How to Care for an English Mastiff

The black-masked gentle giants known as Mastiffs are a working breed that has been around since ancient times. In fact, there are records of Mastiffs that show them as royal and military guardians in both ancient Egypt and Rome! Known for their massive, muscular frames, English Mastiffs are anything but lap dogs, but their sweet and obedient natures offset their intimidating appearances. If you learn how to manage the nutritional, medical, grooming, and training challenges that come with their colossal size, Mastiffs can make wonderful family companions and comparatively hassle-free pets.[1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Keeping Your Mastiff Healthy

  1. English: Step 1 Know the health history of your pet.
    Before you buy a Mastiff, be sure that the breeder provides you with independently certified genetic health screenings for the dog’s parents. Check to see that both are free from hereditary diseases and disorders, like hip dysplasia, cardiomyopathy, or retinal atrophy, that could be passed on to your pet. The breeder should also offer a health guarantee for your dog as part of the sales contract.[2]
    • Responsible breeders will have the parents of their litters registered in the Canine Health Information Center database. The records should be searchable and include evaluations of each Mastiff’s eyes, hips, elbows, heart, thyroid, and urine to ensure that their sire and dam do not carry any common genetic diseases that threaten the health of the breed.
  2. English: Step 2 Take your Mastiff in for regular check-ups.
    Register your dog immediately with a nearby veterinary clinic. Having a steady vet who is familiar with the medical records of your pet will help catch any health issues that may arise and ensure that you keep up with your pooch’s vaccination cycles and parasite control treatments.
  3. English: Step 3 Watch out for bloat.
    Bloat or “Gastric Torsion” is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition wherein a dog’s digestive processes lead to the overproduction of gas, which fills, twists, and then blocks their stomach. Since English Mastiffs are prone to it, it’s important to know the symptoms and get your pet to a vet immediately if they show any of them.
    • The symptoms include dry retching (without being able to vomit), excessive thirst, severe salivation, and abdominal swelling. Your dog will also likely show other signs of discomfort, such as pacing, restlessness, and hanging their head low.
    • The exact causes of bloat are unknown, but, there are some practices that can help minimize your Mastiff’s risk. For instance, they’ll be less susceptible if you feed them two well-spaced meals a day and plan their exercise so that it does not immediately precede or follow a meal.
  4. English: Step 4 Test your dog for canine cystinuria.
    This genetic kidney disease causes bladder stones and potentially life-threatening urinary blockages. The condition is rare, but Mastiffs are at higher risk, so consider getting a urine test. If your dog is having difficulty urinating, take them to the vet immediately for screening.
    • Since the causes of this disease are genetic, it’s impossible to prevent and difficult to control with prescriptions or dietary therapies. If your Mastiff develops this condition, it will very likely require surgery.
  5. English: Step 5 Look out for joint problems.
    Due to their massive size, structural issues are not uncommon for English Mastiffs, young or old. They can start very early in life since Mastiff puppies have a much longer development period than most dogs (from 2-3 years). If your pup is having trouble getting up and down or moving about in a natural way on all four legs, take them to the vet for an examination.[3]
    • Hip and elbow dysplasia as well as cruciate ligament injuries in their knees are the most common joint ailments Mastiffs face.
    • You can actively take steps to prevent future joint issues by ensuring that you keep young Mastiffs lean to avoid putting extra pressure on their bones and ligaments. You should do this by keeping them from overeating rather than through strenuous exercise, since playing too hard can also cause significant structural problems down the line.
  6. English: Step 6 Get regular heart exams.
    English Mastiffs are genetically susceptible to heart disease, including cardiomyopathy, pulmonic stenosis, mitral dysplasia, and subaortic stenosis. Be sure that your vet gives your pooch a heart check-up each time you go in for an appointment, to catch these conditions early when they’re still treatable.[4]
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Feeding Your Mastiff

  1. English: Step 1 Feed your dog a set amount of medium-protein kibble.
    English Mastiffs grow so rapidly that it’s actually not a good idea to give them a high-protein diet or any extra nutritional supplements. From the time that they’re three months and older, feed them a high-quality complete and balanced adult dry dog food with a medium fat- and protein-content.
    • Check the package to see that it’s an ideal food for your Mastiff. It should have roughly 20-25% protein and 12-18% fat. It should also include the recommended daily doses of phosphorus and calcium, plus a 3-5% iodine content.
    • The amount you feed your dog will vary according to its age, weight, and condition. Look to the specific guidelines suggested on your dog food’s packaging to calculate the appropriate daily serving.
    • Always limit your Mastiff’s meals to the recommended serving sizes indicated on the back of your dog food. Keep in mind that Mastiffs have comparatively slow metabolisms, and larger dogs need to eat much less food per pound than smaller ones.
  2. English: Step 2 Feed your Mastiff twice a day.
    Create established mealtimes at morning and night, and split their daily food allowance evenly between them. This will aid your dog’s digestion and prevent it from eating too much too quickly, which puts them at greater risk of bloat.
  3. English: Step 3 Avoid raised bowls.
    Since they’re so far off the ground, it might be tempting to raise your English Mastiff’s food bowls off the ground, too. However, the limited studies that have been done show that this practice increases their risk of bloat. Stick to a large food dish that’s on the ground.[5]
    • Consider getting a specialized bowl with raised partitions inside that encourages your English Mastiff to eat slower. This will decrease their risk of vomiting and bloat.
  4. English: Step 4 Give your pet constant access to water.
    English Mastiffs need clean, fresh water to keep their digestive systems and joints healthy. They also drool a lot, so they need to replace the water they lose through salivating. Consequently, Mastiffs are an especially thirsty breed who should always have a dish of water available to them, even at night.[6]
    • Because Mastiffs tend to drool into their water, be sure to rinse their dish on a daily basis. If you don’t, they’ll get dehydrated since they’re averse to drinking their own drool.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Managing and Caring for Your Mastiff

  1. English: Step 1 Keep your English Mastiff indoors.
    Their breed is particularly social and attached to their humans, so they’ll be happiest when they’re near you. They should be kept as house dogs or not kept at all.
    • As long as they can live amongst you, Mastiffs will be clean and undemanding pets.
  2. English: Step 2 Socialize your pet
    early. Much of a dog’s behaviors and attitudes towards humans and other animals are formed when they’re still a puppy. The sooner you can start socializing them by introducing them to new people and places, the better, especially since their large size will make them seem especially threatening should they exhibit any aggression.[7]
    • Make an effort to thoughtfully and gradually expand their knowledge of the world. Take them to a few new places each week, and introduce them to a few new people and dogs in each place.
    • Young Mastiffs are prone to phobias, so try to make sure that their experiences of new people, places, and things are as positive as possible. Don’t take them to a crowded rock concert that’s bound to be frightening. If you do encounter something that scares them, respond with calm affection and reassurance until they are at ease.
  3. English: Step 3 Introduce them to children early.
    In spite of their size, English Mastiffs can be great family pets who are excellent companions for children. However, to ensure that they’ll take to youngsters, it’s best to make sure they become accustomed to kids while they’re still puppies themselves.[8]
    • Be sure to prepare children for their introduction and supervise it closely. Teach children to be “dog-friendly” before they interact with your Mastiff; that is, calm, gentle, and respectful. Mastiffs can be easily traumatized by rough-housing or abuse, but they’re generally very child-friendly.
  4. English: Step 4 Train your Mastiff...
    Train your Mastiff. The last thing that you want is a 150-pound dog who won’t listen to you. To make your enormous pet manageable, you should teach it at least five basic commands: sit, stay, lie down, heel, and come. The easiest and most effective way to instill these commands is to enroll your pup in formal obedience classes put on by a local kennel club, humane society, or experienced professional trainer.[9]
    • Repetition and positive rewards (like treats and affectionate praise) are the best ways of reinforcing commands and desirable behaviors with your Mastiff. They’re a sensitive breed and will respond to negativity with stubbornness, so be sure to keep your training attitude friendly and excited.[10]
    • English Mastiffs are not the most trainable breed, but if you’re consistent, patient, and firm, they will eventually catch on. Since they’re especially sensitive and don’t have the longest attention span, it’s best to reinforce commands with short training sessions several times a day.[11]
  5. English: Step 5 Give your Mastiff moderate exercise.
    Your English Mastiff should be exercised daily with a walk to keep them physically and mentally sound. However, because they have a tendency to overheat, you should build up the amount of exercise they do gradually, and be sure to let them rest when they begin to pant a lot or show other signs of tiredness. Keep in mind that their weight means that athletic activities like running are much higher-impact for them than they would be for smaller dogs.
    • Because their large frames are susceptible to joint issues, you should avoid excessive exercise or over-exerting your Mastiff, especially when they’re under two years old since their skeletons are still developing.
    • One of the best exercises for young Mastiffs is swimming in a pool, pond, lake, bay, or other calm body of water. If the weather permits, it’s a great way to develop your dog’s muscles without putting undue strain on their joints. Be sure to always supervise their swimming sessions, and keep them to 10-30 minutes a day.[12]
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Grooming Your Mastiff

  1. English: Step 1 Brush their coat at least once a week.
    English Mastiffs have a short, low-maintenance coat that should not require much grooming. However, they do shed quite a bit, especially in the fall and spring. Use a rubber curry brush to comb them daily at the most or weekly at the least to control their shedding and remove any dirt or mats in their fur.[13]
  2. English: Step 2 Clean their wrinkles.
    Mastiffs have deeply wrinkled faces, and bacteria can sometimes hide in the crevices. Wipe their wrinkles at least once a week with a baby wipe and then towel them dry to prevent any potential infections.[14]
  3. English: Step 3 Bathe them
    infrequently. English Mastiffs are a naturally clean breed who should not require much extra attention. Frequent washing dries out a Mastiff’s skin and compromises the natural oils in their coats, so they should only be bathed when necessary. [15]
    • Use a mild, hypoallergenic dog shampoo to lather up your pooch from the neck down, and rinse with warm water.
    • Because of the logistical difficulties involved with bathing such a large beast, you may want to consider taking them to a professional groomer to do the job for you. Keep in mind that the rates will usually be higher for Mastiffs because of their size.
  4. English: Step 4 Clip their nails...
    Clip their nails every week or two. Use a large clipper especially designed for dogs to trim your Mastiff’s toenails on a regular basis. Go paw by paw, starting with the ones in front. Be sure that your dog stands still while you do it.[16]
    • Always look at the underside of your dog’s toenail before you clip it to see where their nerve ends. You should only trim off the part that extends beyond the nerve, and always err on the side of leaving too much rather than painfully cutting your pooch’s nerve endings.
  5. English: Step 5 Brush their teeth...
    Brush their teeth often. Brush daily if possible, or 2-3 times a week at minimum. This will prevent bad breath, tartar buildup, and bacterial infections. Be sure to use a brush and toothpaste that are made especially for large dogs.[17]

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      • If you’d like to get a purebred puppy, the best place to go is a reputable breeder. The Mastiff Club of America has a referral program for breeders who have pledged to abide by a strict code of ethics that stipulates that they’ll only engage in responsible breeding practices that are best for the health of the pups and the future of the breed.[18]
      • If you’re looking for an adult English Mastiff, Mastiff Rescue nonprofits are a good place to start.[19]


      • Mastiffs love their humans. Do not get one unless you’re willing to commit to being around more than you’re away.

      About this article English: Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
      Co-authored by:
      This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. This article has been viewed 19,936 times.
      16 votes - 94%
      Co-authors: 9
      Updated: July 1, 2020
      Views: 19,936
      Article SummaryX

      To care for an English Mastiff, feed it a diet of medium protein kibble to manage its growth speed, which is too fast for high protein foods. You should also feed your dog twice a day at set times to ensure it doesn’t eat too much too quickly. Since mastiffs are sociable and like being around humans, you should keep your dog inside so it can interact with you. Although your mastiff’s coat won’t require much care, brush it at least once a week to control shedding. It’s also important for you to wipe the wrinkles on its face every week to reduce the risk of infection. For tips from our Veterinary co-author on how to train your Mastiff, read on!

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      Reader Success Stories

      • English: Byron Dudley

        Byron Dudley

        Jun 19, 2022

        "Great article. I have a 6 month old English Mastiff, and thought your characterization of their personalities,..." more

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