How to Do Well on the GRE

The GRE, Graduate Records Examination, is a standardized test that many graduate schools in the United States use for assessing applicants. Students usually take the test in the fall of their senior year of college, in preparation for starting graduate school the following year. It is a 3 hour and 45 minute test divided into math, verbal, and writing sections. Doing well on the GRE requires hard work and planning. Start studying 2-3 months in advance. Take practice tests regularly and review sections that need improvement. On the test day, use strategies like reading questions carefully, skipping difficult questions, and the process of elimination for the best possible result.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Studying Effectively

  1. English: Step 1 Decide on a target score by looking at the programs you’re applying to.
    Having a target score gives you a goal to strive for and helps you focus your studying. Look at the graduate programs you’re applying to and see if they list a required GRE score for admission. Plan for a target score a few points above the requirement to improve your chances of admission.[1]
    • Also, identify which section is more important for your application. For example, if you’re applying to science or engineering programs, the admissions office is probably more interested in your math score than your verbal scores. However, if you’re applying to a liberal arts program, your verbal and writing scores are more important. Focus your studying on the section that is more important for your program.
  2. English: Step 2 Begin studying 2-3 months before the exam.
    The GRE is not a test you can cram for. Many students who take it in the fall spend the whole summer studying. Plan ahead and start studying at least 2 months in advance. This gives you enough time to absorb the material without cramming the day before.[2]
  3. English: Step 3 Use a high-quality GRE prep book.
    Testing companies publish books with prep tips, exercises, and sample tests. These are great resources for GRE prep because they contain real questions from past tests. You're at a disadvantage if you don't use these sources.[3]
    • Some of the most well-known and reputable prep companies are Kaplan and Princeton Review.
    • These books can be expensive. Fortunately, most libraries carry them. See if your college library or a local public library carries prep books. Check out as many up-to-date ones as they have.
    • These same companies also have digital resources. Check their websites for other materials.
  4. English: Step 4 Set a study schedule so you do some work every day.
    The best way to make yourself study is by setting a regular schedule.[4] Plan on spending about an hour every weekday doing some reviewing. This way, you absorb the material over a long stretch of time.This is much more effective than cramming for 8 hours a day the week before the test. It also prevents you from procrastinating when you set a definite study schedule.[5]
    • Pick the time of day that you're most alert. If you're a morning person, do your studying in the morning when you're fresh. If you're more active in the evening, make that your study time.
    • If you want to take practice tests, block out more time. The test is 3 hours and 45 minutes, so allow sufficient time to take and grade a practice test.
    • Block out distractions when you study. Turn off the TV and put your phone down.
  5. English: Step 5 Make the most of your down time with flashcards or outside reading.
    Outside of your scheduled study time, many activities can help you prepare for the test. Maximize your study time by bringing books or flashcards with you to work or school. Then you can study on the bus or while you're having your lunch.[6]
    • Bring vocabulary or math flashcards on the bus with you to study on your commute, for example.
    • Also read advanced writing in your down time. This will introduce you to advanced vocabulary and sentences, making the verbal and writing sections easier. Look for high-brow publications like The Economist or Foreign Affairs, or read some books that were assigned in college.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Taking Practice Tests

  1. English: Step 1 Take a practice test to see what you need to focus on.
    Before you start studying, get a baseline of what you already know. Find a full GRE practice test and work through it to see how you do.[7] Don’t worry about timing yourself for this first practice test. Just work through the test and solve as many questions as you can.[8]
    • Full practice tests are available in numerous GRE prep books. Either buy one or find it in a local library.
    • Some of the same companies also offer full prep tests online. Check common review test sites like Kaplan or Princeton Review.
    • When you take a practice test, make sure it is the most up to date version of the GRE. The test has changed several times over the years, and using an old test won’t help you prepare.
  2. English: Step 2 Review the whole practice test, not just the questions you got wrong.
    When you finish this first practice test, go through each question. Use the answer key to grade yourself. Then review every answer. Test prep books usually provide an explanation for each question. You’ll be tempted to only look at the explanations for questions you got wrong, but read every explanation. You may have guessed a right answer or used the wrong method to get a solution. It’s best to understand how you go right answers and the correct methods for finding them. This way you won’t be caught off guard on test day.[9]
    • The answer key will also explain the best and fastest way to get an answer. While your method may have gotten a right answer, it may have been a slow way. Time is precious on the test, so learn the most effective solution.
  3. English: Step 3 Memorize the directions for each section.
    Like all standardized tests, the GRE is formulaic. Although the exact questions change, the sections remain largely the same. Many question styles repeat themselves throughout the test and practice tests. Pay close attention to these directions while you’re prepping. That way, on test day, you can read through the directions quickly to save time.[10]
    • Note that this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read the directions when you take the test. It means that if you memorize the typical directions beforehand, you can quickly skim the directions and recognize what you have to do in this section without getting confused.
  4. English: Step 4 Time yourself during practice tests.
    Whenever you take a practice test, time it the same way that the GRE is timed.[11] If you’ll only get 30 minutes for a section on test day, then time 30 minutes for the practice. This trains you to work under pressure and come up with answers quickly. With enough time training like this, you can work through the test much faster.[12]
    • Work quickly, but don’t rush. Don’t skip reading directions or understanding questions to try and save time. If you can’t get an answer, skip it and return to it later.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Reviewing Key Subjects

  1. English: Step 1 Memorize foundational math concepts.
    Most of the math on the GRE is simple, but many people have forgotten math basics by the time they graduate college. Go back and memorize basic algebra and geometry rules. Then study key formulas like the quadratic equation. You’ll need all of this basic knowledge for the test.[13]
    • Triangles are popular shapes on geometry questions. Remember formulas like the Pythagorean Theorem to find the sides of a triangle.
    • Memorize the order of operations, PEMDAS. This acronym stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. Remembering this order will help you on long equations.
    • You probably won’t remember all of the concepts when you being prepping. Pay attention on practice tests if a concept or formula you forgot about comes up. Then review that concept after the practice test.
  2. English: Step 2 Practice math with and without a calculator.
    You're allowed to use an on-screen calculator during the GRE, which can be a great resource. However it can be a waste of time if you type everything into the calculator. Do your practice tests without a calculator at first and see how you do. You may be surprised how little you need it. Then introduce the calculator but only use it when you're stuck. This teaches you to use the calculator effectively and not waste time with it.[14]
    • Take note of particular situations where you need your calculator. If a particular equation or problem type always throws you off, use the calculator right away when you see these problems. This is strategic calculator use.
  3. English: Step 3 Study vocabulary in context instead of memorizing definitions.
    Since vocabulary is such a big part of the GRE, many people think that memorizing a lot of definitions is the best way to study. But it’s more important to understand words in context, because most GRE questions use one or more words in a sentence. So rather than spending all your time memorizing definitions, spend more time looking at how words are used. This is especially important for reading comprehension questions.[15]
    • Know a few synonyms and antonyms for words as well. This is important for sections that use multiple words in a sentence.
  4. English: Step 4 Learn the meanings for prefixes and suffixes to help with vocabulary.
    A prefix is a letter or phrase that begins a word, and a suffix is a letter or phrase that ends a word. Each of these can tip you off to their meanings, even if you don’t know the definition. Spend some time learning the various prefixes and suffixes to figure out questions that use words you don't know.
    • For example, the prefix “sub“ usually means below. So you can assume “subterranean” refers to something below, even if you've never heard the word before.
    • Some other popular prefixes are post-, a-, in-, and ante-.
    • Some common suffixes are -able, -al, -ism, and -ment.
  5. English: Step 5 Practice writing clear...
    Practice writing clear thesis statements. The GRE writing section is difficult for many people because writing an essay in 30 minutes isn’t easy. Write as clearly as possible. This is especially important for the thesis statement in your essay. The graders want to see a clear, unambiguous thesis for your essay. When you take practice tests, work on coming up with a 1-sentence statement summing up your whole argument. This will get you easy points from the graders and help focus your own writing.[16]
    • When you state your thesis, make sure you follow it for the whole essay. For instance, don’t say “I will prove that Abraham Lincoln was a great president,” and then only write about his mistakes. Keep your essay consistent with your thesis.
  6. English: Step 6 Prepare to take a stand in your essay and support it with examples.
    There are 2 essay types for the GRE: issue and argumentative. The issue essay presents a topic that you have to pick one side or the other on. The argumentative topic asks you to assess an argument in a reading passage. They are similar in that they both require you to take a position and defend it. Practice stating your opinions clearly. The graders don't want ambiguous answers.[17]
    • Look at as many past essay prompts as you can find. Questions repeat themselves every few years, so if you look at several past years, you'll notice patterns and similarities.
    • Always support your position with details and examples. The graders know that you can't look up statistics during the test, but you can use some general facts that you learned in school. Make sure to relate any of these facts to the essay at hand.
    • For example, an essay might ask you to oppose an argument that vaccines are harmful. You may remember that vaccines helped eradicate smallpox in the 20th century. Use that to support your argument.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Using Test-Taking Strategies

  1. English: Step 1 Read each question carefully to determine what it’s asking.
    While many GRE questions aren’t complicated at a fundamental level, they are sometimes worded in confusing ways to trip you up. Read each question fully and understand what it’s asking from you. Then you can formulate a better response.[18]
    • Look for key words like “opposite” or “synonym.” These tip you off to the point of the question.
    • For a math word problem, break the question down to its fundamental levels. Cross out unnecessary words to help determine what the question is asking.
  2. English: Step 2 Use the process of elimination.
    The GRE is all multiple choice except for the essay section. That means that no matter what the question type or subject, eliminating answers will increase your chances of getting the right answer. If you don’t know an answer right away, start eliminating choices.[19]
    • Start with answers you know are wrong. There is probably at least one that you know doesn’t belong in the group. Cross it out to narrow your choices.
    • Try to get a question down to 2 choices. Then if you’re still stuck, strategically guess. You have a 50% chance of picking the right answer.
  3. English: Step 3 Skip a question if you’re spending too much time on it.
    Time is important on the GRE. If time runs out before you finish a section, all remaining questions are marked wrong. Move through each section quickly and only answer the questions you can get right away. Then go back and work on the ones that gave you trouble.[20]
    • Do a quick calculation at the beginning of a section to see how long you can spend on each question. If a section has 30 questions and you have 30 minutes, that’s 1 minute per question. If 30 seconds have gone by and you’re completely stumped, skip the question. You risk running out of time if you don’t move on.
  4. English: Step 4 Mark questions that you want to review later.
    Since the GRE is a computer-based test, you’re allowed to mark questions that you want to go back to later. When you finish a section, a list of your marked questions comes up and you can go back to them.[21]
    • Mark all the questions you skipped, as well as questions you answered but aren’t sure about. This way you can double check your work.
    • Prioritize going back to the questions that you skipped when you review.
  5. English: Step 5 Answer every question, even if you have to guess.
    Blank answers on the GRE are marked as wrong, so there is no incentive to leave them blank. If you’ve done all the questions you know and you still have time, go back and fill answers in for any that you skipped. Guessing at least gives you a chance of picking the right answer by accident.[22]
    • Try using the process of elimination first to get the possibilities down to 2 answers. If you still have no idea, take a guess.
  6. English: Step 6 Outline your essay carefully.
    A good GRE essay requires planning. Even though you only have 30 minutes, begin with an outline. If you start writing without a plan, your essay will be unorganized and you could lose points. Instead, spend 5 minutes thinking about the best answer for the question. Write out your perspective on the issue, and then list 2 or 3 details that support the argument. Then write your essay according to this plan.[23]
    • Remember to start with a clear thesis statement so graders know your argument.
    • If you know any statistics or citations offhand, they will help your essay. Even something simple like, "Last month the New York Times reported that," or "Aristotle wrote." This shows readers that you're pulling in outside information to support your point.

Expert Q&A

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    How much time should I take to study for the GRE? English: Katherine Demby
    Katherine Demby
    Test Prep Specialist
    Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor. English: Katherine Demby
    Test Prep Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Try starting a few months before your test date. Spend a little bit of time every day reviewing and studying to help you learn the information better.
  • Question
    How can I prepare for the GRE? English: Katherine Demby
    Katherine Demby
    Test Prep Specialist
    Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor. English: Katherine Demby
    Test Prep Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Take a timed practice test to find out the areas where you're struggling and what you need to study more.
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      About this article English: Katherine Demby
      Co-authored by:
      Test Prep Specialist
      This article was co-authored by Katherine Demby. Katherine Demby is an Academic Consultant based in New York City. Katherine specializes in tutoring for the LSAT, GRE, SAT, ACT, and academic subjects for high school and college students. She holds a BA in History and Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a JD from Yale Law School. Katherine is also a freelance writer and editor. This article has been viewed 2,821 times.
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      Co-authors: 4
      Updated: June 8, 2021
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