How to Be Independent When Visually Impaired

Being visually impaired might feel challenging, but it’s completely possible for you to live an independent life. You’ll probably find training to be useful, to begin with. But once you learn certain skills and start applying them in your day-to-day life, you’ll gain the skills and confidence you need to get around, cook, clean, and manage your finances.

Method 1
Method 1 of 5:

Mastering Mobility

  1. English: Step 1 Take an orientation and mobility development course.
    Whether you were born with or without a visual impairment, support is available to help you get your bearings. Find a local organization, such as a school for the blind or an independent living organization, that offers training courses. Such courses will help you improve your spatial and sensory awareness and are designed to help people with mobility, orientation, and other day-to-day tasks. A coach will help you prepare for pedestrian safety and independent travel.[1]
    • If you don't have an Orientation Mobility instructor, you can also visit your local school for the blind and ask if they can provide you with the right one.
    • Some courses may follow a regular schedule; others might involve one-on-one coaching.
    • If you find a group that offers courses, the organization might also offer peer support groups so you can connect with others who experience similar challenges.[2]
  2. English: Step 2 Use a white mobility cane when walking around.
    A white cane will help you keep track of changes in the pavement, orient yourself along the path, navigate curbs and crosswalks, and identify obstacles up ahead. Additionally, your cane will notify others that you’re visually impaired.[3]
    • You may be eligible for a free white cane in your area. The National Federation for the Blind accepts applications from visually impaired US residents.[4]
    • Canes can reach from the ground up to your shoulder or chin. A longer cane will help you track obstacles further ahead, giving you more time to respond.
    • Different types of options are available for mobility canes. For instance, you could try a collapsible cane for easy storage or a rigid cane which will be more durable in the long run.
    • If you’re new to using a mobility cane, enlist the help of an orientation and mobility instructor. They’ll teach you how to use a cane and can assist you along some of your most taken routes.
  3. English: Step 3 Get a guide dog if you prefer to have a companion help you get around.
    Guide dogs can provide their owners with a sense of security when getting around. Submit an application to one of the many guide dog schools in your region. You’ll be asked to describe your needs and demonstrate your mobility skills in an assessment or interview before being matched up with a dog and enrolled in a training program.[5]
    • It’s common for guide dog schools to provide candidates with guide dog services, free of charge. They generally rely on donations to make these programs possible.[6]
    • Most training programs are based out of the guide dog school, although some do provide in-home training.
    • Keep in mind that owning a guide dog comes with a great deal of responsibility and maintenance. You’ll need to provide your working dog with daily walks, meals, and even playtime. Consider the expense of caring for the dog, too.
  4. English: Step 4 Research accessible public transportation options.
    If you live in an area that offers public transportation, you may find some bus, subway, or rail options that you can use to get around. Contact the public transportation authorities to learn about their rates, departure times, and routes.
    • Reduced fares may be available for visually impaired passengers.
    • Your guide dog will be allowed to join you on public transportation.
    • Public trains and buses are supposed to make regular announcements so you know which stop you’re at. It can be frustrating when announcements aren’t being made, or when they’re not clear. Ask a nearby passenger, the bus driver, or a ticket agent to let you know when you’re approaching your destination.
  5. English: Step 5 Download a transit tracking app to receive real-time location details.
    In some regions, free transit tracking apps are available from the transit authorities themselves or from third-party vendors. Use this kind of app to gather real-time information about the whereabouts of each bus or train. You can also follow the progress it’s making along the route even without announcements.
    • If you’re taking a bus, for instance, a bus tracking app will provide real-time information about when the next bus will arrive, so you can be prepared at the bus stop.
    • Some apps are specifically designed for visually impaired passengers, offering alerts and other features.[7]
  6. English: Step 6 Sign up for a paratransit service.
    Look into which paid and complementary paratransit options are available in your locale. Some local governments provide free services, but you can also apply to a third-party operator if their services are more convenient, providing door-to-door rides by car or van.[8]
    • Ask each operator if they offer services tailored to visually impaired passengers.
Method 2
Method 2 of 5:

Meeting Basic Personal Needs

  1. English: Step 1 Maintain a simple grooming routine.
    Start with a few simple habits that you can accomplish with your sense of touch. For instance, you can pull your hair into a ponytail using a brush and your hands. Practice shaving your face, legs, or underarms with an electric razor to get comfortable with the process. If you want to use a blade, apply shaving cream or lotion to your skin to lessen the likelihood of a nick or cut.
    • The most important thing to remember is that you should do as much or as little grooming as you need in order to feel good.
    • For detail-oriented habits, like having a manicure, tweezed eyebrows, or special event makeup, treat yourself to the services of a professional who can make you feel pampered and polished.[9]
  2. English: Step 2 Choose clothes with stretch knit fabrics and simple fastenings.
    Opt for stretch knits, like T-shirts, sweatshirts or sweaters, and bottoms with elasticated waists. These types of clothes can be pulled onto your body without complicated fastenings or unforgiving fabrics. Plus, they’re comfortable to wear! Look for garments with simple fastenings, like snaps, large buttons, and hook and loop fastenings.[10]
    • Attach a keyring or tassel to the end of jacket zipper pulls so they’re easier to locate.
  3. English: Step 3 Memorize which direction to turn your faucets for hot and cold water.
    You’ll routinely use running water for personal hygiene habits, so get familiar with the faucets around your home. Test the water temperature with your hand before stepping into the shower or washing your face, to make sure it’s not too hot.[11]
    • In the US, you’ll typically turn the faucet left for hot water and right for cold water.
  4. English: Step 4 Store personal hygiene liquids in pumps rather than tubes or bottles.
    If your shampoo and conditioner come in the same container, it will be easy to mix them up. Plus they may be slippery in the shower. Purchase these products in pumps, or install a set of refillable pumps on the inside of your shower to make accessing each product easier.[12]
    • You can do the same for hand soap, body wash, and toothpaste.
  5. English: Step 5 Invest in apps and technology designed to help with everyday tasks.
    Nowadays, smartphones and computers are filled with settings and accessibility features that visually impaired users find beneficial. For instance, you can use the built-in features on many devices to have the words on your screen read out loud, and to give voice commands and send messages.[13]
    • Virtual assistants like Google Home or Alexa can be useful for things like setting timers, checking the weather, running web searches, telling the time and date, tuning into the radio, and more.
    • Some apps are specifically tailored to visually impaired users. The BeMyEyes app, for example, allows you to take a video of something and a volunteer on the other end will tell you what it is.
    • Get in touch with your local blind institute and see if they provide equipment or have any specific recommendations.
    • If you don’t have much computer experience, all of these high-tech options can seem overwhelming. But if you commit to learning a few basic computer skills, you could drastically improve your quality of life with far greater access to information as well as social and employment opportunities.[14]
Method 3
Method 3 of 5:

Managing Your Money

  1. English: Step 1 Search for a job that matches your skills and strengths.
    To get a job and start earning income, think about the types of work you like to do. Consider which strengths you possess and how these could translate to a satisfying job. Keep an open and optimistic frame of mind when searching for employment and convey your enthusiasm and competence when you’re invited to meet for an interview.
    • The job search can be frustrating, but if you exude confidence and competence, prospective employers will take note.[15]
    • From government programs to recruiting agencies and job boards targeted at visually impaired candidates, there are many resources available to help you find jobs to apply for.
  2. English: Step 2 Ask your bank about accessible mobile and online banking services.
    If you have impaired vision, digital banking options will be more useful than paper statements and checks, since you can have the information read out to you. Set up direct deposits, automatic bill payments, and automatic savings transfers to minimize the amount of energy you have to dedicate to managing your everyday finances.[16]
    • Once a week, check in on each account and review all the transactions and balances.
  3. English: Step 3 Organize your wallet thoughtfully.
    Be sure you organize your cash, cards, IDs, transit passes, and other belongings in a way that’s easy to use and remember. Pick out a large wallet with lots of compartments so you can separate cards and other items by category and usage.[17]
    • Try organizing your ID cards in a separate spot from your credit and debit cards. Arrange each category from front to back in order of importance to you.
    • Store your coins, notes, and receipts in separate compartments to eliminate clutter.
    • One helpful trick is to fold paper bills differently based on their amount. You could also store bills of different amounts in different pockets in your wallet.
  4. English: Step 4 Enlist the help of a customer service agent when you go shopping.
    When you arrive at a store, you might be greeted by a sales representative who can help you. Or you can ask to be led to the customer service area. From there, you can ask for assistance or a guide who can help you find the items you want to purchase and provide pricing information.[18]
    • Bring a list of thing you wish to buy. For example, your list could include the product, brand name, and size. This would make it easy for someone else to help you track down everything on your list.
    • Ask whoever’s assisting you for prices and critical details about the items that have been given to you before you make the purchase.
    • Online shopping can be an easier way to get exactly what you want delivered to your doorstep. There are even grocery shopping services available, which could reduce the number of errands you have to run.
Method 4
Method 4 of 5:

Cooking at Home

  1. English: Step 1 Seek out for supervision or training if you’re learning to cook.
    Depending on how much sight and cooking experience you have, it may be useful to work with a coach or loved one as you start cooking. They can help you learn new recipes, organize your kitchen, and get a handle on using kitchen appliances with impaired vision.
    • For example, you could ask your dad to come over and help you cook. Ask him to verify whether you’ve picked up the right ingredients and measured them correctly. He could help you practice safely chopping vegetables and setting the oven temperature.
    • A coach might know about some accessible kitchen technologies that you’d find useful.
    • Navigating your kitchen will take some getting used to, but figuring out which ingredients, temperature, and timing will result in a delicious meal is really the hard part. So if you already know a few recipes, you’re well on your way to cooking with impaired vision.
  2. English: Step 2 Differentiate food containers with tactile labels.
    Even if you know what’s in your pantry or utility shelf, and where each box and jar belong, it can be hard to quickly figure out what’s inside each container. Differentiate similar-feeling containers with tactile labels
    • For instance, you could wrap a rubber band around the flour jar, a hair tie around the sugar jar, and a strip of masking tape around the coffee canister.[19]
    • Try sticking magnets of different shapes and textures onto metal containers.
    • Some audible labels are also available. With these, you can record a message to play back. You could say something like “Orange juice. Use by September 1st.”
  3. English: Step 3 Cook with deep saucepans instead of shallow frying pans.
    The deeper sides of a saucepan will decrease the likelihood of a spill. This is especially important when cooking with hot oil and other liquids. And you can still use a spatula or spoon to stir or rotate the items so each side gets cooked.[20]
    • Get into the habit of turning your saucepan handles the same way on the stovetop, to avoid bumping into them.
    • Simple changes like this, which provide an extra measure of safety, will help you feel less stressed out in the kitchen.
  4. English: Step 4 Use long oven mitts to protect your arms from oven burns.
    Most oven gloves and mitts just cover your hands. But if you want to reach into your oven to pull out a hot container, longer gloves will be helpful. These will protect your wrists and forearms from burns if you nudge the side of the oven or one of the hot racks.[21]
    • Search online for “extra-long oven gloves” to find a pair that reaches up to or past your elbows.
    • Try oven gloves with extra heat resistance, rather than just quilted cotton fabric. A silicone oven mitt, or one designed for grilling, will enable you to hold onto a hot pan longer without the heat getting through.
  5. English: Step 5 Add raised labels to your stove and oven temperature dials.
    Lots of ovens and stoves feature smooth dials, which isn’t useful for cooks who have visual impairments. Get some sticky labels, called bump-ons, and add one at each temperature mark.[22]
Method 5
Method 5 of 5:

Cleaning Your Home

  1. English: Step 1 Follow a regular schedule to keep your home as clean as possible.
    Make a list of what you need to clean, and assign each big task to a different day or week to make it more manageable. In addition to tackling these deep-cleaning projects, carve some time out of each day to do light cleaning to maintain a healthy environment and make the deep-cleaning easier.[23]
    • With impaired vision, it may be hard to know when and where your home is collecting dust. You’ll be able to feel for sticky spots and crumbs, but your sense of touch won’t tell you everything. A schedule will ensure that your environment stays clean no matter what.
    • After cooking, you could quickly wipe down the countertop to remove any crumbs and sticky food residue.
    • Each evening, you could give your bathroom sink a quick wipe-down with a disposable wet cleaning wipe.
    • For the bigger tasks, you could assign “deep cleaning the bathroom” to the first week of the month, “deep cleaning the kitchen” to the second week of the month, and so on.
  2. English: Step 2 Label cleaning sprays and bottles with tactile labels.
    Store all of your cleaning supplies separately from your kitchen supplies and food containers to avoid mixing them up. Use a similar method of applying rubber bands, tape, magnets, and other tactile labels to each bottle and container so you know which one is which.[24]
    • It’s especially important to know what each cleaning solution contains. You don’t want to risk mistaking mistake bleach for carpet cleaner, for instance.[25]
  3. English: Step 3 Use disposable, multipurpose cleaning tools to simplify your process.
    Avoid complicating your cleaning routine with a different spray and wipe for each room and surface around your home. Instead, opt for cleaning products that work on a wide variety of surfaces and materials. Disposable wipes are a great choice because you don’t have to worry about cross-contamination from the floor to the toilet to the kitchen counter.[26]
    • Pick up a tube of wet disinfectant wipes and disposable static dusters. Both of these products can be used to clean many different surfaces.
  4. English: Step 4 Work in small sections and follow a pattern as you clean each area.
    Whether you’re vacuuming the carpet or wiping down a surface, start at one side of the space. Use your hand to define a boundary for yourself and clean the defined area thoroughly. Then, move over to the next section and redefine your boundaries.[27]
    • To set a defined boundary along the top of a dresser, stand in the same spot and don’t clean anywhere beyond your arm’s reach. When you’re ready to move on, mark the edge of this initial boundary with your finger. Take a few steps over but keep you finger in place, so you know where your new boundary can begin.
    • Continue in this pattern until the whole space is clean.

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    How can I handle being visually impaired? English: Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
    Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
    Pediatric Pulmonologist & Medical Counselor
    Dr. Ran D. Anbar is a pediatric medical counselor and is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering clinical hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California and Syracuse, New York. With over 30 years of medical training and practice, Dr. Anbar has also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the Director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Dr. Anbar holds a BS in Biology and Psychology from the University of California, San Diego and an MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Anbar completed his pediatric residency and pediatric pulmonary fellowship training at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and is also a past President, fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. English: Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
    Pediatric Pulmonologist & Medical Counselor
    Expert Answer
    It can help to build a support network of friends and family that you trust, as well as finding support groups with other visually impaired people.
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      • Some insurance providers have visual impairment policies and will cover testing and training. They may not cover equipment such as magnifiers or talking machines, however.[28] Check with your insurance provider for their full policy
      • Get an ID from a local organization for the visually impaired. This will come in handy whenever you want to get transit discounts or other types of assistance.
      • If you need help with something, never be afraid to ask.

      About this article English: Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
      Co-authored by:
      Pediatric Pulmonologist & Medical Counselor
      This article was co-authored by Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP. Dr. Ran D. Anbar is a pediatric medical counselor and is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering clinical hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California and Syracuse, New York. With over 30 years of medical training and practice, Dr. Anbar has also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the Director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Dr. Anbar holds a BS in Biology and Psychology from the University of California, San Diego and an MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Anbar completed his pediatric residency and pediatric pulmonary fellowship training at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and is also a past President, fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. This article has been viewed 30,601 times.
      7 votes - 100%
      Co-authors: 28
      Updated: June 16, 2021
      Views: 30,601
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