How to Do the Tabletop Twist Pose

In yoga, any pose that includes spinal rotation is called a "twist." Twists may help to lengthen your spine and ease back pain. Twists may also help with digestion. The tabletop twist pose is a variation of the basic tabletop pose in yoga. To do the tabletop twist pose, also known as the tabletop variation of the "eye of the needle" pose, start with tabletop pose.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Starting with Tabletop Pose

  1. English: Step 1 Come to all fours on your mat.
    To do the tabletop pose, it is helpful to have a yoga mat or something to cushion your joints. Because you'll be on your hands and knees, you may want a rolled towel or blanket to put behind your knees for support.[2]
    • Get into position with your wrists directly below your shoulders and your knees directly below your hips.
    • Look down at the area of the floor about 6 inches (15 cm) above your hands. This will help to get your spine into a neutral position. Make sure that you roll your shoulders back and away from your ears rather than crunching them forward.
  2. English: Step 2 Check your alignment carefully.
    Proper positioning of your body in tabletop is important to avoid discomfort or pain, especially after you add the spinal twist. Pay attention to the alignment of your hips and shoulders.[3]
    • In tabletop position, your back is flat and neutral – like the top of a table. Your hips should be square, facing parallel to the floor, and your shoulder blades should be tucked down your back alongside your spine.
    • If you're accustomed to a deep arch in your lower back, it may feel as though you're arching outward, despite the fact that your back actually is flat.
    • Practice with a partner or in front of a mirror to check your alignment. Then get used to how that feels so you won't need a visual check to correct your posture.
  3. English: Step 3 Move on to a balancing tabletop pose.
    The balancing tabletop pose will challenge your back and core strength while preparing you for the tabletop twist. You can use a folded blanket under your knees if you need to reduce pressure on the joints.[4]
    • From tabletop, lift your right leg up on an inhale so that it is extended straight out behind you and your toes are pointed. Exhale and maintain your bodyweight evenly on both hips.
    • On your next inhale, raise your left arm so it is parallel to the floor in front of you, fingers reaching forward. Use your core to help stabilize your weight so that you are not wobbling or leaning to either side. Try to keep your back as flat and stable as a tabletop.
    • Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths, then release on an exhale and repeat on the other side.
  4. English: Step 4 Try reverse tabletop pose.
    Reverse tabletop pose is an intense chest opener that may require a little practice for you to be able to do. Go slow and avoid making any movements that cause pain or discomfort.
    • Begin by sitting cross-legged on the floor. Lift and roll back your shoulders to open your chest. Place your hands palms down on the floor behind you with your fingers pointed towards your body. Take a few breaths in this position and then return to a seated position.
    • Place your feet flat on the floor in front of you about hip-width apart, knees bent. Place your hands behind your body, fingers facing toward you. As you inhale, press your shoulder blades down and together to open your chest.
    • As you exhale, press down with your feet. Lift your pelvis using your quads so that your torso and the tops of your thighs form a flat, tabletop-like surface in the air. Your knees should be at right angles so that your thighs and torso are roughly parallel with the floor. Engage your core and tuck in your pelvis so your spine is in a neutral position.
    • You can hold the pose for several breaths, or lower your pelvis on the next inhale and then repeat.
    • If you find reverse tabletop difficult, try starting with the low lunge and high lunge poses to help prepare your muscles for reverse tabletop.[5]
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Adding a Twist

  1. English: Step 1 Start in tabletop.
    As the name suggests, to do the tabletop twist pose you need to start out in tabletop pose. Pay particular attention to your alignment, because if your alignment is off you may increase your risk of injury.[6]
    • Make sure your hips are square and parallel with the floor. Your knees should be directly under your hips and your wrists should be directly under your shoulders.
    • Check your shoulders, also, to make sure they aren't crunched. Your shoulders should be rolled back and down with your shoulder blades tucked in alongside your spine.
  2. English: Step 2 Reach your left arm underneath your right.
    Reach up toward the sky with your left arm extended. On an exhale, take your left arm and bring it under your body and then extend it straight out to your right. Keep your hips stacked above your knees. Twist only from your torso. Check to make sure that your hips remain square and parallel to the floor.[7]
  3. English: Step 3 Rest your shoulder on the mat.
    If you are able to come to the full completed pose, your left arm will be flat on the floor parallel to your knees, and your left shoulder will be resting on the floor. Maintain your weight distribution and take care not to lean on this shoulder or crunch your neck.[8]
    • You can stay in this position for 3 or 4 breaths, breathing deeply into the twist. Lean back gently to open the inside of your resting shoulder blade and feel a good stretch.
  4. English: Step 4 Repeat the twist to the other side.
    Once you inhale back to center, take a few minutes to reconnect with your breath and alignment at center. On an exhale, do the same twisting motion on the other side.[9]
    • Remain in the twist for 3 or 4 breaths, breathing deeply. You also might think about how the twist feels differently on this side than it did on the other side, and whether it's easier or harder.
  5. English: Step 5 Include a twist with balancing tabletop.
    You can further challenge your entire core as well as opening up your spine while twisting in a balancing tabletop. Start by extending 1 leg out behind you. Instead of reaching your arm straight out in front of you, twist from the waist and reach under.[10]
    • The arm you are reaching should be parallel to the floor. Focus on twisting your spine to keep the arm up.
    • Avoid moving your hips when twisting. You want to twist from the waist with your hips remaining flat and parallel to the floor.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Creating a Tabletop Twist Routine

  1. English: Step 1 Start with a seated twist.
    A seated twist is a relaxing way to gently ease your spine into the twisting movement and warm up your abdomen for more challenging twists. You may want to use a block or folded blanket for support on this pose.[11]
    • Sit on your mat with your legs extended in front of you. Lean onto your right side and bend your knees so your feet are on the floor outside your left hip. You also can reach your right foot over your left thigh so that it rests on your left hip. Use a block or blanket under your right hip if you need additional support.
    • On an inhale, lift through your chest and twist your shoulders towards your right side. Tuck your left hand underneath your right thigh, hand flat on the floor. Twist from the waist – your hips should remain facing squarely forward. Bring your right hand to rest on the floor behind you.
    • Breathe into the twist, coming back to center on an exhale. Repeat the twist with the other side. You can do 2 or 3 of these on each side if you want, with a breath between movements.
  2. English: Step 2 Move into tabletop position.
    Since the tabletop twist is a variation of the tabletop position, open your routine by getting into this position. Make sure your knees are hip's width apart, and your wrists are directly beneath your shoulders.[12]
    • Since tabletop is a great pose to use as a transition between other poses, you may find yourself moving through tabletop several times during your routine, depending on the poses you choose to include.
  3. English: Step 3 Loosen up your spine with cat/cow.
    The cat/cow stretch is one of the most basic yoga stretches to help activate your core and connect your movement to your breath. It also loosens up your back to prepare you for twists.[13]
    • While you can start this stretch in tabletop position, you might want to tuck your toes under if this causes too much pressure on the tops of your ankles. You can also use props to make the pose more comfortable for you.
    • As you inhale, lower your belly toward the floor, lifting your chest up. Focus on curving from the middle of your spine and engage your abdominals. Make sure your shoulders are rolled back so that your shoulder blades are tucked down your back, in line with your spine. This is the "cow" position.
    • As you exhale, curve your spine back up toward the ceiling, pulling your belly up as though you are reaching toward your spine with your naval. Curl your shoulders under and drop your gaze so that your chin is resting on your chest. This is the "cat" portion of the stretch.
    • As you inhale, lower your belly and raise your chest back up to return to "cow." Repeat this rotation for anywhere from 10 to 20 breath cycles.
  4. English: Step 4 Flow between downward facing dog and upward facing dog.
    Moving from downward facing dog to upward facing dog can help to get your whole body working in tandem and provide an elongating stretch for your spine.[14]
    • From tabletop position, roll back onto your toes and lift your hips towards the ceiling until your arms are extended in front of you. The inside of your elbows should be facing each other. Press your heels towards the floor (but don’t actually touch the floor with your heels) as you lift your hips towards the ceiling, pulling pressure away from your wrists. This is downward facing dog.
    • To move into upward facing dog, roll over your toes and lower your hips to the ground, pressing forward with your core so that your torso is upright and your arms are straight. Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders. Make sure to roll your shoulders back and downwards to open up your chest.
    • To flow between these two positions, transition between the 2 poses with a breath for each movement. Continue this flow for a minute or 2, maintaining focus on your breath.
  5. English: Step 5 Do your tabletop twist.
    After stretching your spine vertically with upward and downward facing dog, you may want to do a twist. From tabletop position, simply twist one arm across the floor to the other side of the mat.[15]
    • Keep your hips square and parallel with the floor, twisting only at the waist. Twist only so far as you can comfortably – if you feel any pain, ease back.
  6. English: Step 6 Add in a balancing tabletop.
    If you have a strong core and good balance, you can try a balancing table top, in which you extend one leg and the opposite arm out straight so they are parallel to the floor.[16]
    • You also can do a twist in balancing tabletop by extending your arm straight to the other side rather than straight ahead in front of you.
  7. English: Step 7 End in child's pose.
    Many yoga sessions end in child's pose, which may be a relaxing and rejuvenating pose. This pose allows you to reflect on your practice and focus your energy. Since this pose also helps restore healthy digestion, it flows well with the tabletop twist pose.[17]
    • If you are transitioning from tabletop, gently slide your feet together until your big toes are touching, keeping your knees apart.
    • Sit back on your heels on an exhale, allowing your upper body to flatten and extend forward. Breathe deeply. You may use a chair or another type of support for your upper body if desired.
    • You can leave your arms extended, or take your arms backward alongside your torso so that your palms are facing upward. Since this is a resting pose, you can stay in it several minutes if you're comfortable, maintaining focus on your breath.

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      • Consult your healthcare provider before you begin any new fitness routine. For the tabletop twist and other tabletop poses, this is especially important if you have had a wrist or knee injury.[18]

      About this article English: Caitlin Downey
      Co-authored by:
      Yoga Instructor
      This article was co-authored by Caitlin Downey and by staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Caitlin Downey is a Registered Yoga Teacher at Yoga Therapy in Burlington, Vermont. She has over 200 hours of experience as a certified Yoga Instructor since 2014, and has over 600 hours of training as a certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist. This article has been viewed 13,746 times.
      2 votes - 100%
      Co-authors: 4
      Updated: May 25, 2021
      Views: 13,746
      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 13,746 times.

      Reader Success Stories

      • English: Mari B.

        Mari B.

        Jul 21, 2019

        "Useful to understand how to get the reverse table position."

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