How to Deal with Teenage Depression

Dealing with depression as a teenager can be very frightening and confusing. You may think you’re alone in your suffering, but there are many resources for help. Depression is a serious disorder, so don’t overlook your symptoms. Although there are many things you can do on your own to improve your mood, it is important to see a doctor to treat depression effectively. In addition to getting treatment, you can try some strategies that may improve your mood as well as nurture your mind and body.

Part 1
Part 1 of 5:

Getting Treatment for Depression

  1. English: Step 1 Acknowledge that you cannot beat depression alone.
    Seeing an expert is essential to overcoming teenage depression. This is a very serious mental disorder that can be life-threatening if left untreated. Think of someone who you trust and confide in this person about how you have been feeling. Talking to someone allows you to share the burden of depression. Admitting that you need help is also a very important step towards recovery.[1]
    • You might want to approach your best friend, family member, your primary physician, a teacher, coach, or a parent and explain what’s going on with you. If you don't know what to say, perhaps you could say something like: “Hey, I’ve been feeling really low for some time now and I'm dealing with a lot of negative thoughts. I can’t eat, sleep, or concentrate on things in front of me. I need to seek help/see a doctor.” Be straightforward but clear on what you feel and need to say. Bring up how you think your condition is serious and requires expert attention.
  2. English: Step 2 See a mental health professional.
    Once you have identified your need to see an expert, you can either go directly to a mental health professional or request a referral from your primary care physician. Getting treatment for depression requires confirming the diagnosis first. A therapist will ask questions about your symptoms, your medical/psychiatric history, your family history, and maybe your past traumatic events to better understand your situation.[2]
    • Make sure to request a therapist who has experience working with teens.
    • You may also consider whether or not the therapist has experience with family therapy or is a family therapist in case you choose to involve them at some point.
    • Ask your therapist or mental health professional to find out about their confidentiality policies as well.
  3. English: Step 3 Consider your options for treatment.
    After your doctor has ruled out other health conditions, such as a thyroid issue, and confirmed that you have depression, you can sit down and discuss your options for treatment.[3] There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating depression—you may try several approaches before you find the treatment that suits you best. In general, people find success when combining the following treatments:[4]
    • Psychotherapy or counseling-- There are many forms of therapy used to treat depression. However, research shows that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is extremely effective at challenging negative thought patterns and encouraging positive thinking. You may have to attend several weeks or months of therapy to thoroughly address teen depression.
    • Medications-- Antidepressants may be prescribed by your doctor to help improve your depressive symptoms, but medication alone is not a solution. Medications that may be effective at treating teen depression include serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. These medications may help increase a brain chemical called Serotonin to improve the symptoms of depression. However, keep in mind that SSRIs have a black box warning (the most serious kind) because they can increase suicidal tendencies for teenagers.[5] Also, be aware that medications may not work at all for teenagers. Some studies have also indicated that taking antidepressants during the teen years can have lasting effects on the brain.[6]
  4. English: Step 4 Participate in a support group.
    Various studies show that when people get together to discuss their symptoms and share tips for overcoming depression, they all benefit from it. If you are a teen with depression, it may be helpful to join a local or online support group where you can share your experiences with others who are also fighting this condition.[7]
    • Ask your doctor or therapist about local support groups or search for one in your area or online by visiting the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.[8]
    • National Alliance on Mental Illness is another good resource for information and support groups:
    • You can also check out The Tribe:
Part 2
Part 2 of 5:

Developing a Positive Mindset

  1. English: Step 1 Do things that make you happy.
    When do you feel happy? While listening to music? Writing? Reading? Watching television? Start creating a depression-fighting toolbox by thinking of activities that make you feel better. Engage in these activities regularly to cheer yourself up and fend off negative thought patterns.
    • Be sure that you fill your toolbox with healthy activities. Teens may have a tendency to use junk foods, alcohol, or drugs to offer a mood boost while feeling depressed. However, self-medicating in this way will only worsen your depressive symptoms in the long run.[9]
    • It's normal with depression to no longer have an interest in doing things you once enjoyed. However, the only way you can get back to feeling better is to move around and spend time doing things that can lift your mood. Challenge yourself to participate in one or two activities that you used to like and then write down how you felt doing them.
    • Try doing creative or artistic activities, such as painting, writing poetry, playing music, or knitting to help you express yourself and feel happier. If you are more of a writer in expressing you feelings with words, try writing in a journal to vent.
  2. English: Step 2 Have a friend join in.
    You can further maximize on the benefits of doing what you enjoy by asking a friend to come along. When you are depressed, you might be tempted to withdraw. However, participating in social activities can actually improve your mood. So, invite a friend to participate in a fun activity with you to double the positive advantages.[10]
    • Try joining a group to participate in an activity you enjoy, such as a knitting circle, improv group, or a dance class.
  3. English: Step 3 Get some fresh air to improve your mood.
    Go for a hike in nature. Sit on a bench and just get a bit of sunlight. Take your dog for a walk around your community. Go on a bike ride with a friend. Research has shown that people who spent 90 minutes in a natural setting as opposed to an urban, city-like setting experienced a decrease in depressive symptoms.[11]
  4. English: Step 4 Write a bucket list to give you something to look forward to.
    Depressed people often feel hopeless that their lives will get better. However, when you have a clear list of what you want out of life, you may be more enthusiastic about waking up and reaching your goals. Start with a small daily goal or two and then build up from there. If you find it hard to come up with ideas, then ask a friend or family member to help you. They can make suggestions based on what they have heard you say you would like to do.
    • Make a list of major and minor things that you would like to accomplish in your life. Write down whatever comes to mind—you can always edit your list as your circumstances change. Then, set some concrete goals to realize those bucket list items.[12]
    • For example, you may write down "travel to Africa" on your bucket list. If so, come up with some things you can do starting today to help you reach that goal. Perhaps, you can start a savings account, read a book about Africa, or apply for a study abroad experience.
  5. English: Step 5 Be aware of your thoughts.
    Know your thoughts. Learn to distinguish between good and bad thoughts, positive and negative thoughts, and even whether the things you think about are truth or lies. When you become more aware of what you are thinking, you can take action to shift your thought patterns into a more positive direction.[13]
    • Once you have started to monitor your thoughts and identify which ones make you feel bad, attempt to challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
    • For example, you might say to yourself, “I’m a total failure.” Try to cross-examine this statement with questions and then rewrite each thought into something positive. Some questions to ask yourself include:[14]
      • ”What evidence do I have that this is true? Not true?”
      • ”How might I view this situation differently if I weren’t depressed?”
      • ”What would I say to a friend who said something like this?”
  6. English: Step 6 Start a journal for negative thinking.
    Try to get a better understanding of your thoughts and feelings by writing in a journal. Write about any painful emotions that you experience. Instead of holding upsetting thoughts or feelings in, unload them onto paper or use one of the many apps that are available to journal into. Writing in a journal is actually a positive activity that can lead to better mental health.[15]
    • Take it one step further and come up with strategies to problem-solve the negative thoughts and feelings you are having. How can you improve your situation? If you notice patterns in what you are complaining about on a daily or weekly basis, brainstorm ways you can take action to minimize these issues.
    • You can also test negative thinking by looking for evidence to counter your negative thoughts. For example, if you find yourself thinking, “I will always fail. I will never succeed at anything,” then try to think of evidence that counters that thought (Ask a friend or family member to help you if you have trouble coming up with evidence). This could be past successes you have had, no matter if they are small or large. You might think back to a time when you got a good grade on a test, or when you had a really fun night with your friends. You can even think back to something from a really long time ago to counter your thought, such as learning how to walk.
Part 3
Part 3 of 5:

Reducing Stress

  1. English: Step 1 Manage your stress...
    Manage your stress.[16] Being overwhelmed by situations at home, at school, or in your relationships can worsen your depressive symptoms. Find practical ways to decrease stress and take it easy on yourself as you are fighting depression.
    • Many teens have tons of responsibilities such as completing school assignments, doing chores, participating in extra-curricular activity, and even managing part-time jobs. If your current obligations are becoming too much to handle, try to say “no” more often when someone asks you to do something extra and cut back on your responsibilities if possible. For example, maybe you can cut back on your hours at your part-time job, or just be part of one after school club instead of three.
    • Try to find some time to relax every day as well, such as by meditating, doing yoga, or doing deep breathing exercises.
    • Other ways to reduce stress include managing your time to do homework and chores effectively, breaking big projects or tasks down into smaller, more manageable parts, and being aware of when you are taking on too much. Seek support when you become overwhelmed rather than withdrawing from loved ones.
  2. English: Step 2 Get sufficient sleep.
    As a teen, it's natural to want to stay up later talking on the phone or browsing the web. Surprisingly enough, however, teens usually need more sleep than adults to support developing minds and bodies. Sleep deprivation can contribute to and worsen the symptoms of depression.[17]
    • Try to get at least 8 hours or more sleep each night. Also, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and rising at the same times each day. In addition, be sure to cut off technology a couple hours before bed to improve your chances of getting good quality sleep.[18]
  3. English: Step 3 Eat well.
    Enjoy nutritious, well-balanced meals rather than consuming convenience foods that drain you of energy and worsen your mood. Consume a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. If you fuel your body with the proper nutrients, you can support your mind and body as it heals from depression.[19]
  4. English: Step 4 Exercise regularly to prevent stress and tension from mounting.
    The last thing you may want to do when you feel depressed is exercise. However, physical activity can be a powerful antidote for depression. When you engage in exercise, your body produces mood-boosting chemicals called endorphins. Exercise also improves self-esteem and relieves stress.[20]
    • Perform at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily. This can be running, dancing, swimming, hiking, or weight training. Find an activity you like and commit to it.
  5. English: Step 5 Spend less time around difficult people.
    You may be surrounded by people who are bossy, who are mean, or who use drugs and alcohol. Find ways to reduce your exposure to people who make you feel bad or who pressure you to make negative choices. Instead, spend time with positive people who are upbeat and supportive.[21]
    • Connect with people who don't judge you. Actively seek out friends and family members who don't place conditions on loving you and who accept the person you are now and the person you are becoming.
Part 4
Part 4 of 5:

Addressing Common Teen Depression Triggers

  1. English: Step 1 Have the courage to stand up to bullies.
    Research shows that teens who are bullied have a greater likelihood of developing depression and substance abuse problems. That's why it's important for teens to know how to respond to bullying behavior and put it to a stop before it takes a toll on emotional and mental health. Follow these tips for handling bullies at school:[22]
    • Assert yourself to let the bully know you will not accept being mistreated. Say something like, "Give it a rest" or "Knock it off!"
    • Ignore the bully by not showing any sort of reaction and walking away.
    • Stay in groups between classes, at recess, and after school to deter bullying behavior.
    • Report the behavior to an adult you can trust, such as a teacher, coach, school counselor, or parent.
  2. English: Step 2 Identify and overcome...
    Identify and overcome peer pressure. Peer pressure happens when classmates or friends influence your behavior or decisions.[23] When peers try to convince you to behave negatively, you may try to refuse which can result in teasing, spreading rumors or social isolation. These consequences are carried out to try to force you to give in to the demands of peer pressure. You can learn to resist peer pressure and the negative consequences associated with it by:
    • Paying attention to how you feel about what's right and wrong
    • Having the confidence to not follow the crowd
    • Saying "no" when you are asked to do something that you believe is not right
    • Confiding in someone you trust like a parent or older sibling
    • Staying away from friends who pressure you
  3. English: Step 3 Know when you need to ask for help with schoolwork.
    Teenagers have a host of responsibilities with school generally ranking at the top of the list. Plus, the older you get, you are faced with more challenges, such as complex curriculum, juggling school and jobs, and making decisions about college and the future. If you feel like you are reaching a point of burnout or overwhelm, you need to know that it's OK to ask for help.
    • There are many ways you can cope with feeling overwhelmed by your schoolwork. For example, if you are having trouble focusing in class because you are up late working a part-time job, you may want to reduce your work hours or only work on weekends. If a difficult subject is making all of your grades drop, ask for help from the teacher or a tutor.
    • Teen stress is very real, but you can ask for help. Confide in your parents, teachers, or school counselor if you are suffering from feeling overwhelmed. These people can help you learn how to better manage your responsibilities.
Part 5
Part 5 of 5:

Helping a Teen with Depression

  1. English: Step 1 Watch for signs of depression in teen friends and family
    . If you are a loved one who is concerned that a teen in your life may be suffering from depression, it's important to be able to spot the warning signs. If you notice any of these symptoms in a teen, urge him or her to get help. If the person is in denial about depression, alert a parent or other adult who can ensure that your loved one gets professional attention. Common symptoms of teen depression may include:[24]
    • Having low self-esteem
    • Being irritable
    • Having difficulty concentrating
    • Experiencing changes in sleep habits or appetite
    • Feeling hopeless
    • Having little interest in previously pleasurable activities
    • Withdrawing from friends and family
    • Losing or gaining weight
    • Having thoughts of suicide
    • Self-harming without the intention to take their life.
  2. English: Step 2 Help a friend or loved one in need.
    You can help a friend, sibling, or child who has depression feel better by being supportive and showing compassion. Think about how he or she might be feeling and try to empathize. Say something to encourage your friend like, "I know going to school might be hard, but it might make you feel better. Getting out of your room and socializing might help you feel like yourself again." Letting your teen know that you can see what he or she is going through and showing support can make the person feel less alone while fighting depression.[25]
    • You can also help by joining your teen at doctor's appointments, offering to attend family therapy, or participating in support groups. Learning as much as you can about teen depression can help you gain better insight on how to be supportive and compassionate.[26]
  3. English: Step 3 Suggest that the teen build a coping toolbox.
    All teenagers will encounter difficult personal situations when things aren't going so well at home. Parents separating or divorcing, financial difficulties, death in the family, and an older sibling going away to college can all be upsetting ordeals for teens. What's more, teens also cope with difficulties in friendships and romantic relationships. By building a toolbox of stress relievers, you can help your teen prevent personal issues from turning into depression. You may recommend that he or she:[27]
    • Identify people in your life who you trust and feel comfortable talking to. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting friends and family who value you and what you bring to the table. These people can be a part of your support toolbox. Talk to someone who is usually supportive and caring when you are feeling down. Don't hold things inside.
    • Develop healthy habits to have a wellness component to your toolbox. Be sure to exercise, eat well, and get enough sleep. Taking care of your body and mind is key to getting through tough personal circumstances.
    • Participate in activities you enjoy often, such as reading, listening to music, or playing sports. These can be go-to activities in your toolbox that you do when you are feeling down.

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      About this article English: Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS
      Co-authored by:
      Professional Counselor
      This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. This article has been viewed 56,154 times.
      112 votes - 63%
      Co-authors: 40
      Updated: July 28, 2022
      Views: 56,154
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