How to Advertise Small Businesses

Owning a small business is a huge accomplishment, but it’s also challenging. Advertising your small business can help you build a customer base. The best place to start advertising is on the web, where you can quickly reach clients. Next, you can implement traditional advertising or creative options to help grow your business. For small businesses, it's also important to build a business network of clients and fellow business owners.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Marketing on the Web

  1. English: Step 1 Create a website
    for your business. A web presence is essential for your business. Your website can attract customers and show them what your business has to offer. Depending on your business, you might sell your inventory through your website or make it easier for customers to request your services.[1]
    • You can set up a free website through several hosting platforms, such as Wordpress or Wix. Keep in mind that your website name will include or, which can be a turn-off. For example,
    • For a monthly or annual fee, you can reserve your own website domain through sites like Squarespace, Wordpress, and Wix. These sites have templates that help you design a professional site. Buying your domain also lets you drop the hosting platform's tag, streamlining your website to
  2. English: Step 2 Set up social media pages
    for your small business. Social media allows you to connect with clients and show off your products or services, all for free. Set up pages on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google business page. Use your pages to post content related to your business, interact with the public, and advertise what you have to offer.
    • It’s best to have accounts on each social media platform to reach as many customers as possible.
    • Share photos or short videos across your social media sites that showcase your storefront, products, or work you’ve performed.[2] For example, a dog walker might post photos or videos of happy pups in their care. Just make sure to get the owner to sign a waiver, first!
    • You can manage social media pages across several sites using a service like Hootsuite, Buffer, or Everypost. You can schedule posts on these sites that will go out across all of your social media pages.
    • If you sell items, don’t overlook the benefits of Instagram! You can post photos of your most popular or unique items.[3] For example, someone who makes coffee mugs might create a breakfast scene to photograph their work.
  3. English: Step 3 Set up your free Yelp page.
    Your Yelp page can let potential customers know who you are, what services or products you offer, and how they can find you. You can post photos of your goods or services, as well as your storefront if you have one. Customers can review your business on your page, and you can write a response.[4]
    • Upgrading your account for a small fee removes ads from your page, lets you customize your photos, and gives you access to customer service support.
    • Yelp offers two ways to advertise. First, you can create a Yelp Deal or Check-In offer to encourage customers to patronize your business. This option is available with your free Yelp page. For an additional fee, your business page will appear on your competitor's feeds or higher in the search results for your category. This fee varies.
  4. English: Step 4 Post an ad in the services section of Craigslist.
    Tell customers what your business has to offer and how to contact you. Include a photo with your ad to draw attention from customers. Craigslist ads for services usually cost $5 each time you post them.[5]
    • For example, a landscaper might post an ad on Craigslist with the services they offer and a nice photo of a their work.
    • Depending on how active Craigslist is in your area, you'll likely need to re-post your ad often to stay high in the results, which will require paying another fee.
    • If your area doesn't have an active Craigslist site, look for a local classifieds or public bulletin website. For example, small towns may not see a lot of Craigslist traffic, but your town's website may have a public forum where you can advertise.
  5. English: Step 5 Use Google Adwords to appear higher in online search results.
    Google Adwords lets you bid on keywords that customers might type into a search bar when looking for a product or service. Search results are then posted in order from highest to lowest bid. You only pay for Adwords if a customer clicks on your page. It's a great way to drive traffic to your site without paying a lot of money.[6]
    • For example, a cat sitter might bid on the keywords "cat kennel." If someone Googles these key words, the cat sitter's business will come up.
    • If your business has a lot of competition, the best keywords can become expensive. If this happens, you can choose related keywords. For example, a landscaper might find that "lawncare" is very expensive. Instead, they might bid on "lawn mowing" or "grass cutting."
  6. English: Step 6 Buy ads on social media sites to reach your target audience directly.
    Once you set up your business page on social media, it’s easy to start buying ads. You can pay to promote your page, promote a post, or run a banner ad. When you set up your ad, you can choose your target audience, including people local to you.[7]
    • You can set your ad to appear in a certain location and/or to people who fit certain demographics.
    • For example, you might pay to have your Facebook page boosted for a week. This makes your page appear in your target audience's newsfeed for a set period of time.
  7. English: Step 7 Conduct email marketing...
    Conduct email marketing for a low cost option. You can send out a regular newsletter or simply remind customers about sales, new inventory, or special events at your business. Ask customers to provide their email at checkout, get them to sign up for your newsletter, or do a giveaway in exchange for email addresses.[8]
    • Create a mailing list with every email you’ve collected. If you know someone’s email, include it even if they haven’t patronized your business before.
    • As an example, you might give a small discount to people who sign up for your newsletter to build your email list.
    • If you want to do a giveaway, ask customers to provide their name and email address in order to enter the contest. On the contest deadline, draw out a winning entry. Notify the winner by email.
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Using Traditional Advertisements

  1. English: Step 1 Create
    and post flyers for an inexpensive option. Include an image on your flyer to attract attention, then provide information about what your business does or sells. Be sure to include your contact information and/or location so that interested people know how to patronize your business![9]
    • You might even include tear-away tabs at the bottom of your flyer with your contact information, website, or address.
    • Post your flyers where your customers are likely to go. For example, a massage therapist might post flyers on the bulletin board of a local coffee shop. Similarly, the owner of a local record store might offer to post flyers advertising a nearby bookstore and coffee shop if they post flyers for the record store.
    • If you freelance, posting flyers around your city might be the best way to reach customers, especially if the services you offer are fairly new. For example, a freelance writer might post flyers directed at other businesses who might benefit from content marketing.
  2. English: Step 2 Send a press...
    Send a press release to local news outlets to make announcements. While a press release may not get published, it’s worth trying because it can result in free advertising. You can increase your chances of getting published by focusing on a reason your business is newsworthy. Here are some angles you might take:[10]
    • Consider hosting a community event at your business. For example, “Local Cafe to Host Movie Night to Celebrate One Year in Business.”
    • Think of ways your business is unique or innovative. Your title might be, “Local Yogurt Shop Pairs Organic Ingredients with Nostalgia for an All New Flavor.”
    • Incorporate your background and how it shaped your business. As an example, “Explore the World in new Global Boutique Opened by Former Diplomat.”
    • Point out a community need your business addresses. For instance, “First Smoothie Shop Brings Healthy Blends to Town.”
  3. English: Step 3 Publish an ad in your local classifieds, online, or in a local paper.
    A traditional ad can still attract customers. Target your audience directly and incorporate engaging language in your ad. If you can, include an image. Choose the publisher that’s most popular in your area or with your typical customer base.[11]
    • For example, you might publish your ad in the local newspaper if you’re trying to reach an older audience. However, if your customers are exclusively young, you might publish a digital ad instead.
  4. English: Step 4 Rent a local billboard to increase your visibility.
    Choose a billboard in a place where your target customers frequent. Make it clear what your business has to offer by including an eye-catching image, your company name, and a logo or product statement.[12]
    • It’s a good idea to hire a design firm to create your billboard.
    • Don’t include too many words because people will likely be speeding past it.
    • For example, you might pay for a billboard on your city's Main Street where there's a lot of traffic.
  5. English: Step 5 Use a direct mail campaign to reach potential customers.
    A direct mail campaign allows you to send a flyer to your target customers via the mail. You can arrange your direct mail campaign through the postal service. They allow you to specify an area or target demographic who will recieve your flyers.[13]
    • For example, you might send a mailer to everyone in the zip code where your business is located. If you own a children's boutique, you could target households with small children. If you run a family-style restaurant, your mailers might go out to households with more than 2 people.
  6. English: Step 6 Make a radio or television commercial if your budget allows.
    Contact your local radio or television station. Let the sales manager know your budget and ask them about available time slots. Choose a time that matches your target customer base. Then, work with the station to produce your commercial.
    • A basic local TV ad usually costs from $200-1,500 to produce, then you’ll need to pay for air time, which varies. Your radio station will likely record your ad for free, but you’ll need to pay for air time, which varies.[14]
    • Although they are a bit of an investment, radio and television ads can reach a lot of people.
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Thinking Outside the Box

  1. English: Step 1 Host events...
    Host events or workshops at your business to attract foot traffic. You want customers to come to your business and see what you have to offer. Offer an event or workshop that shows off your products or services and keeps customers around so they stay engaged. Here are some ideas:[15]
    • Have a holiday party with free snacks and punch. For instance, a boutique might use this option to feature gift ideas.
    • Host a movie night with free popcorn and soda. As an example, a local cafe might have a movie night on a slow night to attract business.
    • Give a workshop on how to use your products. A shop that sells essential oils might do this type of workshop.
    • Do a workshop that shows off your talent. A local resale shop might host a short workshop about how to do a craft so that potential customers check out their shop.
  2. English: Step 2 Publish a blog...
    Publish a blog on your website to help direct customers to your site. Post articles related to the products or services you offer. They can be instructional or informational. When people try to read about this topic, they can stumble upon your blog! This is called content marketing.[16]
    • You can write the blog yourself or hire a professional writer to do it for you. You might find a writer by posting a short job description in your local classifieds or posting the job on a freelancing website.
    • For example, a local restaurant could run a blog that posts recipes, table arrangements, and fun ideas for family night. Similarly, a boutique might post about fashion trends, style advice, and beauty tips. A freelance photographer could post photos they've taken, as well as articles related to wedding planning, graduation, or the holidays, depending on the season.
  3. English: Step 3 Run a contest on social media to increase your digital footprint.
    People love to win, so use this to your advantage. Offer people the chance to win a product or service if they share a post about your business. At the end of the contest, make a separate post announcing your winner and asking people to watch for future contests.[17]
    • It’s also a good idea to interact with customers who comment on your post or ask questions about the contest. This will give them a positive experience with your brand.
    • For example, your contest could ask people to share a photo of your hottest products for a chance to win the items in the photo. Be sure to include your business name on the photo so people see it when they look at the photo.
  4. English: Step 4 Distribute “freebie” items with your company information on them.
    People love freebies, and they help you get your business’s name in a customer’s home! Hand out your freebies at local events, fairs, and at your place of business.[18]
    • Great examples of freebies include tote bags, frisbees, koozies, magnets, pens, stress balls, notepads, cups, and umbrellas. If your business is online, you might offer a free ebook or download.
    • Choose freebies that would appeal to your customer base. For example, a cute koozie might attract attention to a trendy boutique better than a frisbee.
    • You can offer free products and services if it works for your business. For example, a bakery might offer a cookie giveaway.
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Building a Network

  1. English: Step 1 Network
    with potential clients to get the word out about your business. Word of mouth is a great way to get attention for your business, and it’s free. Visit events or workshops where your potential clients might frequent. Engage them in conversation and, when appropriate, let them know what your business has to offer.[19]
    • Prepare an elevator pitch about your business so you can quickly deliver the most important information about your company.
    • For example, a boutique owner might open a small booth at a holiday market to meet customers. You could offer free holiday cookies at your booth. When people come up, make your elevator pitch about your business.
  2. English: Step 2 Distribute business cards wherever you can.
    You can make your own business cards or buy them online. Include your business logo and information customers need to buy your products or services. Leave your cards at local coffee shops or on community billboards. You can also hand them out![20]
    • You might include a photo, depending on what you’re selling. For example, a soap shop owner might include a picture of their product. You can include a photo on the back of your card and put your logo and contact information on the front.
    • If you exchange business cards, be the first one to reach out and remind them about your discussion, as well as what your business has to offer.
  3. English: Step 3 Offer referral discounts to encourage customers to refer friends.
    Getting referrals from prior customers is a great way to win over new customers. You can encourage customers to talk about how much they like your business by rewarding them! Tell your customers you will give them a 10-20% discount if a friend makes a purchase and gives their name.[21]
    • As an alternative, you can give your customers coupons to hand out to friends and family. You could also do a 10% for you, 10% for me deal where existing clients and their friends both get a discount for patronizing your business.
  4. English: Step 4 Join local business groups to build relationships and learn your market.
    You can meet both potential customers and fellow business owners by joining these groups. They can help you build your client base and learn the ins-and-outs of the business. Be sure to go to any events these groups host so you can network![22]
    • For example, you might join the local chamber of commerce and rotary club.
    • Additionally, you can look on or Facebook to see if there are any other business groups on your area. For instance, you might find a group for entrepreneurs.

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      • Word of mouth is very important for your small business! Make sure customers are satisfied, and encourage them to tell their friends how much they love your business.


      • Make sure the information in your ads is true. It's illegal to make false claims or promises in your ad to trick customers into buying your goods and services. If you make any claims about your products, make sure they are backed by evidence. It's also best to imply your claims about your product with words like "may" instead of saying your product "will" provide a benefit.[23]

      About this article English: Ross Taylor
      Co-authored by:
      Marketing Expert
      This article was co-authored by Ross Taylor and by staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA. Ross Taylor is a Marketing Expert and the Founder of Alameda Internet Marketing. With over 10 years of experience, Ross specializes in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Ross’ boutique SEO agency is a Google Partner agency, which has been recognized for its dedication to honest communication and quality service with awards from UpCity,, and Clutch. Ross holds an Associate of Arts degree from Chabot College and certifications in Google AdWords and CompTIA A+. This article has been viewed 1,400 times.
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      Updated: February 20, 2023
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