How to Design a Baby Nursery

Decorating a nursery doesn't need to be costly, difficult, or picture-perfect. While there are many decisions to make, they're all quite manageable. This is a time when you're about to welcome a new and wonderful life into the house and it is important to view designing the nursery as a fun and creative process that is totally yours to control. Avoid imposing any harsh expectations on yourself, and remember that baby will love whatever you do!

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Getting Started

  1. English: Step 1 Give yourself time and freedom.
    If it's possible, try to plan well before the birth. This luxury isn't open to every new parent but if you do have time, starting early can ease your concerns about having too much to do. In terms of freedom, realize that there is no one right way to design a nursery other than ensuring that it is safe, warm, and healthy.
    • Begin designing your baby’s nursery in your second trimester. Once you know your baby’s gender (if you decide to find out), you’ll have a better idea of what theme or colors you’d like.[1]
    • While it's fun to use sites like Pinterest to create a dreamboard nursery, be realistic. Time, financial, and space constraints will end up dictating a lot of what you're able to do in the end. Use your photos for general inspiration rather than absolute must-haves.
  2. English: Step 2 Decide on a...
    Decide on a budget. It's easy to want the best for your baby, and for some parents that may include providing a beautiful, new, well-coordinated nursery. But, keep in mind that it won't matter to the baby whether the area rug matches the curtains. Focus on buying things that are functional first, and beautiful second.[2]
  3. English: Step 3 Measure the room...
    Measure the room. Take measurements of the room and write them on a small card you can carry in your wallet. Do this before you shop to avoid headaches later when trying to fit items into the space. You will need these measurements when you go shopping for furniture, paint, and accessories.
  4. English: Step 4 Baby-proof as you go.
    Don’t wait until you have a beautifully decorated room to think about safety hazards. Baby-proof as you go, installing outlet covers and choosing furniture with rounded corners rather than sharp edges. Eliminate choking hazards, hide cords (electrical and for blinds), and install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.[4]
  5. English: Step 5 Choose a theme or colors.
    Before you start choosing crib sets and artwork, you should decide on a theme or colors for the nursery. If you don't know the baby's gender, favor neutral colors like cream, yellow, beige, and pale green. You can also center the room around a single idea or you can choose items in a few specific colors.[5]
    • Ideas for themes include nautical, sports, rodeo, ballerina, or jungle.
    • Consider pairing a neutral color and a bright color for your baby’s room, such as yellow and gray, blue and chocolate, or purple and white.
    • For example, paint the walls gray and add pops of color, like red or teal, with area rugs, artwork, or curtains.
  6. English: Step 6 Pick out flooring.
    You may decide to leave the existing flooring, or you might want to replace it. While carpet is softer than hardwood, it can harbor allergens and be more difficult to clean. A hardwood floor with a large area rug might be your best bet.[6]
  7. English: Step 7 Paint the room or put up wallpaper.
    If you decide to change the wall color, do so before doing anything else. While the room is still clear and clean, paint the walls or add wallpaper. This will allow time for the paint or glue to dry before you begin adding furniture. You can add paint or wallpaper to one wall, or all of them.[7]
    • Try to use low VOC (volatile organic compound) paints in your nursery. The chemicals released by standard paints can be harmful to your baby.
    • Look for washable wallpaper so you can easily clean up spills or messes.
Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Selecting Furniture

  1. English: Step 1 Choose a crib and mattress.
    The crib will be the focal point of your nursery, so take your time and choose wisely. Shape, style, finish, and durability are among the factors you should consider. Check that all hardware is present and properly installed, including bolts, brackets, and screws. If you live in the U.S., ensure the crib and mattress you choose has met Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards.[8]
    • Avoid cribs with drop-down sides which pose safety risks for infants.
    • Ensure the vertical slats on the crib are close together; if a standard size soda can fits through the slats or if they are wider than 2 38 inches (6.0 cm), they are too far apart.
  2. English: Step 2 Add a changing table.
    A changing table is a must-have item for your baby’s room.[9] You can choose a stand-alone changing table, or put a changing pad on top of a dresser. If you go with a table, choose one that has storage options. If you choose to put a pad on top of a piece of furniture, be sure to secure it.
  3. English: Step 3 Select a nursery chair.
    You’ll want a comfortable chair for feeding and rocking your baby. Test several in the store to be sure the height of the chair and width of the seat are comfortable for you. You can choose a rocker or a glider, and some chairs even come with an ottoman so you can prop up your tired feet.
    • Pick a nursery chair with a removable cover or one that has easy-to-clean fabric so you don’t have to spend loads of precious time removing milk stains.
  4. English: Step 4 Pick a dresser.
    A dresser is a necessity, especially if the nursery doesn’t have a lot of closet space. Pick a chest of drawers or a dresser/changing table combo. You can use it to store baby clothes, blankets, essentials like diapers and wipes, or even toys.[10]
  5. English: Step 5 Add storage options.
    You’ll need tons of storage for all the baby’s clothes, essentials, toys, and equipment. Add shelves or bookcases, or select toy bins or organizers. Choose items that are durable and made of quality materials so they will last for years.
    • Do not place any shelving above the crib, where either the shelving or the things on the shelves might jostle and fall onto the baby.
  6. English: Step 6 Assemble the furniture in the nursery.
    If possible, you should assemble the furniture in the nursery so you don't have any issues with large items not fitting through the doorway. Otherwise, take care to measure your doorway before purchasing items that are already put together.
Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Arranging the Room

  1. English: Step 1 Secure all furniture to the wall.
    Your child will be old enough to pull down on an open drawer faster than you think. It is best to secure everything when you put it in the room. You can do this either with a strong nylon strap or an L bracket.
    • First, find a stud in the wall behind the piece of furniture. You can do this by tapping with a hammer or by using an inexpensive stud finder.
    • Chose a position on the upper side or top of the furniture where you can secure the strap or bracket to the stud.
  2. English: Step 2 Keep the crib accessible.
    Consider putting the crib close to the entrance so that you don't have to walk around things or risk tripping over something when you come for the baby in the middle of the night. Avoid putting the crib right next to the window, where there might be drafts.[11]
    • Never place a crib near anything that dangles, like curtain or blind trimmings, as the baby can get caught up in these and choke.
  3. English: Step 3 Put the changing table close to the crib.
    You’ll want to be able to quickly and easily transfer your little one from the crib to the changing table. Arrange the room so that both the crib and the changing table are easily accessible and close to the door.[12]
  4. English: Step 4 Add a nursing station.
    Position your nursing chair near a window, if possible, so you can gaze outside while feeding your baby. Add a nursing pillow, like a Boppy, to keep you and baby comfortable while feeding. You’ll also want storage handy, so you can easily reach blankets, burp rags, and the changing station.[13]
  5. English: Step 5 Create a space to play.
    Leave an open space on the floor for an activity mat or play area. Arrange items such as balls, soft blocks, stuffed animals, and rattles on the floor or in low bins so your baby can easily reach them.[14]
Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Choosing Accessories

  1. English: Step 1 Pick out crib sheets.
    Your baby should not have a pillow, blanket, or crib bumper in their crib, so you can forgo an expensive bedding set in favor of lots of fitted crib sheets. Purchase several crib sheets in colors or patterns that complement your theme so that you’ll always have a fresh one in case of accidents or leaks.
  2. English: Step 2 Select lighting that dims.
    Choose overhead lighting that operates on a dimmer switch so you can use only as much light as needed at night. Alternatively, pick a lamp with multiple settings so you can use either dim or bright options depending on the time of day.[15]
    • You can also invest in a bright nightlight for your baby’s room to give you enough light at nighttime to feed and change your little one.
  3. English: Step 3 Put art on the walls.
    Artwork can make the room go from drab to cheerful and interesting in a flash. Select prints that match the theme, like leopards for a jungle theme or silhouettes of cowboys and cowgirls for a rodeo theme. You could also hang abstract prints in colors that match the furniture or other accessories.[16]
  4. English: Step 4 Add rugs.
    Rugs are a great way to liven up a room and have the added benefit of being a soft surface for your baby to enjoy. Choose rugs in accent colors to brighten the space, or neutrals if the room already has a lot going on. Be sure to pick rugs that can be easily cleaned, so you won’t have to run them to the dry cleaner every time a drop of milk is spilled.[17]
    • Secure the rugs with a pad or anchor to ensure they don’t become a trip hazard.
  5. English: Step 5 Hang curtains...
    Hang curtains or install blinds. Window coverings are essential to block out the light in your baby’s room so they can comfortably nap at any hour. Pick room-darkening shades or black-out blinds, but be sure that they don’t have hanging cords or other safety risks. You can opt for window coverings that that tie in the colors or theme of the room and give your baby something interesting to look at.
  6. English: Step 6 Decorate the ceiling.
    Your baby will spend much of their time on their back looking up, so it’s a great idea to add some interest to the ceiling. Paint a mural, stencil a fun design, or add interesting stickers. You can also install a mobile or hang decorations from the ceiling; just be sure they are out of the baby’s reach and are anchored securely so they won’t fall down.[18]
Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Stocking up on Essentials

  1. English: Step 1 Get plenty of diapers and wipes.
    [19] You’ll need tons of diapers and wipes for your newborn. Add them to your baby shower registry, or purchase them yourself. Put a few packs of each on or near your changing table and store the rest until you need them. You may also want to add baby powder or diaper cream to your changing station.[20]
  2. English: Step 2 Add a diaper pail and a clothes hamper.
    Keep a clothes hamper handy for soiled outfits, burp rags, and blankets. A diaper pail in the nursery is also handy so you’re not constantly running out to the trash bin. Place both near the changing table so you can easily toss dirty diapers and clothes into the hampers.
  3. English: Step 3 Wash and put away clothes.
    It’s important to wash all the fabrics your baby will come into contact with before using them. Choose a detergent that is fragrance-free and formulated for sensitive skin to avoid irritating your baby. After washing and drying, hang or fold the clothes so that they’re ready to use when you bring your newborn home.
  4. English: Step 4 Get burp rags and baby blankets.
    You’ll be using plenty of burp rags and blankets in the first few months. Stock up on these essentials in soft fabrics and a variety of colors. Wash and dry them before putting them away, and be sure to keep a few handy so you can grab them quickly. Place a blanket on the back of your nursing chair, and keep a stack of rags on the dresser or changing table.
    • Use a fragrance-free detergent made for sensitive skin to launder your baby’s fabrics.
  5. English: Step 5 Add toys, books, and stuffed animals.
    You don’t need a ton of toys for your new baby, but you may want to purchase a few. Select a few books to read aloud, purchase one or two special stuffed animals, and get a couple baby rattles or teethers.
    • Remember not to put any toys, including stuffed animals, in the crib.
  6. English: Step 6 Set up a baby monitor.
    A baby monitor is essential if you’ll be busy with other things while baby is sleeping in their room. There are both audio and visual baby monitors available, and either is fine for monitoring your child. Be sure that no cords or wires are accessible to your baby when positioning the monitor in their room.

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      • If you have a choice between several rooms in your house for the nursery, choose the one that is closest to yours so that you don't have to walk across the house in the middle of the night.


      • Always put your baby to sleep on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
      • Register your furniture with the manufacturer so that you will be notified of recalls.

      About this article English: Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD (DONA)
      Co-authored by:
      Birth & Postpartum Doula, Childbirth, & Lactation Educator
      This article was co-authored by Deanna Dawson-Jesus, CD (DONA) and by staff writer, Sophia Latorre. Deanna Dawson-Jesus is a Birth Doula, Childbirth, and Lactation Educator based in Danville, California. As the owner of Birthing Babies - A Celebration of Life, Deanna has 19 years of birth doula experience and has assisted with over 250 births. She also has over five years of postpartum doula experience and assists more than ten families. Deanna has additional extensive training in Assisted Reproductive Technologies, VBAC support, and Perinatal Loss Support. She is a Certified Birth Doula by DONA International and teaches at Blossom Birth and Family. This article has been viewed 241,527 times.
      3 votes - 73%
      Co-authors: 48
      Updated: October 11, 2022
      Views: 241,527
      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 241,527 times.

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      • English: Kike Ferre Oluwafemi

        Kike Ferre Oluwafemi

        Jan 16, 2017

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