How to Ensure a Happy Life for Your Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs make excellent first-time pets and are wonderful additions to anyone's home. While it's easy to mistake guinea pigs as care-free and low-maintenance, it's important to acknowledge that such small animals still require a great amount of attentiveness and affection. This article will provide you the steps in ensuring that your guinea pig lives a long, happy, and fulfilling life.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Bonding with Your Guinea Pig

  1. English: Step 1 Communicate to your guinea pig regularly.
    Shy and timid guinea pigs develop a better bond towards their owners when spoken to on a regular basis, as it creates a routine of trust.
    • Because guinea pigs have an acute sense of hearing, they are sensitive to loud noise. Speak in a low and soft tone to acclimatise to your guinea pig. Avoid raising your voice or speaking sternly.
  2. English: Step 2 Spend time with your guinea pig.
    Guinea pigs are, by nature, quite timid. As a result, it may be difficult to gain their trust immediately. To create a bond, begin by acclimating your guinea pig to your presence.
    • As your guinea pig becomes aware of your presence, reach your hand towards them. If they are feeling adventurous, they will come up and sniff your hand. If your guinea pig is comfortable, try gently patting them on their head.

    Warning: Always wash your hands before and after handling your guinea pig. If your guinea pig nibbles or accidentally bites your finger, it could be because they smell food.

  3. English: Step 3 Hand-feed your guinea pig.
    The goal of hand-feeding is to develop a sense of trust and have your guinea pig associate you with food. Guinea pigs like a variety of food, such as cut up fruits and vegetables, pellets, or commercial treats. At first, you may have to place the treat directly in front of your guinea pig and remain still before they are comfortable. Over-time, your guinea pig should begin to approach you as you gain their trust.

    Tip: Hand-feed your guinea pig at a time where they are most hungry, such as their feeding time.

  4. English: Step 4 Handle your guinea pig appropriately.
    Guinea pigs are prey animals, so not all guinea pigs like to be picked up or handled. Only handle your guinea pig if necessary. To hold your guinea pig, reach out your hands at their eye level. Try not to suddenly grab them from above. Scoop your guinea pigs underside with one hand, and support their rump with the other. Hold your guinea pig close to your chest.
    • Only attempt to handle your guinea pig once they have become more comfortable around you. If your guinea pig isn't confident enough, you may scare them even more by grabbing them.
  5. English: Step 5 Introduce Your Guinea Pig to Floor Time
    . Allow your guinea pig floor time at least once a week to promote mental stimulation and exercise. Let your guinea pig loose in a safe and enclosed area by setting up a playpen inside an isolated room.[1]
    • Set up the area by placing down some plastic igloos, food, toys, tunnels, and ramps. The more obstacles and toys your guinea pig can play with, the better to promote exercise and play.
    • You can also let your guinea pig roam freely around an enclosed room, providing the room has been pet-proofed and is safe. Pack away any wires or electrical cords, block off the bottom of furniture, and remove any houseplants that your guinea pig can reach.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Providing an Enriched Environment

  1. English: Step 1 Purchase a suitable cage for your guinea pig.
    7.5 square feet is the minimum spacing requirement for 1-2 guinea pigs; however, 10.5 square feet is desirable for comfort.[2] The more space you provide to your guinea pigs, the happier they will be.
    • A C & C cage is perfect for indoor guinea pigs as they are cheap and expandable, making them practical for first-time owners. You can order a C & C cage online, or build your own using coroplast, cube grids, and connectors.
    • Do not fall into the trap of buying inappropriately sized pet store cages. Most 'starter' cages sold by pet stores are too small to house guinea pigs.[3]
  2. English: Step 2 Choose a cage that is one-story.
    Multi-level cages do not compensate for lack of floor space. Vertical cages are not ideal, as guinea pigs are not good climbers and require horizontal space to move around.[4]
    • Ramps and platforms at low heights provide variety, but guinea pigs need room to exercise, even with daily playtime outside of the cage.[5]
  3. English: Step 3 Do not buy a glass tank or aquarium.
    While these enclosures are suitable for hamsters or mice, they do not provide adequate space or ventilation for guinea pigs. Guinea pigs produce high amounts of ammonia which become trapped in the atmosphere due to the poor airflow in glass tanks or aquariums.[6]
    • These types of enclosures can easily lead to an upper respiratory infection due to the lack of ventilation. You will need a cage with airflow through all four sides and the top.[7]
  4. English: Step 4 Find an ideal location for the cage.
    Like hamsters and mice, guinea pigs are best living indoors to better regulate their environment. While housing your guinea pig outside may seem more practical, the temperature and climate cannot be controlled outdoors. The following factors should be considered when choosing a location for your cage:
    • Temperature. Guinea pigs are sensitive to temperature fluctuations and can become uncomfortable in cold or hot conditions. If you live in an area that experiences an unpredictable climate, it's best to keep your guinea pigs inside. Guinea pigs prefer a temperature of 65 °F (18 °C) and 75 °F (24 °C). For this reason, place your guinea pig's cage in a draft-free room that is kept out of direct sunlight.[8]
    • Activity level. Guinea pigs benefit when they are housed near their owners. Choose a room where the family frequents, such as a living room or bedroom. Placing your guinea pigs in a high-traffic area will help them become used to your voice and presence.[9]
    • Noise. Guinea pigs are sensitive to noise. They like to listen to their humans speak, but they do not like loud and sudden noises that may scare them. Their cage should not be placed next to a stereo, television, radio, or other loud objects.[10]
  5. English: Step 5 Line the base of the cage with bedding.
    Your guinea pigs should have at least 2 inches of absorbent and soft bedding lined at the base of their cage. Place some sheets of newspaper or puppy pads at the bottom of the cage for extra absorbency, and continue to fill the cage with one of the following:
    • Wood shavings. You can purchase aspen or kiln-dried pine shavings. Do not purchase cedar shavings, as this type of wood contains aromatic oils that can cause respiratory illnesses in guinea pigs and most small animals. Pine should also be avoided unless kiln-dried or dust-extracted.[11]
    • Paper bedding. Paper or newspaper can be shredded and used as bedding in your guinea pig's cage. Otherwise, careFresh and Critter Care are a few brands that specialise in paper bedding. While shredded paper eliminates the risk of dust and dangerous aromatic oils, they aren't as absorbent as most types of bedding and can retain odour[12]
    • Fleece. Fleece is a popular option for C & C cages; however, they are high-maintenance and require daily spot cleaning to keep the enclosure clean. Depending on the material you use, the absorbency of fleece is generally poor and can cause urine scald or bumblefoot if not cleaned up and replaced promptly.[13]
  6. English: Step 6 Attach a water bottle to the side of the cage.
    A water bottle is most commonly used as they prevent spilling and dirt from getting inside the water. Research reviews on different water bottles to find a high-quality brand that does not leak.[14]
    • Alternatively, you can use a water bowl instead. However, they easily attract mess and dirt, with hay, bedding and food getting in the bowl.
    • Keep your water bottle out of direct sunlight, and clean and replenish it each day to prevent algae growth.
  7. English: Step 7 Purchase a heavy-weighted food bowl.
    Your guinea pig will need two food bowls to hold their pellets and vegetables separately. Choose a heavy-weighted bowl and avoid cheap plastic bowls to prevent your guinea pig from tipping them over. Keep in mind that these bowls will need to be able to hold at least 1 cup of vegetables and 1/8 cup of pellets.[15]
    • If you have more than one guinea pig, you may need to adjust the size of the bowls you purchase. Otherwise, you can purchase more than one bowl for each guinea pig you have.
  8. English: Step 8 Provide hiding places for your guinea pig.
    Guinea pigs are prey animals that have the natural urge to hide when they feel threatened or scared. To lessen stress levels and help your guinea pig feel more secure, add one hiding spot per guinea pig inside their home.
    • Plastic igloos, wooden huts, or curtain corners are a few suitable options to choose from.
  9. English: Step 9 Offer toys to your guinea pig.
    Safe and pet-friendly toys are important to promote healthy enrichment and mental stimulation. Without toys, your guinea pig may become bored inside their cage. A few safe options include; hay stuffers, treat balls, chews, lounging logs, and tunnels.
    • Do not purchase exercise wheels or balls. While these toys may be marketed towards guinea pigs, they are not safe for them and can cause spinal damage.[16]
    • Remember, safety should be your top concern for your guinea pig. There are many commercial toys that aren't safe for use. Research and experiment. Generally, the simpler the toy, the safer for use.
  10. English: Step 10 Refrain from purchasing a hay rack.
    Hay racks are now a thing of the past, as wire hay racks have been proven to be dangerous to guinea pigs with the risk of them getting their head stuck between the wires. Additionally, hay racks do not promote healthy eating as they restrict your guinea pig's ​hay.
    • Placing a large pile in the middle of your guinea pig's cage is a much safer and healthier alternative. Guinea pigs like to play and lie down in their hay when they chew.
    • Alternatively, you can store your hay in a large, shallow litter box which can be attached to the corner of their cage.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Your Guinea Pig Healthy

  1. English: Step 1 Adopt more than one guinea pig.
    Guinea pigs are social animals that thrive in groups of two or more. Even with plenty of socialisation and play-time; humans cannot take the place of a companion of the same species. Guinea pigs cannot play or communicate with us in the same way they would with another guinea pig. Without same-species companionship, your guinea pig may soon suffer from depression-like symptoms due to social isolation and loneliness. Unfortunately, these symptoms are not always obvious to us humans. By providing your guinea pig with a friend, you will soon notice your guinea pig's behavioural change.[17]
    • Adopt a guinea pig of the same-sex. Guinea pigs are fertile as early as three weeks of age and a males fertility will often last through to old age. Do not adopt a guinea pig of the opposite sex unless they are neutered.
  2. English: Step 2 Feed your guinea pig a high-quality diet.
    Guinea pigs are fibrevores that require an abundance of hay and vegetables to thrive. The components of their diet consist of 80% hay, 15% vegetables, and 5% pellets. Begin by ensuring your guinea pig has 24 hour access to fresh and unlimited timothy hay.[18]
    • Provide 1/4 cup of pellets[19] and 1 cup of vegetables per guinea pig each day, such as bell peppers, cabbage, kale, broccoli, cucumber, and tomatoes.[20]

    Tip: Look for guinea pig pellets that are timothy-hay based for guinea pigs older than 6 months and fortified with vitamin C.

  3. English: Step 3 Take your guinea pig for annual vet visits.
    A standard checkup should be a general requirement at least once a year. Your veterinarian will perform a professional examination to determine your guinea pig's health status and physical state. Because guinea pigs are a little rare than dogs and cats, look for an exotic veterinarian that specialises with rodents.[21]
    • On average, a standard checkup typically costs around $50 US dollars. Costs can vary depending on where you live and the veterinary clinic you visit.
  4. English: Step 4 Examine your guinea pig weekly.
    Like most small animals, guinea pigs generally do not show signs of illness until they are extremely unwell. This is due to their natural instinct to hide weakness so that they are not isolated by their herd. For this reason, it's important to detect symptoms early to prevent fatality. Weigh your guinea pigs weekly to detect signs of rapid weigh loss, which is generally the most obvious sign of abnormalities in health.[22]
    • While weighing your guinea pig, check their eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, fur, ears, and underside for any abnormalities.
    • General signs of illness include drooling, lethargy, appetite loss, rough or puffed-up coat, laboured breathing, crusty or cloudy eyes, frequent sneezing or coughing, loose stools, hair loss, and excessive scratching.[23]
  5. English: Step 5 Spot-clean your guinea pig's cage.
    Guinea pigs are relatively clean animals, but they excrete and urinate frequently throughout the day. It's important to remove piles of soiled bedding at least once a day to prevent bumblefoot or urine scald.
    • Spot-cleaning has special benefits that can help your bedding last longer and reduce odour and ammonia in their environment.
  6. English: Step 6 Clean your guinea pig's cage once a week.
    The average cage will need cleaning at least once a week. Of course, the amount of times you clean your cage in a month will depend on the type of bedding you use, the size of your cage, and how many guinea pigs you own. It's essential to maintain a clean cage to prevent health issues and keep your guinea pigs clean and happy.[24]
    • Begin by emptying out the contents and putting them aside, such as their bowls, huts, bridges, tunnels, and toys.
    • Empty loose bedding (e.g wood shavings or paper bedding) into a plastic bag. If you are using fleece, shake the fleece off into a plastic bag and wash your fleece in a washing machine. Be sure to get rid of all the hair and droppings before you wash your fleece.
    • Clean the base of the cage and the bars with a mild detergent or white vinegar solution. Scrub the cage to eliminate dirt, and rinse the cage outside with a hose.
    • Dry the cage with some towels or paper towels. Ensure the cage is completely dry before you add more bedding to prevent fungi or bacterial growth.
    • Wash your guinea pig's water bottle and food bowl. Use a mild anti-bacterial detergent and give them a thorough rinse.
    • Line the cage with fresh clean bedding, and place all the contents back inside.
  7. English: Step 7 Groom your guinea pigs at least once a month.
    While short-haired breeds are less maintenance, long-haired guinea pigs will need frequent grooming to maintain their coat.
    • Brush your guinea pig's coat every day if your guinea pig is prone to matting or knots. Peruvian and Sheltie breeds will need their coat brushed on a daily basis. Short-haired breeds, such as American and Abyssinian, do not require their hair to be brushed, however, you can brush their hair once a week to prevent shedding.
    • Clip your guinea pig's nails on a monthly basis.
    • Only bathe your guinea pig once a year unless specifically advised by a veterinarian. Guinea pigs are capable of keeping themselves clean. If your guinea pig is frequently dirty or smells, it is likely due to your choice of bedding or how often you clean their cage.

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      • When purchasing your cube grids for your C & C cage, make sure the openings measure between 1 1⁄2–2 1⁄2 in (3.8–6.4 cm).
      • If your guinea pig is struggling to drink out of their water bottle, switch to a water bowl instead.
      • When choosing your guinea pig's food bowl, choose one that is shallow to enable easy access for your guinea pig.
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      • Do not use cedar shavings, newspaper, corn cob bedding, or straw to line your guinea pig's cage. All of these materials are dangerous.[25]
      • Do not purchase exercise wheels or balls. Guinea pigs do not have flexible spines, and placing them in one of these can cause unintentional stress and spinal damage.[26]
      • Do not feed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce as high amounts can lead to bloat and upset their digestive system. Other lettuces such as romaine or butterhead can be fed to guinea pigs in limited amounts (1-2 times a week).


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      Updated: July 18, 2021
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