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You don't need to be tall to become a model. While most models are typically 5'9" to 6", you can still be signed with an agency even if you fall under this height range. Tall models may dominate the high fashion world, but there are plenty of other opportunities out there. [1] If you work where your strengths play out then you can be more successful.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting Yourself Out There

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  1. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 1.jpeg
    Connect with a photographer. Before getting out there as a model, you should research available photographers in your area. It is best to find a photographer that does headshots and can handle makeup. You will need to have a mild layer of makeup applied for your headshot.
    • Look online for photographers who meet this criteria.
    • You might also have luck finding a good photographer through an agency you’re in contact with.
  2. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 2.jpeg
    Pay for headshots. Yes, you will need to pay for a good photographer to do your headshots. It is a vulnerable part of the process, but being a model is a vulnerable job. You want the highest quality you can afford. It is best if your photographer or agency can do make up.
    • A good photographer will take several photos, sometimes up to a hundred. Then they'll communicate to you which one you'd like to use.
    • Some headshots are taken outside, and others are shot indoors at a studio. Both of these can be effective, if done by the right photographer.
  3. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 3.jpeg
    Research modeling agencies. Talk to friends in the modeling world to find out if they have any connections to a modeling agency. If not, go online and research nearby modeling agency. It is better to pick an agency that is close to you as opposed to commuting over an hour.
    • If the closest modeling agency is an hour or two away, consider if this is what you truly want for yourself. If you do, then go for it. Distance cannot stop dreams.[2]
    • Many times your photographer will have contacts with a modeling agency. Some agencies will even look through your photographer's headshot portfolio if they need someone urgently.
  4. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 4.jpeg
    Contact a modeling agency. Go into the modeling agency if it is convenient. It is best to make physical contact with a modeling agency. Go into their office with your headshot in hand. Be confident, but open for what type of advice they may give you. Send a few emails as well to agencies you think might sign you to do a few gigs.
    • Seek out an agency that is known for parts modeling or other types of modeling that are more open to different body types.
    • Be professional when contact the agency. If you are drafting an email, be sure to include an attachment of your headshot.
    • Include any relevant information about previous jobs or something associated with acting/theater.
    • It doesn’t hurt to contact multiple agencies.
    • When it comes to modeling, it's all about how you look. Ignore the height requirements, and just focus on getting good pictures together and submitting your application.[3]
  5. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 5.jpeg
    Create an online model profile. There several websites that act as databases for models and businesses looking for models. You can join one of these websites, usually for free. All you need to provide is some basic information about what your modeling goals are and physical descriptors. Be honest about your height and proportions when creating a profile.
    • You might feel as though you are limiting yourself by including information about your height, but this agencies will appreciate your honesty. There is always work to be done for a variety of body types.
    • Check out for a good interface and an abundance of resources.
  6. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 6.jpeg
    Move to a big city. While it might not be convenient, big cities are the epicenters of the modeling world. This is where you will have your “big chance,” if you will have one. You don’t have to move to L.A. or New York to become a model, although it doesn’t hurt. If you live in a small or rural town, research the nearest city.
    • For example if you live in Carbondale, Illinois, you could move to St. Louis or Chicago.
  7. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 7.jpeg
    Take any job in the beginning. While you’re first starting out, it is important to take modeling jobs to add to your portfolio. Unless the job offends your moral outlook on life, you should take the job. Having modeling experience will also show future employers that you know what it means to be a model.
    • It might be easiest for you to start as a parts model. Parts modelling focuses on a zoom in of a part of your body like your hands.
    • Another popular form of modeling that is open for different models is catalog work. Catalog modeling is becoming more popular to represent multiple body sizes to represent the common person flipping through a clothing catalog.
    • You can still be a professional model if you're short. Kate Moss is a perfect example—even though it was years ago, she got signed in New York despite being 3 in (7.6 cm) shorter than the requirement.[4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Creating a Portfolio

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  1. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 8.jpeg
    Determine what type of modeling interests you. There are several different types of modeling jobs that are inclusive to shorter people. While the high fashion modeling world is reserved for the tall and skinny, but there’s still plenty of other options. Consider some of the following options while complying your portfolio:
    • Editorial print
    • Commercial print[5]
    • Catalogue modeling
    • Plus size modeling
    • Glamour modeling
    • Body parts modeling
    • TV commercials
    • Real life modeling (TV/film extras)[6]
  2. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 9.jpeg
    Assemble a group of photos. For a beginner model, you should include 5-8 photos for your portfolio. The key to having a successful portfolio is it’s ability to convey the range of modeling you can do. If you have a few photos using one photographer, reach out and work with other artists. The beauty of photographs is that they rarely convey your height, unless you stand next to something that shows a scale.
    • Avoid any photographs with other people if they are much taller than you.
    • You should show your ability to demonstrate different characters. One way is to try an array of different wardrobes and makeup styles.
    • If one of your photos is in black and white, but you think it is a great picture that is different from the rest, include it to the portfolio.
  3. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 10.jpeg
    Help yourself stand out. There are several examples you can find online of modeling portfolios. Examples will help guide you in your presentation, but will also show where you can add more personality. Consider adding a high quality photo of you engaging in a hobby of yours. For example, if you are passionate about cooking, include a tasteful photo of you in the kitchen.
    • You should make sure to include a wide array of photos, but don't feel like you can't include any personal photos.
    • Include a unique attribute about yourself that isn't inhibited by being short. For example, you can portray a range of faces. This type of attribute will show your skills and agencies might be less concerned with your height.
    • Sometimes personalized photographs will stand out more for agencies.
  4. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 11.jpeg
    Present the information in a packet. Print the photos in high definition in your preferred size. Most metropolitan markets accept the standard size of 8x10” or 8.5x11”. Some firms require smaller prints, while others ask for large prints (9x12”). Include on the first page some of your information:
    • Your name, local address, and contact.
    • Brief information about your work and goals.
    • Any relevant skills like second languages, acting, singing, etc.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Improving Your Chances of Becoming Discovered

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  1. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 12.jpeg
    Increase the health of your body. Focus on a healthy lifestyle and diet. There is plenty of room in the modeling world for short people, but there isn’t any room for models without work ethic. To keep a high level of work ethic and determination, you’ll need to be in good health. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
    • Exercise at least twice a week.
    • Limit the amount of alcohol and drugs you consume.
    • Consume plenty of vegetables, grains, and eat organically as much as possible.
  2. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 13.jpeg
    Develop a range of faces. Concentrate on your eyes, and learn how to project different emotions without moving the rest of your face. Follow other models on social media and see the range they can portray. Spend time in front of the mirror practicing different looks and body poses.
    • You should be able to portray an emotion if a photographer asks for it on the spot. Work on developing faces that express some of the quintessential emotions like being happy, sad, frustrated, confused, or awe-struck.
    • Develop subtle and exaggerate versions of each emotion to widen your range as a model. English: Gigi Hadid
    Gigi Hadid, Model & Fashion Influencer

    Modeling takes practice and hard work. "When I started, I was the worst on the runway. I try to keep learning every time I step off a runway and get better with each one. I have mentors that have taught me, and I’m still trying to get better today."

  3. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 14.jpeg
    Attend a modeling convention. Instead of going to modeling school and spending money, attend a convention full of agents and talent scouts. Do a quick search to find the closest one to you and prepare for the convention. Before going to the convention, bring several copies of both your portfolio and headshot.[7]
    • A credible convention you can attend is ‘’Faces West’’. This is a good convention for an aspiring model without an agent.
  4. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 15.jpeg
    Become discovered as a short model. If you market yourself properly, you find jobs that are seeking small and petite models. Some firms will hire you as a teen model, even if you're 25 years old because of your height and proportions. Some other avenues you can choose are body parts modeling and face/beauty modeling.
    • Evaluate what parts of your body you find the most appealing. For example, if you think you have above average feet, market them.
    • If you are constantly being complemented for your eyes and beauty of your face, market your face as a platform for make-up modeling.
  5. English: Become a Model if You're Short Step 16.jpeg
    Be realistic in your pursuits. Even after working as hard as you can, sometimes your height will truly limit your options. You need to seek out realistic jobs instead of striving for the runway. The runway is not as realistic for a model under 5'6. There is, however, plenty of other types of jobs doing commercial, catalog, and print based modeling.
    • Strive for your goals as a model, but if certain avenues don't pan out, seek out more attainable jobs.
    • Try applying to be a commercial model instead of a fashion model. Unlike fashion models, commercial models have no age or height requirements.[8]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What type of modeling can a short girl do? English: Traci Halvorson
    Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach. English: Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Expert Answer
    Give commercial modeling a try. This type of modeling has no age or height requirements whatsoever.
  • Question
    Can I be a model if I am short? English: Traci Halvorson
    Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach. English: Traci Halvorson
    Modeling Agent
    Expert Answer
    Yes! Kate Moss is a perfect example. Even though it was a few years ago, she got signed in New York despite being 3 in (7.6 cm) shorter than the requirement. If you're short, who cares? Just submit some flattering poses and headshots to agencies.
  • Question
    Is it possible to be a model if I'm 19 and 4'11"? English: Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, I am 15 and 4'11" and I have done catalog modeling. It's definitely possible!
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      • You're likely to be most successful if you remain realistic and market yourself correctly. If you're 5ft3, it's unlikely you're going to be opening a show at New York Fashion Week in the near future, so don't get too hung up on aiming for such jobs.
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      3. Traci Halvorson. Modeling Agent. Expert Interview. 17 June 2021.
      4. Traci Halvorson. Modeling Agent. Expert Interview. 17 June 2021.
      5. Traci Halvorson. Modeling Agent. Expert Interview. 17 June 2021.
      8. Traci Halvorson. Modeling Agent. Expert Interview. 17 June 2021.

      About This Article English: Traci Halvorson
      Co-authored by:
      Modeling Agent
      This article was co-authored by Traci Halvorson. Traci Halvorson is a Modeling Agent, Former Model, and the Owner of Halvorson Model Management (HMM) in San Jose, California. HMM is a full-service, licensed talent agency representing over 300 professional models and actors. With over 25 years of experience in the modeling industry, Traci specializes in scouting, managing, advising, and launching modeling careers in the Bay Area. Traci holds a BA in Public Relations & Business Management from San Jose State University and also specializes in Marketing, Image consulting, and is a certified Life-Career Coach. This article has been viewed 897,091 times.
      8 votes - 65%
      Co-authors: 45
      Updated: April 18, 2024
      Views: 897,091
      Article SummaryX

      To become a model if you’re short, make yourself stand out by including some personal photos in your portfolio. These could be pictures of yourself engaging in a hobby to show how you can add personality to pictures, or they could be of you demonstrating a skill like being able to portray a variety of emotions with just your eyes to show your skill as an actor. You should also look for jobs that want small or petite models, or consider becoming a make-up model since they won't be able to tell how tall you are. Read more to learn how to market yourself so you get more job offers!

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