How to Apply to Graduate School

Applying to graduate school can be one of the most exciting things you'll do in your academic career. Scary? Maybe. Daunting? Possibly. Anxiety provoking? Probably. But don't forget that it's a happy thing, too! If you put your best foot forward with your application, create and stick to a schedule, and do your homework about grad schools before and after the application process begins, you can wait for that acceptance letter in a (slightly more) relaxed way.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Deciding If, When, Where, and How

  1. English: Step 1 Determine if graduate school is right for you.
    Before you even begin the application process, take some time to analyze your readiness to take on the commitment required for graduate education. Completing a graduate degree will take multiple (and perhaps many) years, can cost significant amounts of money (even with grants, fellowships, assistantships, etc.), and will either delay or interrupt your time in the workforce. It also may not even lead to a job depending on the degree program.[1]
    • Don't just say to yourself “Well, I'm not sure what I want to do after undergrad, and I like history, so I guess I'll try going to graduate school for that.” Take time to seriously consider the time and monetary commitments, the potential benefits (or even drawbacks) vis-a-vis your career prospects, the impacts upon your personal life, and so on.
    • Graduate school isn't just about “really liking” a subject. It's about dedicating yourself to rigorous study and advanced mastery of some element of that subject. It's hard work, and it isn't always fun, but it can be very rewarding — financially, personally, and otherwise.
    • Talk to professors or people you know who have gone to graduate school. Look into the job prospects and the “return on investment” of a graduate degree in your field.
  2. English: Step 2 Continue straight through from undergrad, or get experience first.
    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to when it is right to go to graduate school. For many people, it makes more sense to continue straight through and complete a graduate degree before starting (or re-starting) their careers. For others, financial, personal, or other reasons make a delay more practical and advisable.
    • If you have an established career plan in mind, and don't have any impediments in your way, it's probably best to continue straight through from undergrad.
    • Don't feel as though you're at a significant disadvantage if you've been in the workforce for several years, however. Many graduate programs will appreciate the real-world experience you have to offer, especially if you craft your application materials to emphasize this as a strength.[2] Also, many business- or technology-oriented graduate programs in particular are constructed with workers seeking to advance their careers in mind.[3]
  3. English: Step 3 Choose where to apply and where to accept.
    No one has the time or mental stamina to apply to every potentially suitable graduate program. You have to be choosy, and use the factors — from finances to proximity to specific faculty members — that are most relevant to you. The same is true when it comes to deciding between multiple offers for admission.
    • When choosing where to apply, take time to write down your goals (career and personal), your career, financial, and individual circumstances, and your current strengths and weaknesses. Talk to people you trust, and to people at the schools you're considering. Visit if possible. Gather as much information as you can.[4]
    • If multiple approvals arrive, visit the schools you were accepted to and get a real feel of what the campus is like. Talk to current students, walk around the area, ask questions, and trust your instincts. If more than one school looks good to you, it's time for more lists. Once again, give each school a separate page and create detailed comparisons of pros and cons.
    • Plan for Graduate School provides a lot of good information on choosing where to apply and where to accept.
  4. English: Step 4 Figure out the financial and practical concerns.
    Ideally, you'll automatically be given funding support upon your approval to a program. Even if this is the case (and especially if it isn't), look into external fellowships, grants, and loans to help ease your financial burden. The program can probably provide you with some helpful information, but do your own homework as well. Pay for Graduate School might be a good place for you to start.
    • You might also be moving, so things like finding and furnishing an apartment may need to be part of your preparations.
    • Don't spend the couple of months between graduation and the start of graduate school just sitting on the couch. Contact your new professors, see if there are any reading lists you can get started with, make sure you have filled out all necessary paperwork, learn your way around campus, find the best places to study (and unwind), and so on.
    • If you weren't accepted to any of your chosen programs, take some time to consider whether you should try again next year or choose a different track. If you were accepted only at a school you were “on the fence” about, decide whether you should accept there or wait and try again at your preferred choice(s).

Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making Your Best Case for Admission

  1. English: Step 1 Look into the requirements for graduate programs that interest you.
    Before you start working on an application, make sure to look over the requirements for the program's application to ensure that you can complete the application. Do this for any programs you are interested in and be aware that there is usually a very specific list of required documents. These may include:
    • College transcripts
    • GRE scores or scores for any other required tests
    • Statement of purpose
    • Writing sample
  2. English: Step 2 Tailor a custom cover letter.
    Whether it's called a cover letter, letter of interest, letter of intent, statement of purpose, personal statement, or something else, nearly every graduate school is going to request some sort of written expression of your interest in and suitability for the program. Cover letters tend to follow general formulas and formats, but that's no excuse to send in a generic letter as part of your application. Shape it into a specific letter for that specific program.
    • If you're applying to multiple graduate schools, you don't have to necessarily write letters for each from scratch. However, make sure to individualize them so that each letter speaks to the specific attributes of its target graduate program.
    • If a graduate program requests a personal statement or statement of purpose that addresses specific questions (like “What are your career goals?” or “How will you fit into this department?”), make sure you do exactly that in your letter.[5]
    • Write a Letter of Interest for Grad School is an excellent resource for planning, formatting, writing, and tailoring your letter(s).
  3. English: Step 3 Sell yourself with your CV if it is a requirement.
    If you're not familiar with the term “CV” (or “curriculum vitae”), don't worry — it's just academia's version of a resumé. And, just like potential employers, graduate school admissions personnel will scan through this document to evaluate if you have the experience, skills, and drive to succeed. So make it count.
    • Like a resumé, a CV is structured around key components such as education, experience, accomplishments, activities, special skills, memberships, and references. However, you have a bit more flexibility in both document length and the ordering of materials in a CV. Feel free to go beyond two pages in length (without going overboard) and try to prioritize your strongest areas (your wealth of relevant research experience, for instance) by placing them early in the document.[6]
    • Be precise, direct, active (not passive), confident, and truthful in what you include and the language you use.
    • Check out Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) for more detailed advice.
  4. English: Step 4 Get great references.
    Most if not all graduate schools will expect to receive multiple (often 3, but maybe 2 or up to 5) letters of recommendation from individuals who can vouch for your qualifications.[7] If you are applying while completing your undergraduate degree, your best options for references will probably be your major advisor and faculty members who are very familiar with you and your work. If you have been in the workforce for a few years, you may also want to mix in supervisors and colleagues.[8]
    • Reference letters should be current — written or thoroughly updated during the application period — and individualized — not full of generic language and vague recommendations. You, of course, can't control what your reference decides to write; so it is vitally important that you choose the right people, who you know will craft a thorough and positive letter.
    • Don't wait to the last minute to ask for references, and never assume that someone will write one for you. Request a reference letter 1 or even 2 months in advance by asking respectfully by email (or in person) and providing all the necessary details. Follow up as the deadline nears to ensure the letter has been sent, and express your gratitude upon its completion.
  5. English: Step 5 Assemble the other requested materials.
    Especially if you are applying to several graduate programs at the same time, it can be a frustrating fact of life that each of them will likely have different application requirements. Some may want writing samples, statements of research interests or teaching philosophy, and any number of other inclusions. Make sure you keep track of what you need to send in with each application, and make sure each document has been crafted and proofread with care.
    • Each application will likely require an official transcript from your undergraduate institution(s). Determine the process for ordering transcripts from your school(s) and don't delay in making the request. Grade reports or unofficial transcripts are rarely acceptable.
    • Plan for Graduate School has helpful material on scheduling, taking, and reporting graduate entrance exams.
  6. English: Step 6 Fill out the application.
    While many graduate programs now use online applications, some may still require a paper application. Regardless, the application form will generally require basic personal information, details on your academic record and other experiences, a listing of your references, and may perhaps include a handful of short-answer questions.
    • Take your time, and fill out the application completely and accurately. If you are completing it by hand, write legibly. Much of the material will be repeated from your CV, but never write “see CV” or truncate your responses. Be thorough.
    • Most applications come with a fee, which often range around $100 in the U.S. If you cannot afford to pay, contact the graduate program to inquire about possible fee reductions or waivers.
    • Make sure you submit your application and all other materials well before the deadline, especially if sending them by mail. For peace of mind, pay extra if necessary for delivery confirmation.
  7. English: Step 7 Proofread everything before you send it out.
    And while you're at it, let someone else take a look too. Spelling mistakes, grammar errors, inaccurate/inconsistent information, and poor writing all combine to form one of the “kisses of death” for grad school applications.[9] Make sure your application doesn't end up on the “reject” pile just because of some silly mistakes made in haste.
    • It's always a good idea to put another set of eyes on your work. You can read over the same obvious “your” instead of “you're” typo several times without noticing it, while another person might pick up on it right away.
    • It is especially important to have someone read over your statement of purpose. This should be completely error-free and well written. Have a trusted reader look over it for you, such as a former professor.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Staying Organized and On Time

  1. English: Step 1 Create a schedule and a calendar.
    As with most everything else in life, organization is the key to the planning process of graduate school applications. You will need a comprehensive list of all the schools you want to apply to. Depending upon your technology preferences, create a computer file or dedicate a notebook to the process. Create a separate page/entry for each potential graduate school. Conspicuously place the deadline where you can't help but notice it (and also put it on/in your preferred calendar) and provide information such as:
    • Application deadline
    • Additional forms/transcripts/documents that must be submitted with the application
    • Number of required letters of recommendation, and whom these letters must come from
    • Application fee
    • Required statement of purpose/portfolio etc. and how long/how detailed it must be
  2. English: Step 2 Give yourself and others time.
    There are a lot of different moving parts involved in completing a successful grad school application. You have a lot of work to complete yourself, and you also need to make sure that your references, transcript providers, testing agencies, etc. have time to complete their work. Don't wait to get started.
    • Allow 1 or even 2 months for references and transcripts. Also make sure you know when any required entrance exams are offered — some occur year-round, while others are only given at specific times of year — and how long it will take for the scores to be sent to the school.
    • You may need up to a year or even more to study for exams to medical or law school.
    • Provide your references with 1 to 2 months to complete their letters of recommendation for you.
    • In the best-case scenario, if you are planning to attend graduate school in the fall after you complete your undergraduate degree, you should start planning in May prior to the start of your senior year. Completed applications will often be due in December of that same year.[10]
  3. English: Step 3 Create adaptable templates.
    No two graduate schools will want the exact same application materials, and every application packet you create should be individualized for that specific program and institution. With that said, you can save yourself a bit of time and repetition by creating templates of common application materials like your CV, cover letter, research statement, and so on.
    • While it may be tempting to create a template cover letter (for instance) in which you can simply “find and replace” the name of one program, contact person, etc. with another, a blandly generic statement such as this is unlikely to make a positive impact. Demonstrate your sincere interest by providing specific information about the program and your suitability for it.
    • Likewise, even if the basic information remains the same, slightly revise and reorganize your CV to suit each distinct program. One program, for instance, may seem more likely to appreciate your volunteer experience at a museum than another, so emphasize that point when appropriate.
  4. English: Step 4 Get ready to wait.
    After the stress, rush, and excitement of getting your applications together and sent out, what follows is … waiting. It's hard to pin down exactly how long you'll have to wait for a decision, as that depends upon numerous variables ranging from the number of applications to unexpected faculty member illnesses. Generally speaking, though, plan on waiting for at least four to six weeks (and perhaps even a few months) before receiving notice on a decision.[11][12]
    • Try to manage your stress while you wait. There is no sense in fretting over your acceptance (hopefully), as your notification will come in due time. Try your best to focus on other things while you wait — do some exercise, focus on a hobby, finish off your current schoolwork with full energy, and be ready for that letter — because you will receive a response.

How Can You Decide When It's The Right Time To Go To Graduate School?

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  • Question
    What are the requirements for graduate school? English: Stacy Blackman
    Stacy Blackman
    MBA Admissions Consultant
    Stacy Blackman is an Admissions Consultant and the Founder of Stacy Blackman Consulting (SBC), a company that specializes in consulting individuals who want to earn Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. SBC offers a video series, runs live and virtual workshops, and has a publishing arm, with 25+ e-guides covering different aspects of the MBA admissions process. Stacy has professional experience working in private equity at Prudential Capital Group, launching Stryke Club, and evaluating businesses as a Resident Entrepreneur at idealab!. She earned a BS in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. English: Stacy Blackman
    MBA Admissions Consultant
    Expert Answer
    You may be expected to take a graduate entrance exam and report your scores (or have them reported by the testing agency). In the U.S., for example, many graduate programs use your score on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) as part of their evaluation. It is your responsibility to find out which exams you need to take, schedule and take the exams, and make sure the scores are sent as part of your application.
  • Question
    How can I make my grad school application stand out? English: Stacy Blackman
    Stacy Blackman
    MBA Admissions Consultant
    Stacy Blackman is an Admissions Consultant and the Founder of Stacy Blackman Consulting (SBC), a company that specializes in consulting individuals who want to earn Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. SBC offers a video series, runs live and virtual workshops, and has a publishing arm, with 25+ e-guides covering different aspects of the MBA admissions process. Stacy has professional experience working in private equity at Prudential Capital Group, launching Stryke Club, and evaluating businesses as a Resident Entrepreneur at idealab!. She earned a BS in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. English: Stacy Blackman
    MBA Admissions Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Be honest with your real-world experience to help differentiate your application from other people.
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      About this article English: Stacy Blackman
      Co-authored by:
      MBA Admissions Consultant
      This article was co-authored by Stacy Blackman and by staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Stacy Blackman is an Admissions Consultant and the Founder of Stacy Blackman Consulting (SBC), a company that specializes in consulting individuals who want to earn Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. SBC offers a video series, runs live and virtual workshops, and has a publishing arm, with 25+ e-guides covering different aspects of the MBA admissions process. Stacy has professional experience working in private equity at Prudential Capital Group, launching Stryke Club, and evaluating businesses as a Resident Entrepreneur at idealab!. She earned a BS in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. This article has been viewed 10,145 times.
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      Updated: January 17, 2024
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