, have a reward waiting for yourself. This can especially help if a task feels tedious or unimportant. The reward will serve as your primary motivational factor.[21][22]
    • Think of something you enjoy. This can be something you enjoy on your own, like going for a walk, or something you like to do with a friend, like grabbing dinner.
    • Incorporate such a reward into your schedule. For example, if you finish cleaning your apartment, you can meet a friend for wine later that night.

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      About this article English: Chad Herst, CPCC
      Co-authored by:
      Mindfulness Coach
      This article was co-authored by Chad Herst, CPCC. Chad Herst is the Executive Coach at Herst Wellness, a San Francisco-based wellness center focused on Mind/Body Coaching. Chad is an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC) and he has been working in the wellness space for over 19 years, with experience as a yoga teacher, acupuncturist, and herbalist. He received his BA from Columbia University and his MS in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. This article has been viewed 11,460 times.
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      Co-authors: 13
      Updated: January 31, 2023
      Views: 11,460
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