How to Choose a Personal Trainer

A good personal trainer will teach you how to work out effectively, hold you accountable, and keep you motivated to stick with it when things get tough. Unfortunately, finding the right personal trainer for you can feel like a daunting task. Luckily, with a bit of research, self-reflection, and work, you can find the perfect trainer to help you reach your fitness goals. Remember, finding a good trainer is only going to take you so far. It’s important that you put the effort in and stay consistent to become the best you can be!

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Doing Your Homework

  1. English: Step 1 Determine what your fitness goals are before doing anything else.
    Knowing what you need and want to accomplish will help you narrow down your search. Are you looking to lose weight, or do you just want to get into better shape? You may also be trying to build your muscles to bulk up for swimsuit season, or hoping to strengthen your back after an injury. Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start your search.[1]
    • If you’re looking to lose weight, you could seek out a trainer with a background in nutrition to help you build a weight loss plan. If you’re recovering from an injury, you likely need a trainer that specializes in rehabilitation and physical therapy.
    • Some common fitness goals include improving your balance and flexibility, boosting your immune system, or even just getting out of your comfort zone.
    • Make these goals as specific as possible. So not just, “I want to be able to run,” but, “I want to run a 5K in two months with my family.”
    • If you're still not sure exactly what you want your goals to be, don't worry. A good trainer can help you set achievable goals.
  2. English: Step 2 Make a list of activities you enjoy to narrow in on what you want to do.
    Think about the physical activities you already enjoy and jot them down. This way, you can find a trainer that specializes in those types of activity to make exercise fun for you. If you love swimming, look for a personal trainer with access to a pool. If you want to improve your cardiovascular health but find running boring, look for a trainer who loves dance aerobics.[2]
    • Consider what sports you have played during your lifetime. Maybe you want to do workouts that incorporate these games.
    • This type of information is really helpful for trainers. Their job is to engage you and make working out fun, so your list will come in handy when it comes time to start training!
  3. English: Step 3 Check your budget to see what you can spend on a personal trainer.
    It's not necessary to throw your entire budget at a trainer. Go through your budget and figure out how much you could reasonably set aside for a personal trainer. Personal trainers often charge $40–$70 an hour. You may be able to find a trainer for less, though. Figuring out how much you can spend will also help you set a schedule that works.[3]
    • You may need to pay a little more if you want the trainer to come to your home.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Selecting a Style of Training

  1. English: Step 1 Stick with one-on-one training if you have specific fitness goals.
    There are many benefits of working alone with a trainer. Individual instruction gives your trainer more time to focus on your specific needs. They can also spend more time observing you, tracking progress, and monitoring your form. You'll be the center of attention every time you meet. If you really want to achieve a specific fitness goal, one-on-one instruction is right for you.[4]
    • With one-one-one training it's even more important that you are socially comfortable with your trainer. Don’t sign up for anything before you meet with the trainer. The more relaxed you feel around your trainer, the more productive you’ll be.
    • You can do one-on-one training at a gym, or you can hire a trainer to come to your home.
  2. English: Step 2 Go for group classes if you just want to get into better shape and have fun.
    Some personal trainers teach multiple clients at once. Since there are more people working out together, group classes tend to be more fun and social. This can counter the boredom that many experience when they’re working out alone. Classmates can also help keep you motivated and hold you accountable.[5]
    • Many group classes are designed to be more engaging than individual training. Aerobics, choreographed dance, Pilates, indoor cycling, kickboxing, muscle conditioning, and fall prevention are all examples of group classes with a range of style and experience.
  3. English: Step 3 Look for a trainer that specializes in weight loss to shed some pounds.
    If you’re looking to lose weight and that’s really your only goal, look for a trainer that works with clients who are trying to lose weight. Depending on where you live, you may be able to find a weight loss clinic with in-house trainers. These trainers will develop the best workout plan for you based on your fitness level and weight loss goals.[6]
    • Talk to your doctor before you start working out to lose weight.
    • Remember, diet is a huge component of any successful weight loss plan. If you want help developing a diet that works for you, find a trainer with a background in nutrition.
  4. English: Step 4 Opt for a virtual trainer to work out in the comfort of your home.
    Working with a trainer in person can be time consuming. If you can’t fit a regular gym visit into your schedule, virtual training may be right for you. You can find a personal trainer online that will meet with you over video, or download an app like FlexIt to connect you with a trainer whenever you need one.[7]
    • Virtual trainers can be kind of expensive. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, there are plenty of free fitness routines online.
    • Some professional trainers and athletes have their own video series devoted to different workouts routines.
    • There are fitness video games you can buy that will lead you through workout routines. These are a popular option if you want something more interactive
    • Be advised that any videos you find online may not be done by an accredited trainer.
  5. English: Step 5 Pick between general training and specific exercise programs, like CrossFit.
    Are there programs you've heard of and want to give a shot? If so, search for trainers who offer the type of training you are interested in. You could seek out a CrossFit pro or find a master yogi that hosts training sessions. The more specialized a trainer is, the more helpful they’ll be when it comes to a specific type of workout or training style.[8]
    • Yoga refers to a wide range of flexibility and breathing exercises you can complete alone or in a class. It’s a great option if you want something a little more relaxed or thoughtful.[9]
    • Pilates is a type of low-impact exercise that focuses on slow, controlled movements. It’s good for muscle toning and general fitness.[10]
    • CrossFit is where you complete a sequence of full-body exercises in a group setting. There are a lot of games and interactive elements, which can be a lot of fun![11]
    • HIIT, which is short for high-intensity interval training, is all about pushing your body to do a lot in a short period of time. This is a great method for building muscle.[12]
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Finding Trainers

  1. English: Step 1 Ask for recommendations from people you trust.
    Word of mouth can be a great source of information when it comes to finding the right trainer for you. Ask your friends, family, and coworkers if they know anyone that fits your search criteria. Oftentimes, talking to people who already have experience with a trainer is the most helpful way to make a smart choice.[13]
    • Keep in mind that not everyone likes the same kind of training. If you and the people you talk to have very different needs, goals, and respond to different kinds of motivation, their recommendation might not be helpful to you.
  2. English: Step 2 Look for personal trainers at your local gym or fitness center.
    Joining a gym has the benefit of giving you access to a range of workout equipment. They also have leads on good physical trainers! Whether you are already a gym member, or still just considering your options, it's possible to visit different gyms in your area to learn about their trainers. Ask the people in charge for background info, credentials, and skill sets of each trainer.[14]
    • Usually gyms offer personal training as an add-on cost. You can sign up for personal training and pay another fee on top of the monthly fee you pay for general use of the equipment and the space.
    • Before signing up, try to find out how the trainers are paid and whether they work on commission sales. Sometimes, commercial gyms hire personal trainers as sales people. Although they are well-meaning, these people can be more driven to sell you memberships and services, than they are to help you with your fitness goals.
  3. English: Step 3 Search online for a certified trainer in your area.
    The Idea Health and Fitness Association and ACE are two major training associations that have search engines you can use to find accredited trainers near you. Using one of these databases can give you a strong list of trainers to check out. You can also just go online and type “personal trainer near me” to see if there are any reputable trainers near you.[15]
    • It's possible to have trainers come to your home. This is convenient and may appeal to you. However, make sure the trainer has a great reputation and is certified before letting them into your home.[16]
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Selecting the Right Trainer for You

  1. English: Step 1 Talk to each potential trainer to get a sense for their style and personality.
    You’re going to spend a lot of time with a trainer, so it’s important that the two of you vibe with one another. Personality matters, and it doesn’t matter how good they are at their job if you don’t like them. Meet with a potential trainer and just have a conversation about your goals, their background, and what their training philosophy is to see if you feel comfortable around them.[17]
    • Don't hire a trainer as soon as you meet them. If they ask you to sign up for something, just let them know you’re still weighing your options. Have casual conversation and trust your emotional instincts.
    • Crack a joke if humor is important to you. If they’re all tight-lipped and refuse to open up, they’re probably not the right trainer for you.
    • If you’re looking for a serious trainer to keep you in line and prevent you from getting off-track, it’s a good idea to stay away from trainers that you really love laughing or chatting with. Look for someone with a little grit. Maybe you need that drill sergeant energy!
  2. English: Step 2 Ask questions about what they do during a training session.
    Although you will be their client, you're the one who is actually employing the trainer. It is perfectly normal to ask any questions you have before making a commitment. Ask them about what their philosophy is, how they set clients up for success, and ask them what their average training session looks like.[18] You could ask:
    • How do you assess if your clients are making progress?
    • What does an average training session with you look like?
    • What do you do to motivate your clients?
    • What’s your general philosophy about exercise?
  3. English: Step 3 Check to see if they’re accredited by any professional organizations.
    The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) are considered the most rigorous and respected programs for athletic trainers in the US. Idea, ACE, and The National Academy Sports Medicine (NASM) are other good certifications as well.[19] Ask the trainer what kind of certifications they have to ensure they’re reputable.
    • Different countries have different personal training organizations, so you may want to look up the professional organizations where you live before starting this bit of the conversation. The organizations mentioned above are all based in the United States.
  4. English: Step 4 Discuss your goals to make sure you’re both on the same page.
    Explain what you want to get out of your personal trainer. Once you've shared your goals, ask what kind of routines they envision to help you succeed. Also, find out how they plan on tracking your progress.[20]
    • Trainers can show you weekly routines they will lead you through to accomplish your goals. They will break down the hours trained and how all your time is divided between various workouts.
    • Stay realistic about your goals. For example, if you tell a trainer that you want to lose 50 pounds (23 kg) in a week, and they say that's unhealthy and pretty unreasonable, don't be upset. People who promise you the impossible or don't point out reality may not be trustworthy.
    • Ask about any specific routines or programs you are interested in (CrossFit, yoga, etc.).
  5. English: Step 5 Ask for references if you’d like to talk to previous clients.
    If you’re curious about what it’s like to work with a trainer, ask them for references. Contact a few of their former or current clients and ask them what they think about the trainer’s style. People who have worked directly with a trainer can offer insightful details about the trainer's personality, abilities, issues, and efficiency.[21]
    • When contacting strangers, be polite and grateful for the help they're offering you by giving their time.
    • You can look for online reviews as well if there’s a Yelp page for the gym they work at. Don’t put a lot of weight in testimonials on a trainer’s personal website, though. They’re often curated to only show you the good stuff.
  6. English: Step 6 Bring up any health conditions and injuries you have.
    If you’re recovering from an injury or you have a unique health condition, let the trainer know. If they don’t have experience working with clients with your condition, it may not be a good fit. Also, bringing this up now will help them steer clear of dangerous activities.[22]
    • Your trainer may even know of a few workouts that will help you improve your condition!
    • If you have major injuries and are working on overcoming them, you may want to find someone who has experience with physical therapy. Ask if the trainer has any experience with physical therapy or rehabilitation.
  7. English: Step 7 Compare your schedules to figure out if they have time for you.
    Whether you like a potential trainer or not may not matter if they aren’t available when you’re free. If you like the trainer, pull up your schedule or calendar and ask them when they’d be free to meet. If their schedule is absolutely packed, you may need to look for someone who is free at times that work for you.
    • It's possible that you like and believe in a trainer enough to change your own schedule. Be sure to weigh your other responsibilities and desires before going through with that kind of adjustment.
  8. English: Step 8 Weigh your options and don’t feel pressured to pay for anything.
    You don't have to sign up right away, even if you really like a trainer. Trainers often show a lot of enthusiasm in conversation and may try to persuade you to be their client. Don't let anyone talk you into making immediate decisions. Instead, take the time to think about it and weigh your options. This way you'll feel more confident with your final choice.[23]
    • If a trainer pushes you to sign you up soon, just politely decline their offer. Let them know you’re still exploring your options.
  9. English: Step 9 Get a detailed explanation of their prices and sign up for a session!
    Many personal trainers have a detailed breakdown of their pricing options, so just ask about what they charge. This way, you won’t finish your first session and get hit with a random $300 bill you weren’t expecting. If they’re out of your price range, ask them if they offer discounts if you bring a friend or schedule sessions outside of peak hours.[24]
    • Check to see if take cash, checks, or electronic payment. If you sign up with a trainer at a gym, you’ll typically pay the gym.
    • Ask about their cancellation policy. If you have a personal emergency, will you have to pay for the session if you let them know 6 hours ahead of time?
    • If you are meeting your trainer far from their gym, will you be paying for their travel time? Trainers are often willing to meet in parks and other public spaces, but make sure you know if this will be an additional cost.
    • Once you find a trainer that you’re comfortable with, pay for your first session and get ready to start breaking a sweat!

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What should I look for when choosing a personal trainer? English: Pete Cerqua
    Pete Cerqua
    Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
    Pete Cerqua is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. Pete is also a five-time best-selling author of books including "The 90-Second Fitness Solution" and "High Intensity Fitness Revolution for Women/Men" published by Simon and Schuster and Skyhorse Publishing. Pete has over 20 years of personal training and nutrition coaching experience and operates the 90-Second Fitness flagship studio in New York City. English: Pete Cerqua
    Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
    Expert Answer
    Pay attention to what they're wearing and what they talk about. If they're trying to show off their muscles and they're always talking about themselves, they probably aren't going to be a very good trainer. You also want to make sure they have the ability to listen. If they aren't checking in with their clients and they don't take feedback, they're going to be difficult to work with.
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      • Your personal trainer can't do their job if you don't do yours. Show up on time, bring a towel, bring your water. Between training sessions, do your workouts on your own as recommended. Don't expect to reach your goal without a lot of work and sweat.
      • When you hear the phrase “free consultation,” ask what that means. Some trainers treat free consultations as a free training session, while other trainers treat it as a sales pitch meeting. Other trainers just treat free consultations as an opportunity to ask questions. Just make sure you don’t buy anything without doing your due diligence first.


      • Always consult your physician before you start an exercise program.
      • If any exercise hurts, tell your trainer immediately. They will be able to give you alternatives that won't injure you.

      About this article English: Pete Cerqua
      Co-authored by:
      Certified Personal Trainer & Nutritionist
      This article was co-authored by Pete Cerqua and by staff writer, Eric McClure. Pete Cerqua is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist. Pete is also a five-time best-selling author of books including "The 90-Second Fitness Solution" and "High Intensity Fitness Revolution for Women/Men" published by Simon and Schuster and Skyhorse Publishing. Pete has over 20 years of personal training and nutrition coaching experience and operates the 90-Second Fitness flagship studio in New York City. This article has been viewed 36,964 times.
      2 votes - 100%
      Co-authors: 19
      Updated: December 23, 2022
      Views: 36,964
      Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 36,964 times.

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        Jake White

        Mar 28, 2020

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