How to Feed Cats

When choosing your cat's food, it's important to take into account the cat's age, physical condition, activity level, and health history. Remember that you can avoid many feline health issues, including urinary tract disease and obesity, by following proper guidelines when feeding your cat. So it's important to learn the pros and cons of different cat food varieties and how to establish a feeding routine. Be sure to buy AAFCO certified foods and to discuss feeding options with your vet if you have questions or doubts.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Choosing a Cat Food

  1. English: Step 1 Know a cat's basic nutritional needs.
    An average sized adult cat needs around 250 calories a day with a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Your cat's particular calorie needs will depend on its size, weight, and activity level.[2]
    • Cats are “obligate carnivores.” They need to consume animal fats and proteins to get adequate nutrition. Make sure that your cat food meets your cat's nutritional needs.
    • Don't neglect hydration. Water is extremely important to a cat's diet, and cats that eat a dry-food diet need to drink more because they aren't getting extra moisture from their food. Clean your cat's water bowl and change the water regularly. A water fountain or dripping water source can also help increase your cat's water intake by keeping the cat entertained.
  2. English: Step 2 Decide whether to use canned or dry food.
    Both canned and dry cat food have benefits for your cat. In many cases, cats are fine eating dry cat food, supplemented with plenty of clean water. If you are concerned about your cat's needs, consult with your vet to help you decide what food is best for your cat.[3]
    • If your cat has urinary tract problems, diabetes, or kidney disease, the extra moisture in canned cat food can be helpful to help it stay hydrated. Canned cat food can be up to 78% water.[4]
    • Dry food is usually a better value because you are paying for less moisture.[5]
    • The protein and carbohydrate content of both dry and wet foods varies according to the recipe. Dry food tends to be more "calorie dense," having more calories per portion because it does not have the high moisture content of wet food.[6]
  3. English: Step 3 Consider feeding your cat a combination of canned and dry food.
    Using a combination of wet and dry food can help your cat stay hydrated better than dry food alone. Cats, who can be picky eaters, may also enjoy the variation in their diets.[7]
    • If you decide to feed your cat a combination of foods, be particularly careful not to overfeed. Make sure that the food you offer your cat at mealtimes provides adequate calories and nutrition.
  4. English: Step 4 Purchase high quality food.
    Just like human foods, quality cat food will have a healthy balance of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Choose a cat food that uses animal protein and fat. Cats need animal sources in order to get essential nutrients such as taurine and arachidonic acid, which they can't get from plant-based food.[8]
    • Look for a statement from AAFCO (American Association of Feed Control Officials) on your cat food. This organization helps ensure that the food will meet your cat's nutritional needs.[9]
    • Avoid foods that contain artificial colors and flavors or harmful chemicals.
  5. English: Step 5 Know how to interpret food labeling.
    Trying to understand what's actually in that cat food you're buying can be complicated. It's important to look for a few things when purchasing any cat food:[10]
    • If the product name uses a word like “tuna” or “chicken” before the words “cat food” that product must contain at least 95% of that ingredient. For example, “Chicken Cat Food” must be at least 95% chicken.
    • The word “with” in a product name means that the product can contain as little as 3% of that ingredient. “Cat Food with Chicken” may only contain 3% chicken, whereas “Chicken Cat Food” is at least 95% chicken.
    • Cat foods that contain words like “dinner” or “entrée” contain less than 95% meat but more than 25% meat. Often, these products use grains or other protein sources, such as byproducts, to add body to the food.
    • There's also a difference between “meat,” “meat by-products,” and “meal.” [11] “Meat” refers to the “flesh” (muscle and fat) of an animal and is generally considered the highest-quality protein source. “Meat by-products” are clean, non-flesh parts, such as organs, bones, brain, and blood. These are not necessarily bad for your cat (remember, many humans eat organ meat too!), but they may be lower-quality protein than meat. “Meal” is finely-ground tissue or bone and is often considered the lowest-quality protein source.
  6. English: Step 6 Consider feeding your cat homemade food.
    A growing number of cat owners make their cat food at home. Homemade food can offer cats fresher, wholesome ingredients that don't include the additives and preservatives found in most commercial cat food. But making homemade cat food is usually the most time-consuming and expensive option, and it requires careful preparation to avoid bacterial contamination.[12]
    • If you decide to feed your cat homemade food, be careful to find recipes from reputable sources. Verify that the recipes provide nutritional information including caloric content and a proper calcium-to-phosphorous ratio.[13]
    • Consider investing in a meat-grinder and/or food processor to make the work of preparing the cat's food easier.
    • Remember that cats need to eat meat-based meals, but they also need more than meat to maintain a healthy diet. Carbohydrates, such as rice or corn, are fine in small amounts. Make sure your ingredients also provide fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Considering Your Cat's Special Dietary Needs

  1. English: Step 1 Determine whether your cat is obese.
    1 in 5 pet cats are obese.[14] Being overweight can lead to health problems such as diabetes, joint disease, and circulatory problems in your cat. You can tell whether your cat needs to lose weight by touching its belly. If you can't feel ribs near the top and sides of the belly, your cat may be overweight.[15]
  2. English: Step 2 “Body score” your cat.
    Your cat's individual calorie requirements may vary from those printed on the cat food packaging. The best way to determine whether your cat is gaining or losing weight is by using a “body score” test. This test assesses your cat's body shape and determines how much fat is covering its bones.[17]
    • Most body score schemes use a rating scale from 0-5 or 0-10. 0 represents emaciation (an underweight, starving cat) and 5 or 10 represents obesity. The ideal pet weight is in the middle of the scoring range: 3 for 0-5 scales and 5 for 0-10 scales.
    • You should be able to feel the ribs when you run your fingers over the cat's belly and chest, but your fingers shouldn't get stuck between the ribs. If your cat's ribs are too prominent, it's a sign that your cat is underweight. If you can't feel your cat's ribs, or spongy fat covers them, it's a sign that your cat is overweight.
    • When looking at your cat from the side and from above, you should be able to see your cat's waist. If your cat looks more oval and lacks a defined waist, your cat is overweight. If your cat's waist looks “cinched in” (like a greyhound), your cat is underweight.
    • Your cat's belly should not dangle down; this is a sign that your cat has too much abdominal fat.
  3. English: Step 3 Modify feeding according to your cat's needs.
    If your cat is overweight (or underweight), modify the amount you feed it by 10%. Then, body score your cat again in two weeks. Make adjustments based on your cat's change in shape.[18]
    • Do not make extreme adjustments to your cat's diet. Cats have unusual metabolisms and extreme calorie deficiency can lead to liver failure.
  4. English: Step 4 Feed your cat a prescription weight management diet.
    Prescription diets are widely available from vets and can help provide your cat with proper nutrition while encouraging weight loss. There are several types of prescription diets, so consult with your vet to determine what is best for your cat.[19]
    • High-fiber, low calorie diets contain extra fiber to help your cat feel full. Your cat will gradually lose weight over several months. Examples include Purina OM (Obesity Management) and Hills RD.
    • High protein diets are high protein, low carbohydrate to suit cat's natural digestion. Feeding your cat high levels of animal protein may encourage weight loss. Hills MD is an example.
    • Metabolic diets are designed to stimulate your cat's metabolism. The only food of this type available for cats is Hills Metabolic Diet (Feline).
  5. English: Step 5 Consider “Life Stage” diets.
    Your cat's dietary needs vary depending on its life stage, and it's important to feed your cat what it needs at each stage. In general, there are three life stages to consider when choosing your cat's diet: kitten, adult, and senior.[20][21][22]
    • Kitten refers to a cat from the time it is weaned to 12 months. Kittens need more protein and calories because they're still growing. Kitten foods also have a different mineral balance to support your growing cat's nutritional needs.[23]
    • Adult refers to a cat from 1-7 years old. Adult foods have a good balance of nutrients to help maintain a moderate weight.
    • Senior refers to a cat 8 or older. Senior cats often have health issues or may lack mobility. They need nutrients such as glucosamine and fatty acids.[24] These foods usually contain less protein, which can cause kidney strain in older cats.[25]
    • There are also “lifestyle” diets, such as for neutered or indoor cats. These foods are usually lower-calorie than regular cat foods, but that's the only principal difference.
  6. English: Step 6 Consult with your vet about prescription diets for medical conditions.
    If your cat has a medical condition, such as diabetes, urinary disease, joint disease, or kidney disease, consult with your vet about what is best to feed your cat. Several prescription diets exist for these various conditions, although experts don't always agree about their effectiveness.[26]
    • Diabetic cat foods usually eliminate humectants and some types of carbohydrate to help control and regulate your cat's blood sugar. Diabetic cats may also require insulin treatment. Consult with your vet about your cat's needs.[27]
    • Cats with sensitive stomachs or inflammatory bowel disease may benefit from limited-ingredient or prescription diets, such as Hills i/d, Purina EN, or Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Gastrointestinal.[28]
    • Cats with urinary issues often benefit from a diet that controls minerals that otherwise build up in the cat's body. Purina UR, Hills CD, Hills XD, and Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Urinary SO are examples of this type of diet.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Establishing a Feeding Routine

  1. English: Step 1 Establish consistent feeding times.
    When you've decided what kind of food you're going to feed your cat, establish regular and consistent feeding times. A regular feeding routine will help keep your cat happy and comfortable.[29]
    • Disrupting your cat's feeding schedule can cause increased stress and contribute to digestive issues and other health problems.
  2. English: Step 2 Establish portion control.
    Feed your cat uniform measured amounts at each feeding. Doing so helps you monitor your cat's appetite and quickly recognize any changes.[30]
    • There isn't a universal standard for how much to feed your cat because of variations in size, age, activity level, and weight. But as a reference point, an average 8-pound cat needs about 250 calories a day to maintain proper nutrition. 250 calories is equivalent to about 4/5 of a cup of dry food or slightly less than a 6-ounce can of wet food.
    • Use the feeding guide on the food packaging or manufacturer's website as a starting point. Then adjust the amounts based on your cat's weight and response.[31]
  3. English: Step 3 Free-feed some cats.
    Though a regular feeding schedule is best for most cats, a free-feeding schedule may work for some. Free-feeding allows a cat to eat its meals when it's hungry and allows it to graze, which is a natural behavior. It can also be helpful if your schedule doesn't allow for multiple feedings per day. Nursing cats are usually free-fed because their nutritional needs are significantly greater than cats who are not nursing kittens.[32][33]
    • Potential downsides to free-feeding are that you won't be able to monitor changes in appetite as closely and that certain cats will overeat when given free access to food. Always keep a close watch on your cat's weight and adjust as needed.[34]
  4. English: Step 4 Assign a separate food and water bowl for each cat.
    Cats can get territorial, particularly if there's confusion about which bowl is theirs.
    • Small stainless-steel bowls are sturdy and easy to clean, making them a good choice.
    • Make sure to wash your cat's bowl after each feeding and to have fresh, clean water available at all times.
  5. English: Step 5 Take your cat's age into account.
    As cats grow and age, they'll have evolving nutritional needs. In addition to using a life-stage diet, you may need to feed your cat differently depending on its age.
    • Kittens should receive all of their nutrition from their mother's milk for the first four to six weeks of their life. When they're ready to wean, use a food specifically for kittens. Feed them 5-6 times a day--kittens need more frequent and smaller portions during the day.[35]
    • Adult cats can be fed twice a day. Use measured portions and adjust the amounts as the cat ages and becomes less active.[36]
    • Older cats may only need to eat once a day. Always follow your veterinarian's advice on your cat's specific nutritional needs.[37]
  6. English: Step 6 Avoid giving your cat too many treats.
    It's fine to feed your cat commercial treats or canned salmon or tuna, but only in moderation. Treats should make up no more than 5% of your cat's overall intake.[38]
    • Giving your cat too many treats contributes to obesity and can lead to digestive issues.
    • Excessive treats can also mean that your cat chooses to eat less of its regular food, which can cause nutritional imbalance.
    • Giving your cat tuna is fine as an occasional treat, but it doesn't contain all the nutrients your cat needs, so make sure it doesn't become a food replacer.[39]
  7. English: Step 7 Avoid dangerous foods.
    There a several foods that can be detrimental to a cat's health. Some foods to avoid include:[40]
    • Milk and dairy: Cats are lactose-intolerant, and milk (other than mother's milk) can lead to diarrhea and digestive issues. Tremorgenic mycotoxins can form on expired dairy products and are extremely dangerous to a cat.[41]
    • Grapes and raisins: Although the reason isn't fully understood, grapes and raisins are bad for both cats and dogs. They can cause kidney failure in your cat or cause vomiting.[42]
    • Raw bread dough: Doughs with live yeast can be dangerous for cats and can cause stomach problems.
    • Chocolate: Though cats usually aren't interested in eating chocolate, it should still be kept out of reach.
    • Onion/garlic/shallot/scallions: These and related onion-like vegetables can cause anemia and other serious red blood cell issues.[43]

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What kinds of food do cats love to eat? English: Pippa Elliott, MRCVSDr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. English: Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Expert Answer
    Each cat is different and has different preferences, just like us. There are general rules, when finding a favorite food for training or to give as a treat. Chief of these is that cats like smelly foods, which one reason fish features so high on their menu. Others like their food if it is slightly warm, around blood heat, but will refuse the same food if offered straight from the fridge. Play around, and offer small morsels of different types of food, and you will find one your cat absolutely adores.
  • Question
    Name some good brands of cat food please. English: Pippa Elliott, MRCVSDr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. English: Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Expert Answer
    There are many premium brand foods, examples of these are to be found in your local vet surgery. However, reading the label and knowing what it means are your best friend when it comes to finding a good food. Look for named meats at the head of the ingredients list, and foods that read like a menu rather than a catalogue from a chemistry lab.
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      • Always be aware that environmental factors such as the number of animals, the temperature, and the climate can all affect your cat's eating habits. If your cat's appetite changes it is not always a sign of a bigger problem. Monitor your cat's appetite, activity level, weight, the sheen of it's coat, and brightness of the eyes to help determine whether or not there is a bigger problem. But if your cat doesn't eat for more than 24 hours, schedule a vet visit immediately.[44]
      • The FDA does not regulate the use of words like “premium” on pet food. “Premium” cat food may not contain any better ingredients or nutrition than the cheaper food. Always check the nutrition facts on the label to know what you're feeding your cat.


      • Do not give milk to your cat as a substitute for water. It is not essential for a cat's diet, and some cats are unable to digest the lactose in cow's milk.
      • Don't feed your cat any food that is not designed exclusively for cats. Cats' metabolisms are very different from humans or even dogs, and they should eat only cat food to prevent severe nutrition and medical problems.[45]
      7. Joey Lusvardi. Cat Training & Behavior Expert. Expert Interview. 14 March 2023.
      9. Joey Lusvardi. Cat Training & Behavior Expert. Expert Interview. 14 March 2023.
      10. Joey Lusvardi. Cat Training & Behavior Expert. Expert Interview. 14 March 2023.
      13. Effect of diet restriction on lifespan and age-related changes in dogs. Kealy et al. JAVMA 220 (9)m, 1315-1320
      20. Joey Lusvardi. Cat Training & Behavior Expert. Expert Interview. 14 March 2023.
      28. Joey Lusvardi. Cat Training & Behavior Expert. Expert Interview. 14 March 2023.
      35. Joey Lusvardi. Cat Training & Behavior Expert. Expert Interview. 14 March 2023.

      About this article English: Joey Lusvardi
      Co-authored by:
      Cat Training & Behavior Expert
      This article was co-authored by Joey Lusvardi. Joey is a Cat Training & Behavior Expert and Owner of Class Act Cats based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. With five years of experience, Joey specializes in feline behavioral issues and customized treatment plans with the goal of integrating cats into their homes and families. Joey is a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant through the IAABC and a member of the Pet Professional Guild. This article has been viewed 38,177 times.
      5 votes - 80%
      Co-authors: 37
      Updated: December 10, 2023
      Views: 38,177
      Article SummaryX

      After your kitten has been weaned, feed it 5-6 times, and be sure to buy food made just for kittens! Once your cat is an adult, you only need to feed it twice a day, and as it ages and becomes less and less active, it might only need 1 meal a day. You should try to feed your cat at the same time every day, and try to dish out the same amount of food for your cat each time. Use the guide on the food packaging to figure out how much to give your cat, since that depends on your cat’s age, size, weight, and activity level. To learn more from our Veterinarian co-author, like how to modify your cat's diet if it's overweight, keep reading the article!

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        Shreya Bodana

        Sep 22, 2018

        "It's my first time to take care of a kitten, and I was worried about her behavior. I came to your website and..." more

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