How to Distinguish Between Bipolar Disorder and ADHD in Children

Bipolar disorder and ADHD can be difficult to tell apart, as they have some similar symptoms. However, the two have distinguishing factors, which makes it important to look closely if you suspect your child could have ADHD or bipolar disorder. Taking note of whether your child seems to be experiencing more problems with their mood or their focus can help you differentiate between the conditions and move forward with diagnosis and treatment.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Looking at General Signs

  1. English: Deaf Dad and Daughter Laugh.png
    Recognize the traits shared by both conditions. Both ADHD and bipolar disorder share symptoms such as...[1]
    • Mood swings
    • Hyperactivity, restlessness
    • Impulsivity, impatience
    • Impaired judgment
    • Talkativeness and "racing thoughts"
    • Irritability
    • Lifelong condition (although treatments can help manage)
  2. English: Redhead Worries About Crying Child.png
    Note the age of onset. Children with ADHD usually display signs of hyperactivity, inattention, or other ADHD-related challenges (such as social difficulties) early on - often as they go through preschool or elementary school.[2] They may not be diagnosed or considered a problem until later, but the behavior will still be present, and recognizable in hindsight. With bipolar disorder, the symptoms often don't start until later on - usually in later childhood or the teen years.[3][4]
    • ADHD behaviors must have been present before age 12.[5] If the behavior started in the teen years, it isn't ADHD.
    • Bipolar disorder can develop at any age, but it most frequently starts in the late teens and early 20s.[6] When it starts younger, it typically starts around adolescence, and is less frequent in children.

    Tip: ADHD often becomes more apparent with age and increased responsibilities. Bipolar disorder tends to start suddenly, when it wasn't present before.[7]

  3. English: Sister Laughs While Autistic Brother Flaps Hands.png
    Consider whether the behavior is consistent, or if it comes in cycles. ADHD is always present, while people with bipolar disorder cycle between mania, hypomania, normal mood, depression, and/or mixed states.[8][9] Episodes may last days or weeks, and it's possible to spend time without symptoms.[10]
    • Unlike adults with bipolar disorder, children with bipolar tend to spend more time in mixed states, where they experience both mania and depression simultaneously.[11] This means they may be more irritable (rather than euphoric), and not have as many clearly-defined manic or depressive episodes as older teens or adults would.
  4. English: Angry and Upset Children Cry.png
    Observe what causes mood swings. Both conditions can involve mood swings. However, people with ADHD usually have a clear and understandable cause of their moods, while bipolar episodes may not appear to be caused by anything.[12]
    • Children with ADHD may have strong reactions that may seem a bit disproportional, but they usually have an identifiable cause and are often based on events around them.[13] For instance, they may be extremely upset by rejection.[14]
    • Children with bipolar disorder can have strong reactions to things, but these reactions are usually far more extreme and may not have an identifiable cause. (For example, they might go from constantly giggling to screaming in rage when a peer offers them a toy.)[15]
  5. English: Girl with Mood Swings.png
    Consider the duration of mood swings. People with ADHD may change moods rapidly, sometimes described as "crashes" or "snaps" because of the abrupt nature. People with bipolar disorder may take hours, days, or weeks to switch in between manic and depressive states, so their moods may seem more "consistently inconsistent".[16][17]
    • Children with bipolar disorder may swing from joy to depression to irritability quite quickly, but their "in-the-now" moods change more rapidly than their actual episodes. It can take much longer for them to shift between manic, depressive, and mixed episodes.[18]
    • Because mixed states are more common in children with bipolar disorder, they might jump from one mood to the next with seemingly little provocation, but then be stuck in this mood for hours or days and be unable to "snap out of it".
    • Children with ADHD tend to have rapid shifts in their mood, and might quickly jump from one mood to another, sometimes within a few minutes. It might seem like one incident can change their entire demeanor.[19] However, the mood will typically blow over at a fairly usual pace.
  6. English: Happy Little Autistic Girl.png
    Note the child's self-esteem. A child with ADHD will typically have consistent self-esteem, while a child with bipolar disorder may have wildly fluctuating self-esteem depending on their mood.
    • Children with bipolar disorder may have elevated self-esteem during a manic or hypomanic phase. They may believe they're capable of doing anything at all, and potentially even think they have powers or importance that they don't have.[20]
    • During a depressive phase, children with bipolar disorder are more likely to have low self-esteem, and may feel worthless or like a burden to others. They may fixate on thoughts of death, self-injury, and/or suicide.[21]
    • Children with ADHD may have average, high, or low self-esteem depending on their environment. However, unlike bipolar disorder, their self-esteem will remain relatively stable regardless of their moods.[22]
  7. English: Sleeping Girl with Flannel Sheets.png
    Consider sleeping patterns and energy levels. For a person with bipolar disorder, sleep and energy depends on the cycle, and thus can be more variable.[23] A person with ADHD tends to be more consistent in how much they sleep and how active they are.[24]
    • Children with bipolar disorder who are going through a manic phase may not feel that sleep is necessary, and still be full of energy after not sleeping or sleeping very little. However, when going through a depressive phase, they may struggle to fall asleep, or sleep excessively and still feel tired when they wake up.[25]
    • A child with ADHD may have trouble sleeping at times and be unable to "turn off their brain", but they need sleep. If they don't sleep, they may function more slowly the next day or be more moody.[26][27]
  8. English: Girl Raises Hand in Class.png
    Observe school performance. Both children with ADHD and bipolar disorder may struggle with school.[28] Children with bipolar disorder tend to have more trouble because of their moods, whereas children with ADHD are more impacted by increased social or academic demands.
    • Children with ADHD may struggle to complete assignments or homework in a timely manner, make mistakes on their work that seem careless, lose or forget their work, or get poor grades despite understanding the material.[29] They might try to mask these problems by asking for extra help, refusing to do the work, or creating a distraction (e.g. making a joke in class).
    • Children with bipolar may seem unable to focus on schoolwork because they have so much or so little energy.[30] If they're not experiencing symptoms, they generally won't have issues focusing.
    • Children with ADHD may or may not have difficulties with their peers. They might be popular and well-liked, or be disliked by their peers for socially inappropriate behavior (like interrupting people) or immaturity.[31][32]
    • Children with bipolar disorder may be a social butterfly in a manic phase, deliberately isolate themselves from their friends in a depressive phase, and get into fights in either phase.[33][34]
    • Some children with ADHD or bipolar mask their difficulties at school, so don't rule out either condition just because your child is doing well in class.[35]

    What does your child get in trouble for? Kids with ADHD are more likely to constantly move around, chat or blurt things out during class, or have tantrums. Kids with bipolar are more likely to have emotional blowups, fight with others, and behave inappropriately (like undressing during class).[36]

  9. English: Autistic Teen Covers Ears.png
    Look for sensory issues. Sensory processing issues, such as not recognizing that they injured themselves or being bothered by the texture of certain fabrics, are common in ADHD. While children with bipolar disorder may also have sensory issues, they're not as common.
    • Sensory issues may range from hypersensitivity (e.g. being nauseated by the smell of laundry detergent) to hyposensitivity (e.g. finding all food bland unless it's extremely spicy). Some children may be extremely sensitive to some senses, under-sensitive to others, and/or not have issues with every sense.
    • Children with ADHD are also more likely to have auditory processing problems. They may have delayed reactions to speech and need extra time to process it, be extremely overwhelmed by noisy areas, prefer to read something rather than listen (e.g. enabling captions when watching TV), and/or need to "mute" certain sounds before they can focus.[37]
    • Not all children with ADHD have sensory or auditory processing issues, and children with bipolar can also have sensory or auditory processing problems, so look for other indicators, too.
  10. English: Parent and Child Sitting on Floor.png
    Think about family history. Both bipolar disorder and ADHD are hereditary. If a child has a family member with bipolar or ADHD, they have a higher chance of having or developing the same condition.[38][39]
    • ADHD is more likely to be passed on genetically.[40] A child with ADHD is more likely to have multiple relatives with ADHD, and a mother with ADHD is up to six times more likely to have a child with ADHD.[41][42]
    • A child is more likely to have bipolar disorder if an immediate family member, such as a sibling or parent, has bipolar as well.[43]
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Distinguishing Mania from Hyperactivity

  1. English: Dancing Kid in Blue Tutu.png
    Consider overall energy levels. The energy level of a child with bipolar disorder may fluctuate, but they may seem to be extremely energetic during mania or hypomania (and lethargic during depressive phases). A child with ADHD will typically have more consistent energy levels.
    • Kids with ADHD might be very physically active, fidget and squirm in their chairs, pick or shred at things with their hands, chew on things, or be extremely chatty. If they're told to sit still and not talk, they may struggle to do so and "feel like they're going to implode".[44]
    • Kids with bipolar may run around a lot, be very active or fidgety, and chat a lot when experiencing mania or hypomania, but this doesn't occur otherwise. It may seem like they suddenly have "bursts" when the energy comes out of nowhere.[45]
    • Energy from ADHD likely won't faze your child, whereas energy from bipolar mania can feel frightening or uncontrollable to them.[46] (Hypomania energy might not be as scary, since it's not as severe as mania, but will likely still feel "off" to them, since they're not used to it.)
  2. English: Autistic Teen Flaps Hands in Delight.png
    Look at fidgeting and stimming. Kids with ADHD may have trouble sitting still, and focus better when allowed to wiggle and fidget.[47][48] They might be "wiggle worms" who can barely sit still during class or movies, subtle fidgeters who chew on their pencils and pick at their cuticles, or somewhere in between. Children with bipolar disorder typically fidget an average amount.
    • Kids with ADHD often benefit from having fidget tools, such as charm bracelets, an exercise ball instead of a chair, stress balls, tangle toys, and other such items.
    • Some kids with ADHD might refocus their energy into something more productive, like helping the teacher pass out papers.[49] If a child with bipolar has a lot of mania-driven energy, they may not refocus it this way.
    • Not all kids with ADHD are fidgety; a child with inattentive ADHD might fidget closer to an average amount.[50]
  3. English: Child Speaks Tangled Words.png
    Check if their speech is affected. During a manic phase of bipolar disorder, a child may talk so rapidly and switch subjects so many times that it's difficult for a listener to follow the conversation or understand them.[51] While children with ADHD may talk quickly or change the subject often, they'll still be understandable.[52]
    • Mania can result in pressured speech, meaning that the child is talking so rapidly that their words meld together and "crash into" each other. (This can make it difficult for listeners to figure out what the child is saying.)[53]
    • Children with ADHD may have speech problems (such as stuttering or vocal tics) that can be linked to speaking quickly, but it usually doesn't impact whether they're understood.

    Tip: Both kids with bipolar and ADHD can be quite chatty and have trouble listening attentively. If it occurs consistently, it could be a sign of ADHD; if it seems more sporadic, it may be mania.

  4. English: Worried Adult with Upset Child.png
    Look at impulsive behavior. While both ADHD and bipolar disorder can result in impulsivity, impulsive behavior in bipolar disorder is often more self-destructive and dangerous. Kids with ADHD are less self-destructive.
    • Kids with ADHD tend to be more verbally or physically impulsive, like shouting something during class, jumping off tall furniture, having a hard time with turn-taking, or pushing someone when upset. Their impulsivity is usually more age-appropriate (though it may come off as immature).[54]
    • Kids with bipolar are more likely to take risks, like pulling dangerous stunts, drinking, doing drugs, engaging in unusual sexual behavior, or driving recklessly and/or spending lots of money (in teens). Their behavior may seem inappropriate for their age or "too adult".[55] Outside of mania, they typically don't want to take these kinds of risks.[56]
    • Children with ADHD typically feel guilty and remorseful if they behave impulsively. Children with bipolar disorder may feel like they're immune to injury or punishment as a result of their actions.[57]
  5. English: Middle Aged Person Thinking.png
    Be alert for hypersexuality. Kids with bipolar disorder may have a developmentally inappropriate fixation on sex, or engage in inappropriate sexual behavior for their own enjoyment. This hypersexuality is not present in children with ADHD.[58] Hypersexuality might involve:[59][60]
    • Unusual fascination with private parts or sexual acts
    • Frequently or repeatedly discussing sex (e.g. asking questions despite an answer having been given)
    • Frequent sexual comments
    • Masturbation that's excessive or in inappropriate locations (e.g. in public)
    • Accessing pornography at a developmentally inappropriate age
    • Attempting to touch others sexually, or voyeuristic behavior
    • Developmentally inappropriate or dangerous sexual activity with others

    Warning: Hypersexuality doesn't always mean bipolar disorder. It can also be a sign of past sexual abuse, particularly if the child seems anxious about it.[61]

  6. English: Child's Hand with Bandage.png
    Note aggression, and see if there seems to be a cause for it. During a manic or mixed episode, a child with bipolar can be aggressive (and even violent) with others with seemingly little to no justification. While children with ADHD can be aggressive, it will usually have an identifiable cause.[62]
    • Children with bipolar disorder may "flip" from being giggly and goofy to being bossy and demanding with seemingly little cause, and then blow up if others don't behave the way they want them to. For example, they might throw things and scream profanity because another peer didn't want to play a game with them.[63]
    • Children with ADHD may impulsively act aggressively, but it's usually because they're upset and not thinking about the consequences. Once they calm down, they usually feel quite bad about their actions.[64]
    • Kids with ADHD might get frustrated and angry, and they may have tantrums or take their moods out on others, but will usually calm down at a regular pace. Kids with bipolar may fly into a rage for no apparent reason and "explode" at others, throw or break things, and take hours to calm down.[65]
  7. English: Pile of Books.png
    Look at how many projects the child completes. While both children with ADHD and children with bipolar disorder can get involved in a multitude of activities and projects, children with ADHD are less likely to finish them all. A child with bipolar may have a "surge" and take on many projects during a manic phase, but not do this outside of manic episodes.
    • In a manic phase, kids with bipolar disorder might start more tasks than they seem capable of completing, but they often will complete the majority of them (if not all of them). They might seem unusually creative or have more ideas than they usually do.[66]
    • Mixed states in bipolar disorder can frustrate or irritate a child, as they may have many ideas for what to do, but not have the energy to do any of them.[67]
    • A child with ADHD may start many projects and have lots of ideas, but not finish any of them. They may start the project and then get distracted, lose interest quickly, or struggle with the skills needed to complete it (such as prioritization and organization).[68] They may seem to drift from task to task, and leave almost all of them unfinished or forgotten.
    • If a child with ADHD likes a project or subject, they may hyperfocus on it and complete it more easily.[69] Consider whether they can dedicate their focus to something they like, but seem unable to do so with other tasks.
  8. English: Girl Helps Overwhelmed Sister.png
    Take note if the child experiences psychosis or hallucinations. In severe cases of mania, a child with bipolar disorder may experience distorted reality. They may have delusions that others can't convince them are false, hallucinate, or seem like they don't understand the world around them.[70] Psychosis and hallucinations are not present in ADHD.
    • Hallucinations can affect any sense (including taste, smell, and touch), but the most common kinds are visual and auditory hallucinations.
    • Delusions can be persecutory (the child feels targeted or in danger; "someone is out to get me") or grandiose (the child feels they have powers or superiority that they don't have; "I can do things that nobody in the world can").
    • The child may seem to no longer comprehend or use speech (or not make any sense when they speak), be unable to focus, lose sense of time, and not take care of their needs (e.g. not eating, bathing, or sleeping).
    • In the early stages of psychosis, the child may acknowledge that something unusual is going on; they may feel that their brain isn't working right, think their mind is playing tricks on them all the time, or withdraw from people and activities.[71]

    Tip: If your child is experiencing psychosis, don't try to wait it out - have them assessed by a doctor or psychologist as soon as possible. The earlier treatment is started, the less it will severely impact their life.[72]

Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Distinguishing Depression from Inattention

  1. English: Dad Talks At Daughter.png
    Observe the child's general focus. Both ADHD and bipolar disorder can make a child seem inattentive and unfocused. However, a child with ADHD is often unfocused because they can't focus unless they're interested; a child with bipolar is likely unfocused because of their moods.
    • Children with bipolar disorder may jump from thing to thing in a manic or hypomanic phase, but can generally stay focused on getting something done.[73] In a depressive phase, however, they may not not have the energy to care about paying attention or completing things.[74]
    • During a depressive phase, a child with bipolar may experience "brain fog" and have trouble concentrating. They may feel that their brain isn't working as fast as it should be.[75]
    • Children with ADHD may have difficulty focusing for various reasons; for example, they can't focus if they're sitting still, or they tune out often and stop paying attention. They might not appear to be paying attention, even if someone is speaking directly to them.[76]
    • On the flip side, children with ADHD may hyperfocus on something that is interesting to them.[77] Without interruption, they can spend hours focused on a certain activity. It may take them several minutes to readjust after stopping the activity.
  2. English: Autistic Girl Watches Butterfly Away From Group.png
    Analyze how easily the child is distracted. Kids with ADHD are often easily drawn away from activities, and frequently have their focus broken by external stimuli (like motion or sound nearby). Kids with bipolar disorder are usually not as easily unfocused.
    • Children with ADHD can be distracted by external factors, like the cat walking into the room or sensory feedback, or internal factors, like getting lost in thought or daydreaming. If they get distracted, they may have difficulty refocusing, and somebody else might need to get them back on track.[78]
    • On the flip side, if a child with ADHD goes into hyperfocus, it may seem almost impossible to draw them away from what they're doing. They might not be aware of things going on around them, and get frustrated if they're forced to stop the task.[79]
    • A child with bipolar disorder may be easily distracted during mania or hypomania, but usually struggle to focus at all during depressive episodes.[80]
  3. English: Cheerful Boy and Therapist Write Bedtime Ideas.png
    Consider direction-following. Children with ADHD can struggle to follow directions, and may do things out of order or not complete instructions. This is generally not a problem with bipolar disorder.
    • When given directions, a child with ADHD may miss part or all of them, or forget the directions and need to keep asking for them. Alternatively, they might rush ahead without waiting for instructions.[81]
    • Sometimes, children with bipolar disorder may deliberately refuse to follow directions, but it may be a result of a manic phase, rather than an inability to focus on or remember the instructions.[82]
    • If the child deliberately defies an adult's instructions, consider whether they seem to acknowledge the adult as an authority. A child with ADHD will typically recognize the adult as an authority and not want to be punished, whereas a child with bipolar may not seem to care.[83]
  4. English: Girly Messy Room.png
    Note difficulty with organization and time management. A child with ADHD is likely to have trouble with keeping organized and timeliness, and may be messy, lose things frequently, and often be late.[84][85] While children with bipolar might be messy, they're not as likely to chronically misplace things or be late a lot. A child with ADHD might:[86]
    • Have a messy room, backpack, desk or locker[87]
    • Struggle to prioritize based on importance
    • Frequently lose, misplace, or forget things, including important things (e.g. keys, money, or homework)[88]
    • Not clean up after themselves, or only partly do so
    • Lose track of time often
    • Be late more often than not[89]
    • Incorrectly estimate how long something might take
    • Take longer than their peers to complete things (and it doesn't seem that they're struggling with the skills for the task)
    • Procrastinate or put things off a lot
    • Struggle to move between activities; may get frustrated if prompted to do so before they're ready

    Tip: Some children with ADHD, particularly girls, may "mask" these struggles by asking for help. Consider whether your child is often asking for help with cleaning up, finding something they lost, or asking to borrow something.[90]

  5. English: Cupcakes and Cherry.png
    Consider the child's eating habits. During a depressive episode, a child with bipolar may have rapid changes in their appetite; they may not feel hungry, or they may eat too much or too little. This can result in them losing or putting on weight in a short period of time.[91] Dramatic fluctuations in appetite are not part of ADHD.
    • Children with ADHD may have trouble with eating - they may forget to eat (and then potentially eat too much later), or not notice how much they're eating. Problems with impulse control can also result in overeating. However, this isn't related to their appetite.[92]
    • Both children with ADHD and bipolar disorder can develop eating disorders if their condition goes untreated.[93][94]

    Tip: Some medications can impact a child's appetite. If your child is on any medication, check if increased or reduced appetite is a possible side effect.

  6. English: Little Girl Expresses Worry.png
    Take note of unexplained physical symptoms. A child with bipolar who is going through a depressive phase may have frequent physical ailments, like headaches, stomachaches, or other pains that a doctor can't find the cause of.[95] This doesn't occur in ADHD.
    • If a child with ADHD is experiencing depression or anxiety, they may experience psychosomatic pains as well, but ADHD on its own won't result in these kinds of reactions.
    • Be sure to rule out medical issues, such as allergies, sensory issues, and other medical conditions, in addition to anything that might be causing the child stress (e.g. a new baby in the family).
  7. English: Crying Child.png
    Look out for signs of depression. Many children with bipolar disorder have depressive episodes. They may be irritable or aggressive, isolate themselves, sleep excessively, cry more than they used to, and have little interest in things they used to enjoy.[96] This is not part of ADHD.
    • During depressive episodes, a child with bipolar may feel burdensome, worthless, or guilty (e.g. "I could disappear and it wouldn't even matter" or "I'm so screwed up - you'd be better off with a normal kid").[97]
    • Many children with bipolar initially start off experiencing depression, rather than mania.[98]
    • Older children with ADHD can develop depression if they don't have supports, have trouble at school, or feel that their ADHD-related behaviors make them different, "stupid", or "bad".[99] However, this is not part and parcel of ADHD on its own.
  8. English: Parent Comforts Crying Child.png
    Seek help if the child is self-injuring or suicidal. While self-harm and suicidal thoughts are more commonly associated with bipolar disorder, kids with ADHD can be at risk for suicide if they lack support. If your child is self-injuring or displaying warning signs of suicidal thoughts, seek help from a doctor and/or therapist, or take them to the emergency room if they're at immediate risk of suicide (e.g. you find them stockpiling pills or weapons).[100]
    • A suicidal child may withdraw, become unusually hostile, constantly reference death or suicide (e.g. in writing, drawings, or conversation), make worrying comments (e.g. "I wish I was never born/I wish I was dead", "I just want to go away", or "Soon it won't hurt anymore"), give away prized possessions, write a will, or say goodbye to others.[101] They may do reckless things without thought, like walk into traffic without looking both ways, because they don't care if they live or die.[102]

    Take suicidal ideation or thoughts seriously. Both children with bipolar and ADHD, when suicidal, are at increased risk of suicide because of the intensified moods and impulsivity associated with the conditions.[103][104]

Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Seeking Diagnosis

  1. English: Excited Child Talks to Adult.png
    Consider what seems to impact the child most. Bipolar disorder is mainly a mood disorder, whereas ADHD is an attention and behavioral disorder.[105] Observe the child over some time to figure which category they likely fall under, along with the advice of an appropriate specialist.
    • Children with bipolar disorder will typically be more influenced by their emotions.
    • Children with ADHD tend to be more impacted by hyperactivity and/or inattention, and may have additional struggles with executive functions (like organization, getting things done, and time management).[106]

    Tip: If your child is struggling with both attention and emotional problems, see if you can tease out which came first. Bipolar disorder can impact focus and cause behavioral problems, and untreated ADHD can lead to secondary mental health conditions such as depression.[107]

  2. English: Thoughtful Teen in Green.png
    Consider the possibility of other conditions. Rather than attempting an internet diagnosis after reading an article or two, see a doctor sooner, and keep an open mind to other causes and diagnoses. Some conditions that might look like ADHD or bipolar disorder are:
    • Autism (which can be confused with ADHD)
    • Learning disabilities
    • Sensory processing disorder
    • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder (if the child is experiencing psychosis)
    • Sleeping disorders[108]
    • Stressful environment, like abuse at home or bullying at school
  3. English: Cute Muslim Girl Thinking.png
    Know that it's possible to have both conditions. While it's rare in young children, it's possible for someone to have both ADHD and bipolar disorder.[109] If your child seems to be experiencing symptoms of both bipolar and ADHD, it's a good idea to talk to a psychologist about your concerns.
    • Because bipolar disorder is extremely uncommon prior to puberty, it's important to keep an eye on a child with ADHD during puberty and seek help if they seem to be developing a co-occurring condition (whether it's bipolar, depression, or another disorder).[110]
  4. English: Parent Asks Friend About Child's Meltdowns.png
    Check with the child's teachers and caretakers. If your child is in school or has other adults who see them frequently, ask them if they have any concerns about your child's behavior. This can give them an opportunity to talk about anything that seems unusual, and can indicate whether your child's behavior is occurring in multiple environments.
    • If a child has attention issues, you might hear that they struggle to keep organized, turn in assignments, stay "tuned in" and on task, or sit still; the teacher or caregiver may comment on social difficulties and blurting things out during class. Common remarks include "Your child is a good kid, but needs to put forth more effort" or "They need to slow down and pay more attention to detail".
    • If a child has emotional issues, you might hear about them having uncontrollable outbursts, withdrawing from peers, displaying signs of anxiety, clinging to adults, constantly going to the nurse's office or avoiding class, defiance, crying excessively, or struggles focusing.[111]
    • Take note if your child's teacher(s) report a sudden change in their behavior or demeanor, as this could be a sign of a problem.

    Tip: Old school documents, such as report cards and disciplinary records, can give you an idea of whether any reported behavior is recent or not.

  5. English: Boy Talks About Doctor.png
    Talk to a doctor. A good medical professional can help distinguish between the two conditions, and get an accurate diagnosis. Do some preparation to ensure a correct diagnosis.[112]

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What are some of the differences between bipolar and ADHD? English: George Sachs, PsyD
    George Sachs, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist
    George Sachs is a Licensed Psychologist and the Owner of Sachs Center based in New York, New York. With over ten years of experience, Dr. Sachs specializes in treating ADD/ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders in children, teens, and adults. He holds a BS in Psychology from Emory University. Dr. Sachs earned his Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago. He completed his clinical training in Chicago at Cook County Hospital, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and the Child Study Center. Dr. Sachs completed his internship and postdoctoral work at the Children’s Institute in Los Angeles, where he supervised and trained therapists in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT). He has been trained as a Gestalt Therapist and certified by the Gestalt Associates Training Program of Los Angeles. Dr. Sachs is the author of The Adult ADD Solution, Helping the Traumatized Child, and Helping Your Husband with Adult ADD. He has appeared on the Huffington Post, NBC Nightly News, CBS, and WPIX discussing his holistic approach to ADD/ADHD treatment. English: George Sachs, PsyD
    Licensed Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Generally, the difference is that bipolar is cyclical and not really based on an environmental trigger. With ADHD, the person's emotions tend to be higher or lower than average, but it's generally related to some frustration. Also, bipolar is fairly rare.
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      • Consider whether the behavior seems typical in comparison to other children their age, especially if your child is one of the younger children in class.[113]
      • Bipolar is fairly rare in children prior to puberty.[114]
      • Encourage your child to be open about their feelings with you, and if they're struggling, talk to them and keep an eye on them.
      Show More Tips


      • Avoid trying to medicate your child without a diagnosis. If used improperly, medications for bipolar or ADHD can cause negative effects.
      • Both children with bipolar and ADHD are at increased risk for substance abuse and other risky behavior, particularly if they go untreated.
      3. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      31. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      39. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      76. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      78. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      79. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      80. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.
      97. George Sachs, PsyD. Licensed Psychologist. Expert Interview. 9 October 2020.

      About this article English: George Sachs, PsyD
      Co-authored by:
      Licensed Psychologist
      This article was co-authored by George Sachs, PsyD. George Sachs is a Licensed Psychologist and the Owner of Sachs Center based in New York, New York. With over ten years of experience, Dr. Sachs specializes in treating ADD/ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders in children, teens, and adults. He holds a BS in Psychology from Emory University. Dr. Sachs earned his Doctorate of Psychology (PsyD) from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Chicago. He completed his clinical training in Chicago at Cook County Hospital, Mt. Sinai Hospital, and the Child Study Center. Dr. Sachs completed his internship and postdoctoral work at the Children’s Institute in Los Angeles, where he supervised and trained therapists in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT). He has been trained as a Gestalt Therapist and certified by the Gestalt Associates Training Program of Los Angeles. Dr. Sachs is the author of The Adult ADD Solution, Helping the Traumatized Child, and Helping Your Husband with Adult ADD. He has appeared on the Huffington Post, NBC Nightly News, CBS, and WPIX discussing his holistic approach to ADD/ADHD treatment. This article has been viewed 5,097 times.
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      Co-authors: 14
      Updated: February 17, 2023
      Views: 5,097
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